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Extra Mainland Prims

Mick Mercy

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Soon is always a bit of a joke in the computer game industry.


Usually played by the devs onto the users, and based on them forgetting about something. "Hey Frank, we forgot that doing X would cause Y - That's ok Joe we can say a fix is coming Soon"


This announcement though, the lab were teaming up with Virtual Worlds for something that would "Change our secondlife forever" and it's a 4 times a year, 50% off premium for the first month announcement.


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I will reply to myself lol, but... Private estates pay like $100 a month more than mainland they also are able to restart the sim thats not a perk it takes workload off of LL staff so why the hell are Private estates more expensive when we that own them save LL labour costs?

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

I will be more likely to spend my money on a new grid that will be online some time in the future who knows!

heh, I can spend 8000, lindens (US$30) in a day on new hair and a few plants. Paying it as teir to the lab to double my full to 30k is nothing.

I would also happily pay it to take my homesteads up from 5K to 10K.

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You do realise the reason for this, more prims = more content = more sales on the MP for LL^^

Regions have always had lots of extra prims in reserve for Avs if a region had the max of 100 avs all with 1000 prims plus, I have a pair or nice retro Vampire boots that are over 600 prims thats all taken from the region, but regions often only have what 30 or 40 avs in a club maybe more for a special event so all those extra prim count is never used.

Residential regions hardly ever get more than say 15 avs max at one time so all those 10's of thousands of reserve prims are never ever used.

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

You do realise the reason for this, more prims = more content = more sales on the MP for LL^^

Possible. But Patch actually said the intention was for creators to create higher LI items to compensate for LOD issues. 

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Nalytha wrote:

Phoebe Avro wrote:

You do realise the reason for this, more prims = more content = more sales on the MP for LL^^

Possible. But Patch actually said the intention was for creators to create
LI items to compensate for LOD issues. 

This certainly occurred to me. LL has made it so costly to have high level LOD, in terms of both LI and creator time. 



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We are waiting to be gifted anything though ^^ faster cashouts = more charges, was the last upgrade, but I had fast cashouts via a 3rd party before LL banned that!

I always told my friends if i ever won the Euro lotto big time I would have the ultimate virtual world built, but now I think I would just go shopping!

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According to Patch Linden (in a Designing Worlds interview of Patch Linden) the increased prims were rolled out to mainland first so LL can make sure there aren't any problems before they roll out to the estates. It could be a couple months but Patch said things have been going well and he's hoping it'll be in a few weeks.


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WildOne Battitude wrote:

Anything new on when private sims can expect extra prims? They pay $100 more than mainland sims and yet, the mainland sims seem to be getting the perk. I've seen some folks say "soon." Just what does that mean?

How many private estate regions failed to buy-down to the grandfathered rates to make them cost the same as Mainland? The investment would have paid for itself by about now -- or sooner? -- so anybody still paying the old $295/mo fee must have miscalculated, right?

To the question of timing, my guess is that there's a delay while LL updates billing to offer that option for Estates to pay a little extra to get the 200% prims (instead of the 150% on Mainland, or 133% default for Estates).

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