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Does Status matter if an abuse report is issued on someone well known in the SL world?

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So I went and filed an abuse report on a certain person because they crashed my viewer when ejecting/banning me from their land over a disagreement. When doing that, the hud scrips I had all broke and I had to get new ones. Now, I filed a report on this said person, however I keep hearing this person is well known throughout the community, has a good standing from what I gather from their customers, is a great scripter sculpter etc. Would my report, someone who really hasn't done nothing but buy tokens and consume virtual items be a low priority due to their status and making a profit for themselves AND second life/Linden Labs? Would they ignore such a report and if said person reported ME, they would take their report over mine and ban me even though they initiated the abuse first?
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Reports are mostly ignored, regardless of anybody's status.

Once in a while reports will be considered, but it's rare and seemingly at random -- again, regardless of anybody's status. They are more placebo than anything with real effect.

That said, really, you should be complaining to your HUD creators, more than about somebody who somehow managed to crash you by ejecting you. I'll bet those HUDs are in no-mod objects, right? so you can't reset them? That's as near to scripting malpractice as makes no difference.

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the LL enforcers will look at the AR and before deciding on whether to ban or not they will review the logs available to them

they dont play favourites, they just go off the logs when making these decisions. There has been any number of high profile residents who have been banhammered for actions that breach the ToS 


about the viewer crashing

it depends on whether you are using the LL viewer or a TPV. I wouldnt hold out much hope of anyone getting banned for crashing a TPV, bc TPVs while allowed are not supported by LL

whenever we do report a breakage of a TPV then LL always come back and ask us to try replicating that on the standard LL viewer. If we cant do this for any reason, then our report on the breakage doesnt go anywhere

when the maintainers of the TPV become aware of such a breakage then they will look it as regards their viewer, and if/when what they identify also affects the LL viewer then they will pass their findings thru to the LL engineering team 

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Tanner Loudwater wrote:

When doing that, the hud scrips I had all broke and I had to get new ones.

As Amethyst already said, there is nothing a landowner can do that will break your HUD unless there's something seriously wrong with it to start with so you can't blame him/her for that.

HUD failures are usually fairly easy to fix anyway. There are three ways:

1. Replace with a backup copy

Easiest way - but only if you've remembered to make a backup copy of course.

2. Get a redelivery

Most serious content creators have redelivery terminals in their stores and if they don't they're usually happy to give you a new copy if you contact them and give them the purchase info so they can see you're a legitimate customer.

3. Reset the scripts

If options 1 and 2 won't work. A bit more cumebrsome but still not too difficult:

  1. Move to a new sim
  2. Wear the HUD
  3. Right-click on the HUD and select "Edit"
  4. Click on the "Content" tab
  5. Wait for the content to load
  6. Double-click on one of the script icons
  7. Click on the "Reset" button
  8. Close script window
  9. Redo step 7-9 for the other scripts in the HUD (if there are more than one script there)
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Qie Niangao wrote:

Reports are mostly ignored, regardless of anybody's status.

In this case there is no abuse to report of course but generally, yes it's fairly random which ARs are processed and which are ignored. The solution if you have a legitimate reason is to keep filing abuse reports until they take action. This is not just something I (and many other users) say, it's the advice LL themselves gave me(!)

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As a simple matter of logic, I would beware of the assumption that whoever ejected you from his land -- which he has a perfect right to do, of course -- either deliberately caused you to crash or caused your HUD scripts to fail.

Doubtless someone at LL will take a look at  your AR and then take a look at the server logs to see what happened, but I strongly suspect they'll find that you crashed because the hand-over between the two servers that a teleport -- voluntary or otherwise -- involves went wrong, as teleports sometimes do, and that your problems with the HUDs are a result of this.

I know how that happens, but I have no idea how someone could script something either to ensure you crashed while teleporting or to crash the scripts in your HUDs.

Meanwhile, all whoever it was who ejected you knows is that he or she used the normal viewer tools to eject and ban you,  and you were ejected.

If that's the case, your AR will be ignored not because of who it concerns but because an investigation revealed no wrongdoing. 

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Think of the millions of reports LL (and creators) get from people who claim "someone was / you were mean to me" when really they just do not know how SL, or a product, works. 

When I can't get something to work as I like, My first assumption is I that it is me, and I investigate accordingly. But people like the OP assume someone did something maliciously, and complain to the authorities.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

Reports are mostly ignored, regardless of anybody's status.

Thats not really my experience.. also not recent..


Had a few AR'd for different reasons only a week ago and all was solved soon and smoothly

How many times did you have to repeat the reports in order to get a response? According to ChinRey, repetition helps, so maybe that's what I've been doing wrong -- I generally give up after two or three attempts, if I can live with whatever's wrong.

Right now, I have a little pile of griefer cubes on a neighboring parcel that I've reported twice over the past week or so. The trash has been there longer -- I first returned any that encroached and notified the mostly absent landowner in hopes she'd take care of it without needing to get the Lab involved. Then waited before that first AR, so a Linden wouldn't show up after the landowner had already cleaned up, but no such luck.

Meanwhile, it's been at least six months since I warned them in repeated ARs about a string of very-high-rendering-load fully transparent twisted prims scattered by griefers on no-auto-return land adjacent the SLRR, over many sims. Some are scripted with what may be a timebomb for all we know -- they ain't there for decoration! No response at all.

Sorry, but I don't buy it. I know the only way I'll ever get this junk cleaned up is with a support ticket -- as if the Land group has nothing better to do. 

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Qie Niangao wrote:

How many times did you have to repeat the reports in order to get a response? According to ChinRey, repetition helps, so maybe that's what I've been doing wrong -- I generally give up after two or three attempts, if I can live with whatever's wrong.

Right now, I have a little pile of griefer cubes on a neighboring parcel that I've reported twice over the past week or so. The trash has been there longer -- I first returned any that encroached and notified the mostly absent landowner in hopes she'd take care of it without needing to get the Lab involved. Then waited before that first AR, so a Linden wouldn't show up after the landowner had already cleaned up, but no such luck.

I once had an encroaching megaprim covering part of the land I was paying LL for. After trying the owner, who I don't think came into SL at that time, I filed an AR now and then, but nothing changed. Eventually I decided that not getting full use the land I was paying for was simply not on. I could have lived with it perfectly fine, but I was paying for the use of that bit of land and I decided to do something about it.

I ARed again and, in the AR I stated that I would AR every day until was removed. Some days went by with nothing happening, so I increased the AR frequency until, eventually, I was ARing every hour. Still nothing happened, and I resorted to IMing Harry L, who was in charge of the AR team at the time. As I was writing the next hourly AR, the prim disappeared. Harry caused it to happen - not the frequency of ARs to the AR team.

I have had other problems dealt with by ARing just once - or maybe twice. I have no doubt that the AR team is kept busy, but the whole AR system is a shambles, imo.

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Every AR I've sent has been acted on.  I don't send AR's other than for serious matters that are clearly TOS violations.  I don't send them because someone hurt my feelings, was obnoxious or was rude or even due to stalkers.  As an adult, I can take care of those relationship problems myself.

I have always read the TOS carefully and have never just pushed the Accept button for convenience.  When I file an AR, I always review it again to be sure of my accusation.

When I do file an AR, I cite the part of the TOS that was violated and give objective information to prove it. It always includes the place, date and time the violation took place and could include, screen shots and accurate logs etc.  I know that anyone can change logs and I know that LL will check to be sure what I submit is accurate and unaltered.  I keep my emotions and subjective information out of the report.

 I know that they give limited space but you can file a series of AR's one at a time, always referring to the previous ones you sent so they get all the info they need.  

In short I make it easy for the Linden who looks at my AR to investigate and act on my AR.  If I am not sure if the problem is a TOS violation,  I don't file, because if I don't know it probably isn't.

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To my surprise, the stack of griefer prims on the neighbour's parcel was cleaned out when I checked this morning, so that AR did eventually work. (Well, I presume it did. Something did, and the landowner still hasn't been in-world.)

The transparent twisted shapes are still there (at least all along the Campion/Campanula border), but they probably don't really hurt anything except make parts of the Atoll earn the Mainland reputation for rendering lag -- unless that script springs to life some day. It's problematic that they didn't get poofed along with everything else owned by that one-time-use griefer account, but of course that sort of clean-up must be deployed only with the very greatest of caution. And yet, for lack of such action, the blue "E" griefer prims scattered by "Souljaboi Zarco" are still fluttering high above parts of the Atoll after nearly a decade.

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