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Customer / Technical Support for Basic Members - A New Idea

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Ciaran Laval wrote:


Irene Muni wrote:


PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Note especially from that list that basic accounts can't raise tickets regarding log-in to Second Life itself......

For example if your avatar is "ghost" in Mainland ("the system is loggin you out right now...). A frequent situation.

And there is no ticket for Basicc acounts for Manual Age Verification. And you cannot request an Account Closure. And you cannot ask for Goups Issues (
for creating
group). And ...

But in my opinion, the most serious (and the most stupid for LL) is that Basic Accounts cannot fill a ticket about "Real World Payment Method Issues". If you want upgrade to Premium and you have issues... you cannot fill a ticket and LL losts a Premium resident.

This is often a case of being bass ackwards. The issues basics should be helped with are payments and age verification, these are issues LL should want basics to engage in because it gives LL information on who they are, it's quite frankly absurd that they can't file tickets on such issues.



At the VERY least, they need to revisit the options available and bring them inline with ... sanity? Common sense? This could be done as early as today even .. if someone actually sat down and DID it.

However, with that said, there's precious little reason to block valid, paying customers from these options just because they aren't willing to auto-pay every month. I'd be willing to bet that if LL gives Basic Account holders more support, they'd spend MORE time in-world and thus spend more MONEY in-world and on SL too.

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I was the person that started the other thread, due to the fact that when i logged in on friday i was having major problems in sl

First i thought it was just my internet but after checking it and the fact i was suffering NO packet loss, my region seemed to be runing ok but textures and sculpts would not load my account balence kept droping to -1L$ etc

So i just logged out and did some things in rl instead!

I log back in 4 or 5 hours later and the same thing so i im some people and ask them if they having problems with sl over half of them were having big problems!

So i go see if i can file a support ticket and no, LL in thier wisdomhave removed almost all options for basic members

So i can not even inform LL that THEY have a problem so LL go blindly on not knowing THEY have a problem with thier system

In the end i restarted my region 3 times hoping it would get bumped to another server to see if that helped before my clubs main event of the day!

It did some what help but still there were problems for me and many of the our guests

LL need a 'Panic Button' of some sort just so residents can inform them when they have a grid wide problem to not have such a mechanism is foolish at best

LL want to attract more people into SL?,

I have had over 1000 brand new residents visit my club in a few days last week, what must new residents think when it comes to most  Fridays and sl has no end of 'Weekend' problems due to the lack of LL staff at the weekends?

I tell you what they do:-- They leave never to return!

LL needs to get its house in order or they will fail

BTW I am a Basic member but i have rented a whole region for a year and a half before that i had half a region,I am paying 80,000L$ a month and for aprox 4 months a year i also rent a region for my Christmas shop

My shops funds one of the most popular goth clubs in sl that is 3 years old  and  I am no begger!!

How many premium members pay that much ?


Phoebe Avro


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Phoebe Avro wrote:

LL need a 'Panic Button' of some sort just so residents can inform them when they have a grid wide problem to not have such a mechanism is foolish at best


that's not the same thing in my minds as a ticket, but it IS a fantastic idea.....


a simple "trouble report" ability, region outages, service failures, what have you.... with a little warning that it is not for problems affecting individual accounts.... that way if inventory or L$ or teleports are failing badly, people can easily report it it, and those reports can build up, and if they hit a threshold, some staff person has to check on it....

ya know, I'm going to see if I can't figure out who to pitch that idea to

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i ordered an avator from xstreet and never got it. how can i eather get what i paid for or get my money back? if i dont recieve it soon i will report the person for fulse advurtising. thank ishna resident

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Xstreet?  You certainly have been waiting a long time.  Have you actually contacted the seller though?  There is normally no way for them to know that your goods were not delivered.  And back on the subject of LL's customer/technical support - they won't get involved in inter-resident disputes but they do run the marketplace, so if the seller can't/won't help you it means filing a support ticket with LL.

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OMG I FOUND A WAY TO CONTACT SOMEONE! phew. in response to LL putting 1/3 of this amazing place in out control as the consumer/player...I think its great. what I find a bit aggitating to say the least, is we do create our space, We do learn on a daily in how to make it ours...but as of recent, I have had issues loggin on any of my 4 avs on this computer(brand new Dell) has a 4 G and I kno Im missing sumin but i have the duo proccessor. havent had an issue yet....so I figured Id try and log into an account using my boyfriends 10 yrs old (im assuming) dell, and it goes right in. So these forums and blogs make NO sense. I even downloaded the "helper" the lil black box....which didnt recongnize any email, nor my avies. so i made a new one just to see. i go tin. on MY DELL....can somone lookinto my accounts? I mean, you did say your work load @ ll's has lightened, can I just speak to someone, or sumone let me kno why I cant continue on my almost 4 year path here. I spend so much and luv it to death, but if i cant ever get help....what am I really doin? getting mad, and btw hungup on last week over a paypal issue(wonderin if sumone is messin with my stuff....)who knows...besides hopefully you guys....ima copy paste this a few places, cuz other wise ive never had to complain....so there im kinda lost....i can build and edit and take an amazing pic, but complaining here has to be the hardest yet. thnx for being patient thru my rant, please help...i girl just wants her graphics...mandy324821@yahoo.com thnx ~Punkie Aeon/Elizabetha saenz/rage diesel/cozmix zeplin

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  • 2 weeks later...


Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Your theory of how much impact would occur would be more pursaisive if you had some numbers behind it.

For instance it would be very import to know the ratio of "Basic but PIOF/PMU users" to "premium account users."

You could then estimate the impact on support based on that ratio.   If the ratio was 1:1 then you could expect the volume of support tickets to double.   On the other hand, if the number of "Basic but PIOF/PMU users" is insignificant then they might be absorbed easily.   Of course if the numbers are insignificant then there's little point in making the change.


I think more important is the ratio of "Basic but PIOF/PMU" accounts to "Basic and FUDA" accounts. (FUDA = Free Unlimited Disposable Alts .. meaning those accounts that are created with no personally identifiable information provided and intended solely for troublemaking or illegal activities.) **

My sense is that LL has seen the high number of FUDA-type Basic accounts and reached the generalization conclusion that all Basic accounts are intended for that purpose.

Yes, I would LOVE to have real numbers by which to make a more studied and relevant determination, but lacking those numbers I have to rely on "gut". I do trust my own instincts, but there is of course no reason why anyone else should or would .. until they know me well enough to judge for themselves. In the meantime, the best we can do is posit rational ideas, present them with as much rational information as we can .. and hope that some of the problems we all see get identified, addressed and resolved.

** The third category of Basic accounts are those that do not provide personal information but are NOT intended to be used "wrongly". A fairly large number of people just do not like to provide personal information across the Internet, and their reservations need to be respected too. It's just harder to identify those type accounts from a Basic account intended to be used for troublemaking.

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

For instance it would be very import to know the ratio of "Basic but PIOF/PMU users" to "premium account users."

Even PIOF isn't too reliable an indication. In the days before the non-USA Paypal debacle I had a main AV and 3 alts, all of which I used regularly. Only the main AV was PIOF, but that AV passed the other alts L$ as necessary - so they were economically beneficial to LL despite lacking any outward sign of that fact.


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:


Arkady Arkright wrote:


Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

For instance it would be very import to know the ratio of "Basic but PIOF/PMU users" to "premium account users."

Even PIOF isn't too reliable an indication. In the days before the non-USA Paypal debacle I had a main AV and 3 alts, all of which I used regularly. Only the main AV was PIOF, but that AV passed the other alts L$ as necessary - so they were economically beneficial to LL despite lacking any outward sign of that fact.



LOL   It's only important to know that ratio to gestimate the impact of implementing the OPs proposal.

Like you my primary account buys all the L$.  One of my alts has PIOF.  That was only for the purpose of testing a script that used llRequestAgentData.  

That does tend to indicate that a number of Basic (with and without PIOF/PMU status) accounts are in point of fact Alts of Premium accounts. That even further reduces the pool of Basic accounts that would be needing "free" support. In my OP, I pointed out that adding a mechanism to link Alts to Main would enable the owner to obtain support for a pool of accounts at the same "cost" to Linden Lab. (After all, it's pretty rare that you answer a question for a person's main, then they log in with an alt and ask the same question all over again. Most people tend to retain the answer long enough to switch accounts ... usually.)


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  • 2 weeks later...


Void Singer wrote:

can someone explain to me WHY THE HELL this topic was moved from community feedback?


My guess would be because its not feedback about Answers/Forums/Blogs/KB.


@ Darrius Excellent post & I totally agree that basic members should be supported for issues related to broken LL services, such as age verification.

PIU does mean that the resident has in someway put money into SL, even though it could have been just a one off minimal payment, but PIOF doesn`t mean they have paid anything at all, it just means they added CC details to their account.

As a slight variation to your suggestion, I am sure LL is perfectly capable of seeing how much a resident has paid into SL over the last 6 months, year etc. and we all know how much money people seem willing to pay for some pixel outfit or gadget  to improve their SL experience. So why not have a system where they can choose to pay for a ticket?

People are already willing to pay $10 to reactivate an old account if they want it back bad enough & it would also only cost $10 for a month of premium membership. So why not have a system where people can opt to pay $5 to have their ticket dealt with if they want the issue fixed that badly & there could be a system included which checks the amount you have paid in SL over the last  x# of months & if it exceeds a paticular limit you are entitled to a free ticket.


Just a thought :)


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Void Singer wrote:

can someone explain to me WHY THE HELL this topic was moved from community feedback?

Peewee is correct.  Community Feedback (as per the description on that board) is dedicated to feedback on the Forums, Blogs, Answers and KB.  There have been quite a few topics that are not related to those areas, so I am moving them to more appropriate locations. 


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I would have thought that all the web sources (especially the mainsite which is hooked into the comunity subdomain via the dashboard) would be included? perhaps my focus is to broad, but it seems a logical inclusion....I would've thought the same for any of the web sources that don't have a specific area (my.secondlife I get being iffy since it's team resides in jira mostly, as well as jira and wiki which use a different interface, marketplace has it's own area, etc)

regardless, I appreciate the follow up, even if I (obviously) strongly disagree. Reading back, I apologize if the tone seems combative, it's supposed to convey shock and disbelief.

5$ seems a bit extreme, but I'm not opposed to the general premise of paying for support options a la carte... however the payment system would have to work better or at least provide sane options for non-US residents.

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Void Singer wrote:



5$ seems a bit extreme, but I'm not opposed to the general premise of paying for support options a la carte... however the payment system would have to work better or at least provide sane options for non-US residents.

Yeah I should probably have put X rather than 5, wasn`t really a suggested price, more an example, but point taken :)


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  • 2 months later...

I Spend alot of real money buying lindens from SL. I am not a premiun member, and i need tech support from time to time.I have been griefed , and waited for 8 months for a reply to that ticket only to be told , since you are not a premium member we can not assist you.Currently i am missing two thirds of my inventory in my SL VIEWER. NO HELP!! I switched to Emergence and my items come back.My major question is, W.T.F. do they think we are doing when we buy lindens from them? We are being Customers directly of L.L.so i think we should be treated with respect and probably cherished more then the people that pay thier 9.95 and then spend very little . i drop a couple of hundred u.s. in this game every month, wake up sl and recognize. I recently quit second life for a number of months and they certainly can spare tech support people to beg you to come back into the game.

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I really like the idea of requiring some sort of identification in order to sell items on the Marketplace. I would go even further and require PIU status in order to sell anything at all, inworld or elsewhere. Making PIU status a precondition for receiving L$ from other residents would also solve most traffic gaming problems.

I also like the idea of providing support for the alts of paying customers. However, I don't see how Linden Lab could afford to provide full customer support for people who made a one time L$ purchase or did nothing but putting their cc# on file. The money would have to come from somewhere, and I vividly remember the last times when Linden Lab needed to raise more money. First the island tier went up to 150%, then the openspace / homestead tier was raised to 140%. (Not to mention the closing of the teen grid, laying off of 30% of all staff, the closing of all overseas offices, and the end of discounts for educators and non-profit organizations).

There is no way to squeeze even more revenue out of land owners, especially now that private sims are being closed left and right. And as a result of SL's slow decline and LL's tight budget, even paying members can't get proper customer service anymore. I fear this would only get worse if LL were flooded with support tickets in the lines of "I bought a dress and all I got was a box" and "my avatar is a cloud".

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

  1. Please see any number of "I can't buy L$" type threads
  2. Please see similar number of "I'm not in USA, how can I pay?"
  3. Please see "Why don't LL accept non-US paypal/prepaid credit cards/debit cards/money-tokens?"
  4. Please say bye-bye to 40% of the grid if you insist on PIOF/PMU

Quite simply LL only have properly-functioning payment options for US citizens and some others with credit-cards.  That does not include me, for instance.  I have made literally millions of L$ in SL and spent them again - it's turnover that powers an economy, you know, not what you hold.  I have to spend it here, I have no way of withdrawing it!  Under your plan, I'll be leaving and, probably, so will everyone else that has
no way
to pay LL.

While there are quite a few payment issues, it's an overstatement that people outside of the USA don't have working payment options. Aside from credit cards, I've successfully used PayPal as well as direct debit / bank withdrawal with the new local (German) payment system to account verify my alts and buy L$.

From what I read, LL don't accept prepaid Visa and other debit cards. That's a problem for both US and international customers. They also have issues with American Express and some Japanese cc companies, or rather those companies have issues with LL. But Visa and Mastercard work just fine, the new local payment system makes it easier for international residents to pay without a cc, and PayPal has also been enabled again for non-US residents.

PS: L$ turnover does nothing at all for the SL economy, simply because L$ are not a currency. LL need a steady influx of RL currency in order to finance the grid.

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