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JenWartooth shouted:

Well I have found out that all this land stuff is nothing but a con to make you spend money.  They have a lot of window dressing but when it come right down to it, you can't do anything and they don't respond.

Who are "they" in this case? Linden Lab or the owners of private islands?

And can you be a little bit more specific what your problem is? It's hard to have any kind of meaningful discussion with so little info.

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when you say: "put what I want on the parcel".  What do you mean exactly by this ?

most private rentals estates have a covenant that governs what we can put on them.  We have to find a rental that has a covenant that allows us to put down what it is we want

there are some private-owned estates that have no covenants and we are allowed to to put anything we like on them, provided we dont lag the sim, or overly annoy the neighbours with our stuff

if do want total freedom in what you can put on your parcel then the best option is Mainland, where the landlord is LL itself. Need to get a Premium Account to rent off LL directly tho

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All land and rentals come with limits on the LI (aka prims) of things you can put on it..  If you want to put more things out that go over the limit on your rental, you need to move to a place that allows more prims or LI.  Of course the more LI you are allow the more it will cost you.

Go to a sandbox and rez everything you want to put out and click them and go to Edit.  It will tell you what the LI is of the item.  Add all the LI's together and that is how much LI you need.

It is not your landlords fault if you rented something that does not allow enough LI for your things.  If you are complaining about this to your landlord, it's not surprising they aren't replying.

Note that some things are built more efficiently and have a lower LI than others.  For instance, a sofa can be high prim or only a few.  If the things you want to rez have a high LI, go shopping and find things with a lower LI.  


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JenWartooth wrote:

I did all that and still could not place the house on it.   They wanted me to put theirs house on it.  


That is their prerogative.  

What you want to do is find empty land to rent if you want to use your own house or  when looking at a rental and there is already a house there, read the rental agreement that you get from the rent box or in some cases the covenant, and see if it specifically states that they will remove the house already there so you can use your own.  If it doesn't then you can't use your own house.  

You will find a lot of empty land for rent on Private Islands.  In many cases the estate owner will say you are 'buying' the land, but it's still a rental.  You can only buy land from LL in the form of mainland (which requires Premium Membership) or by buying a private island.

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JenWartooth wrote:

Well then it looks like I will not have a place to put my keep then.   

There are lots of good, honest and present landowners renting out land - both mainland and islands - in SL, so don't give up yet.

But to be absolutely sure, why not contact the landowner before you rent? Tell them what you want and need and ask if they can offer that.

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JenWartooth wrote:

Well then it looks like I will not have a place to put my keep then.   

Don't you wonder why you are having all this trouble finding a place, when everybody else is doing just fine at it?

I visited the specific landlords mentioned, just to see if there's an explanation. They're all a little different, some offering a wide variety of rental arrangements, but I think they each have among their offerings those super low-priced "holodeck" like dome things, stacked up into the sky, and if that's what we're talking about here then yeah: the tenant chooses one of the rezz-on-demand environments stocked in the holo-rezzer. And yeah, that's a pretty limited rental experience, but it seems pretty obvious that it's all you're paying for when that's the case.

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There are many land owners who rent empty parcels that you will be able to put your own house on. You could check in the rental sections further down in this forum as an initial place to start looking.  You will also need to know the land impact of the house you want to put down, and estimate how much land impact you expect to use for furnishings and landscaping, so that you will be sure to rent a parcel with enough capacity (as well as size - knowing the size of the footprint of your house is helpful too).  Be sure to check the rental covenant before paying, also.

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JenWartooth wrote:

Really!!!!  You wouldn't know were any of these so called honest realtors are hiding.

Most landlords are honest or they don't stay in business long.

It isn't the landlords fault you assumed you could do what you wanted without reading everything carefully and/or checking with the landlord BEFORE you paid.

You were greedy and wanted the benefits of owning and renting land at the price of a skyplatform that was furnished. There's a reason the rent is so much lower for the skyplatforms.   I suggest you take a course in land ownership and management before making such unfounded accusations.

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Agreed.  I could feel the steam coming from my ears today when I learned that LL does not get involved in transaction disputes.  What recourse do land buyers have when the seller fails to provide what was offered in the listing?  LL advises that you contact the other individual for resolution.  In my case,  a custom home built into a slope, rock supporting the entire home, and vegetation so lush I could not count the number, were all offered in the listing - with the parcel of course.  I did meet with her today so she could sell me sections of the home, but when I asked about all of the landscape, she simply said she would give me landmark where I could buy it.  BUY IT?? I understood that I just HAD purchased it in the land sale.  FRUSTRATED, I asked if she would consider a rebate from the purchase price given the fact that NONE of the landscape came with the sale and even select portions of the home cannot be modified or transferred.  Her response was simply no.  She went on to explain that she would transfer what she could, but I got the parcel for less than what she paid for it.  I really do not care what she paid for it - that is irrelevant to me.  These are the things that must be considered when setting the asking price - not as an afterthought to justify your refusal to provide what was offered.  If there is some remedy, I would really like to know about it.

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