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I heard that there are programs that can find your IP adresss on a sim I heard someone was banned and they went on the sim with some other alts of theirs and next day they were banned too, is this true can someone with right program find your IP adresss? if so am sure this is not legal and Only LL can do this?


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If you have media enabled, the moment you start hearing/seeing content, someone knows your IP address. If the provider of the media stream is paying attention, they can correlate your avatar's arrival on the sim with the start of the stream, connecting you to your IP address. This cannot be avoided, but it's against the SL TOS to use this to out alts. The infamous and defunct Redzone used this mechanism in concert with an external database to map IP addresses to usernames. It seems likely to me that people continue to do this (absent the external database) to ban all the alts of people they don't like from their sims.

Although LL specifically forbids it, I'm not sure it's illegal. That would depend on the laws in California and/or your locale. As always legality and possibility are not the same thing.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

so my question is that if a person is banned  from a sim then come back with another account can the person from the sim know its the same person ? thats my question

One can't know with true certainty, dynamic IP addresses can be reassigned to different people over time, or shared by pools of people (families, dorm students). But, most people (including me) can manufacture enough certainty to get through the day with our heads held high.

One of my favorite characterizations of people I don't like is...

"Often wrong, never in doubt."

I'm sure someone's said that about me.


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On a recent update, a well-known and expensive avatar-positioner type product has taken to calling home over the internet.

Though this is a convenient way of copying and pasting the resultant sit-position code to be input into a notecard, it also reports the avatar you are using it from, the product name you used it in, as well as the names of the animations you use in your product as well.

Cross reference that with other accounts using it, and you can start making a list of SL users from a particular IP address.

Another product relied on a box that had to phone home to the merchant's website as well in order to even rez the product that you paid for - now since they are out of business, so is the product.

Colloborate such shady techniques with other resources and you can start building a list of that person's alts - regardless if their use of alts is legitimate or not.

I reviewed a product on the marketplace that made the merchant upset - she pm'ed all avatars she thought was associated with the account (and was wrong), but must have got the information from a new defunct - sandbox that we all frequented, back from a time in 2010 or so when we were all at the same IP address and active in SL. They're all gone now, but it was interesting to see those names being thrown at me in a nasty IM - as though it was 'exposing' me lol.

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If you don't run around with media on autoplay then you don't announce your IP everytime you enter a sim. If you click on any link or media you send out your IP too of course. Any website you visit with a browser will get your IP.

If you are partnered in RL and at the same location and go to the same SL club - make sure only one of you listens to the stream or some fool will probably kick you out while blubbering someting about "alts".

Keep in mind that many people get a random new IP every day. Others that live in a hostel for students for example share the same IP. And I can change my IP in a few seconds whenever I wish to do so.



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greek Wingtips wrote:

so my question is that if a person is banned  from a sim then come back with another account can the person from the sim know its the same person ? thats my question

In case of the normal ban function:

No they don't know. It is a standard feature on the sim putted there by LL. The owner of the sim sees nothing.than the original avatar he banned.

After a few weeks only the ban on the original banned avatar will work, the alts can go there again ( i know for sure, had it myself)


The other thing you mention is a scripted/external item, it can indeed read ip's as soon you listen to stream or media.

This system also doesn't know your alts, but only denies access from certain ip adresses. If you log from another location you most likely have no problem at all... also using a VPN or dynamic IP will solve that.

BTW IP's are public rows of numbers... without it it's impossible to communicate on the www. Your IP is seen at every action ...most only by computers, but it's possible to filter it everywhere if some want...  real solution... pull the cable off, trash the modem and unsubscribe your ISP and all other things that connect to the www or other digital object., don't forget your phone.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

If you have media enabled, the moment you start hearing/seeing content, someone knows your IP address. If the provider of the media stream is paying attention, they can correlate your avatar's arrival on the sim with the start of the stream, connecting you to your IP address. This cannot be avoided, but it's against the SL TOS to use this to out alts. The infamous and defunct Redzone used this mechanism in concert with an external database to map IP addresses to usernames. It seems likely to me that people continue to do this (absent the external database) to ban all the alts of people they don't like from their sims.

Although LL specifically forbids it, I'm not sure it's illegal. That would depend on the laws in California and/or your locale. As always legality and possibility are not the same thing.

What was (is) banned is revealing the information under the disclosure clauses.

There is no way to prohibit collecting the information so would be an effort in futility to ban it.

There are several official documents from LL that cover the privacy issues and the subject of IP addresses.






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I wouldn't get excited.  Your IP address is known by just about every website you visit.  It is commonly used to keep track of the general location of visitors.

I plugged my IP address in a IP Locater website, and all it told me was the city i live in, who my ISP is and the geolocation of my ISP.   Hardly enough info to actually locate me where I live.

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LL already bans what can practically be banned: sharing information about possible alt accounts based on IP address.

The original question (about how the alts of a banned account can't enter a region) is already answered, so there's nothing to worry about there. The region owners never know which accounts are being excluded from the region.

Other IP detection (without disclosing the information) is simply impossible to avoid, so there's no point worrying about it. The choice is simple: live with it, or don't use the Internet.

That said, unique to SL, there are a few things you can do to reduce the spread of your IP address information. Turning off all media and parcel audio is a start. Voice, too, but only because that third-party system has been rife with bugs and vulnerabilities since the beginning, so it may or may not be a risk at the moment. Don't accept "load this URL" requests. Never use an unlisted viewer (duh).

Besides SL, there are means of changing or disguising one's IP address. These can be arbitrarily complex, effective, or risky (who better to rob than someone who themselves has something to hide?).

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Thats not what it is used for in Second Life.

They'd do it to find all associated accounts, whether they are your main and alt or other accounts associated with the same IP.

At one point I had 3 other SL'ers in the same household - the offender could therefore link all known names from each. Only LL knows the difference between people due to paid accounts or not.

For the would be offender, it's already been used on me by one merchant. I just can't prove or determine how the merchant got the names associated with the current IP.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

I heard that there are programs that can find your IP adresss on a sim I heard someone was banned and they went on the sim with some other alts of theirs and next day they were banned too, is this true can someone with right program find your IP adresss? if so am sure this is not legal and Only LL can do this?


People like this should be banned from SL and their regions confiscated, or at least those regions transferred to others if they are awkwardly chosen for use on LL business cards.

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SkillsFurrystorm wrote:

People like this should be banned from SL and their regions confiscated, or at least those regions transferred to others if they are awkwardly chosen for use on LL business cards.

did you read other posts?...


when you normal ban one, the ip gets banned automaticly, so alts will be banned too, without the owner of the sim knowing this.

It's a LL feature.

The bans for the alts will be automaticly taken away after a while.


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Pretty sure the "Skills-" account name, plus the LL business cards thing, is reference to a certain system that... well, the region was... well, and then the account got...

Umm. There were such lamentations and then, lo, everything was indistinguishable from status quo ante.

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