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What would be considered...a high script count these days?

Kascha Matova

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Kascha Matova wrote:

Liisa Runo wrote:

All that functionality can be made with 1 script/object.


Really? Wow. I remember that used to be one of the top brands anywhere. I wouldn't have come up with them if I was making a list of designers who left something to be desired regarding efficiency and good design practice. I would have expected them to have evolved with the times, given the size of the crowds at the stores and the length of the group membership list.

I guess you do learn something new every day. Which designers have taken up the mantle from them as far as prestige and quality? I have so much to rediscover in SL!

Yup, it is true. No idea about what shoemakers are the best these days. Or ever were. My refusal to buy no-mod items effectively killed my shopping will long time ago. Way too many good looking shoes seem to be no-mod.  I have a feeling the soemakers will update their products sooner or later. If not sooner, then that day when LL slam us with the script limits.


Here is a story that is couple months old: I decided that it is time to find a pretty pair of new shoes. After some searching in marketplace i found a pair of shoes that were stunning. So i went to the shop in world. Found out that the shoes are no-mod. But since they were oh so pretty, i decided to IM the creator and ask if it would be possible to get modable or atleat a pair that dont have 400 resize scripts in them. After all, all ladies in SL have size 0 feet. We dont need resize scripts in our shoes.

No reply to IM but the shoemaker was up in his skybox above the mall. Maybe he is AFK i thought, and patiently waited couple hours, admiring the picture of the pretty shoes. Then i saw he moved. So hes not AFK. Waited a good 30min. Then sent him IM: "i see your moving so your not AFK, could you ansfer my question please." And i got IM that he don't do customer support at weekends.

So i waited till monday. Went back to the shop and sent him IM. No reply, so sent notecard. Offered a good 1000L$ extra for all the trouble of removing the scripts from the shoes. I got IM and he told me that it is not possible to get modable version but he will make a scriptless version and sell it to me. Today im still waiting those shoes.....

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Liisa Runo wrote:


Kascha Matova wrote:

Liisa Runo wrote:

All that functionality can be made with 1 script/object.


Really? Wow. I remember that used to be one of the top brands anywhere. I wouldn't have come up with them if I was making a list of designers who left something to be desired regarding efficiency and good design practice. I would have expected them to have evolved with the times, given the size of the crowds at the stores and the length of the group membership list.

I guess you do learn something new every day. Which designers have taken up the mantle from them as far as prestige and quality? I have so much to rediscover in SL!

Yup, it is true. No idea about what shoemakers are the best these days. Or ever were. My refusal to buy no-mod items effectively killed my shopping will long time ago. Way too many good looking shoes seem to be no-mod.  I have a feeling the soemakers will update their products sooner or later. If not sooner, then that day when LL slam us with the script limits.


Here is a story that is couple months old: I decided that it is time to find a pretty pair of new shoes. After some searching in marketplace i found a pair of shoes that were stunning. So i went to the shop in world. Found out that the shoes are no-mod. But since they were oh so pretty, i decided to IM the creator and ask if it would be possible to get modable or atleat a pair that dont have 400 resize scripts in them. After all, all ladies in SL have size 0 feet. We dont need resize scripts in our shoes.

No reply to IM but the shoemaker was up in his skybox above the mall. Maybe he is AFK i thought, and patiently waited couple hours, admiring the picture of the pretty shoes. Then i saw he moved. So hes not AFK. Waited a good 30min. Then sent him IM: "i see your moving so your not AFK, could you ansfer my question please." And i got IM that he don't do customer support at weekends.

So i waited till monday. Went back to the shop and sent him IM. No reply, so sent notecard. Offered a good 1000L$ extra for all the trouble of removing the scripts from the shoes. I got IM and he told me that it is not possible to get modable version but he will make a scriptless version and sell it to me. Today im still waiting those shoes.....

Wow, what a drag. Although I guess the lack of real enforceability of copyrighting and/or difficulty in preventing people from copying/slightly altering and then reselling products makes the unwillingness to allow mod/copy sort of understandable. I guess it just depends on what hand you get, and what designer you luck upon.

Take my skin and shape for example. I went to ALady for my first shape, and never changed. I ended up loving it so much that I IMd the proprietor and asked her if she could, since the shape was no mod/copy, make me shapes with slightly different dimensions (shorter, slightly smaller cup size, slighly wider hips, etc.). She ended up making me a package with 8 different variations of the shape with each dimensional change I asked for spread amongst the individual shapes, covering everything I wanted.

I had a freebie skin that I'd loved and worn always. I decided I wanted tattoos, tanlines, and body oil as part of the skin so I didn't need attachments for any of it, and I wanted to alter the face slightly. So I IMd a designer, told her I wanted my skin based on the freebie (since I couldn't have it customized by the original designer who was unfindable), but with the alterations I described and some slight changes.  She blended the features of the celebrity I wanted into the original face, did templates for 8 different makeup colors based on the type of colors I wear in RL, and then gave me a package that consisted of my original complexion plus 4 darker shades, both with and without tan lines and oil, a separate group that were modifiable (freckles, wrinkles, etc.), and the original .PSDs for everything. And it's exclusive.

All she asked for was the money of course, and the right to use my face in her ads. So I became a model too!!

Where shoes are concerned, I agree with you 100%. I don't know why the feet themselves need to be resized. The calves however? That's worth a resize script, IF it is done right. There are two things I can't stand, particularly about boots. One is the calves only fitting the smallest stick figure avies, requiring painstaking alterations by me that always leave gaps between the calf and foot part. The other is...the prevalence of boots with separate calves and foot parts. There's always one pose where they come apart right above the instep and it looks like you've got two compound ankle fractures! :womanmad:

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::Throws my 5$L on the pile::

based on the vague linden proposals for script limits as well as experience watching a region get hammered by people TP'ing in with script memory usage as high as 78 MiB, my reccomendations is as follows...

as low as you can go... best practice is 64 scripts or less, (that's almost on for ever attach point), 5 times that as a absolute maximum.... or if you want to go by memory, 2 MiB or less with and upper limit of 10 MiB, with as few of those being mono as possible (even when the stupid MONO rez bug is squashed, MONO scripts will still take longer to load to a new region)

you'll notice neither value maps directly to the other...  64 LSO scripts are only 1 MiB and and 64 MONO scripts are 4 MiB... and 32 of each is actually 2.5 MiB... it's a rough average.


so far every person I've met with teleport AND rezzing issues has either been using a wireless connection, or had a script load over 10 MiB.... (often 20-30+).... so that should tell you something.

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I think it would depend more on how much memory each script uses. And the other factor would be how busy is the region you enter.

200 script using a high amount of memory can be hard on a busy region.

 It is my understanding a Region is allowed 800 megs to run on.. Some users are using 10 megs or more with 200+ scripts(resizers)..

50 Residents using 10 megs, uses up 500 megs of memory... Right there, you have almost depleted the memory pool for the region.

I see many resident entering my region using upwards of 25 megs . Incredible amount of script on their avatars. 800+

It has been a big problem on my region. After working with people and  trying to explain to them how and what they need to do, we have managed to bring our sim way down on script usage. and the comfort is much better, However it should not be up to  the land owners to have to work with the residents on a system that is flawed. It made a lot of people angry when we would even ask them to reduce their script usage.It  Brings up the drama level for the community that's for sure LOL


I ask residents visiting and my staff to keep their scripts down below 100 scripts to help ease the load on our region. But less busy regions can handle more per avatar......



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Kascha Matova wrote:

But just so I know, since I can check script count with Ascent now, what is "an excessive amount of scripts", to where I should start feeling like the black hole of every sim I enter?

"There's really no reason to have more than 5mb of memory (really 2)" 

This is a suggestion from NeoBokrug Elytis. I trust 100% Neobokrug on this topic: he's a very skilled scripter and at the same time he's very proactive about servers performances (he owns and manages The Wastelands Estate - google his nickname for more details about him).



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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

My script count generally runs around 7-11 depending on which shoes and HUDs I'm wearing.

@ Darrius = Congrats!  Mine is 11, 9 of which are in my AO-thingy.  It's great to be a bloke, isn't it?  I suspect the women could very easily run at two or three times that with all the toot they love.

@ Women -  you're just high-maintenance drama-queens wherever you are.  That's not a SLURL, it's a slur, although the difference might be hard for you to understand.

@Incoming Missiles - /me ducks

Haha, of course this had to happen. I will refute your claims, Mr Oh, and here I have the proof that we don't all stick to stereotypes.

At Galaxy Dreams, they have a Script Control Board, which is situated just where you have to pass to go onto the main dance floor. The person with the most scripts this night was a guy called Silent! He didn't look blingy or particularly highly scripted, although I would guess his hair and delicious shoes played a part in his heavy scripting.

I originally had 219 scripts on me, and got warned by the sim manager, so I removed things one by one. I realised I didn't need my online tracker, my sim performance device, or my radar/weapons/shields HUD while I was at the sim, so I still could use my AO, hair, clothes, jewellery and keep well below 100 scripts, and remain in the green zone.

If anyone wants one of these Script Control devices - I can pass you one free. Beware, though, it might trigger off your OCD!!

Man bling.jpg

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I have a pair of boots that came with 130 scripts in each of 4 pieces, almost all of them resize.  I have other toys that take about 100 scripts, and with more than 500 running, I found that I could hardly teleport at all.

Now the boots did let you remove the resize scripts, and if fact had a script that automatically removed them after wearing thm for an hour.  I wish the maker had mentioned the problem a bit more prominantly, but then again I do not always read the notecards thoroughly...

Since then, I have played around a bit and I find that somewhere around 400 scripts, I start to have trouble TP in, at least for the sims that I tend to visit.  I imagine that if I were trying to TP to an empty sim, there would be less of an issue.  Now that I know about the problem, I take off toys that I am not using, and usually run less than 100.

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For what it's worth, despite being something of a fashionista, I don't have any difficulty keeping my normal usage down to under 4MiB, and that's with wearing a rather scripty collar, using an external AO rather than a built-in TPV one, and usually having a couple of fun gadgets attached, too.

It's mostly a question, I think, of only buying stuff that's either modifiable (so you can take out unwanted scripts) or that comes with a "remove all scripts" menu option (most of my shoes and boots).   That and constantly checking -- I recently put on an outfit that I hadn't worn for ages and was puzzled about why my script memory use had  almost doubled; turned out there were 40-odd scripts, fortunately removable with a menu option, lurking in the collar of my biker jacket.

BTW, I'm delighted to see that Bax Coen is now providing free updates, with a "remove all scripts" option,  for old versions of her ankle boots.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

@ Women -  you're just high-maintenance drama-queens wherever you are.

Haha, of course this had to happen. I will refute your claims, Mr Oh, and here I have the proof that we don't all stick to stereotypes.


For the record the most highly-scripted person I've met was also a man.  The greatest script-hogs appear to be resize-recolour scripts in hair and boots and those are pretty much unisex.
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Faithless Babii wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Oh HECK no!

Ropes are fine. *wink*



Oh, and you can skip the "pregnant" thing too. I'm still trying to get rid of the three we already have.

(Anyone wanna buy some slightly used offspring? Mostly housebroken. Able to drop things on the floor. Still practicing tossing garbage INTO the can. Friendly, all shots, good with computers.)

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Faithless Babii wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

Oh HECK no!

Ropes are fine. *wink*



Oh, and you can skip the "pregnant" thing too. I'm still trying to get rid of the three we already have.

(Anyone wanna buy some slightly used offspring? Mostly housebroken. Able to drop things on the floor. Still practicing tossing garbage INTO the can. Friendly, all shots, good with computers.)

I like the way you write ads. Any chance I can leave my rabble-rousing 5 year old daughter on a consignment deal? Maybe you can get "AS-IS, NO REFUNDS" past the buyers where I've failed...repeatedly and vigorously :womantongue:

My little angel... /me sighs adoringly

Anyway! You all will be happy to know (and I got your board Marigold, thank you!) that I did look through and figure out what was what last night. I had 103 script count or something like that and then found out that the necklace I was wearing was 37 of it. Took that off and put on my choker (innuendo-packed comments = false) and I was in the 70's, and everything was of course very very smooth. I checked into all my necklaces at that point and they were all between 30-40 scripts.

Those Moodys I was so worried about? Only 6 scripts. WHEW! Not much worse than my sandals. Hairstyles were mostly good also. 2 scripts at max, but most had none.

So I went looking for more hair immediately of course! 2 = can not do! And then I found what you all were talking about, as I tried on a demo of some really long flowing hair that was a different style than mine but not any more full seeming. 222 scripts! LOL! No sale - I'll call ya if anything changes!

Thanks everyone for all of your help! :womanvery-happy:

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Kascha Matova wrote:

I like the way you write ads. Any chance I can leave my rabble-rousing 5 year old daughter on a consignment deal? Maybe you can get "AS-IS, NO REFUNDS" past the buyers where I've failed...repeatedly and vigorously :womantongue:

My little angel... /me sighs adoringly


We could possibly work out some form of arrangement. However delivery must be performed barefoot. *wink* (ETA: You, not her.)

In the interest of full disclosure, I must mention that my success rate over the past 20+ years with mine is .. umm .. less than remarkable. You may find better luck on eBay, etsy or perhaps just write "For Sale" on her forehead and have her stand on the nearest vacant lot. It seems to work well for cars .. at least, they DO seem to disappear at night.


Kascha Matova wrote:

Thanks everyone for all of your help! :womanvery-happy:

Very welcome. Are you finding teleports smoother and less prone to impromptu disconnections?

PS: I also believe I may require at least SIX lines. *GRIN*

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/raucous laughter :smileyvery-happy:

Okay. I like the vacant lot idea. It has possibilities. Of course, my other plan was to simply wait around until the FedEx truck starts up in front of my office building and simply toss her into the back while the guy drives off with an address label reading "Here, There And Everywhere". Ha! Good luck mister! Possession is 9/10 of the law! Enjoy your new nightmare adoring child!

Absolutely no problems anymore with failed tps and no kickouts either, thank you. Actually, they all went way down when I switched to Ascent though, so I don't know how much to credit the script reduction with, but I can say that there is no long hesitation with any of the tps either since last night. You know what I mean, where it starts and then hangs, then goes through 20 seconds later. Not any more!

/Loves it

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Speaking from experience .. be SURE that if it's a FedEx truck, you use a FedEx shipping label. They are very quick to spot UPS labels on packages in their trucks. *sigh*


Kascha Matova wrote:

Absolutely no problems anymore with failed tps and no kickouts either, thank you. Actually, they all went way down when I switched to Ascent though, so I don't know how much to credit the script reduction with, but I can say that there is no long hesitation with any of the tps either since last night. You know what I mean, where it starts and then hangs, then goes through 20 seconds later. Not any more!

/Loves it


WOOT!! Welcome BACK to SL then. Glad to hear yet another successful revivification has taken place.

(Pssst ... if you do fall back to the vacant lot idea, Magic Marker is required. Grease pencils get runny in the sun and eyeliner washes off if it rains. Just sayin...)

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Opensource Obscure wrote:


Knowl Paine wrote:

15,000 scripts is not too much, 15,001 is too many for 1 Region. :smileytongue:


What's your Avatar Rendering Cost?


Both the 15,000 limit and the Avatar Rendering Cost are completely off-topic here.


You are obsolutely correct. Thank you. I hunch corrected a second time.

I was just watching the best video I've seen in some time. Maybe you've seen it?

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