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Where does one go to dance in Second Life anymore?

Sylvia Wasp

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I like to dance.  Everytime I feel like it though, I check the events lists and there is almost nothing happening.  

Lately I've been going to this dreary, conservative club called "BIG DADDY'S 80's CLUB" and the music is okay, but the people are all super conservative and boring and the music is full of advertisements (as is the club).  It's like, the only place open though it seems.  

Second Life used to be about cool alternative clubs, but lately all the dance floors seem empty.  Isn't there any place that plays cool new music (or even classic music) that's actually fun and not full of advertisements just to keep the doors open?  

Where are all the alternative clubs?  The Gay bars and the Discos?  Are they all gone?  Doesn't anyone like to have fun in SL anymore?  Or is it just that the in-world search is so bad no one can find the clubs?  

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there are several inworld events/party/dj groups, join a few of those and you'll have enough places to find one you like.

Perhaps also a little more positive view on things ... stating all is boring and conservative won't bring a lot of excitement to any place, tells more about you than the venue.

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ImaTest wrote:

Most clubs don't list events.

front page.. select live music and nightlife/entertainment ...  39 next 24 hours , when visiting during two songs at everyone your night would be full.... add the ones who anounce their venues in inworld groups and you wouldn't have enough time in a whole week.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

ImaTest wrote:

Most clubs don't list events.

front page.. select live music and nightlife/entertainment ...  39 next 24 hours , when visiting during two songs at everyone your night would be full.... add the ones who anounce their venues in inworld groups and you wouldn't have enough time in a whole week.


The events page is stupid if you're looking for clubs.

The same few places have multiple events.

They're not even events.

Just different djs working.

Like I said, most clubs don't list events.

Inworld search will get better results.

You can see how many people are there inworld.

Even before tping in.




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Thanks for all the advice, sorry for being negative.

It was late at night and I think I was just frustrated by how isanely useless the inworld search has become and the fact that the only place I could find with people in it was this super commercial, conservative place that wouldn't be out of place in "The Sims Online" or some such.    

Second Life used to be known for alternativeness and for cool and interesting clubs. For the record I like all kinds of music, the "conservative" knock is more about the people than the music.  

Anyway, thanks again, thanks for the suggestions (and sorry)  :-)


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I got some tips from some blues lovin' friends of mine. Down on the Corner and Utopian Dream seem to be good places to go if you want that style while FogBound Blues is a good place for blues-rock crossover. Toby's Juke Joint and Voodoo Bayou Blues are "border cases", that is you may have a good time and meet good people there but don't count on it.

Sorry, don't know about any other music styles but let's see if anybody else do!

Where can you find a dance club where

  • you meet actual people, not just bots and afk "friends of the DJ"
  • the host(s) make sure you feel welcome and part of the group
  • the lag is kept at a reasonable level

And please, clubs that fit the description today, not the usual list of places that went Zombie ages ago!

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Yes, I suppose in theory it is possible to find something interesting there among all the zombie events and spam. Problem is the search will take so long the event will be over by the time you've found it.

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Why keep posting events page?

Did you look at it?

Like I said , it's the same few places.


Those aren't clubs with events.

Just different dj sets.

At mostly empty laggy spots.

You won't find good places with good music.

Or people.

Dunno if ambrosia is still alive or not.

Used to be.

Was lagfest like all aeg's land tho.


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if looking for music and good times in the music scene then best to follow the DJs (and/or live performers and/or some hosties) not the club venues as such. Altho can make a case for some venues

theres also some party up groups and crews we can join as well, who basically flash mob places


a example of a flash mob I saw at SLB13 yesterday was the Frisks on Stupendous stage. DJ Bully Frisk was mixing kinda hard house. about 20 people who in the crew at the start. Bethy Frisk went round and invite everyone on the sim onto her dance hud. Sim went to max. capacity in about 5mins as people TP in friends to get in on Bethy's flashmob hud. Whole place went off. Good party

people like Bethy get it more than most what is about. Is about inviting people to join in to make a party. being inclusive toward the wallflowers and the shy people, bringing them into the family fun, growing the crew

i never heard of DJ Bully before then and I dunno Bethy either. I just know a good party up crew when I am in it. Was also pretty obvious that DJ Bully has RL club DJ experience. He was right onto it. Kept it engaging for the whole set. Real pro job

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hi Drake  good answer but as a new person I can't find any shops to go to. as in no transport in the ads I must be missing something.   ?????  Can people  send me some transports to get me going? Slipslid newbee

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I'd like to welcome you to Bound Elegance! It is a bdsm club... the people there are amazing! 

My Daddy and i are fairly new here, so we had nooooo idea where to go, we walked into Bound Elegance one night and were greeted by the most friendly people, such a warm welcome... they are all funny, sexy, crazy... etc.!

We have live DJ's each night start from 2SL time 'til 10SL time... we have group tags for FREE... toys to play on and with... games to play... concerts, live singers on Sunday evenings... a monthly orgy... etc.!

Good luck in your search, and maybe we will see you at Bound one day! :)

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FogBound Blues is nice but it's not alternative or new music.  Also, I went there wearig literally nothing but a tiny dress and got a rude warning in my chat about being "over acceptable limits"!!

What a good way to turn potential customers off!  

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I checked it out in world and it was downright offensive and would probbaly be illegal in RL.  :-)  

They TP you to a point on the other side of the sim from the club, then they tell you that for $400 dollars you can go straight to the club to avoid the stuff in between.  The stuff in between is a huge mall full of advertisements, bots, etc. 

Of course this is outright extortion.  I pity the fools that go to this place.  

maybe it was good back in the day but Ambrosia is the *worst* club by far I've come across so far.

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Okay, replying to myself to keep the thread alive ... 

Thanks for all the suggestions.  :-) I checked them out and while a few are good (Blackhearts for rock, FogBound Blues for blues), none of these places play *new* music, or are in any way "alternative."

Also, avoid Ambrosia :-)

I do like rock sometimes, but there is a huge amount of *new* music out there (Europeans will know what I mean probably), and this is what I like the most.  

So I will re-phrase ... 

"A club that plays *new* music (that isn't rap), and by new I mean nothing written before 2000, (and hopefully nothing written before 2005 or so)." 

Groups in this category might include Cut Copy, The Ting Tings, LCD Soundsystem, Chromeo, RAC, CSS, New Young Pony Club, Fujiya & Miyaki, The Phenomenal Handclap Band, etc. etc.

There are literally hundreds of new groups I could mention, all playing cool new music that isn't rap, pop, or rock.  

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slipslid wrote:

hi Drake  good answer but as a new person I can't find any shops to go to. as in no transport in the ads I must be missing something.   ?????  Can people  send me some transports to get me going? Slipslid newbee

In the event listing it will say "at" somewhere.. click the somewhere and it will open up the map.

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Sylvia Wasp wrote:

Thanks, but while I am completely accepting of other SL people's lifestyles, I am part of that 0.0001% of Second Lifers that doesn't believe in slavery, domination, BDSM etc.  


I am a Feminist.

As a feminist one would think you would be accepting of other's life choices.. Equality and all that. Whether you believe in it or not, it does exist. It may not be your thing, saying you are part of a microscopic part of SLers that do do BD/SM because you are feminist is completely snotty and rude. I know plenty of feminists that are in the BD/SM lifestyle. Why do you think that being a feminist would automatically preclude anyone?

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Sylvia Wasp wrote:

I checked it out in world and it was downright offensive and would probbaly be illegal in RL.  :-)  

They TP you to a point on the other side of the sim from the club, then they tell you that for $400 dollars you can go straight to the club to avoid the stuff in between.  The stuff in between is a huge mall full of advertisements, bots, etc. 

Of course this is outright extortion.  I pity the fools that go to this place.  

maybe it was good back in the day but Ambrosia is the *worst* club by far I've come across so far.

Lets try the truth here..

You land at the welcome area, which is on the other side of the mall. Yes, you have to walk through the mall to get to the club. Yes, they offer you a way to go directly to the club every single time you go there and it does cost a one time fee of $400L... You join the VIP group... It isn't extortion.

It took me a grand total of 21 seconds to walk to the club.. I guess that is too long to get to the dancing.. It does give you time to rezz everyone as well.

Hardly the worst club i have been to. I would rather land outside the club and walk in than to land in the middle of a group of people.

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