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I was bicycling through Lugubris today (192,251,42) and noticed a large sign offering a free handbook for squatters. The profile of the person listed as owner states they have lived in Second Life for over nine years, and it makes me sad that someone like that would be encouraging others to freeload.

Checking further, I found that the sign was erected on a small spot of land that was being offered for sale --- by somebody else! 

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I agree with you.  Squatting is a form of theft.  No one must have land in order to survive in SL so there is no justification for it.  If you can afford the computer and internet connection to run SL, chances are you can afford $5 a month for rent or tiers on a small piece of land.

I would have notified the land owner so they could return the sign.  It probably won't stop them from putting it up again on another abandoned or for sale parcel.

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There aren't the ways to squat like there used to be. Back in the day, the open/abandoned land didn't have no build set. Now if a landowner doesn't have no build or autoreturn on, they can put stuff down.

I know that on land I had I allowed group members rights so they could open boxes. Had one take advantage and put up a sky box at 3K up. Guess he thought I wouldn't notice. I kicked him from the group, banned him from my land and returned his stuff. Then closed my land and set up a small area to open boxes. 

Beyond that, some of the old ways of squatting are gone.

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i think it was just a bit of a windup really on that avatar's part. Just to get a reaction. A grief

as Bobbie says the days of the squatters on private-owned parcels is long gone

particularly now these days when there's untold mole islands out in the seas, and even more untold rez zones on the highways and byways and oceans for them who choose to be sl-homeless

also not everyone who is sl-homeless is a bludger or deadbeat. Lots of them choose to spend their money on stuff to accessorise their avatars, and tip their money into the venue jars. They are just not homebodies

i think tho it is fair to say that if somebody (apart from some actual clueless new person which can happen) moved into to your home then they not so much a deadbeat. More a greifer, as they do actually know what they are doing when they do this. They are greifing and are not homeless as such

eta: ps

i have a confession. I have actually been told off 3 times by a Linden for building on their parcels. Like you go ooo! look they never finished making that thing yet. I will ninja-help them finish it, bc obviously they need help

like they half-made a rock thingy or something. Weeks later is still like that half-made looking all sad and lonely. So ninja in and next time they login and come home, is a waterfall and a little forest and little animals and huts and all alsorts (:


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Rufferta wrote:

I was bicycling through Lugubris today (192,251,42) and noticed a large sign offering a free handbook for squatters. The profile of the person listed as owner states they have lived in Second Life for over nine years, and it makes me sad that someone like that would be encouraging others to freeload.

Checking further, I found that the sign was erected on a small spot of land that was being offered for sale --- by somebody else! 

The lot in question is a 64 square meter parcel being sold for L$3600, with object entry/build on for all and no auto return. There's plenty of room for criticism all around with that one.

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The land is owned by one of those big real estate empires. I did IM them, but my past experience tells me my IM will be ignored. 

I read the book - the author does seem to think they are some kind of Robin Hood hero. So sad.

I went to the publisher's headquarters - it is on land owned by the same big real estate empire whose land one of her signs is placed on. Unfortunately, she had auto return on, or I would have put up a megaprim house.

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Rufferta wrote:

Perhaps the person who placed the book vendor thinks they are sort of a Robin Hood hero - but I really need to read their book before I jump to conclusions.

lolll, are you really serious?

it's perhaps a big trap this book and your Robin Hood hero just a practical joker :)http://dictionnaire.reverso.net/anglais-francais/practical%20joker' target="_blank">

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AdamZadig wrote:

3600L$ for asmall plot that holds 14prims? 


Im in the wrong business!!

You should have been around when this was rampant. Spinning signs with ad space, some with particle effects, all set to full bright.  They would spread spread out in the hundreds.  If you weren't careful you would buy a plot of land with a 16 X 16 hole in the middle.  After you bought the land, the hole would be filled with repulsive sing spinning in the middle of your lot set to sell for 5K if you were lucky.  I have seen them as high as 25K.  Move up to a sky box and the sign would be moved up next to your home. It was, and still is, extortion, plain and simple.

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I don't understand the need to "squat". First off, There are places that if your in the gorup they will alow you to set home there. Second, there are sandboxes to rez stuff and play temperarily for 3-4 hours depending on how the return is set. Also there used to be  a place in sl called Hobo Island. Not sure anyone remembers it or not. But, There they would alow you to rez stuff and set your home there. 

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Aethelwine wrote:

Or for an alternative view they are providing a service to the community by using up the prims on land that has been left free rezz without auto return limiting the possibilities for griefing from the parcel.

Sorry theft is not a community service.  Someone is paying for that land and no one should be using it without permission.

If the community is concerned, then they should contact the owner of the land and ask them to switch off the ability to rez on the land.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Aethelwine wrote:

Or for an alternative view they are providing a service to the community by using up the prims on land that has been left free rezz without auto return limiting the possibilities for griefing from the parcel.

Sorry theft is not a community service.  Someone is paying for that land and no one should be using it without permission.

If the community is concerned, then they should contact the owner of the land and ask them to switch off the ability to rez on the land.

1) The owner of the land has an option to turn off rezzing objects and/or automatically return them.

2) The owner is one of the largest and most experienced landowning companies in Second Life and so should know what's what.

3) The owner did NOT turn off rezzing objects and did NOT set autoreturn.

4) Therefore, how is doing what the permission system of that parcel allows using it "without permission"?

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Perhaps it's a test for a new type of Land on Secondlife: "Free land for all" ? :)


Well seriously:

If the owner of the land not turn off rezzing objects and not set automatically return.


If the owners are no new on Seconlife and are experienced in landowning.


If there are no descriptions or nothing to prohibit the use of this land.


If some users tried to contact them about it (because it's perhaps an error) but they got no answers....


Is the word of Squatter is the good word ? (it's just a question)


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

4) Therefore, how is doing what the
of that parcel allows using it "without permission"?

wooo! good question

this is a whole debate all in itself. As I see it, is 2 sides to this kinda debate:

1) online is a technical environment. When the technical environment doesn't prevent us from entering into a online property then is ok to enter. If the owner doesnt want us to enter then is incumbent on the owner to prevent us (lock the door)

2) online is a integral part of the RL and is indivisible from the RL. When a owner leaves their door open, then is not ok for us to take that as permission to enter

in this kinda debate I am totally for 2. Is the ethical position

not that I am a angel or anything. Is just that the 2nd is a ethical position and the 1st is not

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wherorangi wrote:

wooo! good question

this is a whole debate all in itself. As I see it, is 2 sides to this kinda debate:

1) online is a technical environment. When the technical environment doesn't prevent us from entering into a online property then is ok to enter. If the owner doesnt want us to enter then is incumbent on the owner to prevent us (lock the door)

2) online is a integral part of the RL and is indivisible from the RL. When a owner leaves their door open, then is not ok for us to take that as permission to enter

in this kinda debate I am totally for 2. Is the ethical position

not that I am a angel or anything. Is just that the 2nd is a ethical position and the 1st is not

Totally agree, and me too.

Just: with the principe of the sandboxs.... Some new users can forget this ethical point in a virtual world as Secondlife.


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AdamZadig wrote:

I can honestly say that if I see a plot that has auto return off I will be very tempted to place an advert there. 

is not a good idea at all for a merchant to do this

word of word mouth spreads really quickly in worlds like SL. People we dont even know will diss us to other people we dont know, for doing this. Who will then avoid us like the plague. Particularly people of longstanding who went thru the landwars back in the day (which were pretty brutal)

getting a bad rep for taking liberties with other peoples stuff, is pretty much market death for a merchant

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wherorangi wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

4) Therefore, how is doing what the
of that parcel allows using it "without permission"?

wooo! good question

this is a whole debate all in itself. As I see it, is 2 sides to this kinda debate:

1) online is a technical environment. When the technical environment doesn't prevent us from entering into a online property then is ok to enter. If the owner doesnt want us to enter then is incumbent on the owner to prevent us (lock the door)

2) online is a integral part of the RL and is indivisible from the RL. When a owner leaves their door open, then is not ok for us to take that as permission to enter

in this kinda debate I am totally for 2. Is the ethical position

not that I am a angel or anything. Is just that the 2nd is a ethical position and the 1st is not

Number 2 for sure. 

Alot of people get upset if people put up ban lines or security orbs that send you home or eject with little to no warning.  If they want to keep things open keep those "ugly" ban lines off, then they should respect people's rights regardless if the land is set to no rez or not.

If someone doesn't have a high fence around their property in RL, does that make it OK to build something there?  Of course not.  So why is it ok to squat in SL?

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