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So the LindEx Guys?

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That's an irrational thought process since the forum is pretty much read by the same people with the same opinions about the same stuff.

I'm not sure why a new thread on the same topic would expect anything different. I just assumed you hadn't seen the other thread, i'm not fussed either way, i'll cash out when I cash out, at the rate that gets me the quickest sale, same as I have done for all the years before. *shrugs*

I used to be able to get $2 US to each one of my currency, now I can't.  That's currency fluctuation for you.  Move on!

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Um, it's not a "natural fluctuation" at all. If you know anything about the history of the LindEx, you would know it is at its lowest point in history and has been trending down for weeks - it has lost more than 10 point positions. That's not a "fluctation," and no, I won't be "moving on".

That thread is filled with denials for weeks on end of the type you're engagin in now. It's obvious to see now when people were claiming that it was "only" a point or two and "nothing". Now it is 10 from the "norm"  it held for  YEARS and back BELOW what it was *10 years ago*.

To compare it to real life isn't rational, because the factors working here are more intrusive than Putin into the ruble/foreign currency market.

I don't know any real-life governments, even Turkmenistan or North Korea, that burn 10 units of their currency each time someone buys fabric at the bazaar, or burns millions of their country's bills after each land auction. 


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Prokofy Neva wrote:

Um, it's not a "natural fluctuation" at all. If you know anything about the history of the LindEx, you would know it is at its lowest point in history


If you knew anything at all, about anything.

If you read any of the numerous threads, at all.

You would know it's not at its lowest point in history.

Trending down, yes.

Worrisome or scary for some people, yes.

Lowest point in history, no.


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You beat me to it. She doesn't know anything at all about the Lindex, and she doesn't even read the thread that she's knocking, or she would have known that 10 years ago (the number of years she mentioned) the rate was ~300. She would also have known that about 4 years ago it was at ~260. But she clearly doesn't know any of that and yet she tells someone "if you knew anything at all about the Lindex" lol.

She does, however, know what's causing the change. She stated it as a fact in the other thread. Don't let the fact that it's just her wild imagination, and a ridiculous one at that, get in the way of believing it :D

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My comments are in red.

Prokofy Neva wrote:

Um, it's not a "natural fluctuation" at all. If you know anything about the history of the LindEx
(see me previous post)
, you would know it is at its lowest point in history 
(Wrong. See my next to last post, and Ima's above that)
and has been trending down for weeks - it has lost more than 10 point positions. That's not a "fluctation,"
(The fact that it's lost around 10 points
doesn't mean that it's not a natural fluctuation. I still think it is, and the most plausible theory for it that I've seen is the 'saving up' effect of the change in the Process Credit fees)
and no, I won't be "moving on".

That thread is filled with denials for weeks on end of the type you're engagin in now
(the thread doesn't have any denials, except your last post in it, where you deny everything that anyone said. It has suggestions as to why the exchanges rate is changing)
. It's obvious to see now when people were claiming that it was "only" a point or two and "nothing". Now it is 10 from the "norm"  it held for  YEARS and back BELOW what it was *10 years ago*.
(Wrong. See my next to last post and Ima's above that).

I hope that helps ;)

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The RL example that I gave was a 30% change. The current Linden value has changed by around 5% (actually less but let's keep the drama by saying 5%)


Yep, apples and oranges. Come back when it has changed by 30% although in actuality, even if it does, so be it. Just like my RL example, it happens!

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I think i'm getting the gist of this thread..

Correct me if i am wrong, but i dont think i am, hasn't the buy value of the L$ been about 250l/USD for years now? I know i have been using that calculation when i try and decide how uch i want to buy each month. $20 gets me 5000L.. Has done so for years.. Not sure what the complaint is..

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It's good for people buying lindens...not so good for people selling lindens.

The amount of people selling lindens is crushing the buyers, not even worth putting in a buy order if you are a linden trader. I am gonna sit this out for awhile. 


We can reach 300 this week by the looks of it.

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No, I've been in Second Life for 12 years. Have you?

I've put out newsletters for years, reporting on the LindEx. Have you?

I have watched the LindEx closely for years because I regularly cash out from it. Do you?

It is indeed at its lowest point in history, full stop.

Currently the offers are at 263, which is even lower than what I declared as "the lowest point in history" the other day.

I marvel at the denial and false statements here. To what end?

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People casually buying Lindens now and then instantly at whatever "best rate is," who don't place "limited buy" offers at what the list of rates and offers and market history, don't think much of the events of recent weeks and even become indignant and defensive if anyone complains.

But a buyer's market isn't a seller's market, and good buyer's markets don't necessarily mean there will be any more sellers around in the future to keep making that buyers' market the joy that it is.

Some years ago, the LindEx was at 250; it gradually made it back up to 248 as the point at which most cashouts would occur if they needed to occur within a day. That number crept up to 249 in recent months, then 250; today it is 263.

That means if you cashed out  L$10,000 at the rate of 249 Lindens to the US dollar weeks ago, you would net $38.77 after the LindEx fee. Today, at 263 to the dollar, you net $36.70 a loss of $2.70 for L$10,000. For the casual user, perhaps that seems like nothing, but if you have to cash out hundreds of thousands of Lindens to pay your tier, it adds up rapidly.

I find it's impossible to discuss this topic freely with the thicket of fanboyz on the forums and others simply not familiar with the facts or in denial about them, and also the distinct possibility of removal of posts "for any reason or no reason."

So IM me inworld or catch up on my blog.


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Could you supply evidence of any person actually taking the buydown offer, Phil? I haven't seen a single person come forward and describe doing this on your friend Sluniverse's site for example.

I'm quite sure there are people taking advantage of this lovely offer but I'm also sure of another thing: there are not 2,000 of such persons, such as to account for the funds currently awaiting cashout on the LindEx or even cashing out in past weeks.

It's not rational to get dollars that way, when if you have $600 to make an investment of this nature, you can debit it from a debit card or credit card that has funds on it that you don't lose money on obtaining : )

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It's always enjoyable talking to obvious alts with names like "Ima Test".

Phil Deakins knows better of course. And of course I've read all the relevant threads and I've been in SL longer than Phil, and remember the GOM in detail.

It's hardly wild imagination to state with certitude that the current dump on the LindEx is NOT, repeat NOT caused by grandfathering. That's just a story put out by Sluniverse.

It's not rational as I've already explained as even Linden horders who never had to pay tier before are far and few between such as to explain a buy-down *in that fashion*. There aren't 2000 of some people -- Tyche Shepherd can explain to you just how many islands are added since this offer was made. It's not 2000 grandfathers, hello.

There are many other reasons I've outlined -- businesses failing as people stop buying content in anticipation of *not being able to move it to Sansar*; Sansar itself expanding its beta to more people in June, meaning that D-Day is coming when old SL can expect big changes; people getting fed up with performance issues; people speculating on the volatility; and more.

As I said, I think I'll go discuss with this grownups on the free Internet.

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First. I never use the other place, and never have. Whoever runs it is not a friend of mine. That's really your problem. You imagine things way too much.

Second. The length of time that you've been in SL is only a little longer then me, BUT such lengths of time are irrelevent to this discussion. The onlt thing they show is that some people, mentioning no names, of course, imagine that they must know better than most other people, simply because they've been in longer. It's not logical, and it's not true.

Third. I actually agree with you that the current changes are very unlikely to be caused by grandfather buy-downs, but that's not what wrote in the other thread. There, you dismissed all but your own fanciful idea (Sansar), not just grandfather buy-downs, which you stated as fact. Presumably it must be fact because you imagined it and you've been in SL a little longer than most other people - in your mind, of course ;) That idea, of course, is nonsense.

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Let's go over the facts, shall we? As you are not in touch with them at all.

Tyche's preliminary report that there are 1,000 new grandfathered sims, meaning that there were 1,000 buys of the GF IS NOT any proof that people took advantage of that deal WITH EXPENSIVE LINDEN DOLLARS HELLO.

The fairy tale that there are all these people who ALREADY owned sims and ALREADY didn't use their Lindens to pay tier, and could suddenly have 142,000 Lindens or more to pay $600 for the grandfather is just that - a myth. Maybe there are a few, but certainly not enough to EXPLAIN the LindEx drop.

I asked a simple question I haven't heard an answer to yet, although there likely is one: how can Tyche know which sims are now grandfathered? After all, they were private islands already in the stock of SL, already purchased from SL, at the level or class that they provide such servers. Whereas it USED TO BE that the class of the grandfathered sims was lower than new sims for which the Lindens charged $295, that's no longer the case. So how does she know which ones are GF? I'll ask her again.

Even if she is right and there are 1,000, hey, that's not TWO thousand which is what you'd need to have this many dollars trying to leave SL.

10 -- and it's now more! -- is not "natural" in a controlled economy where the Lindens kept it at 248 as we all know. Look at the charts over 30 days or longer, hello. That's not how, oh, the ruble works, for example LOL.

The idea that the raise in "process credit" fees caused people to hoard is also simply not sound and not based in facts or logic. People with sims *have to pay tier* so they don't have that luxury, they cash out to pay tier. People who have a store on a parcel with 4096 tier or even 16,000 tier or a homestead don't get this. They especially don't horde when there is now a faster cashout in exchange for the higher fees.

It's simply not true that the LindEx was lower. My God, when GOM ran exchange it was $4.00 US and not $3.70 or $3.80 as it has been here for years. Please. We're not children.

Of course, in a world where you can't post your own blog link so any person can see what you actually said, you don't have to put up with people misrepresenting your statements in a childish manner. But we don't live in that world so as I said, I want to talk about this issue with grownups. Goodbye.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

No, I've been in Second Life for 12 years. Have you?

I've put out newsletters for years, reporting on the LindEx. Have you?

I have watched the LindEx closely for years because I regularly cash out from it. Do you?

It is indeed at its lowest point in history, full stop.

Currently the offers are at 263, which is even lower than what I declared as "the lowest point in history" the other day.

I marvel at the denial and false statements here. To what end?

No, I've been in SL longer than 12 years.

Does that make me better than you? No

No, I have no need to pretend I'm super important and special in the world of SL.

No, I don't watch the lindex itself close, because I can use other methods to keep an eye on it.

It's not at its lowest point.

Quit putting your breaks on when you shouldn't.

Someone is going to rear end you real soon.

They won't thank you for the privilege of penetration.

I don't marvel at your false statements, because you're pretty predictable.

You're also terrible at figuring out alts. 

Anyone that has been here since these forums were made knows I'm an alt.

They also know why I'm an alt.

And that I no longer am an alt.

If you've been around as long as you lke to pretend, you'd also know why I am an alt.

You're a negative nelly with nothing better to do than complain about everything in SL.

No one understands why in the fresh hell you stick around.

You seem to hate everything about SL.



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You know, I replied to another thread earlier on that the "soapbox spammer" had been on one about.


First time ever I just added someone to my ignore list on the forums.


At least I can get back to reading interesting questions now.


And I'm NOT refering to Phil, Ima, or anyone else who answered.................................

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

Could you supply evidence of any person actually taking the buydown offer, Phil?
I haven't seen a single person come forward and describe doing this on your friend Sluniverse's site for example.

I'm quite sure there are people taking advantage of this lovely offer but I'm also sure of another thing: there are not 2,000 of such persons, such as to account for the funds currently awaiting cashout on the LindEx or even cashing out in past weeks.

It's not rational to get dollars that way, when if you have $600 to make an investment of this nature, you can debit it from a debit card or credit card that has funds on it that you don't lose money on obtaining : )

No I can't. Why do you ask? I've never suggested that it's the reason.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

No, I've been in Second Life for 12 years. Have you?

I've put out newsletters for years, reporting on the LindEx. Have you?

I have watched the LindEx closely for years because I regularly cash out from it. Do you?

It is indeed at its lowest point in history, full stop.

Currently the offers are at 263, which is even lower than what I declared as "the lowest point in history" the other day.

I marvel at the denial and false statements here. To what end?

You're wrong. 10 years ago it was at ~300, and about 4 years ago, it was ~260. You made the claim that it's the lowest point in history before it reached 260. You see, Prok, you may have been around a long time, as have I, but you haven't noticed everything, so some of your statements are just your imagination. You should check things before you make bold statements.

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