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What's the limit of your hospitality? My Friday thread...

Willow Danube

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Willow Danube wrote:


Perrie Juran wrote

 P.S.  While I know there are ways around it I am in a sky box in a no fly / no landmark creation SIM.  He had to really have put some effort in to getting to my place.

Maybe, he's an alt of someone you know?


Maybe he was really a she?


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@ Jessika & Bitsy: Thanks..  I was toying him around in the end... my goal was to get him as annoyed as I was .. I guess I succeeded. :smileywink:

@ Perrie: You would know better.. He could be a she.... or he was a real he.

@ Quinn: Definitely not Wasted but they seem to have the same level of social intelligence & emotional I.Q... although this newbie was probably just a confused & misinformed newbie.. Wasted is a social misfit.

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Hilarious post, some people ey haha

I was sitting with a friend and I saw someone crawling under my sit, it happened to be a slave that was crawling around, cause she said, she was not allowed to walk, so she just crawled her way into my veranda one day, we let her stay for a while, she just wanted to stay in one corner on the floor, then she asked if I wanted a massage haha, anyhow, it was interesting, but i guess there is worst than that, that wasnt a bad visitor

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Oy. I'm very friendly and hospitable, but it's almost every day now that someone just walks right to my house, opens the door, and invites themselves in to shove me around and derp about on my things while I'm busy.

Most of the time I'm getting shoved about or they have a huge wiener on. I don't get PO'd about being griefed; just turn on Phantom and let them do it for the 60 seconds they can before they're auto-ejected. 97% of the time it's hilarious and I don't mind. Ahh, SL. :D

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Willow Danube wrote:

Him: Sure... couples stays together..If you let me, I can show you my **bleep** a lady friend gave me just a few blocks from your house. She is also new like me but she bought a house and sex bed.


See... this is the point I where, if I were using a girl avatar, I would have said "Only if I can show you mine."


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Yeesh. Well, in my house, it's a quick eject, ban...whatever. No one should be on my land except me and people I invite. The end. I try to help newbies when they're nice and need help, but as soon as anyone starts in on the girlfriend/sex stuff, I'm gone.

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@ Willow : It's funny, but I had almost the exact same conversation while at Cigar Boats last night. The only differences were that no sechs toy equipment was mentioned, the guy was not a noob, and rather than asking to be my bf he was on and on about wanting me to let him kiss me. He was even supposedly Spanish like your guy.

I was below in a yacht, which of course means I was in the bedroom. He appeared behind me at some point on the only stairs back to the deck, talking about how lucky he was to have found a woman with a body like mine in the bedroom of such a nice boat, and that he made a commitment to taking advantage of it that was becoming firmer with every glance at me. Ewww. If this had been RL I would have been REALLY freaked out and trapped in there. But I was still nice and being gracious/acting flattered.

Then he asked me where I was from, and after I told him "The U.S.", he asks me if I'm from my state, and names it off. I'm like how do you know that and he tells me it's intuition, as well as how I was dressed (wearing bell-bottom jeans with teddy bears on them, sandals, and a white tank top undershirt), and that I'm interested in boats. I'm like, "there are a few more places in America where people have seen boats. Why am I not from Florida? I heard some women hang around over there too." No reply.

After some more small talk and attempting to butter me up is when we started the "let me give you a welcome back kiss" / "Naw" endless loop. But then, I finished the convo in the most gracious way possible. It's a technique you may have heard of : "Crash To Windows" :smileyvery-happy: If only that worked in RL!

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I went through this thread and I think the most anazing part is that you girls are pretty patient with these newbs. That's a good thing to be "nice" and try to explain things to these guys but seems to me there is a limit to what you should have to put up with.

I was a friends house when she had to return to RL. I stayed and was writing her a notecard when a newb girl suddenly appeared. She was the ugliest "it" I ever saw. I swear! The first words she typed was "Shag me!" Profile said she was 2 days old. B4 I could answer, she had jumped in the hot tub looking for pose balls I guess. From there:

me---Do you know the owner here?
me---then what are you doing here?
her--want f**k
me---not me i hope?
her--your here
me--Girl, if you are a girl, I suggest you get some experience B4 you look for sex
her--im a girl
me---you look more like an it to me
her--shag me please
me--not if my life depended on it

At this point, "it"  tp'd out. Things like this happen occasionally and I try to be nice also but if she hadn't tp'd out, my next move would have been to tell her "GTFO!!" I LOL'd at the CRASH TO WINDOWS:smileyvery-happy:

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Hi Willow!  Great post!

Being a building teacher, I have to have a very thick skin, and lots of patients.  Of course you have to answer a lot of silly question, but that comes with the job.  I think my limit comes when a noob constantly asks for money, or constantly interrupts me, when I am building.  If it happens to often, then I mute, and ignore.  Simple as that.


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Well, Lia... Welcome Back! Good to see you around again.

@Everyone... Great posts and stories so far. I've seen or encountered far more rudeness before. I was tolerant of him because it wasn't that long ago, that I was newbie myself. Having never rezzed in an Orientation or Welcome area ( I was rezzed in my RL work sim)... I was left fending for myself and if it wasn't for the Sidebar Destination Guide, I would not have known any other place than that sim... Nevertheless, I was lucky enough that I chose Faery Crossing and Bookstack as my first real Second Life experience. The residents in those places were kind enough to explain how to use my viewer.

I've had my fair share of ejection and pushes ... not to mention shouts from residents to go away. I didn't understand at that time why until I walked into a sim once and immediately ejected out into the nearest info area. That was when a guy followed, chatted and took me to his place. He was my 'First' introduction into the sexual side of Second Life... which also explained all the Security Orbs and Ban lines.

My point is, I am not surprised that he was confused about Second Life and it can be quite lonely for a newbie especially when he was given the impression that the only way to enjoy Second Life was to be with someone. I would have grab him by his ear and make him sit while I gave him my 30 minutes lecture as to why Second Life is not just for romantic relationship. But like Wasted, he was adamant that he is right. That, and the part where he said that I was 'Pretty enough' to be his gf was my trigger point...

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Marigold Devin wrote:

I had that happen to me one day, two random naked avatars walked into my house when I was there, complete with flexicum all over the place, and on a PG sim too. I laughed in real life, but all the same thought it was rude and disrespectful, so I said "bye" and ejected them. On the rare occasion I go to my home, I go there for sanctuary and solitude (unless I've invited a good friend round for a chit chat). And flexicum is so difficult to get out of the carpet and walls!


"Flexicum"? Awww for realz?! Noooooo don't tell me someone actually made that.

Cue flexiprim inventor : "WTF-F-F?! What - that's not what I DID THIS FOR!"  :smileyvery-happy:

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  • 5 months later...

That is the funniest thing I've read all day. Grrrrl...I am so with you on this subject because this happens all the time to me. And for some reason its always a noob from Brazil wanting to show me their "Freenis" when I have spent a lot of U.S. dollars to look like I do. 

I tell them to chat me up if they want to but the have to put at least SOME kind of effort into their avatar if they want to take it further. Plus a personality and the basic understanding of the English language does help too. :womanvery-happy:

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I have yet to have random people come to my home and use my furniture (that I know of) or try to hit on me. The only random person I've seen was tp'd in yesterday by a newbie I was helping who didn't know she was in my private home. I did have some random guy come up to me in a sandbox one day, though, nude and complete with freenis, using a hip-thrusting animation. He kept walking up to me and standing there using his little animation...Even when I walked away (which I tried several times) he just followed and kept doing it. Finally I told him to please leave me alone, and he tp'd away.

I find a lot of guys in freebie clothes with a freenis, no AO, default eyes, etc. who want sex with anything with boobs. I need to get more firm with my "no" 's, though, since I tend to take pity on them eventually. Not everyone can afford to spend $L on their avi...But you can do better than that! lol

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