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a few issues maybe a little suggestion....


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1/cache once this thing caps (I think around 1.6 ~ 1.8gb) firestorm load times become unbarable (upto a minute initializing texture cache) entering new sims or camming around sometimes give upwards of 40second deadlocks where hard drive thrashes.

whats causing it? guessing firestorm is scanning thought all the texutres and clearing the ones that don't have many hits ? this problem goes away every time by competly emptiing the texturecache, is there a better solution to this issue?


2/why dosn't invisible mode work properly and why does someone get a personal note in their trashcan telling them who deleted them? if I want rid of someone that is a hassle I don't care to have them dig through the trash to find me and ask why I removed them, why does it work this way?

3/slightly related to above this is more of a suggestion but I can't beleve linden have not done this already.

several people I met said they are onto their second accounts ... why not $5 ~ $10 USD keep all your stuff reset your account age / friends list and get a new resident name, get the impression so many peope would use this, why dosn't this exist?

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Liondandy wrote:

1/cache once this thing caps (I think around 1.6 ~ 1.8gb) firestorm load times become unbarable (upto a minute initializing texture cache) entering new sims or camming around sometimes give upwards of 40second deadlocks where hard drive thrashes.

whats causing it? guessing firestorm is scanning thought all the texutres and clearing the ones that don't have many hits ? this problem goes away every time by competly emptiing the texturecache, is there a better solution to this issue?

Some sims in SL are extremely laggy and the only answer there is to stay away from them. But if this happens everywhere, there must be something else going on. My first thought is that your cache size may be set too low. In the Avatar menu select:

Preferences -> Network & Files -> Directories

Check that the Cache size slider is all the way to the right and that the number next to it says 9984 MB. That's the maximum cache size you can have in a Second Life viewer and unless your hard drive is almost full already, there's no point in keeping it lower.

Liondandy wrote:

2/why dosn't invisible mode work properly

Not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain?

Liondandy wrote:

and why does someone get a personal note in their trashcan telling them who deleted them?

When you add somebody to your friends list, the viewer creates two contact cards - basically shortcuts to their profile - in your inventory for that person. When a friendship is cancelled one, but only one, of those cards is moved to the trashcan. It's just one of those idiotic things that looked like a good idea at some time long ago and then never was removed. Unfortunately there seems to be nothing we can do about it. It's a very good idea to delete all contact cards every now and then. They will be recreated next time you log on but then only with one copy of each - a small improvement at least.

Liondandy wrote:

3/slightly related to above this is more of a suggestion but I can't beleve linden have not done this already.

several people I met said they are onto their second accounts ... why not $5 ~ $10 USD keep all your stuff reset your account age / friends list and get a new resident name, get the impression so many peope would use this, why dosn't this exist?

I can't imagine many people would want to reset their age and you can always clear your friends list manually. When people start a new account it's probably because they've lost the log on data for their old one and can't retrieve it. I may be a typical example myself here actually. I joined Second Life years ago, logged on for a few times and then stayed away for a long time. When I eventually returned, I couldn't find my old username and password and the email address I had used back then was long gone. So I started anew with a fresh account. No big deal for me since my first account only had the default inventory. The only thing I lsot was the chance to have an account with a last name and that doesn't bother me at all really. It's worse for others, some people have lost quite a lot of valuable content and, perhaps even worse, fond memorabilia because they had to switch to a new account.

Changing the username for an existing account would be extremely difficult, there are so many things linked to it.

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Liondandy wrote:

1/cache once this thing caps (I think around 1.6 ~ 1.8gb) firestorm load times become unbarable (upto a minute initializing texture cache) entering new sims or camming around sometimes give upwards of 40second deadlocks where hard drive thrashes.

whats causing it? guessing firestorm is scanning thought all the texutres and clearing the ones that don't have many hits ? this problem goes away every time by competly emptiing the texturecache, is there a better solution to this issue?

All the objects and textures within your sight and draw distance have to download onto your computer.  If you frequent a particular place it will probably load faster since the textures etc are already in your cache.

What you are experiencing is caused by how fast your computer can take downloads and display them and your internet connection. 

You can improve performance by lowering your draw distance, and/or your graphic settings in Preferences. If you use a wifi connection, change it to an ethernet cable


2/why dosn't invisible mode work properly and why does someone get a personal note in their trashcan telling them who deleted them? if I want rid of someone that is a hassle I don't care to have them dig through the trash to find me and ask why I removed them, why does it work this way?

If avatars were allowed to be invisible and show completely off line then griefers could have a field day. 

As far as the notification that you removed someone from your friends list,  a lot of people like to know when this happens.  If you remove someone you are under no obligation to answer questions about why.  Just ignore any IM's you get from them.  If they are really persistent, block them so you don't even get their messages.


3/slightly related to above this is more of a suggestion but I can't beleve linden have not done this already.

several people I met said they are onto their second accounts ... why not $5 ~ $10 USD keep all your stuff reset your account age / friends list and get a new resident name, get the impression so many peope would use this, why dosn't this exist?

Because LL made the decision from the start of SL to tie your inventory and everything about your account to your user name instead of a numeric ID.  To change to another name would involve a lot of work, changing all your records to the new name.  It isn't as simple as you think and the fee you suggest would not even begin to cover the work that needs doing.  This is why there are Display Names that allow you to pick any name you like.

Secondly, when you buy something from a merchant you are not buying the actual item, you are only buying the license to use it with your name specific account at the time you bought it, not another name or account.  It is the only way merchants have of knowing you have a legal copy and didn't rip it off.



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Regarding 'cache-thrashing'... I read about this in a couple of places with SL, and on one combination of viewer/virus checker it made a difference to me. No idea if it's still current so I'll just quote directly from the Firestorm site:

There is at least one anti-virus program which will scan every file placed on your computer, even if created by an authorized program. This affects Firestorm (and any viewer really) in that it will scan each and every texture placed in cache, slowing down performance of the viewer significantly, and keeping CPU usage high.

If you find yourself in this situation, see if you can exclude the viewer cache folder from being scanned. Ideally, you should exclude the entire settings folder as well.

You can determine the current location of your cache by looking at Preferences → Network & Folders → Disk Cache Location and Sound Cache Location (if this is set).

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" 2/why dosn't invisible mode work properly

Not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain?"

yep, I tried this with a friend, I set them invisible sometimes it still says "has come online/offline", also if you directly send them a message when they are "offline" instead of giving a message saying "this message will be stored" it just goes through letting them know you are online and have them invisible.

re:reset accounts:items being saved to the owner name and not id, I used to work with databases writing import export conversion scripts (mssql) this stuff can be pretty intensive depending on how many records you are working on but I wouldn't say impossible.

user created items would have to be set to nobody (which is possible I have seen some creators do this) it would however probably break redelivery but still allow the user to keep the original.

Would just need to put the time into developing a script but yeah I can't see it happening even though I could see it working, I played another game where people often fork out close to $20usd to change servers with one avatar and they would do it with 2 3 sometimes 4! and in some cases for the soul purpose of gaining a new identity(with 1) anyway thanks for the feedback on that , I find it interesting

cache: I will up the cache, it was on 2gb and also add virus scanner exclusion  to this directoy (if it supports it)

thanks ^ ^

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the only one I can reply to is the full invisibility,  it breaks content.  LL had plans to nuke the way the scripting worked,  quite a few of us MAKE items that rely on a certain set of functions,   once LL heard from creators and the like they choose not to remove the ability.


so while setting your self to not be seen online is ok, you can never fully hide from the system.   and no they will not change their minds on this,  does not matter how stupid you think it is or how it works.     we are not breaking millions of items because people want it changed, some items that are around creators have not logged in for YEARS and those items are still used constantly by lots of people.  would hate to think the storm that would cause too.

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Liondandy wrote:

I used to work with databases writing import export conversion scripts (mssql) this stuff can be pretty intensive depending on how many records you are working on but I wouldn't say impossible.

How about a database with a few trillion records?

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1/cache once this thing caps (I think around 1.6 ~ 1.8gb) firestorm load times become unbarable (upto a minute initializing texture cache) entering new sims or camming around sometimes give upwards of 40second deadlocks where hard drive thrashes.

Sounds more like your computer is the bottle neck. Not enough ram or just old and outdated are the main reasons.

2/why dosn't invisible mode work properly and why does someone get a personal note in their trashcan telling them who deleted them? if I want rid of someone that is a hassle I don't care to have them dig through the trash to find me and ask why I removed them, why does it work this way?

Really can not see what is getting your back up on the invisible part, a simple "am busy , talk later" works for me.

The personal note thing, they could dig thru chat logs and use search any way. One reason come to mind, just shear politness.

several people I met said they are onto their second accounts ... why not $5 ~ $10 USD keep all your stuff reset your account age / friends list and get a new resident name, get the impression so many peope would use this, why dosn't this exist?

Objects etc with non transfer belong to an agents account, they do not belong to you as a person, also US$10 would not cover 30 seconds work in RL, frst you would have to call LL, prove it is you and both accounts are yours, then they would have to trawl the system and transfer the contents to the new account and how they would change the object owner settings is beyond me. Just getting a copy of a past bank statement cost me US$70.

Incidentlly, opening a new account is your choice and it is my opinion that non premium members should pay US$5 to open a new account (which they can spend inworld) so they have payment info. That would put off some of the jerks that come to SL to just pss people off. Some will dissagree with that but its my veiw.


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Liondandy wrote:


3/slightly related to above this is more of a suggestion but I can't beleve linden have not done this already.

several people I met said they are onto their second accounts ... why not $5 ~ $10 USD keep all your stuff reset your account age / friends list and get a new resident name, get the impression so many peope would use this, why dosn't this exist?

People may get a new account but that doesn't necessarily mean that they want to stop using their first (or other) accounts.  Many people have several accounts, for different purposes or different RP's, so a 'move' of inventory from one avi to another may not really be useful.   


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