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What would you do?

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So I met this really nice person. We get along well. So much in fact I never noticed the changes she was making to her avi. When she had mentioned about getting a new skin I zoomed in to examine. I noticed it was the same skin as I. I thought nothing of it as many people do. Then I noticed she changed her shape.... and I noticed her clothing. Shes making herself to be exactly like me. While I'm flattered I'm taken back a bit. My first reaction was, well I was creeped out to be honest. Now I am flattered but reserved. That's not saying no one can ever look like me. That's just silly but maybe I'm mean when I think its odd that she would copy me. What would your reaction be if you were hanging out with someone and you noticed they made themselves your twin?

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I met this really nice person. We get along well. So much in fact I never noticed the changes she was making to her avi. When she had mentioned about getting a new skin I zoomed in to examine. I noticed it was the same skin as I. I thought nothing of it as many people do. Then I noticed she changed her shape.... and I noticed her clothing. Shes making herself to be exactly like me. While I'm flattered I'm taken back a bit. My first reaction was, well I was creeped out to be honest. Now I am flattered but reserved. That's not saying no one can ever look like me. That's just silly but maybe I'm mean when I think its odd that she would copy me. What would your reaction be if you were hanging out with someone and you noticed they made themselves your twin?

I might be flattered, but it's more likely than not, that I wouldn't really care. Personally, I don't see much reason in caring. If a product is out there, and people can buy it, you can count on at least someone out there looking just like you, given how many folks there are in sl(probably more than one, actuallly). You might not ever run into them, but they are out there. It never occurred to me to be upset by it, or even think it's odd. 



Maybe I'm too much of an odd duck. How I look, isn't me, who I am, is me, and no one can recreate that....so it's all good :) 



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Years ago I had and ex bring in their RL GF and make her avi over to look almost like me.  It wasn't exact because I created some things that make my avi look the way it did. It wasn't that she looked a lot like me that creeped me out so much as the implications of why the ex did this and if his GF knew what he was doing.  But ignored it and not long after they both left SL.

In your case, perhaps this person doesn't have the imagination or skill to create their own unique look or maybe she just wants to be your twin.  If it bothers you, you should discuss it with her and offer to help her make an avatar that is uniquely her's, as she obviously admires your taste.

There really isn't anything you can do though to stop it, unless they copybotted something you created.  As pointed out, if you use items to make up you avi that you bought, there may be more of 'you' out there.

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I would take that as a warning sign of potentionally being friends with someone who has an unstable personality. While its true that none of the items that make your avatar are unique, it certainly hints to quite some effort to try to copy someone without directly asking where they got all the single pieces from. Its creepy.

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