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What was the point of contacting support if they will not do anything about it???????

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I have a new neighbour who is holding auctions directly behind my plot.  The problem I have is he uses a hud to shout

18:23] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:23] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:23] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:24] Auctioneer shouts: ➀|{•------» Going Once! «------•}|➀
[18:24] Auctioneer shouts: ➁|{•------» Going Twice! «------•}|➁
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ➂|{•------» Going Three Times! «------•}|➂
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:25] Pussycat Pike: [18:23] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:23] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:23] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:24] Auctioneer shouts: ➀|{•------» Going Once! «------•}|➀
[18:24] Auctioneer shouts: ➁|{•------» Going Twice! «------•}|➁
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ➂|{•------» Going Three Times! «------•}|➂
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
[18:25] Auctioneer shouts: ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Sniper ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀

Now when you are trying to talk to someone or trying to build something having this text rolling over your monitor is very distracting.
I asked him politely please do not shout with your text that way it will stay on your land only.  His response is his customers will not be able to hear him because talking only has a 20M range.  He owns 1/8th of a plot behind me and wants to be heard over his whole plot so refuses to stop shouting.  He also said he holds auctions only twice a week however when he does not do them someone else was there doing one so I got more shouting text from someone else doing an auction. I have been getting this for over a month now.  Complaining to linden Labs was pointless.  They just do not want to know.  So I thought perhaps if I show him how annoying he is by spamming him back with my announcer set to shout........ LOL I got messages from his customers saying I was being rude!!!!  I decided to talk to him again saying this is not fair he is spoiling my business and making me very unhappy with what he is doing.  He will not stop shouting. 
There is also another thing he had done and that is put big white adverts on the outside walls of his land boundary.  I did my best to block out the view with privacy boarders made with palm trees. However since we have had a big fall out and he has banned me from his land as I have also banned him from my land this is what he has done to annoy me even more.


abusive neighbour for forum.png

These signs are on the other side of his land plot too but not so high.


Now the big question is should I put up with his auctions?  Should I be tolerant of him? Any Advice seeing that Linden Labs do not want to solve the problem.

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What's stopping you from muting this object, or its owner? He sounds like junk. I certainly wouldn't go to a place that used shout and didn't take precautions against disruption to others.

I'd also suggest setting Restrict Sounds to this Parcel and Avatar Visibility in your About Land panel, just in case those prevent chat from drifting across the parcel border (I don't think they do, but I've been surprised before).

As for your question - Support don't deal with interpersonal disputes, and never has. They also almost never police Mainland, which is where I assume you're living.

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Customers should be used to the Mainland Experience by now. :D There aren't too many stores there anymore, I assume you two have managed to bump together.

I'd have considered asking him to move to a more easily-controlled system if you and he were still on speaking terms - or coming up with parcel settings that worked for the both of you. It's not hard to get a parcel-wide announcer that uses IM or llRegionSayTo on channel 0, and this would do everything he needed without hassling anyone off-parcel. You could even sweeten the deal by suggesting that it would allow him to communicate across his whole parcel regardless of height. Having spent many years living on Mainland 'til recently, it's mostly about compromise.

That said, you can't police his land from yours. You can present options, but that's all.

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It's a sad thing that there was never any "zoning" on Mainland.

It is possible that the signs are running afoul of the Advertising Rules and Restrictions and are reportable but as far as the shouting goes I doubt very, very much LL would get involved.

There are Chat Relays such as this one  that supposedly allow the owner to configure a range but I've never used one myself.  It might be a nice gift you could give your neighbor that could possibly solve both your problems.

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Pussycat Pike wrote:

I can mute him but what about my customers who come to my shop?  Sorry I failed to mention that this is my Main Store in world.

Well if it were me and I were in one of my fun moods, I might be inclined to rattle up a script to listen for his shouts and llInstantMessage them right back to him, probably 10x over.  Just for giggles, do that with a self spawning box that passes the UUID of the recipient to reverse spam back in the OnRez event so that his attempts to mute the object will be somewhat difficult.

More likely though i'd just mute and de-render his objects and assume that shop visitors were capable of the same.


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I am sorry you are going through this Pussycat.
It is totally unfair and the auction guy is being a total jerk.
He could have easily setup his auction house way up in the air away from all his neighbours.

Only thing I can think of, short of fighting fire with fire, is to suggest you try moving your store high up out of the range of his shouts.  I would put a LM giver at your old location with a sign giving an explanation as to why you had to move your business.

If that doesn't work you could start your own auctions that just so happen to always take place at the same times theirs do.  Who knows you might bet a few customers from them.

I hope that helps. :)


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If he's only holding these auctions twice a week, then I'd just stick a large notice up in my own store advising customers that peaceful shopping will resume outside of his usual auction hours, if you know what they are, and remind them they can mute the offending noise-maker. 

In theory, he is in breach of Terms of Service Part 6.2, "6.2 You agree that you will not post or transmit Content or code that may be harmful, impede other users' functionality, invade other users' privacy, or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network."

Particularly ...

"(iii) Engage in malicious or disruptive conduct that impedes or interferes with other users' normal use of or enjoyment of the Service;"

He is being disruptive after all, and its possible he is your new neighbour because he was a right royal pain in the bottom on a previous land.

You have so far been polite with each other it seems; you have asked him if he can stop the shouting, and he has said he needs to shout - he doesn't need to shout! He should restrict his sounds to his own parcel, show him how to do this with a screenshot in a notecard. And keep things polite, don't be tempted to go the eye for an eye route.

I certainly would not move.

Also, regarding support, you might get a different response on a different day if there is actually someone working in the governance team office. You may just have dropped your abuse report in on a "bad" day, when there was mass griefing going on elsewhere on the grid. Anything that slows down servers, or might cause a crash will always get priority. Sadly, your problem affects relatively few people.

Again though, I certainly would not move.

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I do remember one time, when i was forced to look at a neighbor's ads trying to get people from my furniture store (gorean) to go to her store (furniture/animations, also gorean), I placed a wall blocking her items.  She then made them larger, higher than my walls.  This became griefing, and they were able to talk to her, and cause her to remove her items.


There is also a height limitation of items...it's been...6 years? 7 years? since I ran into this, but after, they instigated a rule that blocked the size of ads on mainland...I am thinking either 8m or 10m, and no, you can't start the ad at 10m, and then make the top 18m.  It cannot also have things like items shooting out of it, sparklers, etc...


It can also be griefing, because he is not limiting his shouting with his relay hud to 20m.  You can state to him, that perhaps once every 10 minutes (or 5, if you are nice), that all customers interested in his <blank> auction (blank = cars, clothes, land, etc), please come to within 20m.  This stops the shouting from affecting *all* people, on his land, your land, other people's land. 


Perhaps you could put up a sign, asking customers who are affected by this, who are aggravated by it, to send a report to customer service, because if others are bothered, then it perhaps changes from an argument between 2 people, to a sim problem.


I also agree with perhaps moving up in the sky...there is also a benefit that lag lessens, when you move up.  Perhaps at 1,000m, you won't hear him, you don't have to put up with his signs, and you can move up.  You can put up a sign saying "moved due to rude neighbor" (without mentioning a name, perhaps), and maybe he will get the message.  I had had my store on ground level, the aforementioned person made her store by mine (and it was UGLY...she made no attempt to make it look like a "real" building), then when I moved mine up, she moved hers up, and so on and so forth, so I do understand.


Anyway...I wish you luck, and I hope that you can resolve this.  Honestly, I believe that moving it up would be the best, because it will get you out of his range, move your customers from his range, and out of sight of his store/auction (removing your clients from being his potential customers, since he is being rude and not assisting you.)

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Thanks for all the advice, I have decided to move.  So much for him having auctions twice a week!!!!!

Right this very minute there is another auction with someone else doing it

[18:09] Auction Assistant shouts: █▓▒░░. Future Sale - Going Three Times .░░▒▓█
[18:09] Auction Assistant shouts:  
▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
    ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
         ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
[18:09] Auction Assistant shouts:  
▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
    ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
         ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
[18:09] Auction Assistant shouts:  
▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
    ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
         ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
[18:09] Auction Assistant shouts:  
▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
    ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
         ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
[18:09] Auction Assistant shouts:  
▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
    ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!
         ▶▶▶ SNIPER !!

So I really can not take it any more I am no longer going to rent Main Land..... I am moving out as I speak

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Pussycat Pike wrote:

Thanks for all the advice, I have decided to move.  So much for him having auctions twice a week!!!!!

Right this very minute there is another auction with someone else doing it


So I really can not take it any more I am no longer going to rent Main Land..... I am moving out as I speak

Im sorry you had that trouble and had to move. Hope you find good place next time. 

I still think it worth pursuing complaint to LL.....they should have done something. Often it takes time for them to get around to everybody. 

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Welcome to the world of private sims run my land management companies that care, unlike the LL mainland ghetto.

I never shout, and have more trouble with Firestorm putting me in whisper mode - the slow left thumb problem (a comment only you will appreciate.)  :)

Unless you are into sailing and want direct LL sea access, why does anyone live on the Mainland?  LL are nothing but slum landords, allowing the grossest collection of crap to be erected anywhere, at any elevation, with no themes, ban lines everywhere, and some amaziingly terrible performance sims - again caused by LL's lack of enforcement of the most basic rules.




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Shamu077 wrote:

 why does anyone live on the Mainland?  LL are nothing but slum landords ... caused by LL's lack of enforcement of the most basic rules. 

what rules would they be ?

the Peoples Housing Conformity Association ?

or the Linden Homes rules applied to all the mainland ?

or the "Thou shalt remove anything from your parcel that your neighbour demands that you do. And thou shalt also set your parcel restrictions to whatever your neighbour demands you do" rule

altho I be happy to go with the "Thou shalt" rule when my demanding neighbour pays my tiers for me. Like

"Thou shalt pay my rents for me also" rule. I be really happy with that

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