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I though that, given the occasional thread here which might be considered better located in the ANSWERS section, participants in General Discussions who didn't normally look over there might be interested in what the kind cut-and-pasters who man the phones there have to cope with.

Here are a few of the current unresolved queries:

* Can I get SL on Kindle Hd 7?

* My head its a different color!

* What is the meaning of life?

* Items appering in avis bum

I have not adjusted spelling or punctuation.

You might think that the third item on that list (posted by Randall Ahren, which might indicate a less than serious intent) might more appropriately be posted in GD, so I shall be keeping a close eye on how the SLamaritans answer the request. 42 is the obvious response, but it's unlikely to be found in the SL wiki, so might confound the good souls there.

I shall post occasional updates when interesting queries are set to the Gentle Volunteers.

[This is NOT intended to provoke "interesting" questions there!]

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Ah yes, the ANSWERS section
. I have posted there before and I got a quick response.
My overall experience was excellent

Until they started RIC'ing their own. . .

But mostly some very kind and fun people who earned the red badge. 

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LlewLlwyd wrote:

I though that, given the occasional thread here which might be considered better located in the ANSWERS section, participants in General Discussions who didn't normally look over there might be interested in what the kind cut-and-pasters who man the phones there have to cope with.

Here are a few of the current unresolved queries:

* Can I get SL on Kindle Hd 7?

* My head its a different color!

* What is the meaning of life?

* Items appering in avis bum

The second one is interesting: to see how it develops. Drake1 answered the question, and in his answer he also made some questions (in effect starting a discussion) to the original question maker (Kio86).

Now, how on earth does Kio86 reply to Drake1's question in the answers section?  :smileysurprised: :smileyfrustrated:

This clearly shows how very bad the format in the answers is. :smileymad:  :smileysad:

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Randall Ahren wrote:

LlewLlwyd wrote:


* What is the meaning of life?

That was inspired by fascist forumers who respond to the simplest questions in general discussion by posting a screen shot of the answers section instead of answering the question.

Did someone at Answers respond to your question with this?


GD Screenshot.JPG

(Symmetry is very important in life, don't you think?)

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Randall Ahren wrote:

LlewLlwyd wrote:


* What is the meaning of life?

That was inspired by fascist forumers who respond to the simplest questions in general discussion by posting a screen shot of the answers section instead of answering the question.

Ah, the old binary flipflop mode morality: two wrongs make a right.

[it's non-commutative of course; two rights never make a wrong.]

When I initially read Randall's question I assumed it was just another noob, who had missed "Second" out as the penultimate word in the sentence.

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heraldprophet wrote:

Verily, it is not for you to judge, but is His domain only. On the Day, all names will be read and
He alone will pass judgement, and not before.


They have arrived.

Show me the way!  Shine that light for me.  Show me the way! 

I am weak in mind and spirit.  Show me the way, brother.


Excuse me while I go shake a Manhattan, but I will return . . .


Show me the way.


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Ah, good Herald.

So nice to see you once again. I did hear your trump and did in great haste make my way to see what what has alarmed you so.

And what do we have here? Randall?

What Randall makes you think simply posting a picture would make one a fascist?

It is a perfectly innocent picture of a section here set aside to ask questions and for others to provide answers. Someone posting that is presumed to be a fascist? How do you come to that conclusion? Do you find that road signs or billboards are fascist representations? Do communist or democratic countries not have those? What are you seeing that others do not?

What is glaringly obvious from your post is your propensity to make value judgements without  the least amount of thought. Are you suggesting that the picture alone carries some emotional valence that is imperceptable to most others? Are you certain those value judgements are not the product of your own psyche? Perchance you are projecting? What else could explain your reaction to the posting of such an innocuous picture. Some may even believe it to be helpful to others unfamiliar with the site, directing them to the proper area to gain knowledge from posing their questions.

You must let the hate and the anger you hold close to your heart go. Be at peace, Prepare for the Day.

And now good Herald, take up thy horn and blow something from The Master to ease sullen hearts.

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Greetings to you Bob. And you Herald my old friend.

I see you have found one that seems to beleive that he is above All.

What foolish ness is this.

Randall, for the Love of Him, what are you thinking man? Forgive me, obviously you were possessed by some irrational urge to evacuate yourself in public.

Am I to understand you find that picture reproduced by the charming Lasky to be offensive in some way? Don't you think that labelling another with, to your mind, an affiliation to a reviled political ideology, which is in reality no better nor worse than many others, demonstrates an absence of tolerance? Can your lackluster imagination and eunuch intellect not fathom that what you describe in others is in fact the structures of your own personality which you cannot bear to gaze upon in the mirror of your vanity? Search thyself, be not afraid to go into the dark places in your mind and confront the demons that reside within.

T.rust in Him, give yourself over to his Love at the peril of your soul.

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bobparaclete wrote:

Ah, good Herald.

So nice to see you once again. I did hear your trump and did in great haste make my way to see what what has alarmed you so.

And what do we have here? Randall?

What Randall makes you think simply posting a picture would make one a fascist?

It is a perfectly innocent picture of a section here set aside to ask questions and for others to provide answers. Someone posting that is presumed to be a fascist? How do you come to that conclusion? Do you find that road signs or billboards are fascist representations? Do communist or democratic countries not have those? What are you seeing that others do not?

What is glaringly obvious from your post is your propensity to make value judgements without  the least amount of thought. Are you suggesting that the picture alone carries some emotional valence that is imperceptable to most others? Are you certain those value judgements are not the product of your own psyche? Perchance you are projecting? What else could explain your reaction to the posting of such an innocuous picture. Some may even believe it to be helpful to others unfamiliar with the site, directing them to the proper area to gain knowledge from posing their questions.

You must let the hate and the anger you hold close to your heart go. Be at peace, Prepare for the Day.

And now good Herald, take up thy horn and blow something from The Master to ease sullen hearts.

Heavy stuff, brother.  You need the 'light' more than I.  Ask for the light. . . 


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You are all here!

Greetings my brothers!

What is this Randall on about?

Look in him !

He fancies himself a romantic! Not just a small 'r' romantic but believes himself a proponent of that long dead fad that had the life span of a pimple on the butt of gnat, a Romantic!


It has been such a long while since I enjoyed the pleasure of such a laugh.

Many thanks my good and dearest brothers for summoning me.


Hey Bob, look over here! I do believe I see a White Knight! Well not so white actually more of an eggshell. Suitable really, as they are all so fragile.

Come, let us have at this one.

He claims to be of a special race!

Come Bob, Michael, Herald. Summon Uriel and the others of the Host, We shall indulge ourselves heartily on this one.

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Randall Ahren wrote:

LlewLlwyd wrote:


* What is the meaning of life?

That was inspired by fascist forumers who respond to the simplest questions in general discussion by posting a screen shot of the answers section instead of answering the question.

Hey Ranadall.

Care to explain the basic tenets of Fascism for us? Feel free to provide real world examples.

While you are at it, include a discussion on authoritarian and authoritative.

You might also like to head over to Forum Feedback for a short lesson on 'Flaming'.

Better hurry though, that class is filling up fast as there are many here who have no idea what it means.

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