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PG plot right next to mature plot

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So I was never one of the residents worried about having teens on the grid. In fact when my daughter turned 16 I helped her set up an avi and today bought a piece of land for her to have a home. I bought a PG plot on the mainland. However, all she has to do is step ONE parcle over and it's rated Mature. I was under the impression PG areas on the mainland were NOT this close to mature rated areas! I'd heard with some grapics tweaking and camming that it was possible to look into a mature sim from a PG but I had no clue LL didn't have a better handle on this.

Thanks LL for totally proving everyone's point that you are not going to keep these kids a safe distance from areas you touted they weren't going to be alowed near. Now I have a piece of land I can't use and won't let her into either. Wasted time and LL$


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I gave up a PG parcel a couple of years ago for this very reason, a gentleman's club appeared next to my parcel, there was no adult land at this time, confused I stepped onto said mature business parcel and realised for the first time that mature and PG sims on mainland bordered each other.

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People said this would happen before the merge.... I support the merge 100% but things like this should be fixed. They could maybe block out seeing the sim on the map and with your camarea if your not allowed in that sim, atleast thats how i would patch it if it was up to me. Also make if you set you want to see PG only, block out that also until you turn it on. Might break older viewer or require updates to the viewer/server but atleast it sounds like a fix.

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Nope. As a matter of fact virtually 100% of PG Mainland sims are either edge to edge with mature sims, or within 1 or 2 sims walking distance from Mature sims.

The ONLY LL-owned sims I know of that are 100% PG are the recently migrated former teen grid sims.

Among privately owned sims, a lot of Universities and 'public places' are PG, but it's difficult to find anyplace residential that is all-PG. It just isn't financially sensible for a landlord to own nothing but PG properties, in what has for years been an 18+ environment.

When they first announced the all-Adult rated continent of Zindra and the Adult Content maturity guidelines, residents pleaded with LL to make a PG-Only continent, instead of or in addition to the adult-only one. LL flatly refused the idea. Residents pointed out how the PG mainland sims were scattered among and surrounded by Mature sims, and begged LL to change that, and make each continent only one rating. LL refused that idea, too.

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Ideally, each continent should have a rating of either General, Mature or Adult. Unfortunately, large portions of the mainland are a hopscotch of General & Mature regions, which only serves to anoy both those who want a Mature region & those who want a General one. If your teen is in SL, you can't protect her from seeing or aquiring Mature content. Adults bordering a General region can't protect their Mature content from being viewed by teens either.

Adults & teens can choose where they make their homes in SL, though. They can also choose how to behave toward other residents. It's obviously not a neighbor's fault if your teen can see inside their sim or house. What can she see from her land anyway? Naked cartoon people aren't any worse than what's on cable TV. 

If you want her to have land that's not bordering a Mature region, you can take some time to find a lot that has more General land around it, sell that plot, & buy or rent her another one. There are nice areas with several contiguous General regions, but even if she owns land on the old teen continent, she can still travel to areas that border Mature ones.

I think you'll either have to ask your daughter not to spy into Mature regions or accept that she will & learn to be ok with that. Even if you were to forbid her from using SL, you couldn't stop her from logging on outside of your home. It's the same problem a parent has with the rest of the internet. You do your best to remind her not to go to sites she's too young to be exposed to, then you cross your fingers & hope she stays out of them.


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Venus Petrov wrote:

Excuse the silly question, but why did you purchase her a plot directly adjacent to a M-rated sim? 

When I did it, I didn't realise the sim next door was mature, I was naive obviously, it didn't even cross my mind that that was a likely scenario.


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There is far worse stuff on the internet. Any real harm is going to come from talking to bad people in IM, not from watching hentai toons on the next parcel. If you can't trust her in SL, then you really need to just unplug completely or sit there with her and supervise. Not LL's job to do yours.

Edit to add: I have a 15 year old who will *not* be getting an SL account when he's 16.

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  • 1 month later...

This is one of those situations where I wonder what arguments the mainland fanatics can make in favor of mainland (aside from the usual of course).

Find a parcel on a PG (Estate) sim that is properly managed.

It will likely be more affordable that the Mainland.

It will also likely be in a stand alone sim where the PG residents will NOT be able to "cam in" to adult activities and vice versa.

Good luck!

Lizard Howl

Segarra Estates Owner


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Corrugating Cardboard wrote:

I hope that LL will add more regions with saleable parcels to the old Teen Grid continent and mark them as General in keeping with the continent's current rating. Would be good for parents wanting to interact with their own children in the same grid space.


About 60% of old-teen Bay City is still unsold and nowhere near M land.

Sadly one reason it remains unsold is land barons bought it and jacked the prices into space.


If you scan my picks for my 'PG Outlet' of Catbox Curios: http://world.secondlife.com/place/c29e53e1-b99b-2fa0-ef23-7f9ac12402e8

- That's on the far eastern most sim of G-rated Bay City. I have almost no neighbors, and of those I do have none are active. I'm surrounded by land for sale or rent on my sim and the sims around me. All of it PG.


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