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Voted at contest but the person didnt win


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I was at club which had a contest board come as you are or something like that, at the end of the contest a guy I had voted for didnt win anything though many others in there with one vote each won over 200L per person, this guy was with his partner and they had voted for each other and neither won anything, like I said with one vote each they should have got over 200L each the guy 400 L since I too voted for him, so what happened?

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I think the only person who could explain it would be the club owner, but she or he doesn't owe you an explanation.   I mean, you might feel you're owed an explanation but if the club owner ignores you, there's no a lot anyone can do to help.

It's not going to be the first time a contest board didn't work properly and nor would be the first time a contest in SL has been rigged.   Really, for L$200 -- about 80 cents, I think, and certainly less that  US$1  -- it's not getting too upset about, I think.

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Och. Whatever you do, dinna look up near Earth asteroids. It's already on the calender. September 25th or thereabouts.  The craziness is so deep you'd need an aqualung to get through it.


[i apologize for the attempt at Scotch accent but I saw your post about the Highland RR in another thread (looked really nice, btw) and, as usual, could not resist.]

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Not all contest boards decide winners based strictly on the number of votes someone gets.

There is at least one contest board that I know of that takes into account the length of time both the voter and contestant has been in the club and awards points based on that.  If a voter was there during the entire event their one vote carries more points than someone who came in the last 30 minutes of the event.  In the latter case their vote is worth very little.  The same is true with contestants.  If they enter as soon as the event starts, their entry carries more weight than someone who enters half way through the contest.  The winners are picked by the total number of points they have.  The board actually rewards people who attend an entire event by making their chances of winning higher and their own vote worth much more than someone who TP's in at the last minute with a bunch of friends to vote for them.

So if this board was in use in your scenario the people that were there at the beginning of the contest entered and voted, all tied because their entry and votes carried identical weights.  If you and your friend were not there during the entire event, then there would be less points awarded and therefore no money would be paid to the contestant because others had more points.

Of course this may not be the case for that contest board, however their may be other mechanisms at work to select or limit the number of winners.You should be able to get an information notecard or rules from the contest board that may explain the outcome you experienced.  If not and the 80 cents is worth so much to you, then contact the boards creator for an explanation.

Finally your vote may not have registered if you didn't click directly on the name or you may have inadvertently voted for the wrong person.

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bebejee wrote:

A popup asked me to confirm thats the person I voted for, so the vote did register, besides that we had all been there throughout.

I only asked because of suspected rigging and 200 l can get alot of cheap stuff.

This is serious stuff.  You should probably report it to the FBI. 



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If it was rigging than I wont go to that club anymore as simple as that, not being voted for is one thing but getting a vote and not winning is not on, I didnt get any votes so it dosent bother me but there are people who got votes who didnt win..

To the jerks who responded like court jesters I dont even know what to say, maybe the mods need to ban the likes of you all who pop in here to be rude and insulting to people with genuine queries, even some of the most respected repliers here have such obnoxious and bit-chy tones at times with snide comments, that it a wonder they are still here but I guess you all are a camp so no surprise.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Not all contest boards decide winners based strictly on the number of votes someone gets.

There is at least one contest board that I know of that takes into account the length of time both the voter and contestant has been in the club and awards points based on that.  If a voter was there during the entire event their one vote carries more points than someone who came in the last 30 minutes of the event.  In the latter case their vote is worth very little.  The same is true with contestants.  If they enter as soon as the event starts, their entry carries more weight than someone who enters half way through the contest.  The winners are picked by the total number of points they have.  The board actually rewards people who attend an entire event by making their chances of winning higher and their own vote worth much more than someone who TP's in at the last minute with a bunch of friends to vote for them.

So if this board was in use in your scenario the people that were there at the beginning of the contest entered and voted, all tied because their entry and votes carried identical weights.  If you and your friend were not there during the entire event, then there would be less points awarded and therefore no money would be paid to the contestant because others had more points.

Of course this may not be the case for that contest board, however their may be other mechanisms at work to select or limit the number of winners.You should be able to get an information notecard or rules from the contest board that may explain the outcome you experienced.  If not and the 80 cents is worth so much to you, then contact the boards creator for an explanation.

Finally your vote may not have registered if you didn't click directly on the name or you may have inadvertently voted for the wrong person.

I have used the above mentioned boards and have had to deal with the same complaints. Yes, the number of  votes matters but in the case of a [huge] tie, the voter casting rank comes into play. This is why I never clear the results tally until the event has ended so I can request the Management Report of the results. That report displays the contestants in vote count order and within the same number of votes received, in the calculated tally order. The manual for these boards does not give the specifics of the algorithm used but based on my observations it seems that the Contestant's and/or Voting Population time on the venue parcel counts for something.

Basically, late comers to a contest in ties rank lower than the early comers.

EDIT: BTW - Rigging the contest at the board level before the contest is not really feasible. Many Boards will remove avatar names that are not present in the venue before performing a tally. This is usually a manager requested feature. Also Board Managers can remove people from the final tally process before Locking the board and starting the Voting Process. But this is apparent because the name goes missing during the Vote. This is usually done for cause [i've removed men from a women's board and people that are on the board but have not met the theme conditions]. Changing the results after the tally process is all but impossible as no board I have ever owned and managed had a post vote Invalidate Winner feature.

So as for voting.......its all a popularity game. Many boards display the number of winning votes cast for the selected winners. You can mentally guess if you own tally equaled that of one of the winners but that said, then you probably fell afoul of the arrived late or was voted for late algorithm.

Additionally, pay attention to the Win Mode of the contest. If it is the Top Three, then it is the TOP THREE! If 10 peeps tied for third place, then the internal point algorithm will decide. No objections allowed.

P.S. - You said " ...this guy was with his partner and they had voted for each other and neither won anything, like I said with one vote each they should have got over 200L each the guy 400 L since I too voted for him, so what happened? "

I know of no contest board that pays out a guaranteed minimum Linden amount based on votes! You clearly misunderstood the nature of this contest and the payouts.

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bebejee wrote:

To the jerks who responded like court jesters I dont even know what to say, maybe the mods need to ban the likes of you all who pop in here to be rude and insulting to people with genuine queries, even some of the most respected repliers here have such obnoxious and bit-chy tones at times with snide comments, that it a wonder they are still here but I guess you all are a camp so no surprise.

Awww... did someone hurt your wittle feewings?


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

bebejee wrote:

To the jerks who responded like court jesters I dont even know what to say, maybe the mods need to ban the likes of you all who pop in here to be rude and insulting to people with genuine queries, even some of the most respected repliers here have such obnoxious and bit-chy tones at times with snide comments, that it a wonder they are still here but I guess you all are a camp so no surprise.

Awww... did someone hurt your wittle feewings?


When we are very little, we report each and every little bad thing that happens to us -- to our Mom. Because our Mom cares about every little thing. Because we are her little darling.

When MOST of us grow up, we discover that not even our mothers are very interested in hearing about each and every time we stub our toe or get a splinter.  

But there are some who never make this discovery, whose sense of importance to the world remains greatly exaggerated, and they go on reporting every time they drop a dime down a gutter -- mostly to some forum somewhere.

People with an exaggerated sense of their own importance are always going to be the target of others' humor. 


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bebejee wrote:

A popup asked me to confirm thats the person I voted for, so the vote did register, besides that we had all been there throughout.

I only asked because of suspected rigging and 200 l can get alot of cheap stuff.

But you yourself admit you didn't get any votes so you weren't out anything, unless your friend was going to give you the money.  But then, they didn't even vote for you so I doubt that.

Personally I don't go to clubs with contests and other stuff that lures people there on the chance of being paid to attend.  I much prefer clubs that don't rely on dispensing cash to people at the club, yet draw a crowd because they are offer a quality experience.  The people there are better too because they are there for fun not money.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

When we are very little, we report each and every little bad thing that happens to us -- because our Mom cares about every little thing. Because we are her little darling.

When MOST of us grow up, we discover that
not even our mothers are very interested
in hearing about each and every time we stub our toe or get a splinter.  

But there are some who never make this discovery, whose sense of importance to the world remains greatly exaggerated, and they go on reporting every time they drop a dime down a gutter -- mostly to some forum somewhere.

People with an exaggerated sense of their own importance are always going to be the target of others' humor. 


Like what happens when someone gets told by someone else that their toys are too expensive so they report them to Mommy, tattletale them to everyone and don't let them come to the house anymore?

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Laughs again. My point was, get some perspective.  Really, look outside your own mind and get some.  If that was cruel, or some sort of forum gang mentality, check my posts, I post rarely.

Sometimes however, I do think it worth pointing out: get some perspective.

Sims in SL are owned, so ultimately, and oh so unfairly ther owners can do whatever they want, their rules.  Unfortunately, take it or leave it.  A bit like life, when mummy is no longer your landlord.  A bit like life when you don't have a mummy, a bit like life life when you are persecuted for being who you are: a fair individual.

If you don't like a sim, or their competitions are biased, move on.  Hopefully also you have finished writing your name on the foods in the fridge.


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

When we are very little, we report each and every little bad thing that happens to us -- because our Mom cares about every little thing. Because we are her little darling.

When MOST of us grow up, we discover that
not even our mothers are very interested
in hearing about each and every time we stub our toe or get a splinter.  

But there are some who never make this discovery, whose sense of importance to the world remains greatly exaggerated, and they go on reporting every time they drop a dime down a gutter -- mostly to some forum somewhere.

People with an exaggerated sense of their own importance are always going to be the target of others' humor. 


Like what happens when someone gets told by someone else that their toys are too expensive so they report them to Mommy, tattletale them to everyone and don't let them come to the house anymore?

Seriously, Theresa?  I thought you were better than this.


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Contest boards are best regarded as a lottery in the same was as a sploder, only with less chance of winning.

Here's why:

1)  Genuine guests can bring along alts to vote for them

2)  Clubs can bring in their own alts to vote for a 'planted' insider posing as a guest.

3)  If you really want to win a contest, you will reduce your chances if you vote for the person you think is the best.

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