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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman
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Good MornAfterEvening everyone.  First and foremost, thank you all for your kind comments and loving thoughts!  It was such a wonderful surprise to come home from such a horrible day and see such encouragement.  My dad summed it up after his surgery yesterday.  "I've had a very bad week.... In 2 days".  The last two days have felt more like 2 weeks.  Here is the full story up to last night when we left the hospital.

The best way I can think of to explain how my dad's blood sugar works is when he eats.. Sometimes, depending on what he eats, his pancreas goes into over drive and produces waaay too much insulin in his body.   He then will get low blood sugars.  Its not the same as a diabetic, who generally will not produce any insulin.  He had an "attack" about a year ago, and it took them a week to stabilize the blood sugar, of course when it drops so does his blood pressure. 

So, he had to fast for a doctors appointment where they were drawing blood.  They got home,and he ate an egg (one of the items that does not stick with him) and then mom left to get my sister from work, and dad left to run an errand and then pick up my son from school.   Both left the house at 2:30.  The school called my mom at 4pm to tell her that no one had shown up to pick my son up.  
The hospital called as she was pulling into the school to say that someone had found my dad passed out in his car after hitting a tree.   We found out last night that he was confused due to the low blood sugar (it was either 22 or 26 depending on which paramedic you ask) and missed the turn to the school, so he turned onto the next road thinking it was the correct one... It was in fact a 4 lane one way road and he was going the wrong way.  He said that he remembers other cars blowing their horns at him and he swerved into a parking lot.  I think he was knocked out when he hit the tree which is at the entrance to the parking lot.   
His injuries were very bad cuts to his knee, palm of his hand, and head, (32 stitches total)  a shattered wrist, broken pelvis, and the seat belt broke his sternum.
He was in surgery yesterday for his wrist about 3 hours, they said it was shattered but they repaired it and think there will be no lasting damage. His pelvis is actually broken in three places. The pubic bone is cracked from front to back, the acetabulum which is where the hip ball connects, and the back part of the pelvis, the scarum which is the lower part of the spine. They are wanting to not do surgery on the pelvis due to the hip replacements he has.   The surgeon said basically they would have to go in, repair the parts of the pelvis and redo the entire hip replacement as well, and it would be a very long, very bloody, very difficult surgery.  The sternum will have to be left to heal on it's own.  He is tired and very sore, but in much better spirits and talking more coherently. He will most likely have to go to rehab after he gets out of the hospital  They said he  is not allowed to walk for at least 2 months.   When he came out of surgery he was very hungry which is a good sign.  This is going to be a long long road for his recovery, but I still have my dad!  I'm grateful that no one else was hurt, given the conditions, it could have been much much worse. 

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Lillie Woodells wrote:

This is going to be a long long road for his recovery, but I still have my dad! 

I'm so glad to hear he's recovering, Lillie. It will be a long, long road and he'll need all the support he can get, as will your Mom. Though we have only words to offer here, they're often just the right thing to help "mind over matter". So I'm sending you and your Dad my best wishes and a vat of chicken juice. I know he's hungry, but just have him soak in it. He's in no condition to take it internally.

Lots of hugs!

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Oh Lillie, horible news and good news mixed. Horrible because of what your dad's going through, but wonderful news that he is being treated so well and is on the long road to recovery.

/me gives you a tight hug.

And thank goodness it happened before he picked your son up.

Be strong, Lillie. We are all at your side if you need us.

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Sweet Lillie! Thanks for posting news. Of course your Dad's recovery will be long and painful. This will require much courage, determination and patience but the most important is Thanks God he is alive and in good hands. I am sending you and your parents the most friendly and affectionate hugs. Kisses, Lillie, be brave!

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Great tunesthanks Wildcat and Love. Welcome back Wildcat:)

@Lil you Dad has a hill to climb to full recovery, but I know he has lots of place to stop and get strength when needed. Remember Maddy's words Chicken Juice external;use onlt right now:P

@waves to Val, Hippie, Lia and Maddy

big hugs all

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Wildcat Furse wrote:

heya all, goodmorning.... finally home after a 3 day business trip in Eastern Europe, what fun it was, met so many nice people, seen amazing places with such a rich culture and the food was so tastefull and yummy. Hopefully we opened the path for business (so my boss can be happy too).

Anyhow today I am off and I can chill out a bit. Sorry to hear what happened with Lillie's dad! Missed you all, hugs and kisses.....

A very good song I picked up during my travelling this week is this one.....enjoy it ... *meows*

"I Follow Rivers"


Oh I beg you, can I follow

Oh I ask you why not always

Be the ocean where unravel

Be my only, be the water and I'm wading

You're my river running high, run deep run wild


I I follow, I follow you deep sea baby

I follow you

I I follow, I follow you, dark boom honey

I follow you


Welcome back Wildcat!  We missed you!



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LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

Good morning to everyone! Enjoy your Friday and prepare for the weekend!

@Dee: Good news today for Lillie's father! *smiles* Next days i hope you to transfer herebetter news more.

@Wildcat: Welcome back. Good to hear that you liked Eastern Europe's culture, people and food :smileywink:

@Val: Hugs back !


Good day to you Love!



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Lillie Woodells wrote:

Good MornAfterEvening everyone.  First and foremost, thank you all for your kind comments and loving thoughts!  It was such a wonderful surprise to come home from such a horrible day and see such encouragement.  My dad summed it up after his surgery yesterday.  "I've had a very bad week.... In 2 days".  The last two days have felt more like 2 weeks.  Here is the full story up to last night when we left the hospital.

The best way I can think of to explain how my dad's blood sugar works is when he eats.. Sometimes, depending on what he eats, his pancreas goes into over drive and produces waaay too much insulin in his body.   He then will get low blood sugars.  Its not the same as a diabetic, who generally will not produce any insulin.  He had an "attack" about a year ago, and it took them a week to stabilize the blood sugar, of course when it drops so does his blood pressure. 

So, he had to fast for a doctors appointment where they were drawing blood.  They got home,and he ate an egg (one of the items that does not stick with him) and then mom left to get my sister from work, and dad left to run an errand and then pick up my son from school.   Both left the house at 2:30.  The school called my mom at 4pm to tell her that no one had shown up to pick my son up.  


The hospital called as she was pulling into the school to say that someone had found my dad passed out in his car after hitting a tree.   We found out last night that he was confused due to the low blood sugar (it was either 22 or 26 depending on which paramedic you ask) and missed the turn to the school, so he turned onto the next road thinking it was the correct one... It was in fact a 4 lane one way road and he was going the wrong way.  He said that he remembers other cars blowing their horns at him and he swerved into a parking lot.  I think he was knocked out when he hit the tree which is at the entrance to the parking lot.   

His injuries were very bad cuts to his knee, palm of his hand, and head, (32 stitches total)  a shattered wrist, broken pelvis, and the seat belt broke his sternum.


He was in surgery yesterday for his wrist about 3 hours, they said it was shattered but they repaired it and think there will be no lasting damage. His pelvis is actually broken in three places. The pubic bone is cracked from front to back, the acetabulum which is where the hip ball connects, and the back part of the pelvis, the scarum which is the lower part of the spine. They are wanting to not do surgery on the pelvis due to the hip replacements he has.   The surgeon said basically they would have to go in, repair the parts of the pelvis and redo the entire hip replacement as well, and it would be a very long, very bloody, very difficult surgery.  The sternum will have to be left to heal on it's own.  He is tired and very sore, but in much better spirits and talking more coherently. He will most likely have to go to rehab after he gets out of the hospital  They said he  is not allowed to walk for at least 2 months.   When he came out of surgery he was very hungry which is a good sign.  This is going to be a long long road for his recovery, but I still have my dad!  I'm grateful that no one else was hurt, given the conditions, it could have been much much worse. 

SO glad he is on the mend Lil!  We will continue to keep him, and you in our thoughts and prayers!  Hang tough girl!  We love you!



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