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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:

Okay Maddy this is the way we should put it on the shell. Your thoughts?

Chicken Juice.png

Wonderful, let's start shipping before the stuff eats its way out of the cartons.

/me returns to the north forty to squeeze some more cute chicks.

Hahahah!  That is so funny Dee and Maddy!





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Wildcat Furse wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Good morning everyone!  Friday at last!  Weeeeeee!  I little story about what happened last night!  I went down to the meeroos, at the spaceport, to check on them.  I noticed that Lady's meeroos were starving!  Food all gone.  I tp'ed lady over to see, then we went to get food for them.  We came back and she set out some food for her little dears.  Ok.  Then I said, "Lets go over to Wildcats, and pet her meeroos.  I told her I would tp her when I got there.  I tp'd, and began falling to the ground.  Then I remembered that Wildcat had told me that she had reduced her flock of meeroos.  I plopped to the ground on the wood deck!  Then her security kicked in, and gave me a warning that I was about to be ejected!  HEHEHE!  Was so funny.  I tp'd home straight away, and told Lady to never mind.  We would have to look at Wildcat's meeroos another day!  Hey Wildcat!  Your security system works great!  I tested it for ya!  LOL! 

Happy weekend all of you!




awwwww Hippie!!!!! well meanwhile we got this sorted out...didn't we? .... :matte-motes-sarcasm: *meows*

PS. goodmorning everyone ... hugs and kisses!!!!

Yes!  All good now!  LOL!  Hugs!



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Happy Saturday Everyone!  Looking forward to Vals's Birthday party!  YAY!  For those not feeling well, I hope this changes for ya soon.  I just drank a little chicken juice, an then stumble around for a bit, then collapsed on the couch.  I wonder what else is listed in the ingredients.  /me checks the list on the carton.



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Hippie Bowman wrote:

Happy Saturday Everyone!  Looking forward to Vals's Birthday party!  YAY!  For those not feeling well, I hope this changes for ya soon.  I just drank a little chicken juice, an then stumble around for a bit, then collapsed on the couch.  I wonder what else is listed in the ingredients.  /me checks the list on the carton.



We never said chicken juice was good for what ails you. It simply makes whatever ails you seem unimportant.

Good morning, Everybody!

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DQ Darwin wrote:

Hippie you can't read all the label we ran out of space so we printed the remain stuff on the other side of it. I use to know what it was but have forgotten, I'm sure it's healthy, I think, well yes it must be Maddy wouldn't put anything bad in there?

LOL!  All I know it made me feel real good if you get my drift!  HEHEH!



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I'll trade you a Yoo Hoo for your Boo Hoo (mind the sweeties down in the chicken house)...

And to compliment the odd story of being one's own grandfather, here's the definitive explanation of the butterfly effect...

And finally, because I adore John Hartford and phonograph records and hors d'oeuvres in bed...



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