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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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I love that video, KM. There are some great ones showing animals playing in the snow, too. Let's bring those out in a couple months.

When I see things like this I wonder what the hell people are thinking when they say that humans share no ancestry with other animals, that we're something apart from the rest of nature. I feel a great sense of kinship when I see Butch (in my childhood, he was Barney) frolicking in the leaves, and I'm happy for him (and the countless children who do the same), because he's feeling a simple joy that so many of us have "outgrown". Rather than suppress those little evolutionary pings of my subconscious, I revel in them. The world is a wondrous and magical place and I'm grateful I get to play in it.

I'm just wrapping up the reconstruction of my brick patio, after which I'll fire up the blower and tackle more than an acre of maple leaves. You can bet I'll fling myself into them, burrow under, and peer out through a tiny hole to spy on the unsuspecting world that, for a fleeting moment, is all mine.


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