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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning Hippie and all! Sorry I didn't have much time to post here lately but it doesn't mean I don't think of you! Getting ready for my summer vacation starting tomorrow. I thought it was a good occasion to get a new hair cut. Ain't it lovely? :P:D

Hugs and love to you all!


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That's just lovely, Val! I'm envious.

It's been about a year since my last visit to "Curl Up & Dye". I usually call to schedule an appointment with Cindy Lou, who does my hair. But, after seeing your new "do", I decided to pop in unannounced and take my chances. Unfortunately, their hazmat suit was out for cleaning. On the bright side, everybody said I didn't really need a new do. So I'm sticking with last year's look...

Ugly with Pearls and Tiara.jpg

I guess sometimes there really is no room for improvement.

And here's a pic of Hippie preening before vacation...

Hippie Preening.jpg

Dont'cha just wanna pinch that li'l behind?

Happy Thursday, Kids!!!

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

That's just lovely, Val! I'm envious.

It's been about a year since my last visit to "Curl Up & Dye". I usually call to schedule an appointment with Cindy Lou, who does my hair. But, after seeing your new "do", I decided to pop in unannounced and take my chances. Unfortunately, their hazmat suit was out for cleaning. On the bright side, everybody said I didn't really need a new do. So I'm sticking with last year's look...

Ugly with Pearls and Tiara.jpg

I guess sometimes there really is no room for improvement.

And here's a pic of Hippie preening before vacation...

Hippie Preening.jpg

Dont'cha just wanna pinch that li'l behind?

Happy Thursday, Kids!!!

We love you as you are, Maddy. Don't you change anything! And, this pearl necklace of yours enhances your ineffable beauty to perfection! 

Oh and yes, I think I'll pinch that cute butt. Pinching Hippie has always been on my wishlist! 

Happy Thursday to you! 

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Josephine Carissa wrote:

Happy Thursday Everyone : )

I see you are all being silly with your pre-vacation shenanegans : ) hope you have a good time.....

Warm Regards,




Thank you Jo!  One more day of work and the weekend, then off to Ceder Key FL.!  We can not wait!  We will be staying here ==> http://www.cedarkeyharbourmaster.com/BayouBliss.php

And some pictures of Cedar Key


Cedar 1.jpg



Cedar 2.jpg


Cedar 3.jpg


Cedar 4.jpg


Cedar 5.jpg





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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Josephine Carissa wrote:

I see you are all being silly with your pre-vacation shenanegans : ) hope you have a good time.....



Ladysye and Hippie.jpg



Look at Ladysue and Hippie in that picture he posted from their last trip to Cedar Key. Do they look like they're being silly?


ROF!   You spotted us Maddy!




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Hippie Bowman wrote:

Good morning all! It is Monday! Lady and I will be leaving very soon for Cedar Key Florida. we will be enjoying some lovely downtime. I will be checking in from time to time but not much. I love you all!



Hurry up and get out of here. We can't wait to misbehave in your absence, Hippie!

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Hippie Bowman wrote:

Good morning all from Cedar Key! We are having a wonderful time!



If I didn't hate sun, heat, and beaches so much, I might be tempted to be envious of where you are.  But I am not a sun, sand and beach kind of person, so instead I will be envious of your time off to do anything you want or nothing at all.  Aaahhhh - I remember taking vacations once upon a time. 

Enjoy your time off Hippie!

*waves to everyone else*


I'll just leave a picture of my perfect place here (55F and overcast, on a mountain, near a stream):


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