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Second Life Answers Feedback

Lexie Linden

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I don't like the general system for SL Answers. I think it's a bad idea that we can only "answer" the OP or "comment" an answer. It's very difficul follow the logic and order of posts. SL Answers has not only "answers and comments". SL Answers has answers, requests of new information, new solutions after verifying that previous solutions did not fix the problem... and many more.

Why not use the same system of the forums? Preventing chit-chat?

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I've been thinking lots about the layout of Answers and the way it works trying to get my head around what I think the main problem is and a possible solution. Hopefully you'll read this Lexie - bear with me while I try to explain :)

Ok so, at the moment we can 'answer' a question. The latest 'answer' goes to the top in the display. We can also only 'comment' on someone else's answer and these 'comments' are hideen by default. To see them you have to click on the 'comments' link at the bottom of the 'answer'.

Firstly let me say that I do fully understand the theory behind this process. As I understand it the theory is to make the Answers section very much about answers and not about discussions. It's about making it easy for the person who asked the question easily get to the right answer, and for any subsequent readers to also quickly get to the right answer. It's a sensible desire and one I approve of - the Answers section should indeed be about getting to the right answer swiftly.

However, I don't think it quite works that way in practice. By having the latest 'answer' float to the top and by hiding 'comments' by default, the thread becomes quite confused and, in a lot of cases, I actually think it makes it harder to get to the right answer quickly.

Let me try to give some examples:

Lexie asks the question: "How do I add a forum avatar here?"

Irene answers: "Upload the image you want, then go to 'Avatar' under 'My Settings' to set it as your avatar.

Suella answrs: "In addition to what Irene said, you can also play around with your badge settings under 'Social Connect' and use that as an avatar image of sorts too".

However, because of the nature in which latest answers are floated to the top, it appears like this:

Lexie - "How do I add a forum avatar here?"

Suella - "In addition to what Irene said, you can also play around with your badge settings under 'Social Connect' and use that as an avatar image of sorts too"

Irene - "Upload the image you want, then go to 'Avatar' under 'My Settings' to set it as your avatar.

That just seems confusing to me as when 'Lexie' comes along to look at answers she sees my reply first and then thinks "Huh? Where's what Irene said?!" She has to scroll on to see that (this gtes more confusing the more people who have answered).

So maybe what Suella should have done is added a comment to Irene's answer. This way Lexie would just see Irenes (correct) answer but could read the comment from me for additional info. However, becuase the comments are hidden by default its quite easy to overlook them and Lexie may well have missed the additional info.

I know I have been in the dilemma of whether to comment on an existing answer or to add another direct answer. Part of me wants to do the right thing and add a comment to an existing answer, but part of me wants to add a new direct answer because I think its important additional info that the OP may overlook if I just add a comment.

Essentially, it is the non-linear nature of Answers that I think is confusing. I understand its desire to get to the right answer quickly, but all to often correct answers result from the flow of discussion with people bouncing commets off one another. I know that this could cause Answers to go off topic but, in that respect, I do think Jive did a slightly better job. It allowed a flow of comments to get to the right answer and the right answer could still subsequently be easily found via the green border around the correct answer.

I'm not sure what the solution is because I see the logic in both approaches. I do feel though that a balance between the two approaches is somehow required. Perhaps a more linear approach could be adopted with comments displayed by default, but in smaller font below the main answer it was commenting on? And perhaps once a question has been marker as answered that correct answer could then be floated to the top?

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Oh also - are question askers prompted by email or PM to mark a question as answered periodically? I know some may see this as spammy, but I've also noticed that we already have lots of questions that have been answered but not marked as such and it tends to make the unanswered questions section seem messy.

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Suella Ember wrote:


That just seems confusing to me as when 'Lexie' comes along to look at answers she sees my reply first and then thinks "Huh? Where's what Irene said?!" She has to scroll on to see that (this gtes more confusing the more people who have answered).


And more and worst. Imagine I ask "I have an issue about lag...". Suella answers: "Post the specs of your computer, please". I post the specs (answering OR as a comment LOL). And Lexie read the thread and write a comment to my post about specs with the correct answer to my issue.

Can you imagine the mess? :smileytongue:

But that scene is VERY frequent in SL Answers :)

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What they said - even if you just want "an answer" some things do not have a simple, definitive 'do this, then this, click this' solution.

I usually read Answers to make sure I keep up with the latest advice.  So I want to see All posts, why do I have to load 'open' and then change that preference again and again.

In any thread I want Oldest First.  Why, despite setting both preference settings to Oldest First do I still get Newest First, and have to click to change it on every single thread I read!

(Apart from those two things this software does look and feel a universe better than the jive-arse stuff we had) .

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Two things:

1) Residents with involvement in snowstorm should automatically get ranks with good priveleges.  Why? because many of us have contributed to the jira and KB and dont always follwo the forums or answers, but when we do, we usually have a perspective and expertise that many don't. 


2) allot of the worst behaved of the old forums (who are also the reason that allot of the snowstorm, new users, and old users DONT use the forums and answers) were given really rediculously high rankings. For example one of the worst offenders that should have been banned of the forums a long time ago for harassment (she all the time uses racist remarks, offensive terms like "deputy dawg" and "ar tard", and calls people obsceneties all the time), disclosure (such as peoples rl professions, rl locations, alts, and conversations), spam, and even bragging about illegal activites such as drugs, prositution, and stuff was given one of the highest rankins... Why?

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I have to admit, making the Answers work differently than the forums seems awkward.  But will give it a chance :)

Couple things:  

When I type in a question, I get a list of possible answers plus a More results button.  I click on the More results and go to another page of possible answers.  If my question is not there or I still want to post it,  I have no way to get back to my question and end up having to type it all over again!!

When I look at the Answers to a question, they are in the order of Newest first.  I went to My Settings and set Preferences - Topic Layout - Sorting order within topics to Oldest first.. However I still get Newest first when I view and have to change it to Oldest first everytime!  Does the Topic Layout setting not apply here??


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i experience the same as mentioned by suella and irene and others re the comments function. we had a thread just yesterday that i am sure could have been solved quicker had we not had the comments messing things up. the op supplied additional info in the comments and other posters arriving later wanting to help did not see or read the comments and that resulted in so much back and forth that i myself got a headache trying to make sense of it all and decide on how to response to the op in order to help as much as possible that i walked away from the thread. i would not be sad to see the comments function disappear and give answers the same layout as the rest of the forums.

i am also frustrated by the "sort by" not working as it should. i have my prefs set to show oldest too but still have to set it again in every single thread. why is this an option in answers but not the rest of the forum?

and if i follow a link to a post from someones profile i have to click again "view entire topic" to get more than just the op and the person's post which link i followed. (hmmm, did that make sense)

click click click... this starts to feel like v2 :D

testing kudos... will kudos be added to answers? if so, the sorting will be a bigger mess. in the test board where membertester and raymond linden posted to test the kudos last night i only have the option to sort by most/least kudos and newest? color me confused. or blonde - if there is something very obvious i am missing here :D

other than this - i think this forum has potential. i will probably post more feedback as i start using it more.

i am happy to see it all back! nice work, lindens :)

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I'll be frank, I didn't bother much with SL Answers on the old forum because I despised the points system, I dislike the ranks system even more so I'm even less likely to participate.

Having said that, the comments system is confusing at first glance, it's not consistent with the rest of the forum and people will miss posts, even if you could display the first line of a comment and require someone to click to see the whole comment, it would probably catch people's eye more.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

I'll be frank, I didn't bother much with SL Answers on the old forum because I despised the points system, I dislike the ranks system even more so I'm even less likely to participate.


Slight sidetrack but, while I'm not a big fan of things like points, ranks, kudos etc either, I'm not going to let it stop me from answering a question if I happen to know the answer and I hope it doesn't stop you either. You have some good knowledge to share (Shut it, and just take the compliment! :smileytongue: )

I mean - I wouldn't expect you to religiously sit answering qurestions or anything but, if you happen to spot a question that you know the answer to there's no harm in answering it :)

I guess there will basically be three sorts of people who use Answers:

1. Those who use it to 'play the game' in an attempt to gain status (I don't particularly like that it promotes that sort of attitude but, as long as people still provide quality answers, It's ok I guess).

2. Those who spend a lot of time answering questions simply because they are great, helpful people (such as the Irene's and the Nyll's of our world who did exactly that in the old SL Answers).

3. Those who just answer questions in passing as they see them.

There's nothing wrong with being in category 3 (which I'd probably put myself in too) - the important thing is to provide accurate answers if you happen to know the answer :)


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I've always answered questions when I pass by Suella, I'll continue to do that but I'm disinclined to click the link, I've started spending more time in the Jira instead, I won't be going to the off topic forum often either as that's a recipe for disaster, I'm a shy boy Suella, I don't like badges and prizes and never have.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

 I'm a shy boy Suella, I don't like badges and prizes and never have.


Yeah, and I hate cheese! :smileyvery-happy:

Seriously though - I do know what you mean and I think you are far from alone. Ironically, I think a lot of the people who might be perceived as quite opinionated or talkative on these forums don't actually like to be thrown in the spotlight either (Sure, some love it, but I think a lot hate it too!)

I'm exactly the same. A lot of people probably think i'm an extroverted loudmouth who loves attention, but I don't. I'm really, really bad at being thrown in the spotlight and have never handled compliments that well either. I mean - it's nice when someone compliments me, but I kind of turn into a shy teenager when I get a compliment.  Either that or just make a joke out of it!

I just do what I do becuase I like doing it and, while a simple "thank you" is always nice, I don't expect any more than that :)

Anyway - going completely off topic here! Stop making me reveal my soul on a feedback thread! :smileysurprised:

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[off topic]

Related: Jira about "Ranks in Forums & SL Answers are unnecessary and inconsistent with communitu spirit": --> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705

[end ff topic]



bee Baroque wrote:

i experience the same as mentioned by suella and irene and others re the comments function. we had a thread just yesterday that i am sure could have been solved quicker had we not had the comments messing things up. the op supplied additional info in the comments and other posters arriving later wanting to help did not see or read the comments and that resulted in so much back and forth that i myself got a headache trying to make sense of it all and decide on how to response to the op in order to help as much as possible that i walked away from the thread. i would not be sad to see the comments function disappear and give answers the same layout as the rest of the forums.

Agree, this is the main problem of the new format of SL Answers. There are many questions in SL Answers that cannot be managed by "THIS IS MI QUESTION" and "HERE IS YOUR ANSWER". When the solution to the problem requires cross-examine and investigate different possible solutions, this new system is useless.


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Ciaran Laval wrote:<snip>

I won't be going to the off topic forum often either as that's a recipe for disaster, I'm a shy boy Suella, I don't like badges and prizes and never have.


Well now that we know that any posts in the 'Off Topic' forum won't count towards totals post count it will be interesting to see if many of the most 'visible' in the old GD will bother anymore - not that I think for a moment people only posted for post counts - but some did. Anyway - will be interesting to see whether in the absence of any 'official' recognition if multiple postings in OT will be anything as popular as they were in GD.

Maybe I'm just cynical :smileyindifferent:

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  • 9 months later...

BothamFidor wrote:

Irene Muni wrote:

Old thread. Any solutions?

You're just trying to inflate your post count Irene!

Don't you remember - you don't get any points or kudos for posts here!


Post count?? Points?? Kudos?? Ranks?? Please, see who is the reporter of this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705 (and please, vote it and watch it).

BTW, welcome to SL forums BothamFidor :)

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