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Are computers at hacking risk when we are on SL?


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Sassy Romano wrote:

Madeline, i'm instantly going to assume his was a troll post based upon this:-

Of course he's a troll, but they're so cute when you French braid their hair.


ETA: I should dial back my certainty a smidge. I've met people like this who believe what they're saying. We might still call them trolls though, right? So yeah, let's stick with "troll".

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I got so confused by the way this discussion moved. I mean, what if someone got turned into a rabbit and raped in sl? What would the pregnancy test be? Would it be, "Bad news, and bad news. The human died, and you ARE pregnant."?

The mind reels. It jigs occasionally too.

I like the way your mind... works?

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I call troll too.  But in the interest of people who may fall for this BS..

The rabbit thing is just a regular link to the rabbit in the library. If you click it, it changes your avatar to the rabbit .  Usually I've seen it in people's profile, many times in the 1st life profile with words to the effect of find out more by clicking this.   Just don't click links you didn't ask for and you'll be ok.  If you happen to click it, all you need do is remove it and redress your avatar.

Quinn never saw anyone raped in the true sense of the word.  That involves animations and you have to give permission for the animation to work, or you sit  on something voluntarily OR you use RLV and have it set to allow anyone to control you.  So rape is something people set themselves up for generally as a RP fantasy, although I don't understand why.  This is just how things work in SL.  If you happen to accidentally sit on something, just stand.  If you give permission accidentally just stop animations.  In all cases you can also just relog to stop it.

So both these these are avoidable as they all require voluntary action on your part and you can solve the problem yourself if you accidentally fall for them.   There is no need to contact support.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

It would be a great relief to me to be able to think all these people are only pretending.  It is really sobering / depressing to think otherwise.

Well then, I probably shouldn't tell you that I pretend to be intelligent.

And I'm not the only one.


You don't have to be that intelligent to use spell check or Google, but it gives the impression you are. And if you don't, it doesn't.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

It would be a great relief to me to be able to think all these people are only pretending.  It is really sobering / depressing to think otherwise.

Well then, I probably shouldn't tell you that I pretend to be intelligent.

And I'm not the only one.


You don't have to be that intelligent to use spell check or Google, but it gives the impression you are. And if you don't, it doesn't.


Dammit, Pam... I told you never to tell anyone my secret.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

It would be a great relief to me to be able to think all these people are only pretending.  It is really sobering / depressing to think otherwise.

Well then, I probably shouldn't tell you that I pretend to be intelligent.

And I'm not the only one.


You don't have to be that intelligent to use spell check or Google, but it gives the impression you are. And if you don't, it doesn't.


Dammit, Pam... I told you never to tell anyone my secret.


No one would ever guess the truth when you put icing on the cake with all that capitalization and punctuation. 


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it has happen to me and people in game.

I hope you do not have this happen to you.

but you are rude and a lier, so stop telling people, that have had this happen, to them.

that it dont happen.

if a Key logger is down loaded to you your computer will go mad, all the fan start to run as the anti virus stop it.

Micorsoft anti virus safe my day.

you have a nice day


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jeffrey1 wrote:


it has happen to me and people in game.

I hope you do not have this happen to you.

but you are rude and a lier, so stop telling people, that have had this happen, to them.

that it dont happen.

if a Key logger is down loaded to you your computer will go mad, all the fan start to run as the anti virus stop it.

Micorsoft anti virus safe my day.

you have a nice day


Every incident that I have read where someone was infected by a keylogger came from them using an "Illegal," usually meaning a "Copybot" Viewer.

The keylogger was installed at the time they downloaded the Illegal Viewer.  They were already ticking time bombs.**

To get an object to insert a keylogger into your computer would mean you'd need to find a way to get the object to both carry the code AND install it on your computer.

If someone found a way to do this using LSL (Linden Scripting Language) it would be a major problem and if you have found this then as Sassy pointed out you should file a Security JIRA.

So I am going to call bull **bleep** on your statements also.


**ETA, I do not mean to leave out "phishing schemes and related" but am only referring to the idea you could be infected by accepting an object or "friending" someone.


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jeffrey1 wrote:


 also friend ship offer are a way to get into you computer,
lots of people do not take friends ship offer from new comer in game.


The bolded is complete and utter crap(and I'm not offended that you believe I'm being mean...or if you assume I am a liar). Accepting friendship in and of itself cannot allow someone access to your computer...period. The functions needed(regardless of the hacker's chosen method(s) of course) aren't things that can take place during a friendship offer or acceptance...period.

Now, can a hacker make friends with you, then grief you, or cause mayhem? Absolutely. Will they always, or even usually? Absolutely not. It's likely a much smaller minority of the sl community that gets griefed at all inworld, those that get hacked(as in computer jacked, not just their sl messed up in some manner) is even tinier. I'm not saying people don't have these things happen, they do, and those are not insignificant in the grand scheme(especially to those that experience it)....but you're spreading paranoia and that's certainly not going to help the problem...merely escalates it.

All the proper precautions taken cannot guarantee 100% safety anywhere on the net..sl or otherwise. However, you have numerous tools at your fingertips both on the net in general, and in sl, and should very much utilize them.(I always tell folks to read up as much as they can on sl, and potential issues, because it's important..but I promote general computer safety).

Also, this "not accepting new members as friends"...this is nothing new. Many people are skeptical of accepting friendship offers in the first place, from new or old comers. That's life buddy. Not everyone is going to like you, or want to play with your toys, or let you play with theirs even. It has nothing to do with hacking(in most cases) or the paranoia that surrounds the potential...and everything to do with...it's life, and humans are a very odd species.(though truth be told I don't know any species that wants to friend just anyone, shrugs).

TLDR; Friending someone, alone, cannot make you *more or even *less vulnerable to hackers. A hacker cannot "get to you" or your computer by friending you. It's impossible for this to happen. The functions needed do not exist during this type of "transaction", if you want to call it that. They can use other methods, such as griefing, though.(which includes malicious links and objects, which can happen both with and without them being on your contacts/friends list)

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

 A hacker cannot "get to you" or your computer by friending you. It's impossible for this to happen.

Caveat:  Assuming the viewer is not compromised, which was my point and I believe it's fair to assume we're all under that impression too.

I still fail to see how a friendship offer, which does not perform the same way other things do(such as objects intended to grief, phishing, etc..) can in and of itself...all by itself, without any outside force(program, whatever you want to call it) can hack your system. There has to be more at play, in which case, a compromised viewer can easily make it seem like just about anything is the culprit.( It's also more likely that something else, not a friendship offer, triggered the event and the friendship offer was merely an NPC in the war on jacking someone's system. Offering or accepting friendship does a whole lot of nothing in the grand scheme of hacking to give the potential hacker info needed, they just don't work that way.

Sorry ETA: I do believe most people understand friendship offers are, well, pretty dang harmless on their own, and somethign bigger is at play when someone gets jacked. Unfortunately, there are those who believe otherwise, because some folks seem to enjoy spreading paranoia out of pure ignorance.(sometimes wilflul, sometimes not)

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I would be more than happy to eat my words if someone can actually show me proof that a friendship offer...and ONLY a friendship offer, allowed someone to hack another person's system. Anecdotal evidence does not count without proof ;). I certainly can't find info to suggest it. I've looked, lol, even long before this thread. As it's a stupid "warning" people have sent out for years in various groups I've seen(much like all the other bogus phishing and hacking "warnings")


Maybe I'm being slightly **bleep** retentive about this, but...well..it's a bad idea to spread paranoia about something that can't happen, and it's one of those things that just kinda irks me, I suppose. :)

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Tari Landar wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

 A hacker cannot "get to you" or your computer by friending you. It's impossible for this to happen.

Caveat:  Assuming the viewer is not compromised, which was my point and I believe it's fair to assume we're all under that impression too.

I still fail to see how a friendship offer, which does not perform the same way other things do(such as objects intended to grief, phishing, etc..) can in and of itself...all by itself, without any outside force(program, whatever you want to call it) can hack your system. There has to be more at play, in which case, a compromised viewer can easily make it seem like just about anything is the culprit.( It's also more likely that something else, not a friendship offer, triggered the event and the friendship offer was merely an NPC in the war on jacking someone's system. Offering or accepting friendship does a whole lot of nothing in the grand scheme of hacking to give the potential hacker info needed, they just don't work that way.

Sorry ETA: I do believe most people understand friendship offers are, well, pretty dang harmless on their own, and somethign bigger is at play when someone gets jacked. Unfortunately, there are those who believe otherwise, because some folks seem to enjoy spreading paranoia out of pure ignorance.(sometimes wilflul, sometimes not)

I'm agreed, Tari.

If I were smart enough to craft and distribute a viewer that could pierce your PC's defenses, why would I make the fatal blow contingent on identifying myself to you via a friendship request? I'd have it burrow into your PC the moment it was launched, and beam me all your stuff.

I'd send you a friendship request to prove that there is danger in accepting them, but that's a whole 'nuther danger entirely and you probably don't need additional peril in your life.


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Sassy Romano wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

 A hacker cannot "get to you" or your computer by friending you. It's impossible for this to happen.

Caveat:  Assuming the viewer is not compromised, which was my point and I believe it's fair to assume we're all under that impression too.

The Friend Request is such a specific function that even if you could spoof it I can think of no way to get it to install a keylogger, etc, unless you were using a compromised  (illegal) viewer.

LSL and the Official Viewer simply doesn't have the code to accomplish this.

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I wouldn't be looking for a friendship request to perform any install but rather to provide other key information back from which to launch other attack vectors.

Don't forget that there was a time when the official viewer "leaked" back details in IM's that weren't exposed in the UI but which contained grid location of the sender.  That metadata itself had value to someone with a modified malicious viewer but was never seen in the regular LL viewer.

Anyway, we all agree it's basically a bull**bleep** claim, unless the claimant wishes to provide more details or file a SEC JIRA :)


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'd send you a friendship request to prove that there is danger in accepting them, but that's a whole 'nuther danger entirely and you probably don't need additional peril in your life.


We remember quite well how you tried to get me in your fire pit.

Fortunately I was wearing my hover boots.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'd send you a friendship request to prove that there is danger in accepting them, but that's a whole 'nuther danger entirely and you probably don't need additional peril in your life.


We remember quite well how you tried to get me in your fire pit.

Fortunately I was wearing my hover boots.

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jeffrey1 wrote:

are you a key logger

or just calling good people privater software user, as a form of abuse

is that how you get your kicks

I apologize in advance to Perrie, since this wasn't addressed to me....but I'm gonna reply anyway :P

I am pretty darn sure he wasn't calling anyone anything, or accusing people of using pirated software(aka illegal viewers, according to the TOS). Instead, what he, and others, are saying, is that the use of such viewers can create problems such as this one out of harmless actions...like friending other people. Those types of viewers can cause all kinds of malicious things, though. The approved viewers, however, cannot and will not, allow something as innocent as a friend request to cause mayhem on your system. 

I am not certain why you believe accepting and sending friend requests is some type of dangerous act one should not engage in, because you believe it allows room for a potential hack. The truth is...it can't, unless you're using a viewer you should not be using in the first place.(which, again, I don't assume you, or anyone, is...unless of course someone says they are, lol).

There are just some actions within sl that offer up more potential for..we'll call it problems...than others, which is why avoiding viewers that are not approved is a  smarter move(and safer) than using ones which aren't. Friending people is one of the very last bits on that totem pole, because the functions needed to use it(to hack others) is damn near impossible with some of the more malicious and not approved viewers....and completely impossible with the approved ones.

I do think people need to have just a smidge more knowledge on how hacking occurs to begin with to truly understand why it's such an impossibility under every normal circumstance in this scenario. That's not to say you, or anyone else, is not intelligent..that would be rude and presumptuous of me..but, it is likely that not having this knowledge perpetuates myths and paranoia...in fact, it's guaranteed ;)

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