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The SL economy

Tiara Montale

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I keep reading about SL closing down, all over the net.  What would become of the economy? Some people make a living here, a very good one in fact. I was just going to start a blog because it's hard to find current information on what's hot in SL, but then I started getting a lot of noise about SL ending, and everybody is going to have to go to inworldz and start over from scratch.

I get to the Inworld 'pick an avatar' screen and am sickened by the ugliness of the avatars. Or maybe I'm just sick because I dropped about 20kL in the past week for a virtual world that probably won't exist in a few months. No big, really. Not for me. Not compared to the people with literally millions invested in and coming from the game. 

I don't see me moving. I think a lot of people who have been here since the mid-2000's would have a hard time saying "Okay, all that I have is now gone, and they want me to start over - why. So they can do it all again in 5-10 years?"

I think not.


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SL will shut down, one day - when its no longer profitable. The release of the next iteration is a while off, and we know very little about it at this stage.

Regardless, it serves no one to panic about it. If you want SL to continue but engage in behavior that damages the SL economy (ie, not spending money, and advising others not to as well), you engineer a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you like SL and want it to continue, keep spending L$ :)





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Tiara Montale wrote:

Y'all better be right. They'd probably have a class action lawsuit on their hands if they DID try to shut the game down.


Nope.  The Terms of Service covers it, and says that they can shut down anytime.  People agree to that TOS when they enter SL. 

Also, I've been seeing the "sky is falling....and SL closing" hype for going on seven years now.....*tick tock, tick tock*...

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Tiara Montale wrote: [...] They'd probably have a class action lawsuit on their hands if they DID try to shut the game down.[...] 

They can do it whenever they want; I'm no lawyer, but I'm sure they've made their terms of service state so in one way or another.

It's another thing that they will do so. According to the idle rumour-mongers, they've been about to do so for about the five years I've been in SL at least.

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Just don't believe blindly what uninformed people might write. Use reliable sources for information.

Here are some facts (is the 'heaven falling' on us or not):




And you should be aware what is written in Linden Lab's terms of service.
You have agreed to them; we all have.


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Even if it does shut down one day it will just be replaced by something bigger and better.

The business model still exists........

In fact, with improving internet infrastructure and home PC hardware technology........it becomes even more viable.....

Dying definitely not, transforming into something bigger and better. Definitely.

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SL 1.0 will survive for as long as there are people still willing to use it.   Linden Lab has already stated that when SL2.0 is launched, the original grid will not be closed. Some people will move, some will stay, some will have a presence on both grids.

Look at Myspace; that's been "dying" for fifteen years and yet, it's still there and some people still use it.

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I'd also like to point out that the number of private regions (LL primary income source) has stabalised in the past year and remained fairly stable. Only decreasing very very slightly over the period.

The changes and improvements they have made are obviously starting to have an effect.

At the current rate of decline SL1 could be around for another decade easily.

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thank you for bringing this subject on the first day of September. I have lots of questions myself about the future of Second Life and especially mine. For once I'm going to be selfish and think about my existence et my financial engagement in this "game". I give my trust to only two sites (maybe three) that deal with second life (and I've searched a lot) and I leave out blogs that are just more or less as a kind of advertising pages. I really hope that serious informations from Linden Lab will emerge very soon,because i am starting to be tired to find lot of assumptions. This is important for everybody i think. Anyway I look forward to learn about the transition between the old and the new world.

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Simone Arsenault wrote:

 I really hope that serious informations from Linden Lab will emerge very soon,because i am starting to be tired to find lot of assumptions. This is important for everybody i think. Anyway I look forward to learn about the transition between the old and the new world.

There won't be any "serious informations" from the Lab for a long time yet. They only just started developing this project, it will be at least 2 years, I reckon, before we hear another peep from them about it. Assuming they don't quietly cancel the project altogether in the meantime. 

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Lewis Luminos wrote:

Linden Lab has already stated that when SL2.0 is launched..

No. Not a single word on "SL 2.0". None, nada, nothing. So far all we got is a bubble of hot air like next generation and bigger, better, faster and whatever else. But no one ever talked of "SL 2.0". Yeah, Altberg mentioned teh "spirit of second life", but ya kno, the "spirit of SL" can be sudden exit to desktop, failing region border crossings and such.


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Simone Arsenault wrote:

I really hope that serious informations from Linden Lab will emerge very soon..

There will be no serious information until Linden Lab comes up with an open beta of this "next gereation" thingy. I´d not worry much, because the Lab has some kind of record regarding "new" things.

/me yawns

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To be fair, border crossings aren't that simple...just staying. Just because you can see the sim right there, the server it's on on may be in Boston and  on the LeTigre server and the one you're standing in is on the Second Live server and in Texas. A region handoff requires 6 different systems to work together. You have the one you're sitting at, where ever you are. Then you have the one that your avatar is registered on, that may be in San Francisco. Then, there's the server your inventory is on, which may be in Boston, the server the sim your in is on. Now, when you cross sims, the 5 systems you're on must communicate wit a 6th system. The sim server you are on has to hand you off to next sim server. I think, all things considered, it does a pretty good job.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

To be fair, border crossings aren't that simple...just staying. Just because you can see the sim right there, the server it's on on may be in Boston and  on the LeTigre server and the one you're standing in is on the Second Live server and in Texas. A region handoff requires 6 different systems to work together. You have the one you're sitting at, where ever you are. Then you have the one that your avatar is registered on, that may be in San Francisco. Then, there's the server your inventory is on, which may be in Boston, the server the sim your in is on. Now, when you cross sims, the 5 systems you're on must communicate wit a 6th system. The sim server you are on has to hand you off to next sim server. I think, all things considered, it does a pretty good job.

You left out the Chat Server....... ;)

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No doubt, and it has become a lot better lately. My Sansara road adventures don´t end in orbit anymore since they fiddled a bit with the interest list lately!

Anyways, "The Spirit of Second Life" can be everything one can possibly imagine, but it isn´t the same as "Seond Life 2.0". And whatever Altberg plans there, just another SL obviously isn´t of any value in these plans.

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Vivienne Schell wrote:

Lewis Luminos wrote:

Linden Lab has already stated that when SL2.0 is launched..

No. Not a single word on "SL 2.0". None, nada, nothing. So far all we got is a bubble of hot air like next generation and bigger, better, faster and whatever else. But no one ever talked of "SL 2.0". Yeah, Altberg mentioned teh "spirit of second life", but ya kno, the "spirit of SL" can be sudden exit to desktop, failing region border crossings and such.


Nice try, Vivienne, but what Lewis said was entirely correct.  Ebbe did state that SL will not be closed upon launch of the new platform.  If you insist on incessantly bashing LL, at least have the decency not to quote people out of context and tell them they're wrong, when they're not, in order to facilitate your doing so.


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" Ebbe did state that SL will not be closed upon launch of the new platform"

That´s true, still Mr. Altberg never mentioned "Second Life 2.0". And a "new platform" could be something with cubes. I mean CUBES: The spirit of SL there would be trying to align them seamlessly.

"If you insist on incessantly bashing LL..."

Is calling Mr. Altberg Mr. Altberg and not childishly "Ebbe" Linden bashing? Ouch. And mentioning failing region border crossings? And the LL negative record in presenting "new" things (As far as i know about 20 percent users get along with the Linden default "viewer 2/3" user interface somehow - the rest voted by running)? Ouch.

"...at least have the decency not to quote people out of context and tell them they're wrong, when they're not.."

Sorry, but constantly talking of "Second Life 2.0" is simply wrong. There is no "Second Life 2.0" announced, never was, and never will be.

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Vivienne Schell wrote:

" Ebbe did state that SL will not be closed upon launch of the new platform"

That´s true, still Mr. Altberg never mentioned "Second Life 2.0". And a "new platform" could be something with cubes. I mean CUBES: The spirit of SL there would be trying to align them seamlessly.

"If you insist on incessantly bashing LL..."

Is calling Mr. Altberg Mr. Altberg and not childishly "Ebbe" Linden bashing? Ouch. And mentioning failing region border crossings? And the LL negative record in presenting "new" things (As far as i know about 20 percent users get along with the Linden default "viewer 2/3" user interface somehow - the rest voted by running)? Ouch.

"...at least have the decency not to quote people out of context and tell them they're wrong, when they're not.."

Sorry, but constantly talking of "Second Life 2.0" is simply wrong. There is no "Second Life 2.0" announced, never was, and never will be.

Nice going... nothing you've said here corresponds to anything that I've written.

...Dres *simply can't work with such ridiculousness*

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