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About new MP BUG

Marina Ramer

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We dont know if other merchants are aware of the new bug so we thought on letting you know, apparently MP is forcing by itself many items into moderated and ADULT by itself and we cant fix it. Chat support had told us to add to this JIRA here for the problem to be solved, so please vote if you can? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6608?#comment-436450
PS : On our case hundreds of our items were turned to Adult which hurt sales and visibility of items, unnecessarily
Marina Ramer & Jaylin Whitewood


Plese vote for this JIRA so thye work on it!

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Thanks for the heads up Marina.

I discovered some of my listings were incorrectly suddenly mature or adult, too. I was able to edit the listings and change the ratings, and I saw in the JIRA that this is now being worked on. Hopefully people with many listings won't have to go through each listing manually!

Emma :)

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Hello Community Manager and thanks a lot for your answer, yes I am following those post already that appeared after I wrote here and made me glad that you are working for resolving the issue!

Please consider that many sellers have thousands of items so if its possible please allow some kind of bulk editing for fixing this, because fixing one by one manually make take forever for so many people...

I will add as well a request also for marketplace to allow in Bulk also to change SLURL of the products massively, please consider that when sellers change land or sims and has to manually change that on each item is also terrible...

Again thank you so much for reading and considering this!

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Marina Ramer wrote:

Hello Community Manager and thanks a lot for your answer, yes I am following those post already that appeared after I wrote here and made me glad that you are working for resolving the issue!

Please consider that many sellers have thousands of items so if its possible please allow some kind of bulk editing for fixing this, because fixing one by one manually make take forever for so many people...

I will add as well a request also for marketplace to allow in Bulk also to change SLURL of the products massively, please consider that when sellers change land or sims and has to manually change that on each item is also terrible...

Again thank you so much for reading and considering this!

You can do bulk editing of your MP listings, Marina. Select the tick boxes next to each listing, then select 'edit' from the drop down menu at the bottom of the page. You'll then get a page with all the usual fields a listing has, with tick boxes next to those. Select only the fields you want to change, and all your selected listings will be updated with the new information you enter.

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I had checked earlier today when the first post showed up about it. Everything had been fine. I checked just 5 minutes ago seeing as more posts were popping up; and every single item that had a general rating had been flagged as adult. So strange. I had to manually set them back. 

Chimed in on the jira. hopefully this'll be resolved quickly. I feel bad for the people who have many multiples to fix. I only had a few.

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Yes, same thing has happened to me more than half my items were taken off due to this.  I put in a ticket and posted something also.  Was led here by Aeromia who answered my post. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Fashion/Maturity-Rating-for-Phat-Cute-Azz/m-p/2770064/highlight/true#M11414

hope this works and it doesn't happen again.  THANKS!!!

I notice a few items the other day had been changed to the adult setting and took out the reference to XXS size and that helped briefly but now today more where take off listing completly, everything that refers to Azz, I guess, is not letting me change it and if I take that out, it will never come up in a search when someone is tooking for clothing items for that.  UGH!!!  Gonna try again now.  

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I had quite a few listings that got changed as well.  I was able to bulk edit them (1 page at a time) so that they are all back to "General."  In the edit window, the maturity category was showing "General," but I clicked "Mature" and then "General" again just to be sure, and then clicked Save.  This solved MY problem.  Until whatever got broken gets fixed, you can fix your listings this way.

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I just checked and mine are all still marked at General like they should be.  I guess we'll have to check them from time to time until this whole mess gets repaired.  Thank you for the heads up, Miss Phoebe!

@Miss Sassy:  I thought about doing that too.  The problem I see with waiting for Linden Lab to fix it is that we don't know how long it will take them, and I didn't want my items in adult only category any longer than they had to be.  It only took me a couple of minutes to fix, but may take days for the Lab to correct.  I don't make much from my store, but I really need what I DO make.

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Hello Ivan and thanks a lot for your comments, I did tried many times doing that, taking less and less items each time, and not even 5 together worked for me, it is not changing them. Only that works is manually changing one by one and this not also on all the tryings, sometimes works, others doesnt. Do I gave up and will jsut wait for a word of them when they finish fixing to see what thye did and how we proceed, glad it worked for you!

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Yes i did tried that at first yesterday and now again today but is not working for me, I am glad it did for you! I really cant make it work with bulk editing, I also wish they add a new bulf for SLURL, I changed my store of sim last year and I still today couldnt finish changing the SLURL of over 2k items, one by one and I guess so many people may have this same problem!

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I changed a few of mine, just the rating, didn't edit it and seems to be staying for now but I put a ticket in. Not sure if that's why, it's just a matter of time before it changes back or just got lucky. Hope everyone's is fixed soon!!

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I checked mine this morning and so far they seem to be staying (Only re-edited the rating, nothing else).

However I'll be checking every few hours because I'm paranoid that way x3


::This was in response to the posting as a whole, I guess the green reply button just liked your post best Hayley xD

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I'm off work now and checked my listings again.  They have all stayed in General, so mine seems to be fixed.  I'll still double check them once a day until the Lab indicates the problem has been resolved, though.  Check to be sure you're bulk editing properly.  

Step 1 - Change the "Items Per Page" to 100

Step 2 - Find the items listed incorrectly and check the box next to the date to select the items that are wrong

Step 3 - At the very bottom of the page, find the drop down box marked "Modify Selected Items" and change the drop down to "Edit"

Step 4 - Click the "Go" button

Step 5 - Once the edit window appears, check the box next to "Maturity Level" and click the "General" button (if General is already hilighted, click the "Moderate" button, and then the "General" button again to make sure it's selected)

Step 6 - Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Update."

This should solve your problem if you're not willing to wait for Linden Lab to get them all fixed for you in a timely manner.  It worked for me! :-)

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HayleyDixon wrote:

@ Marcus...thanks sooo much for sharing the step by step instructions on how to do the bulk editing with everyone. I wasn't sure how it was done.

Miss Hayley, you're quite welcome!  Hopefully others who don't know how will also see those instructions so they can get it done easily also!

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I don't think this will be fixed any time soon!

I have worked for very large companies and some small ones contracted out their IT support to the company i worked for! we always had a 4 hour fix time on servers or else the sh*t hit the fan and then lots of analysts were called in  to get it sorted

I don't ever recall a fix not happening within 24 hours!

But then again it took LL 3 months plus to fix the regions not showing in the inworld search a few years ago!

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I still have 80 items marked Adult so I assume that the promised fix for yesterday evening did not work. Nothing in the grid status about it. Nothing from LL at all, anywhere???


Now I have to figure out if fixing it by hand will stick.

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