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I lied about my age and now I can't access my accounts.

Nuesha India

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I stupidly lied about my age to gain access to a Hogwarts Role Play school. I had no intention of doing anything unsutiable for my age group. However, prior to an email I recieved from Lindens lab explaining that my account could no longer be accessed, I could not log on. It told me that If I had any problems, to contact support@secondlife.com, so I did. Only to find, that once I sat and wrote out a long and appologetic email, it told me none of the emails sent to this address were read. Great! So I came onto secondlife.com expecting their to be some form of help. I began to write out a ticket, but apparently my account type would not allow me. So now I am writing a thread in the hope someone will reply. I think it is rediculous. There is no fast and efficiant way to get help. I have to wait untill a member of the public answer my question. Does this not suggest Secondlife are lazy? I will have no problem switching to Teen second life, I just hope this matter is resolved before they cancel my account. In the email they sent me, they told me that if no age verification is sent, my account will be cancelled. I obviously can't sent age verification. I know I sound like I'm completely blaming second life, but I'm not. I know I am to blame for lying in the first place, but I have already appologised my ass off in the email I sent them - and they won't even read it! -sigh- Basically, finally, my question is, How do I ask Lindens lab to not cancel my account, un-ban my IP/laptop? I can't find any direct way of contacting them.

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My humble opinion...

Between the Mentor program now gone a critique heard often is there are few places for the unknowing to turn to, and unless you have a premium account help from Support isn't there either, and even Premium people can be heard complaining of a lack of same.

I caught mild flak here for being non-judgemental and for providing answers - but I make no apologies for that.  I don't want SLA turning into a place where people are judged for merely - asking questions or seeking help.  I'm not going to put myself in a midset where I'm judging the person or the merits of the question asked nor will I ever poke fun at those 'how did i get pregnant' threads or suggest some self-described 14yr old girl is really a 40yr old male pedo with a brilliant disguise.  That is not what I want SLA turning into, and I don't always know everything so flaming other people for the same or for screwing up when I myself make 5 mistakes before breakfast seems inane.

Surely people should be able to merely - ask a question; ideally without getting flak for it.   I mean really, to degenerate into a flame war about typos as if we don't all make them  *facepalms*

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Nuesha, I think you have the answers to your questions. It would be wise to take your leave and not fuel the fires of any more raving lunatic geriatrics.


- You should be able to verify your age without any problems and be transferred to the TG without incident.

- Your parents accounts should not be affected by any of this, and if they are, they can age-verify their own accounts easily as well.


Good luck, hope to see you soon.

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Wow...the hostility in this thread is palpable.....on both sides...lol



Obviously the OP did wrong...SL has this particular rule for multiple reasons and I agree with all of them...and the idea of children roaming the main grid, I'm sure, freaks a lot of people out, myself included.....things are worn and done on the adult grid that no child should witness.....and altho the OP insists her joining for one particular aspect of SL doesn't negate the fact that they shouldn't do it all, and should be banned for it...




Now....part of the OP I do agree with is that SL certainly doesn't make it easy to come back once banned...despite if maybe the reasons weren't the residents fault.   And at times I don't think it's fair that in order to get any help one must pay for a premium membership....despite being a basic user who has spent hundreds of their own money in SL on commerce....and all that can be frustrating...but I'm not in the LL meetings...I am sure they have reasons for doing things as they do....and the best we can do as residents is keep our noses clean and constructively inform LL of these issues.........


BUT...before getting enraged, frustrated or even slightly confused as to why one's ticket or complaint hasn't been responded to, one has to ask...how many registered users are there compared to the Linden team?....I highly doubt they have 100,000 people working in their offices....so these things do take time....I don't think the amount of time the OP has had to wait indicates the Lindens are lazy.....just trying to take in and evaluate the countless complaints or issues that came before theirs.....

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I wasn't going to respond to this thread, but now I have to.

Shabnan, it is YOU that sounds like an immature idiot with your remarks.

Do you have some magical, psychic powers that allow you to see the OP's gender and age?  You can not judge someone's gender, or age, strictly based on the manner in which they type.  I've met 40 year olds with the grammatical skills of a 12 year old.  I happen to be the mother a 15 year old daughter, and let me tell you, I actually have caught myself chuckling as I read the OP's posts because I can actually envision my own daughter posting in the exact same manner.  They're teenagers, they truly believe they 'know it all' and always have to have the last word.  Yes, the OP is obviously intelligent and well-spoken (written), which is quite refreshing.  Not all teenagers are bumbling morons sleeping through school, talking in netspeak.  In fact, my own daughter speaks and writes better most than adults, too.

The OP's 'choice of words' didn't give anything away other than the fact she's a smart girl.  Your choice of the words, on the other, make you look like a complete moron.  She doesn't need to grow up- you do.


To Nuesha:  You're obviously a smart young lady.  Yes, you're getting snarky because you're not getting the response you want from many here.  My advice to you is to tell your parents what you did, take your lumps for doing so, and then ask for their help providing LL with the necessary proof to reinstate your account on the Teen Grid.  As the mom of a girl your age, I can honestly say if she came to me and admitted that she messed up and asked for my help to fix it, I'd help her.  I'd respect her honesty with me about her mistake.  If she continued to try to fix the problem on her own, and I found out on my own (us mothers are sneaky like that) then she'd be in trouble for not being honest with me.  Give your parents the benefit of the doubt.

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The OP had their questioned answered hours ago like in the first couple of replies, yet she continued to ridicule, bait and otherwise be nasty.  She also dismissed the proposed solutions for one reason or another (I don't know how to find a fax machine).


Clearly her parents are NOT aware of the situation so that is why many of us suggested she tell them and have them sort it out.  Sorry, I tend to go into parent mode when a CHILD does something inappropriate.


My final point is, I am pretty sure that Linden Lab does not do an IP ban for a single age verification offense.  In fact, on more than one occasion I have AR'd an underage person from within SL and they were still able to log in for days and even weeks beyond that.  If you want proof of that, check out their "police blotter" page. http://secondlife.com/support/incidentreport.php  It appears to be borked but what else is new.  I have seen many instances of age violations where just a warning was issued or a temporary suspension.

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arrogant ignorance is never irrelevant. what is irrelevant is this thread.

let me reiterate my previous opinion on the matter: you're a child who broke(some would say severely) a section of Linden Lab's ToS. which not only resulted in your IP getting banned, but the loss of access to SL and apparenlty to some adult accounts in your household(mhm). as i previously stated, the adults should be taking care of this issue, not their child.

for what it's worth i do hope LL let's you into the Teen Grid(and the Teen Grid only), we have enough idiots on the main one.

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The Lindens are not lazy, they have dealt with the issue, the guy is IP banned. And requested to send his ID or any form of solid proof that he is who he says he is. He wont provide such info, because he doesn't want his real idenity out there.

He is still trolling the forums, asking for reactions which each and everyone of you gullible people give him, while everything has been answered already. He is enjoying this attention to the max and the " parental advice" each and everyone gives him.

Lets assume, someone reported him for ageplay - LL will close only close that AV's account and requests ID's to clear his name, meaning he can still make various other alts and troll along. However in his case if he gets Mac/IP banned - he must have done something very severe and pissed the Lab off aka I would assume, numerous TG residents have reported him.

I can't believe some of the responses here, people actually believing this person, his spelling bee agendas and more. Anyone can see this is an obvious attempt to get some responses as in " bad girl bla bla bla " and freely giving to him by this community. No 14 yr old has an attention span like this, as in going on and on about something like that. As Unclebob said, this is an typical reply of someone who has been caught doing something very wrong.

And anyone who feeds into this OP need for his " brattyness" is just as guilty!

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Okay, If there was any way to prove to you I am a fourteen year old, I would hand it to you. Seriously. But you are going way too far. And saying all fourteen year olds have short attention spans  is .... so judging. NOT ALL teenagers are the same. Not all of us have short attention spans, are illiterate, or get drunk in our spare time.

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Oh...I'm with you on that parent mode thing...lol  I don't feel SL's main grid is in any way appropriate for the under 18 sect.......nor child avis but that's for another thread I think...lol


I did notice the short replies from her...but I also saw a few adults provoking  a 14 year old...lol  Don't necessarily agree with her philosophy on respecting one's elders.....despite how any adult spoke to me when I was 14...if I talked back..I got a backhand upside the head from my mom...wasn't my place to put an adult in theirs......seeing that no matter how smart I thought I was, I had only been on this earth for 14 years and certainly didn't do anything THAT worthy with my life to feel I can place myself above someone who's 3 times older then myself.......but hey........that's just me.......lol


But...you say somethin' smart to a kid on a computer, they will more than likely say something smart back...kind of pointless to continue to engage.


I only responded because GOD am I so tired of the complaints on here in regards to the Lindens........I know I know...I don't have to read them...but when my dashboard is lit up with 'em...kind of hard not to notice....and these constant inquiries about how one's ticket isn't being heard and how dare they?! is getting really old.....we get it...it's a slow process.....not much people in the forums can do about it....


Just had to get it out of my system......now I shall go back to reading the topics, sighing and just keep my mouth shut....er....fingers shut since I'm typing...lol

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Nuesha, ignore him.  Be proud that you are officially far more mature, and intelligent, than a grown man.  Every time he speaks he shows the world what ignorant moron he actually is.

Small piece of advice: You should never argue with idiots, because they will just drag you down to their level... then beat you with experience

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"Okay, If there was any way to prove to you I am a fourteen year old, I  would hand it to you. Seriously. But you are going way too far."

We're not the ones you have to prove anything to so ignore it; just someone merely... guessing.  Don't feed the trolls, and don't take 'rules' advice from anyone who is willing to break them just to be a troll.

Move on, and best of luck.

*waves to Theia, hope you're well* 

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I have not seen anywhere here were anyone called you stupid. I see you calling us stupid though. Let me give you some simple forum advice to make things smoother for you in the future. People do not like to be corrected on spelling and grammer in chat and forums. It is considered bad form on most forums. Especially when most of them are typos. I will assure it is not a good way to make friends or get help. It just ends up going bad from there on, as it has here.

Don't just assume that because someone does not spell or type well that they do not know anything. Some of us didn't take english class 2 years ago or are taking it now, we took it 25 years ago and we didn't grow up with computers so we don't type that well. Or we don't see that well so we miss mistakes before posting. Doesn't mean we don't anything. Wiat unitl your 40 and some teenager lectures you on your spelling lol. When I was kid you would not have dreamed of doing such a thing.

My guess will be once you verify your age with a photo id and sl can prove you created a fictisious account they will ban you, not welcome you to the teen grid. I could be wrong though. I don't think they are giving you an option for second chance, I think they are giving you the opertunity to prove them wrong.

I am honestly sorry I responded to this thread. I get off the computer for a few hours and I have over 100 emails from this thread lol.

And from what I can see you are not sorry you did it, you are sorry you got busted. Not the same thing.


And yes you can go to jail for something this simple I have a nephew in jail right now for something similar. Not in sl but in a regular chat room. It was an adult chat room and he got busted talking about mature things with a minor who had to lie to get into it. All depends on the prosecuter, the judge and how good of an attorney you can afford. He got 7 years and he never even touched anyone, it was all chat with what he believed was an adult.

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WOW what a lot of drama.  LOL

My favorite response so far is the person who basically said, yeah the op made a mistake, cut her some slack.

Well the op did NOT make a mistake.  The op deliberately lied, deliberately violated the TOS and deliberately attempted to circumvent LL's age verification procedures.  No mistakes.  Only misdeeds.  If, for example, a 40 year-old male had done the same things the op has done, trying to get onto the Teen Grid, we'd have no sympathy if LL came to his house and dug up his DSL line.

There was no mistake here.  And this kid needs to learn that apologies won't fix everything.  Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of your misdeeds, and this is perfect example.  You did something wrong.  So you are being punished, just as you were warned you would be by the TOS.  IT's just that simple.  No buts.  You have nobody except yourself to blame.

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Sorry, but I disagree somewhat. A 14 year old gets a little more slack than a 40 year old. A14 year old pretending to be an adult to peek at adult stuff is NOT as bad as a 40 year old pretending to be a kid to get access to kids.

Yes, at 14 the "I made a mistake when I lied" line is a bit weak - by 14 I suspect she knew full well that it was definitely wrong, not some "maybe I can get away with it" gray area. There should be penalties - I'll leave it to LL and her parents to decide what when and where.

Just wanted to point out the glaring flaws in your argument, not your conclusion.

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