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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'd go there. If a survey is posted in that subforum, it's evidence the poster has done at least that little bit of homework. It may also signal that SL is a bit more welcoming of surveys. Laskya may be right, in that segregation into a subforum would decrease participation. But, given that posters here have admitted to purposely giving false data in order to screw up surveys, decreasing participation by some might be a good thing!

I think I would too. At least at the start.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I'd go there. If a survey is posted in that subforum, it's evidence the poster has done at least that little bit of homework. It may also signal that SL is a bit more welcoming of surveys. Laskya may be right, in that segregation into a subforum would decrease participation. But,
given that posters here have admitted to purposely giving false data in order to screw up surveys, decreasing participation by some might be a good thing

This is a really good point!

Of course, if Phil is right that people often take these things simply for the money (if any) on offer, then some surveys are still going to get skewed results, as I imagine many of the more mercenary survey-takers don't spend a lot of time thinking about their responses.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.


Be this a survey, Laskya? Has the look of one to me.

I either start with GD and then peek at the rest or start with 'People' and hit the high spots on the way to GD.

I'll do that survey - to show that we are civil in this forum

I rarely look in any sub-forum except GD. The times when I look in others are when I have a question that I'd like the answer to, so I post it in the applicable sub-forum.


Is there a financial reward for doing this survey, Laskya?

Well, so far the results seem to be about equally divided between those stay-at-home lumps like me, and the more adventurous types like Maddy and Coby.

Thanks for your response, Phil. Your name has been entered into our database, and we'll shortly be sending you exciting offers by email and DM for free vacation get-aways to the Florida Everglades (where, coincidentally, we just built a brand new suite of condos!)

With regard to your financial remuneration for taking this survey, please contact our Financial Officer, Dillon Levenque.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered.

Maybe people would look in it - to see if any money was being offered for doing the surveys. Seriously.


Well, I suppose it's better than spamming in-world groups for handouts.

Let painful than giving blood, but less fun that being a sperm donor?

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.

I am still against the idea of segregating student surveys, in any case. And I still really don't get why people get so irritated by them. Even the worst student posts are no worse than much of the dross that appears here. (She said, as a prime poster of forum dross.)

 I never realized that people look at specific pieces of the forum for messages. What I do is just go into the forums tab and select all. The downfall to that is I get a lot of crap like listings for land, but I've just always did it that way. I don't go into the specific areas of the forums unless I'm bored to see the last posts people made.

And I will ask again...in terms of places for surveys to be placed, I thought that is why LL set up the education section of the forums.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.

Every day I scan and read multiple subforums - really many of them. General Discussion forum surely is not the only place where interesting things are going on. It's great that there are many subforums, lacking those the General Discussion forum would be - too general.


You're absolutely right, Coby -- I know that I've often happened upon interesting threads and posts in other subforums on the occasions I've taken the time out to peruse them. And there have been many occasions I've run across dead threads I wish I'd seen earlier.

Really, I'm just lazy, or too disorganized, or whatever, to explore other threads in a systematic way. And I know I'm the loser for it. :-(

I've a bookmark to the place you end up when you click "Forum Posts" from the righthand column. This place...


It's the only way I enter the forum. I do the same over in Answers. So, I'm fairly oblivious to the categorizations.

I'm not being systematic, I just wander around and pick shiny things.

Don't fret being disorganized, that's the mark of a creative mind. Or so I tell myself when I'm searching for my purse.

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The way I view the Forum is I go to "recent posts," navigate through several pages and open in separate tabs anything that looks like it may be of interest to me.  After doing this in the morning I usually only have to check the first two pages of the "recent posts" if I come back later to catch anything new.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

The way I view the Forum is I go to "recent posts," navigate through several pages and open in separate tabs anything that looks like it may be of interest to me.  After doing this in the morning I usually only have to check the first two pages of the "recent posts" if I come back later to catch anything new.

That's how I do it.

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Tex Monday wrote:

And I will ask again...in terms of places for surveys to be placed, I thought that is why LL set up the education section of the forums.

That forum is:

Second Life Education - Discussions for educational organizations and educational use of Second Life.

I guess that any survey maker who might glance at that forum and its description would be very unsure would that be the right place for a survey post.

They might think and wonder:

"Hmm.. Second Life Education? No my survey is not about Second Life education. My survey hasn't got anything to do with educational organizations either. And it's not about educational use of Second Life. Well, as there isn't anything really suitable for my survey I will post it to General Discussion forum."

Have there ever been any surveys posted in that forum area? I don't recall seeing any.

So the survey makers are posting to General Discussion forum - with the results what we have seen many times here.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

The way I view the Forum is I go to "recent posts," navigate through several pages and open in separate tabs anything that looks like it may be of interest to me.  After doing this in the morning I usually only have to check the first two pages of the "recent posts" if I come back later to catch anything new.

What I do is that I go to: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums/ct-p/Forums

As I like to read the forums in orderly fashion :matte-motes-nerdy: :smileywink: I start with "Your Avatar". When that is read I go down forum by forum - reading naturally only those forum areas that interest me. When I have read all, I refresh the page where I started from to see are there any new post in the forum areas I'm interested in.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.

Every day I scan and read multiple subforums - really many of them. General Discussion forum surely is not the only place where interesting things are going on. It's great that there are many subforums, lacking those the General Discussion forum would be - too general.


You're absolutely right, Coby -- I know that I've often happened upon interesting threads and posts in other subforums on the occasions I've taken the time out to peruse them. And there have been many occasions I've run across dead threads I wish I'd seen earlier.

Really, I'm just lazy, or too disorganized, or whatever, to explore other threads in a systematic way. And I know I'm the loser for it. :-(

I've a bookmark to the place you end up when you click "Forum Posts" from the righthand column. This place...

It's the only way I enter the forum. I do the same over in Answers. 
So, I'm fairly oblivious to the categorizations.

I'm not being systematic, I just wander around and pick shiny things.

Don't fret being disorganized, that's the mark of a creative mind. Or so I tell myself when I'm searching for my purse.

Wow. I have seriously never seen this view before. It's like . . . it's like Dorothy stepping out of her house into Oz!! ;-)

I'm going to try this for a while and see if I like. If i don't, we'll have further proof of just how uptight I really am about change. 


(PS. Searching for my purse is just the start of the battle. It's when I delve inside that I discover how truly "creative" I really am.)

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Tex Monday wrote:

 I never realized that people look at specific pieces of the forum for messages. What I do is just go into the forums tab and select all. The downfall to that is I get a lot of crap like listings for land, but I've just always did it that way. I don't go into the specific areas of the forums unless I'm bored to see the last posts people made.


The drawback with this -- aside from having to skim over all the virtual real estate posts (MUCH worse than surveys to my mind, but I've never been more than a renter in SL, so what do I know?) is that it doesn't highlight threads in which one has posted, which makes it just a bit more difficult to follow an ongoing conversation.


Tex Monday wrote:

And I will ask again...in terms of places for surveys to be placed, I thought that is why LL set up the education section of the forums.

Well, as the only people who read the education subforum tend to be educators, it would mean students surveying their professors.

That's a bad idea for all sorts of reasons, but mostly because those in colleges and universities already do too good a job of avoiding to contact with anyone but their own kind.



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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Well, as the only people who read the education subforum tend to be educators, it would mean students surveying their professors.

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Well, as the only people who read the education subforum tend to be educators, it would mean students surveying their professors.

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.


Well, at least the implication that you three are representative of all SL residents will tell the psychology students all that they need to know, even without analyzing the data. ;-)

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Well, as the only people who read the education subforum tend to be educators, it would mean students surveying their professors.

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.


Well, at least the implication that you three are representative of all SL residents will tell the psychology students all that they need to know, even without analyzing the data. ;-)

All they need to know about whom??????

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.



Excuse me? I was the one who first suggested a survey was in progress, and the first to take the survey.



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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.



Excuse me?
was the one who first suggested a survey was in progress, and the first to take the survey.


Hey! I didn't say you didn't say Laskya was conducting a survey. It was your suggestion she was that got me to call it so. If you dive into the forums without regard to sub-category, you're in with Perrie, Tex and me. If not, you may be likely to skip over the proposed new "Survey" forum, which will put you at risk of being represented by those of us who keep our eyes wide open.



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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.



Excuse me?
was the one who first suggested a survey was in progress, and the first to take the survey.


Hey! I didn't say you didn't say Laskya was conducting a survey. It was your suggestion she was that got me to call it so.

Now are you going to join Perrie, Tex and me in representing the rest of the sick weirdos, or are you going to be one of them?

I see the possibilities for a new survey here.

"Who, in your opinion, is the most representative sick weirdo in Second Life?"



  1. Madelaine McMasters
  2. Perrie Juran
  3. Tex Monday
  4. Dillon Levenque
  5. This survey is badly designed, they're called "residents," not sick weirdos, and how much will you pay me for answering this?
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My mistake.  In fact, even though the 'Recent Post' method doesn't appeal, I would see new things in the putative Survey Forum. I do see everything new in the People Forum on almost every visit. I often start in GD, but I still peek into almost all the other People subforums before I leave to see if there's anything new I might like.

Not the same method you creative people use, but the end result is much the same.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.



Excuse me?
was the one who first suggested a survey was in progress, and the first to take the survey.


Hey! I didn't say you didn't say Laskya was conducting a survey. It was your suggestion she was that got me to call it so.

Now are you going to join Perrie, Tex and me in representing the rest of the sick weirdos, or are you going to be one of them?

I see the possibilities for a new survey here.

"Who, in your opinion, is the most representative sick weirdo in Second Life?"


  1. Madelaine McMasters
  2. Perrie Juran
  3. Tex Monday
  4. Dillon Levenque
  5. This survey is badly designed, they're called "residents," not sick weirdos, and how much will you pay me for answering this?

Your bias is showing.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.



Excuse me?
was the one who first suggested a survey was in progress, and the first to take the survey.


Hey! I didn't say you didn't say Laskya was conducting a survey. It was your suggestion she was that got me to call it so.

Now are you going to join Perrie, Tex and me in representing the rest of the sick weirdos, or are you going to be one of them?

I see the possibilities for a new survey here.

"Who, in your opinion, is the most representative sick weirdo in Second Life?"


  1. Madelaine McMasters
  2. Perrie Juran
  3. Tex Monday
  4. Dillon Levenque
  5. This survey is badly designed, they're called "residents," not sick weirdos, and how much will you pay me for answering this?


If I had one of those "NUMBER ONE!" foam fingers right now I'd have to actually keep my arm clamped to the desk to keep from waving it high in the air.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I see the possibilities for a new survey here.

"Who, in your opinion, is the most representative sick weirdo in Second Life?"


  1. Madelaine McMasters
  2. Perrie Juran
  3. Tex Monday
  4. Dillon Levenque
  5. This survey is badly designed, they're called "residents," not sick weirdos, and how much will you pay me for answering this?


If I had one of those "NUMBER ONE!" foam fingers right now I'd have to actually keep my arm clamped to the desk to keep from waving it high in the air.

Well, she IS pretty notorious.



And, of course, nefarious. :-)

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.



Excuse me?
was the one who first suggested a survey was in progress, and the first to take the survey.


Hey! I didn't say you didn't say Laskya was conducting a survey. It was your suggestion she was that got me to call it so.

Now are you going to join Perrie, Tex and me in representing the rest of the sick weirdos, or are you going to be one of them?

I see the possibilities for a new survey here.

"Who, in your opinion, is the most representative sick weirdo in Second Life?"


  1. Madelaine McMasters
  2. Perrie Juran
  3. Tex Monday
  4. Dillon Levenque
  5. This survey is badly designed, they're called "residents," not sick weirdos, and how much will you pay me for answering this?

I am not sick.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

I see the possibilities for a new survey here.

"Who, in your opinion, is the most representative sick weirdo in Second Life?"


  1. Madelaine McMasters
  2. Perrie Juran
  3. Tex Monday
  4. Dillon Levenque
  5. This survey is badly designed, they're called "residents," not sick weirdos, and how much will you pay me for answering this?


If I had one of those "NUMBER ONE!" foam fingers right now I'd have to actually keep my arm clamped to the desk to keep from waving it high in the air.

Well, she IS pretty.

What a wonderful thing for you to say!

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Well, as the only people who read the education subforum tend to be educators, it would mean students surveying their professors.

Maybe the profs wouldn't take the surveys.

From your survey results so far, it would mean students surveying Perrie, Tex, and me.

I think the three of us can fairly represent the rest of you sick weirdos.


Excuse me? Don't I count any more?

(No link provided. Scroll and find my survey submission yourself. I'm not doing the work for you).

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