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Problem with Marketplace language

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Top left in the black bar you have a grey little world map, click on it and it'll drop down a menu with languages. Select english and all is well.

MP languages change if you follow a link to the mp from someone who doesn't have their MP language as english.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

From hell spawn to hero in a day. Well done!


Baww, this is so going to give me split personalities, horrific mini bloody mary and helpful hero Lady! One day there shall be an epic showdown that will level entire forum sections.

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Syn Anatine wrote:


MP languages change if you follow a link to the mp from someone who doesn't have their MP language as english.

THIS ^.  It's the most illogical, retarded behaviour and affects merchants and emails for sales reports.  The moment you follow a link in a different language, all MP communications is in that language.


I had a bit of a rant when creating that JIRA report.

h1. Steps to Reproduce

Nothing really and then... DING a new sales report email in Japanese


h1. Actual Behavior

I've started receiving Marketplace sales notification emails in Japanese due to poorly implemented language logic.


h1. Expected Behavior

Well since I didn't CHOOSE a different language, I rather think that my chosen specified language should be the one that I receive emails in.  Preferred language should be a merchant/user settable option, it's insane, seriously ABSOLUTELY INSANE that just because a friend sends me a URL that happens to take it to the Japanese version of the listing that MP should assume that I want the entirety of my subsequent communications in bloody Japanese!!!  Who thought this idea up?


h1. Other information

I get that once i've clicked on a Japanese URL that for that session duration, it may feel it appropriate to keep me on Japanese listings but honestly, what the hell does any of that have to do with changing the language of my email reports.


Ridiculous programming implementation.

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Unfortunately your bug report is not viewable or I'd add to it.

I do remember the first time that happened to me I found myself stuck in German and had to ask in the Forum here how to get back to English.  I did not know what "Sprache" meant and it isn't very obvious that little bit of shading to the left of the word is a world map. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Unfortunately your bug report is not viewable or I'd add to it.


I figured as much which is why I included the text of my "rant" :)  I have no idea what's going on really.  New CEO said the JIRA was to be opened up again, has it happened, is it going to happen, why hasn't it happened?

Pick one.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Unfortunately your bug report is not viewable or I'd add to it.


I figured as much which is why I included the text of my "rant"
  I have no idea what's going on really.  New CEO said the JIRA was to be opened up again, has it happened, is it going to happen, why hasn't it happened?

Pick one.

Was that filed before or after the change?

Bugs before the change have not been opened up to view.

There is a bit of silly logic to that.  People filing bugs under Omertà had an expectation of privacy, that anything they said would not be publicly viewable.  So that is being 'respected.'

But what makes it silly is that Residents who were given access to the JIRA's were never to my knowledge told they couldn't share the info nor did any of them sign NDA's.

I don't know if you'd get in trouble for spamming the JIRA by closing that one and opening a new one everybody could see.

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

there is a menu where on each issue page you can set your own BUG JIRA issues to public access. this choice is left to the people who originally filed the bugs, for the privacy reasons that Perrie mentioned.

Thanks for that info!  There are a lot of JIRA's that need to be set public if for no other reason new ones get closed as duplicates of old ones that we can not see.

For some reason LL did not see fit to mention this when they announced opening the JIRA:

"One of the questions we’ve seen in the past week is how previously submitted issues would be treated - namely, will those also be viewable by everyone and open for comment prior to being triaged?

While we want to make issues visible for the reasons described in our last post, we’re not going to extend this to old issues, because at the time they were created, users knew that those reports would have limited visibility and they may have included sensitive and/or private information. We don’t want to take information that someone thought would be private and suddenly make that visible to everyone, so the new visibility settings will apply only to new issues."


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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

there is a menu where on each issue page you can set your own BUG JIRA issues to public access. this choice is left to the people who originally filed the bugs, for the privacy reasons that Perrie mentioned.

Interesting.  When I view the page, on the page itself it says "viewable by all users" so now i'm just as confused. :)

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

it is being handled in little tricles, if new reports come poeple are asked if they want to reopen. it is not going so bad, nothing that looks like a big announcement is needed.

I don't know if that ability was added after the innitial announcement nor am I calling for a "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" ;) now. 

But it was an important enough detail that it should have been included in the announcement if it was possible when the JIRA's were opened.

Unless the Linden's were concerned there would be a flood of people rushing to get their pet peeves made viewable.

I'll probably upset a Linden by saying this, but sometimes I feel like Linden's who are responsible for communications are in need of classes on communication. 


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Sassy Romano wrote:

ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

there is a menu where on each issue page you can set your own BUG JIRA issues to public access. this choice is left to the people who originally filed the bugs, for the privacy reasons that Perrie mentioned.

Interesting.  When I view the page, on the page itself it says "viewable by all users" so now i'm just as confused.

I just tried and still can not view it.

Maybe you need to 'toggle' the setting so it takes?

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This can happen when you follow a link from someone to a product on Marketplace and the link includes a 'localization' variable because they themselves were using the other language.

If this happens to you - its evidence that... you are clicking links to products on Marketplace.

And that...

Is evidence that you are susceptible to a pfishing attack... which happens a lot around here by people handing out links to fake marketplace pages in order to grab your SL credentials.

I strongly suggest clearing your browser of all its cookies, history, saved passwords, and even any recent SL-related bookmarks - and then manually entering the URL for marketplace next time you go there...

Maybe change your SL password too...

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Sassy Romano wrote:

ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

there is a menu where on each issue page you can set your own BUG JIRA issues to public access. this choice is left to the people who originally filed the bugs, for the privacy reasons that Perrie mentioned.

Interesting.  When I view the page, on the page itself it says "viewable by all users" so now i'm just as confused.

Hmm... does it actually say in the Security Level: Public

Like this:


If not, it can be changed by clicking the word after the Security Level (whatever word there might be).

A small selection list will pop up for setting the security level.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Ah!  Done, thanks Coby.  Now the question is, should I open a bug pointing out that the JIRA's say "viewable by anyone" when they're not?

Life's too short, my patience for this sort of thing has waned.

What's lovely here is that it has been Triaged.

No further comments can be added.  :(

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