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Need some good emoting


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I suggest you create your own. Depending on your intentions for these emotes, whoever you plan to use them on would probably appreciate originality a bit more than a carbon copy of another person's words.

I find people that use emotes others created to be lacking in not only creativity and ambition, but also rather dull themselves. It's not difficult to find the right words to use for that sort of situation. If you can't find the right words, it's probably not the right situation to put yourself in.

Or maybe I'm the only odd duck that laughs hysterically when I see people using, clearly, canned "sexy" or "dirty" emotes someone else made. I don't find them even remotely sexy, or dirty, either. If this were for a job of some sort, I would definitely not pay someone who doesn't use their own words.

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Some people have difficulty creating their own. :matte-motes-bored: Not everyone is gifted with sexting prowess. I remember some few years ago, at the ripe age of twenty-three, I was still looking up guides and hints on how to send raunchy texts to the boyfriend. I would have given anything for a pre-made, sure-to-work dialogue that didn't sound like it was ripped from a cheesy 80's porno, and frankly, I still lack the ability to send him raunchy texts.

That said, everything takes practice and eventually you'll throw together several sentences that will sound appealing to most of the male t-rex population of SL. Read some steamy novels. Like a particular line? Use it. Read some blogs on how to 'talk dirty'--see any examples you like? Use them. Practice, practice, practice! 


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The problem is, that good =/= canned.

I'm not sure for what you will need these emotes, so I'm just guessing that it is related to your signature in some way....so that you will need them for your job in the escort business. The problem is, that those canned emotes have no soul...at least not yours and that they won't fit the situation, because they are prewritten and therefore can't adapt to the situation and the persons involved. No suprise many clubs would kick out their staff members, if they used emotes from a notecard.

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JaedenDelanaire wrote:

Some people have difficulty creating their own. :matte-motes-bored: Not everyone is gifted with sexting prowess. I remember some few years ago, at the ripe age of twenty-three, I was still looking up guides and hints on how to send raunchy texts to the boyfriend. I would have given anything for a pre-made, sure-to-work dialogue that didn't sound like it was ripped from a cheesy 80's porno, and frankly, I still lack the ability to send him raunchy texts.


That said, everything takes practice and eventually you'll throw together several sentences that will sound appealing to most of the male t-rex population of SL. Read some steamy novels. Like a particular line? Use it. Read some blogs on how to 'talk dirty'--see any examples you like? Use them. Practice, practice, practice! 


Oh I get that everyone isn't necessarily gifted in that area. Using another's emotes won't make you any less so, however. Quite the opposite actually, you'll seem even less intelligent and experienced if you don't at least try on your own. If you want someone to believe what it is you're saying, or even RP believe it, it's going to require more thought than simply tossing out a line or two from another person's mouth.

That's the reason those canned emotes make people laugh, I know I'm not alone in that one :P They're funny because there is absolutely NO thought behind them, and it's extremely obvious. You can't even pretend to RP that there is, much less expect the person they are directed towards to do the same.

In some areas in sl, when you simply haven't got the knowledge or ability, it's a wise move to have someone who does assist you. Emoting, especially in this sort of context, is not that kind of area, imo. As I said, if it were for employment, you'd be out of a job. I've worked in the adult areas of sl before myself, and one place that wanted to hire me required that all dancers use their emotes. I told them I couldn't possibly do that, I make my own and I don't pre-write them, and refused to work there. Not long after, they went out of business(not because I didn't work there, lol). People got tired of going there to see the same thing over and over, read the same words over and over, and have the same experience over and over. It grows mundane. It's not that difficult to learn how to sext, or emote. It's really not. A little bit of reading will get you well on your way, and a little bit of honesty with the person you are trying to sext/emote with will get you even further. No need to pretend you're something you're not, if you haven't the ability to pull it off.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Oh I get that everyone isn't necessarily gifted in that area. Using another's emotes won't make you any less so, however. Quite the opposite actually. . .

I actually disagree! :matte-motes-big-grin: But only in a certain context. Part of the reason why I can emote half as well as I do now is because I've copy-pasted erotic RPs I've had chance to witness into saved notepad files, or any emotes I happen to witness in passing that have made me go, "Wow, that's a good writer." I've used the files to study their sentence structures and why they're appealing to read. Good sentence structures are things that SHOULD be learned, and there's no better way to learn than to play copy-cat with the structure while switching out descriptive words and actions to taper to your scene. I agree it's important not to carbon copy, and it's important to learn how to wield language rather than to flop lazily with wooden swords (read: ripped emotes from others), but sometimes it's helpful to run with what works first before running off the deep edge and experimenting.

However, if the reason OP wants pre-made dialogue is because she wants to spread them amongst her staff members, then I'm part of Team: Make Your Own. That is not good business practice, and you have no business hiring individuals who cannot scene erotically; there's too many talented ladies out there who would gladly receive lindens for the melt-your-computer smut they can spew from their fingertips. Moreover, I happen to agree with wdwalker--if someone doesn't know how to scene erotically, chances are they're too young / inexperienced to be scening adult related matters, period. The canned emotes I've witnessed from various HUDs are terribad. Awful. Disgraceful. To borrow Tari's words, laughable. They truly are souless and I wouldn't recommend them to dogs.

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JaedenDelanaire wrote:

if someone doesn't know how to scene erotically, chances are they're too young / inexperienced to be scening adult related matters, period
. .

Not necessarily so. The odds are better that they are simply gawd awful writers, or that they lack any sexual imagination (the "wham-bang-thank-you-mam school of sexuality). 

There are enough of both in RL; it's hardly surprising to find them in SL too.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

JaedenDelanaire wrote:

if someone doesn't know how to scene erotically, chances are they're too young / inexperienced to be scening adult related matters, period
. .

Not necessarily so. The odds are better that they are simply gawd awful writers, or that they lack any sexual imagination (the "wham-bang-thank-you-mam school of sexuality). 

There are enough of both in RL; it's hardly surprising to find them in SL too.

Both reasons have good odds, but I still tend to think that anyone who flat out can't as opposed to just shoddy wham-bam-thank-you funk is probably underaged. Or just terribly inexperienced. Either way, they have no business being hired at an escort house. :matte-motes-big-grin:


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JaedenDelanaire wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

Oh I get that everyone isn't necessarily gifted in that area. Using another's emotes won't make you any less so, however. Quite the opposite actually. . .

I actually disagree! :matte-motes-big-grin: But only in a certain context. Part of the reason why I can emote half as well as I do now is because I've copy-pasted erotic RPs I've had chance to witness into saved notepad files, or any emotes I happen to witness in passing that have made me go, "Wow, that's a good writer." I've used the files to study their sentence structures and why they're appealing to read. Good sentence structures are things that SHOULD be learned, and there's no better way to learn than to play copy-cat with the structure while switching out descriptive words and actions to taper to your scene. I agree it's important not to carbon copy, and it's important to learn how to wield language rather than to flop lazily with wooden swords (read: ripped emotes from others), but sometimes it's helpful to run with what works first before running off the deep edge and experimenting.


That's actually not a point we disagree completely on. Learning from others is, well, exactly how we learn. But using their words, instead of learning from them and making your own, isn't going to get you very far when it comes to emoting, or sexting. Seeing what works for others is  great, but you have to take what you learn and apply it to yourself, your situation, your audience, etc... You can't expect that because one line sounds amazing to you, it's going to sound *right coming from you. If someone who can't communicate very well in a general context starts tossing out really great emotes-people will catch on that they're being copy-pasted, lol.

And yes, telling your staff to use a specific kind, or even set of emotes... blah. Your business will fail. People will find you cheesey, generic, laughable, and will most definitely NOT pay you or your employees for squat. If anything people might bring up and coming business owners into your establishment to give them a prime example of exactly what not to do. Please do not give your employees canned responses. There are a million and one escort type places out there. There is definitely no shortage. The ones that actually have customers likely do because they give an experience others can't/don't. They don't copy the experiences others have. They don't use canned emotes either. They hire people who are not only willing to put forethought into their emotes, they may actually enjoy doing so. Unless all you're looking for is the wam-bam-thank-you-man/maam sort, in that case, go with the typical l33t sp34k emotes you'll find all over sl from people who clearly aren't into anything more than a quick get off session.

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JaedenDelanaire wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

Oh I get that everyone isn't necessarily gifted in that area. Using another's emotes won't make you any less so, however. Quite the opposite actually. . .

I actually disagree! :matte-motes-big-grin: But only in a certain context. Part of the reason why I can emote half as well as I do now is because I've copy-pasted erotic RPs I've had chance to witness into saved notepad files, or any emotes I happen to witness in passing that have made me go, "Wow, that's a good writer." I've used the files to study their sentence structures and why they're appealing to read. Good sentence structures are things that SHOULD be learned, and there's no better way to learn than to play copy-cat with the structure while switching out descriptive words and actions to taper to your scene.

Ack, I certainly don't think sentence structure is what makes good writing. Maybe I'm just trying to hold out hope for myself, but I believe good writing doesn't require it, and goes well beyond it.

I've seen this same copy/edit technique used in the creation of many things, and I do my best to avoid it. If I'm trying to build an idea or feeling in your head (which is what good writing is all about), I don't want to be restricted by someone else's scaffolding, no matter how neat I think it looks. The time I'd spend trying to wrench the scaffolding around a corner would be better spent constructing one from scratch, using my own tools and judgment.

The best way to become a good writer is simply to... write.

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Reminds me of my early days. One of the first people I met here was a kind of unofficial mentor; she made a habit of helping noobs get familiar with things. Joanna. One day she took me to a very racy shop to show me how dance poles worked. While we were there another girl came in to try out a pole and immediately launched into a stream of sexy emotes even though the only other people in range were Joanna and I.

I said, "Wow, somebody's having a really good time", and Joanna explained that was emoting and told me all about it and how she used it to set herself apart from other dancers. She worked as a stripper. She told me how to do the /me thing and had me get going on the dance pole and try it. I managed to come up with a few lines of steamy stuff but it was so dumb I couldn't go on. I said, "I feel like I'm writing some crappy romance novel!" and gave up.

To the OP: just talk. I'm sure you know how to do that. Look at and think about the person you're talking to and talk. Say what you're thinking. Don't worry about  how it sounds or if it's sexy or clever or any of that. Just talk.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

JaedenDelanaire wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

Oh I get that everyone isn't necessarily gifted in that area. Using another's emotes won't make you any less so, however. Quite the opposite actually. . .

I actually disagree! :matte-motes-big-grin: But only in a certain context. Part of the reason why I can emote half as well as I do now is because I've copy-pasted erotic RPs I've had chance to witness into saved notepad files, or any emotes I happen to witness in passing that have made me go, "Wow, that's a good writer." I've used the files to study their sentence structures and why they're appealing to read. Good sentence structures are things that SHOULD be learned, and there's no better way to learn than to play copy-cat with the structure while switching out descriptive words and actions to taper to your scene.

Ack, I certainly don't think sentence structure is what makes good writing. Maybe I'm just trying to hold out hope for myself, but I believe good writing doesn't require it, and goes well beyond it.

I've seen this same copy/edit technique used in the creation of many things, and I do my best to avoid it. If I'm trying to build an idea or feeling in your head (which is what good writing is all about), I don't want to be restricted by someone else's scaffolding, no matter how neat I think it looks. The time I'd spend trying to wrench the scaffolding around a corner would be better spent constructing one from scratch, using my own tools and judgment.

The best way to become a good writer is simply to... write.

I don't disagree with you. There are many ways people get into creative writing, and for me the copy/edit technique worked. I still do it here and there when I see people choosing a laconic and yet well written style, in hopes that one day I may ditch my tendency to purple-pose. It's never been about adhering to a cookie-cutter molder for me; I simply just need to write like another person for a little bit until I get used to the style and from there on I experiment freely, wildly, and without restraint or need to glance back at my 'cheat sheets'. In my opinion, it's no different from an artist who uses a model to help learn the human shape until the proprtions are so well learned that they no longer need a model for regular sketches involving placid settings.


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