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Abuse Reports


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How can I get Second Life to respond to my Abuse Reports.I have filed several reports. After recieving the e mail saying the report has been accepted and the policy stating, All reports will be investigated and I would be notified with the results I have heard nothing.

My first report was regarding a vendor that promised something, he did not deliver.  He was obviously guilty of fraud, but no reply and no refund and he did not honor his claims, when I purchased the item.  To say the least, I am very disappoointed in SL management and I know I will hear from someone out there. "If you don't like it. just leave Second Life.".  I refuse to throw the baby out with the bath water, but I will continue to voice my opinion and try to prevent others from getting ripped off, like I was.

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9 answers to this question

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Hi Wanda,

You've filed your abuse report. Linden Lab will do with it what they will and you'll likely never hear another word. There's nothing more you can do, except to continue filing abuse reports when you feel they're warranted. I've filed only one abuse report in-world, and never received a response.

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You did your part by filing the AR.  Now it's out of your hands.  Linden Lab does the investigation and decides when sanction is appropriate, if any.  It's entirely between them and the person you reported.  You will never hear what happened, although sometimes you can guess. 

Read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065#Section_.2.1

Also watch http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Video_Tutorial/How_to_report_abuse_and_handle_griefing

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You may want to re-read the email they sent you.

The last time I submitted an abuse report, the email I received said, 

Thank you for taking the time to submit a Second Life abuse report. If the reported incident violates Second Life's Community Standards or Terms of Service, we will take appropriate action.

What happens next?

If any further information is required, Linden Lab will contact you regarding this incident.

Will Linden Lab follow up with you after the investigation is closed?

Linden Lab examines each abuse incident independently and will not disclose the resolution of abuse/community standards violations with Second Life Residents, except when necessary to introduce a new or amended policy. Linden Lab will not disclose incident details including (but not limited to): identity of the reporter, details of chat logs, resolution of incidents, and/or suspensions/banning of Second Life Residents.

We hope that this will be the last of any unpleasant encounters for you inworld. If you continue to experience problems with a Resident, please file a new inworld abuse report for each new incident and we will investigate each report independently.

To file an abuse report while inworld, select Help > Report Abuse... For more information on abuse reports, please take a look at our "Guide to Filing an Abuse Report" article or our "Report Abuse" video in the Second Life Knowledge Base:

Nothing about notifying me of the results.  Indeed, they say, in terms, they won't reveal the resolution of incidents, and/or suspensions/bannings.


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Aside from the form letter saying they've received your report, you will never, ever hear anything more.

This does not mean that Linden Lab has not taken action.  They may have, or they may not have.

Linden Lab does it this way so as to protect the privacy of all concerned.  They will not disclose your identity to the person you reported, and they will not disclose the outcome of their investigation, or any action they have taken, to you.

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See the TOS, Sect 6"You are solely responsible for your interaction with other users of the Service, whether online or offline. We are not responsible or liable for the conduct or content of any user. We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to monitor or become involved in disputes between you and other users."

You may also want to review the Marketplace Terms of Service to see which actions on the part of a merchant might be considered TOS violations, and therefore might be factors in a Linden Lab AR investigation.

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The matter will be dealt with between the person you reported and Linden Labs. The only thing you'll ever hear is the form letter email stating they received your abuse report. I have only ever filed 1 in 9 years and never heard another word about it. You can sometimes surmise what happened but they will not  notify you about any actions taken.



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It's 'Buyer Beware' when it comes to your dealings with merchants.  LL will view this as a personal dispute between you and the merchant and do nothing.

That said, did you contact the merchant and explain you didn't get what you paid for?  If the item was copiable they shouldn't have a problem sending another.  No Copy merchandise is a different story though because you can't prove you didn't get it and just give it away or sell it. 

If you have contacted the merchant understand that merchants have RL's too and sometimes can't log in for periods of time due to RL crises or emergencies such as illness, death in the family etc. , or because they are out of town.  So be patient.  They also may not have gotten your message if theirs were capped.  Send another message in case they didn't.  Also be sure to check their profile to see if they have a preference how you contact them and follow that.

Finally see if they have a redelivery terminal in world, even if you bought it on MP.  Some terminals will also redeliver MP purchases.  A redelivery terminal will not redeliver a no copy item.

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Law Enforcement vs ToS Enforcement

The Lab enforces the ToS - Terms of Service and they "comply" with RL law. They ABSOLUTELY refrain form enforcing RL laws. Imagine with all the countries involved with SL what a nightmare that would be. Your female avatar would have to wear a burka because that is the law in Iran. 

What would SL be like if they tried to enforce Iran's laws on Iranian players and US law on American players... The cost just in educating the game moderators would bankrupt the Lab.

If you feel a merchant committed fraud, that is a violation of a RL law. Law enforcement deals with those matters. Take it up with your local law enforcement.

Note: The attached file is just an experiment. It was taken in Ravendal, SL.


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