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Shops offering Bitcoin / Paypal for Payment instead of L$ ?

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Hopefully? Bitcoin is better than centralized money and better then your inflationary Euro / Dollar Money.

But this was not my question? Which Shops are offering Bitcoin / Paypal for Payment instead of L$ ?

Would be great to have an alternative option as well .

BTW: You are saying Bitcoins is not banned by LL - that means it is allowed isnt it ?

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Not officially by LL. But due to there use by criminal organizations funding money laundering and terrorism I hope LL do ban them. Why can you not exchange them else were? Far as i can rembe rememberr one Bitcoin is like US$700.00

ADDED, Its US$819.00. Wiil all crash like the 1920's

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steph Arnott wrote:

Not officially by LL. But due to there use by criminal organizations funding money laundering and terrorism I hope LL do ban them. Why can you not exchange them else were? Far as i can
rememberr one Bitcoin is like US$700.00

ADDED, Its US$819.00. Wiil all crash like the 1920's

Bitcoin is as legal like your US-Dollar-Greenbacks (substitute it with your local fiat currency). Fiat Money is inflationary, Bitcoin is deflationary (like Gold)

Do you call the following organizations criminal organizations?

- Ebay (Thinking about offering Bitcoin as payment option)

- Google (Thinking about integrating Bitcoin as payment option in Google Wallet > Android Apps)

- Zynga (Accepting Bitcoin)

- Overstock.com (Accepting Bitcoin for payments)

- Virgin / Virgin Galactics (Richard Branson - Accepting Bitcoin)

- US government (Accepting Bitcoin for Donations, Selling Bitcoin from criminal organizations)

and 20.000 Shops worldwide (trend upwards), feel free to use google for organizations accepting Bitcoin, you will be impressed.

1920: Good that you mention it. I know that 1930 was a big inflation ;) If you mention history you should try to understand it. People invested in Gold because US Dollar lost value. Think about what could crash. Bitcoin is transforming Gold's attributes to a digital solution, which a lot of "criminal organizations" believe in it.

BTW: Bitcoin is believed to be worth 10.000$ 100.000$ and even 1 Million Dollar / piece. Feel free to google it - you will be impressed which people are saying this.

Some interesting links (good to read, think and then yell / cry):

- http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2014/01/31/bitcoins-legality-around-the-world/

- http://www.weusecoins.com/en/

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Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

steph Arnott wrote:

Not officially by LL. But due to there use by criminal organizations funding money laundering and terrorism I hope LL do ban them. Why can you not exchange them else were? Far as i can
rememberr one Bitcoin is like US$700.00

ADDED, Its US$819.00. Wiil all crash like the 1920's

Bitcoin is as legal like your US-Dollar-Greenbacks (substitute it with your local fiat currency). Fiat Money is inflationary, Bitcoin is deflationary (like Gold)

Do you call the following organizations criminal organizations?

- Ebay (Thinking about offering Bitcoin as payment option)

- Google (Thinking about integrating Bitcoin as payment option in Google Wallet > Android Apps)

- Zynga (Accepting Bitcoin)

- Overstock.com (Accepting Bitcoin for payments)

- Virgin / Virgin Galactics (Richard Branson - Accepting Bitcoin)

- US government (Accepting Bitcoin for Donations, Selling Bitcoin from criminal organizations)

and 20.000 Shops worldwide (trend upwards), feel free to use google for organizations accepting Bitcoin, you will be impressed.

1920: Good that you mention it. I know that 1930 was a big inflation
If you mention history you should try to understand it. People invested in Gold because US Dollar lost value. Think about what could crash. Bitcoin is transforming Gold's attributes to a digital solution, which a lot of "criminal organizations" believe in it.

BTW: Bitcoin is believed to be worth 10.000$ 100.000$ and even 1 Million Dollar / piece. Feel free to google it - you will be impressed which people are saying this.

Some interesting links (good to read, think and then yell / cry):



If Bitcoins are BETTER than traditional currency, then why would people use them to buy things that they could just as well buy with the inferior currency? And if they're WORSE than regular currency, why would a merchant want to take them?



And as far as comparison to gold, there's a fundamental difference: Any currency only has value because people decide it does. However, if people decided one day that gold isn't as valuable as people now think, someone holding gold woul still have a stock of metal that's attractive, doesn't corrode and is a good conductor. However, with Bitcoins the ONLY value they have is that people think they're valuable. If people decided that they actually WEREN'T valuable they'd be less useful than toenail clippings.

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Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

Bitcoin is as legal like your US-Dollar-Greenbacks (substitute it with your local fiat currency). Fiat Money is inflationary, Bitcoin is deflationary (like Gold)

Until a Government or Governments accept BitCoins for payment of taxes they are not a stable fiat currency.

For better or for worse that is the one upper hand they have over BitCoins.

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No merchants or landlords in SL accepts bitcoins that I am aware of.  There is a  vendor system used by a lot of merchants that  has the ability to take credit and some debit cards and cash through PayPal. However the merchant doesn't have to allow this.  There will be a sign in the merchants shops saying they accept these payment methods if they do.

Personally I would never accept bitcoins for payment even if the option were available.  It is an unregulated currency not backed by anything tangible of value or by any government and therefore risky at best.  The value could collapse at anytime and you'd be left with nothing.  While to some degree this is also true of L's, I don't keep many L's before I cash them out.  I see no need to have to hassle with doing the same with bitcoins.

Some authorized third party sellers of L's may accept bitcoins in exchange for L's.  You could check out that option to see if any do.

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What are you actually trying to do?

It's pretty clear from your other thread that you're not really wanting to spend bitcoins for anything, but rather hope to accept them in payment for something or other in-world.

Are you planning to somehow route transactions through BitCoinPayFlow (or Bit-Pay, I guess, if they're still around)? Or implement your own LSL interface to bitcoind running somewhere secure (which seems perilous or, at best, very ambitious)? Or something else altogether?

(I'm certainly not implying that bitcoin is financially sound, but whole empires have been built on the Greater Fool Theory, so whatever.)

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" If you mention history you should try to understand it."

On October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed, by December loses of some $45 billion were accounted.. 1930s over 9,200 banks failed. Bank deposits were uninsured and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Banks then refused to lend, thus making the situation even worse. Due to lack of citizens available funds after essentials, goods were  no longer purchased, this pushing the sales of goods down, reducing the GDP increasing the depth of the depression. Etc, etc.


". People invested in Gold because US Dollar lost value. " absolute rubbish.

Many US citizens invested on the stock market, speculating to make a quick profit

BTW US$ are of a guaranteed value by the Federal bank, unlike Bitcoins if its imagenary value crashes  a whole country will not go down the sewer.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

No merchants or landlords in SL accepts bitcoins that I am aware of.  There is a  vendor system used by a lot of merchants that  has the ability to take credit and some debit cards and cash through PayPal. However the merchant doesn't have to allow this.  There will be a sign in the merchants shops saying they accept these payment methods if they do.

Personally I would never accept bitcoins for payment even if the option were available.  It is an unregulated currency not backed by anything tangible of value or by any government and therefore risky at best.  The value could collapse at anytime and you'd be left with nothing.  While to some degree this is also true of L's, I don't keep many L's before I cash them out.  I see no need to have to hassle with doing the same with bitcoins.

Some authorized third party sellers of L's may accept bitcoins in exchange for L's.  You could check out that option to see if any do.

I am interested in finding a vendor who accepts monopoly money. 

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steph Arnott wrote:

 If you mention history you should try to understand it."

October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed, by December loses of some $45 billion were accounted.. 
1930s over 9,200 banks failed. Bank
deposits were uninsured
and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Banks then refused to lend, thus making the situation even worse. Due to lack of citizens available funds after essentials, goods were  no longer purchased, this pushing the sales of goods down,
reducing the GD
P increasing the depth of the depression. Etc, etc.


. People invested in Gold because US Dollar lost value. " absolute rubbish.

Many US citizens invested on the stock market, speculating to make a quick profit

BTW US$ are of a guaranteed value by the Federal bank, unlike Bitcoins if its imagenary value crashes  a whole country will not go down the sewer.

Cant really believe it.

Your post is proving nothing else that everything what has been linked to dollar $ including stocks and stock markets has gone to hell. But Gold Price at 1930 went to the sky ...

Here a link for you, maybe you've forgot it:http://www.safehaven.com/article/16985/gold-early-1930s-vs-early-2010s.

I know history is a complex thing, sometimes not easy to understand ...

In short words: Dollar down = Gold up vice versa. And Bitcoin has some usefull attributes of Gold like deflation. We talk again in the year 2016 ...


If Bitcoin is not backed by anything - how is US $ (or any other fiat currency) backed ?


You trust like a fool a piece of paper accepted in one country and do not trust a currency globally accepted (and trusted).

If you trust papers you can trust bits as well or just buy physical gold.

Hopefully a lot of people know what hyperinflation is ...


Dollar was backed by gold once - now it is backed by false promises and lies.

2009 bursted the last $ bubble initiated by Lehman Brothers and its still not over.


BTW: the silly picture post at the top - you've forgot to insert a trusted $ note in it ...  ;)


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Qie Niangao wrote:

What are you actually trying to do?

It's pretty clear from your other thread that you're not really wanting to spend bitcoins for anything, but rather hope to accept them in payment for something or other in-world.

Are you planning to somehow route transactions through BitCoinPayFlow (or Bit-Pay, I guess, if they're still around)? Or implement your own LSL interface to bitcoind running somewhere secure (which seems perilous or, at best, very ambitious)? Or something else altogether?

(I'm certainly not implying that bitcoin is financially sound, but whole empires have been built on the Greater Fool Theory, so whatever.)

Yes exactly - i hope that, so what ? Its great to accept other currencies as well. BTW: most of us are using paypal for withdrawals - so whats your problem with using Bitcoin as well for withdrawal ?

I've found out that at least 3 landlords (keeping together around 500 SIMs) are accepting Paypal directly and they are advertising with it (because Paypal its implemented in ZTX - Rental System).

Hey and Paypal? Paypal CEO David Marcus says this to Bitcoin: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57617502-93/ebay-to-allow-bitcoin-sales-in-virtual-currency-category/

I think there should be no problem to accept Bitcoin in SL. But this was not the subject of this post.


I've asked for other shops, which are accepting Bitcoin for payment.

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Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

steph Arnott wrote:

Not officially by LL. But due to there use by criminal organizations funding money laundering and terrorism I hope LL do ban them. Why can you not exchange them else were? Far as i can
rememberr one Bitcoin is like US$700.00

ADDED, Its US$819.00. Wiil all crash like the 1920's

Bitcoin is as legal like your US-Dollar-Greenbacks (substitute it with your local fiat currency). Fiat Money is inflationary, Bitcoin is deflationary (like Gold)


This is where I think the argument falls apart. There was someone else talking on the Forum recently, planning to create an inworld city state with its own currency. That currency too was declared deflationary.

Gold is considered 'deflationary' because nobody can arbitrarily create MORE of it. Governments, possibly since governments began, have bailed themselves out of financial problems by debasing their currency—in essence printing more money. Can't do that with gold: it's either there or it isn't.

That's all well and good because for thousands of years—maybe tens of thousands?—gold has been intensely desired. It's beautiful. It's easily worked. It does not tarnish.Many people, the world around, have been willing to exchange things they have (money, property, objects) for gold. Thus it has become a 'currency' of its own. And in fact it IS deflationary in the sense nobody (other than the alchemists in my employ) can create more.

The bitcoin resembles gold in one way. Nobody (according to the people who say so ONLINE) can arbitrarily create more bitcoins. Bitcoins can only be created by the problem-solving mining technique. Of course the bitcoin people can at any time pull the plug, say "Seeya!", and take the money and run but for some reason nobody wants to see that, possibly because they're blinded by the fact that can rake in the millions while the scheme is hot.,

That's the only resemblance between gold and bitcoins. Because (as has already been pointed out in this thread) GOLD REALLY EXISTS! It's a mineral. It has mass and everything. You can pick it up and give to someone else or cut in pieces or melt it and cast it in a mold or whatever. It's real. Not only that, but if it somehow lost the worldwide desireablility overnight that causes its value to be so high, it still has considerable practical value. It's a terrific conductor, for one thing. Semiconductor manufacturing would be lost without it. And it's still one of if not the most beautiful metals around for creating jewelry. It would still have value, even if that value was far less than before.

The bitcoin is just a hopeful dream. I"m sure many people will pat their tummies with satisfaction on the big haul they made from bitcoins. I just have an idea that a great many more will lose money they couldn't afford to lose, investing in a ghost currency.

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Tarina Sewell wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

No merchants or landlords in SL accepts bitcoins that I am aware of.  There is a  vendor system used by a lot of merchants that  has the ability to take credit and some debit cards and cash through PayPal. However the merchant doesn't have to allow this.  There will be a sign in the merchants shops saying they accept these payment methods if they do.

Personally I would never accept bitcoins for payment even if the option were available.  It is an unregulated currency not backed by anything tangible of value or by any government and therefore risky at best.  The value could collapse at anytime and you'd be left with nothing.  While to some degree this is also true of L's, I don't keep many L's before I cash them out.  I see no need to have to hassle with doing the same with bitcoins.

Some authorized third party sellers of L's may accept bitcoins in exchange for L's.  You could check out that option to see if any do.

I am interested in finding a vendor who accepts monopoly money. 

This is not a big problem - you shop them every day ;)

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

steph Arnott wrote:

Not officially by LL. But due to there use by criminal organizations funding money laundering and terrorism I hope LL do ban them. Why can you not exchange them else were? Far as i can
rememberr one Bitcoin is like US$700.00

ADDED, Its US$819.00. Wiil all crash like the 1920's

Bitcoin is as legal like your US-Dollar-Greenbacks (substitute it with your local fiat currency). Fiat Money is inflationary, Bitcoin is deflationary (like Gold)


This is where I think the argument falls apart. There was someone else talking on the Forum recently, planning to create an inworld city state with its own currency. That currency too was declared deflationary.

And this is were your argument falls apart: I do not think the real world cares about a unknown virtual world with a more unknown city.

The real world believes Secondlife is dead ... Maybe Bitcoin could resurrect it, Miss Dream World ... you should pray for it.

Edit: The real world still thinks Secondlife = Child Porn. If the real world recognizes that Secondlife has wonderful design and morality in the meantime AND they are able to pay goods in the Secondlife we all will profit. But maybe you dont now how to install a Bitcoin Wallet ;) I am glad to help you with it

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Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

^^this exactly

If the world suddenly had a disaster and the net went down gold would still have value, whereas bitcoins would be worth far less than toilet paper.  Even US dollars would be worth more.

Are you sure ?



Yes I'm sure. 

BTW , Bitcoin's Star Entrepreneur Was Arrested by the Feds for Silk Road Money Laundering just last week.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

^^this exactly

If the world suddenly had a disaster and the net went down gold would still have value, whereas bitcoins would be worth far less than toilet paper.  Even US dollars would be worth more.

Are you sure ?



Yes I'm sure. 


I am so glad, that the rest of the real world doesn't believe you - otherwise Bitcoins value wouldn't be at around 1000$ at the moment.


You can watch live at Bitcoins value here (Trend is "bullish" if you are good with technical analysis):



If you need a Forex Lesson inworld, no problem. I am accepting Bitcoin.

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Sudoquai Wonder wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

What are you actually trying to do?

It's pretty clear from your other thread that you're not really wanting to spend bitcoins for anything, but rather hope to accept them in payment for something or other in-world.

Are you planning to somehow route transactions through BitCoinPayFlow (or Bit-Pay, I guess, if they're still around)? Or implement your own LSL interface to bitcoind running somewhere secure (which seems perilous or, at best, very ambitious)? Or something else altogether?

(I'm certainly not implying that bitcoin is financially sound, but whole empires have been built on the Greater Fool Theory, so whatever.)

Yes exactly - i hope that, so what ? Its great to accept other currencies as well. BTW: most of us are using paypal for withdrawals - so whats your problem with using Bitcoin as well for withdrawal ?

I've found out that at least 3 landlords (keeping together around 500 SIMs) are accepting Paypal directly and they are advertising with it (because Paypal its implemented in ZTX - Rental System).

Hey and Paypal? Paypal CEO David Marcus says this to Bitcoin:

I think there should be no problem to accept Bitcoin in SL. But this was not the subject of this post.


I've asked for other shops, which are accepting Bitcoin for payment.

Yeah, but you're not answering my question. How, specifically -- that is, by what technical means -- would you suppose an in-world merchant would directly accept bitcoin? If you're planning to develop this, securely and reliably, it's a multi-manyear effort by a way more specialized developer than the average scripter, assuming the transactions are to be conducted in-world to an external backend bitcoind (with or without a third party service layer). And then, the end result will be pretty unsatisfactory because it can't use the built-in "Buy" and "Pay" functions of in-world L$ transactions.

A less ambitious scenario would be to simply linkd MoaP to a bitcoin service. That's even further removed from the native L$-based transactions with which SL users are familiar (and would rely on viewer Media, which is very widely disabled because of its vulnerability to privacy exploits).

Or maybe this is all just carping about adding bitcoin as a local currency, as some other recent posts have suggested. That's not very interesting. I'm sure LL's financial service partners -- including PayPal -- will happily accept bitcoin exactly when it's worth their while to do so. They're moneychangers, after all, and would accept an arbitrage opportunity in dog**bleep** should one come along -- as long as it doesn't violate regulations in any country they want to serve.

Meanwhile, PayPal's position seems perfectly sensible: allow private eBay listings and trade in bitcoin and other virtual currencies, same as beanie babies.

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