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Rod Humble leaving Linden Lab

Jo Yardley

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

SL twitter has over 37,000 followers.  I don't know how many total users the forums have, but I don't believe it is anywhere close to that.

There are well over 37,000 users posting here about adult past time in Dubai alone, and frequently too.

LOL, touche'

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

I think people way overestimate the number of SL users who frequent the forums.  SL twitter has over 37,000 followers.  I don't know how many total users the forums have, but I don't believe it is anywhere close to that.  Not to say they shouldn't give us the courtesy of reporting here, it is their forum after all, but not for the reason of reaching the numbers.  

Point well made.  

I suspect that the forums in total don't have 37K reads/contacts in months, but it may upset some people that SLU fares better, which is why anybody who knows the numbers will ignore this place and concentrate on the people who matter.  This forum or the other fora under the SL domain do not represent SL users any more....yeah let that sink in. The only reason Rod went to SLU was because there were more active and important SL users there than there are here.

Why don't LL engage here?  Because whatever you feel or believe the truth is you don't count, the players are elsewhere and LL follows the money and the reputation and you have neither.  

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Sy Beck wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

I think people way overestimate the number of SL users who frequent the forums.  SL twitter has over 37,000 followers.  I don't know how many total users the forums have, but I don't believe it is anywhere close to that.  Not to say they shouldn't give us the courtesy of reporting here, it is their forum after all, but not for the reason of reaching the numbers.  

Point well made.  

I suspect that the forums in total don't have 37K reads/contacts in months, but it may upset some people that SLU fares better, which is why anybody who knows the numbers will ignore this place and concentrate on the people who matter.  This forum or the other fora under the SL domain do not represent SL users any more....yeah let that sink in. The only reason Rod went to SLU was because there were more active and important SL users there than there are here.

Why don't LL engage here?  Because whatever you feel or believe the truth is you don't count, the players are elsewhere and LL follows the money and the reputation and you have neither.  

But Jumpy posts here... that has to count for something.  He is the King of SL, ya know?


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Perrie Juran wrote:

When Oz announced that they were now 'officially' working on Mesh & Bones, etc, he made a comment to the effect of, "Don't get your hopes up too high, this is not as simple as it looks," I really had to wonder.  If InWorlds has it working, what's so hard about it for SL? 

I do agree with Dres that customer service is the number one thing that needs improved.  We could point to specific issues but they have been rehashed here so often it has gotten to be a joke.


When did Oz say that? Don't get our hopes up? Why start if they aren't gonna finish? It might not be easy, but not impossible. He said something similar, or was it Nix, about the mesh deformer, which essentially took a month for 1 guy to make. InWorldz has it working? I think you mean CP. 

Perrie, you totally freaked me out with this posting. When did all this happen? We fricken need custom bones. It's ridiculous that we don't have them. It's 2014, and we have pathfinding, but we don't have good moving NPCs. Come on now.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

I'm not at all sure LL's CEO needs to have an understanding of the depth and complexity of SL, so much as an understanding that SL is a whole panoply of different virtual worlds, created by users according to their interests.    I want a CEO who doesn't try to impose a particular vision on SL, as did M when he tried to hide Adult SL because he thought it was scaring off his target markets, business and education.  

Rather, I want someone who can get results with things like grid stability and rezzing times, as did Rodvik, and oversee general improvements to things like group chat and search.    At a strategic level, I very much hope he can grow new income streams to move LL away from its overdependence on SL tier for its income.   


Personally, I want a CEO with the whole package. I really don't understand how some1 that only knows coding, or only knows marketing, or whatever, gets a CEO jobs without starting the company themself. IMHO, I don't think it is much to ask that they understand all, or the majority of the technical areas that is SL, or any game for that matter. I'm not saying any1 should no every group, or combat system, just all the technical areas of SL. When I bid for say a 3d animation video production job, I'm expected to know every single part of the process and produce it at a professional level. Now, I don't know how much every1 knows about creating 3d video animation, but it is no easy task, and when you throw in special affects, it get downright crazy what you need to know. Ok, yeah, most of these jobs are done by a team, but it is amazing how many people understand it all enough to produce quality. My point is, that is the level of understanding that I expect.

It worries me that we now have a CEO that knows almost nothing about game engines, and even less about 3d creation. He will have to rely on the managers. The problem with this is, that we constantly hear that this or that is too complicated, or too time consuming, and then some1 like Qarl wips that very code out in a couple weeks. We don't even have more than a couple coders at LL that know anything about 3d creation, hence why we don't even have custom bones yet. I think if it is going to work out with Ebbe, he's going to have to stay engaged with us.

I would rather have a CEO who knows absolutely nothing about game engines or 3d creation, but who actually knows how to interact with the SL user base and provide the sort of customer service which has been sorely lacking for ages.  LL can make all the improvements in code and usability they want, it's the customer service that truly counts and, until they get that right, no other improvements will ever really matter.


My ulitimate point is, that CEOs get paid a crapload of money, at least in successful ventures. It's 1 thing for a person to build a company and be the CEO. It's another for a company to hire 1. When I bid for a job, or get interviewed, they want to understand what I know, and how I can help them. The more I know the more I'll get paid. It seems, that with CEOs, it doesn't work this way at all. I'd think, that if you are going to pay some1 a boatload of money, they should know a boatload. I don't really give marketeers all that much worth, because if a CEO doesn't everything else right, the marketing will happen all on it's own, especially for a world like SL. Heck, we've had over 10k signups every day since SL got the tiniest of promotions back in 2008. We don't need a marketeer, we need an engineer. IMHO

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

When Oz announced that they were now 'officially' working on Mesh & Bones, etc, he made a comment to the effect of, "Don't get your hopes up too high, this is not as simple as it looks," I really had to wonder.  If InWorlds has it working, what's so hard about it for SL? 

I do agree with Dres that customer service is the number one thing that needs improved.  We could point to specific issues but they have been rehashed here so often it has gotten to be a joke.


When did Oz say that? Don't get our hopes up? Why start if they aren't gonna finish? It might not be easy, but not impossible. He said something similar, or was it Nix, about the mesh deformer, which essentially took a month for 1 guy to make. InWorldz has it working? I think you mean CP. 

Perrie, you totally freaked me out with this posting. When did all this happen? We fricken need custom bones. It's ridiculous that we don't have them. It's 2014, and we have pathfinding, but we don't have good moving NPCs. Come on now.

My apologies Medhue, I should have been clearer in that post.  That was more my 'interpretation.'  And now I can't find the original statement but I could swear when the project was originally announced I read somewhere Oz saying "it's not as simple as people think."  I added the interpretation, "don't get your hopes up to high." 

Maybe it was someone else who said it.  My search for the statement is failing me.

If it was not Oz who said it, then my apologies to him.

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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

empty profile, what a noob!

Let's give Ebbe some time to settle in and un-newbify the profile. He might be busy reading the mountains of instructions given to him in SLU - going already at twelve pages long.  :matte-motes-big-grin:  :smileyvery-happy:   :smileywink:

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