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Problem with a review

Mitsuko Kytori

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I need help to know how delete bad review about product, please ?

A customer wrote bad reviews with absolutely false argument, that the box not contains products.

After check and redeliver box via Marketplace, of course box contains exactly what it is describe.

The customer tried to change the review, but it is not possible.

So how can I make now, please ?

Thank in advance for your help,


Kinds Regards, Kytori san


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Thank you a lot for reply, Tristan.

The problem there are three products with this bad and false review, the customer herself, tried to change the false review.


And now, I have three major products with a bad reviaw, and not the customer and not  me can't make anything.

It is a big issue for my modest shop.

Can I open a ticket to the support to ask delete them, please  ?

Kinds Regards, Kytori san




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I wouldn't delete your item cause one person gave it a bad review.  I have gotten a bad review on one of my products and I wrote a comment explaining that I contacted the person and had double check everything that was in the listing and nothing was wrong with it.  The person never got back to my inworld after telling them that I would help if they where needing it but the was nothing wrong with the item they bought.  That product still sells even with the one star review.

The problem you may have is if you delete and relist the item that is against the ToS and your item maybe flagged and took down.

So don't let one bad review make you take something down.  Just do as others have posted and comment on the review and explain there is nothing wrong and you have spoken to the customer.

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Mitsuko Kytori wrote:

Yes I follow the nice advice, but I think I will need delete the products if the review stay. I open a ticket to the marketplace support to delete the review, because the review is totally false.



No one advised you to open a ticket, as that will do no good. 


If you delete the products, you cannot relist them, according to TOS.

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Hello Jordanit0

The big issue for me, is there are entry product with low price to let people discover the line of product and shop in fact.

So now I have the three best sales on Marketplace with bad review and with a lie about it. I can't let products as this.

So if marketplace support let the review as this, I will just delete products, no choice. that hurt a lot to need destruct good products for a lie.

But no choice,


Kinds Regards, Kytori san


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Hello Min,

I ask two times to the customer to modify or delete the review, with no success, despite I redeliver all products and let her buy a new box and refund her just after, to give her the opportunity to delete or modify on of the review for test.

I flag the three reviews and ask to 3D&Dreams Lead Developer to flag the reviews too.

I opened a ticket too, because the lie or the mistake is evident, and those reviews tell wrong things.

I can't make more for now, just wait to see if the review will be remove by Linden Lab.

In fact the buyer targets clearly the three most popular products for now... I have a doubt now

I sent that too to the customer, to help her if she doesn't know how make it.


I am not complain about a bad review because a customer dislikes a product, customer have the right to dislike a product, of course for many reasons, but not for a wrong reason. It is evident that we not sell only shadows ... and in the case we made a mistake before write a review it is fair to ask the creator. In this case we made no mistake and I only check the box with the customer herself after just redeliver them. The box contains exactly what it is describe, and the picture are not "photoshoped" too.

Time to wait now

Kinds regards, Kytori san


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Mitsuko Kytori wrote:

I hope, but on marketplace as I can see there are many levels of service, but it is not the subject.

The review tells wrong thing, very easy to check, and so I think it is easy to remove them.

Don't get too worried. LL will remove most reviews that give consumers the wrong information. Just flag the review and wait for LL to respond. I would also write a NICE comment to the review, and state the facts that are wrong. DO NOT get confrontational in the comments. People will read your comment to it and decide whether to do business with you based on that reply, regardless of whether the reviewer is correct or not. I would not delete the product. Of course, you could decide to redo the product based on the advice and post a different version. Personally, I've never had to, or wanted to relist a product for any reason. Plus, when you have hundreds of products, 1 bad review is hardly the end of the world. It's too bad LL doesn't make it easier to review products, or send out reminders to purchasers, as we'd get more reviews to balance out those reviews that are negative. As it is, the only people that will take the steps to review items are those that are having issues with delivery or other problems.

I'd also send the product to the person personally, as the delivery system has been wonky in the past.

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No one likes getting a bad review. Even if that review is a blatant lie. But you do need to give the lab time to review and remove the review themselves, before you get so worked up. I understand why you think it would hurt you, but I can assure you, if the product is good and the review is false, it won't harm your business at all. Given all the recent bugs the MP has had lately, it IS entirely possible the customer is having trouble removing or editing the review. Just because we *should* be able to remove/edit our reviews, doesn't necessarily mean we can. Mp is still quite chock full of various bugs, with no rhyme or reason(and bugs that not everyone will experience as well).

I would not, under any circumstances remove the product. Because unless you make visible and notable changes to it, you won't be able to re-list it. And that, could hurt your business.

One of the items I got a low review on once, had the same problem. Someone left a false review, and even flat out lied about trying to contact me. I didn't even know they had left a review because they did it while I was undergoing surgery and  away from sl(and my profile indicated as much). When I got back, I tried to remedy the problem. I quickly found the problem didn't actually exist and the entire review was false. I can only guess it was buyer's remorse, or perhaps someone who didn't actually read the listing thoroughly. Who knows. Either way, I replied to the review and stated exactly what I did to remedy the problem. That product, is still a best seller, despite that low rating, and always has been.

People honestly don't pay that much attention to the reviews. You shouldn't attach a whole lot of importance to them either. Products speak for themselves. Few people will rely on the reviews to make, or not make, a purchase. The whole review system of the mp is just one giant joke. People have learned over the years to just not take it seriously. It's too easily manipulated, messed up, and generally it serves little to no purpose.

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Thank you very much for your answers. To be honest I think Linden Lab will not remove the review, perhaps I am pessimistic, but it is my feel.


The true fact on marketplace is the rules have variable geometry, and I think I can integrate this to try to follow the variable geometry.

Kinds Regards,

Kytori San


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Mitsuko Kytori wrote:


Thank you very much for your answers. To be honest I think Linden Lab will not remove the review, perhaps I am pessimistic, but it is my feel.


The true fact on marketplace is the rules have variable geometry, and I think I can integrate this to try to follow the variable geometry.

Kinds Regards,

Kytori San


Eh, if they don't remove it, don't worry about it. I promise it's not the end of the world and it won't speak for your product all by itself. You can always just reply, with simply the facts about that product and what you did to rectify the problem. Then just let your product speak for itself. Don't worry about the reviews so much. I know we'd like to think they have an effect on sales-and occasionally they might. But for the most part, they really have very little effect. Especially if someone can clearly see a review is flat out false, or full of emotion. People won't even pay it much mind. You did say this is something that sells well, right? If so, you have even less to worry about :) It'll continue to sell, with or without this review.

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In my experience it is unlikely LL will remove a bad review. Maybe it if was talking about pizza and you sell beds -- but not normally.

I have a competitor that has repeatedly bought one of my most popular and expensive items JUST so that he can write a bad review. These are alts of course but they each say the same thing (one twice so I guess he forgot) so it isn't hard to tell it is the same person.

I took my original products off the market even though they were selling well. I redid them with new textures and added new mesh accessories and put them back up with that info. I also addressed EVERY COMMENT HE MADE about the products and there was no way that he could complain -- -

Well he still wrote the same review two more times. By then I was ******** and so I wrote back to him addressing his complaints. You can visit the build in world -- all the photos in the listing show it exactly how it is. His complaints had no credence at all. Writing made me feel better and I still sell tons of those items.

People that have been around awhile know this happens. I, personally, rarely buy anything JUST from a marketplace listing. I go in world and see the demo. If there is no demo, I often don't by.

So if there was the least bit of truth in any of his review text, address that and fix it. Then you can write a comment to the next bad review (actually I have only received four bad ones all on the same product from presumably the same person) you can write with righteous indignation.

Sorry. I know it is NOT fun to have someone target you.

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Thank you very much for all your answers, finally customer withdrew, I think, the false review. In all cases, reviews have been withdrew.

What lesson I retain about this, it is too easy to write a review good or bad, and reviews are too much visible. It is not the case on Turbosquid for example. Merchant can't freeze a review for a period, not good , not fair. But it is true, good products with bad reviews and with fair comments keep a luck to be sale in not so bad way. 

Let me wish you a nice day, please,

Kinds Regards, Mitsuko



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  • 6 months later...

I gave someone a bad review, but it was removed and I was not refunded. They flagged my review, I presume, and had it removed however I was not contacted and I only found out by accident when I saw the item again while looking for other products. I was partly to blame because I didn't read the whole description but I was genuinely unhappy with the product and the way I was treated. I would love to tell you the designers but I think they have more friends than me. Until you experience something like this it feels like a two way street but it is not. SL BUYER BEWARE.

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amindwithaheart wrote:

 I didn't read the whole description

Reviews trashing something because the buyer did not read the description will be removed.  Reviews which actually help other potential buyers identify shortcomings in the product are not.

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