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The Whisper Wall - A Place For Your Secrets To Be Heard?


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Marigold Devin wrote:
General Discussions section of these forums kind of provides a place to share exactly what we want to share anyways - or am I missing something? (2am here, its likely).

 No, Mari....you are ABSOLUTELY right. How many times have we seen posts (trolled or not) expressing some person's thoughts or feelings or whatever?

The OP asked: Would you guys take comfort in this sort of thing?

No. sorry....

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aidenvino wrote:

Is the person an attention whore if they are anonymous? They aren't getting the attention that way.

You're joking, right?

Nobody gets attention for being themselves. They get attention for the things they do. If the things they do online get attention, then the lack of a definitive personal label to attach to their actions is irrelevant to their satisfaction with the notice that has been taken of what they have done.

You also need to consider the difference between anonymous and pseudonymous. True anonymity is almost impossible to achieve, precisely because online existence leaves a considerable number of footprints behind in terms of clues to identity, whether factually associative or by performance interpretation.

© The Judge

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Well if you took a look at the whisper wall you would see that there is a variety of different types of commentary. So far it seems people are seeking advice or have a need to express truly weighted issues that they don't feel comfortable talking about openly. What do you think about the idea of 'community' in a concept like this one?

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aidenvino wrote:

Well if you took a look at the whisper wall you would see that there is a variety of different types of commentary. So far it seems people are seeking advice or have a need to express truly weighted issues that they don't feel comfortable talking about openly. What do you think about the idea of 'community' in a concept like this one?

Personally while I think venting can be very theraputic, there isn't any sort of "community" surrounding the wall, or even the concept, if people aren't working together(in what capacity, would depend on the situation, I suppose). I'm not saying anything bad about the wall, or the concept of what it is there for and used for. But, I wouldn't label it with anything "community" related. Otherwise we'd have to think of any diary, journal, blog, anyplace people would or can "speak openly" as community. That just doesn't seem like a reasonable assumption, or definition of what it is.

I'm glad people are finding it to be of good use, and are using it, for whatever purpose they want. It may or may not be a good or bad thing, or even drama causing. You just never know.

It's entirely possible something public like that could cause drama in the same way publishing someone's private thoughts(I don't call them secrets, they're merely thoughts not shared with the world, thus far, to me). There is a reason people don't tell others certain things, and sometimes it's because the effects it would have, are negative. Not always, but it's possible. Someone could use the wall to "post" not so nice things, which someone else could read. Maybe most people reading wouldn't know what it's about. But, what if someone does? It could have a negative effect, and could(probable even) cause drama, if it does.

I wouldn't consider it any different than anything else I've come across chock full of opinion. They're just thoughts people are putting out there. Good, bad, or otherwise.


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jujmental wrote:

Sephina Frostbite wrote:

No offense Juj, but that's not true. There are secrets. How secret are they depends but there are secrets in which only one person can know the information. Also said information's can be true.  One doesn't need to be an attention whore or want to attempt to rewrite history to say how they feel or if they are holding something inside. They are the opposite of an attention whore. They don't blurt out everything. What el toro caca.

You're not much of an epistemologist, are you? What one person "knows" is the most unreliable knowledge possible.

And like religion, as soon as that individually internalised "knowledge" is communicated (by whatever medium, and language can be a very bad mechanism for expressing feelings - alexithymia is not just a personality trait)  the form of that "knowledge" is changed, sometimes so that it is unrecognisable by the originator. So what does that say about the "truth" of the "knowledge"? Does it still exist? Did it ever exist?

And also by definition, anyone who commits what they consider to be "personal" knowledge to a public medium - which is the cyber equivalent of blurting out everything - is an attention whore.

© The Judge

Really? Sharing ones thoughts are feelings doesn't make you an attention whore especially if one is only asking or saying one thing. It means they need to talk. I would think coming on the forums, being judgmental and calling people names, and having an delusions of grandeur type attitude would be more of an attention whore then someone needing to get there emotions out. What one knows to be true and is actual truth is really irrelevant. Its something they have been holding in and feel bogged down. Im sure you get release when you sit back and judge people. You tell people how you feel all the time and thats okay as well. I have a lot of respect for you and the fact that you can say how you feel and not care of others think. As a matter of fact anyone stating anything could be an attention whore. However it really doesn't matter. Its a nice idea and from the looks of it, its going well.

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aidenvino wrote:

Well if you took a look at the whisper wall you would see that there is a variety of different types of commentary.

I didn't look at the wall, as I have no interest in it.


aidenvino wrote:

. What do you think about the idea of 'community' in a concept like this one?

That doesn't make sense.  A community of anonymous  people?  Isn't that what we already have, with our SL avatars?  You're just adding another layer. 



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I tell my husband the things that i would tell this wall..

I've learned the hard way that it's not good to tell the internet anything you don't want it or the world to know about..

it's not some safe place where we walk around unknown..

the sooner people realize this.. the more they may decide to respect it..like they would respect a gun or a rattle snake..

it's easy to be taken in by all the graphical interface and images and lights..

everything you see on the net..knows you are looking at it..

every image every word ever banner and so on..if you can see it..it knows your number..


so super secret stuffs that would ever have me feeling guilty..ya that's not gonna make it on here..
not that i can really think of  much to feel guilty about..

i'm not that religious anymore..


just people be careful  in the internet is all..

too many people walk too sure footed in it and  find out the really hard way  just how nasty it can get  because of the slightest  wrong turn..


just saying hehehe


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I've read the first page of posts and a few posts at the end, and it seems to me that yours is a failed idea. Also, it's an idiotic idea, imo.

Your suggestion that it's a sacred 'wall' is utter garbage, unless there's a meaning of the word 'sacred' that I'm not aware of.

It sounds to me like you just want to read people's negative things, sort of gossip-like, or just plain nosey.

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RudolphFarquhar wrote:

I presume that you didn't participate in a Thanksgiving discussion where
was relevant, then?


sorry no..that would be a kind of messed up double whamy type of irony at our house..

celibrating thanksgiving and giving props to the NSA?

we don't do either of those..

we try to keep the government jibberish out of family gatherings though when we do gather together..




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