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New to Breedables

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

All you need to know is that it is a bubble waiting to burst (if not already)

I think half of the bubble is already bursted. There aren't many people who join now to make a profit, but there are still producers who think a new brand of breedables will grant them a bigger piece of the cake until the market collapses completely.

But anyway...breedables will never completely vanish and we will always hear stories about unfortunate people who suddenly have a horsefarm as a new neighbour on the mainland. :catvery-happy:

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There are many types of 'breedables' from ones most have never heard of, which tend to be much cheaper to 'own,' to the more 'famous' within SL breedables such as Amaretto, Kitty Cats (sp?) and Meeroos. 

There are also Booshies and Fennux which are new in comparison to those last three and are I think a small percentage cheaper to run, but, pretty much are the same in principle. 

In most breedables you get a pair of nests, dens, crates, whatever they call it...one is male, one female. (Hence the 'breed' in 'breedable' - the whole thing is to see what the offspring will be.)

It's a bit like playing Bingo, Lotto scratchers, or some say, Lotto. You put in a certain amount but all you're really guaranteed back is the 'entertainment' of playing. Once in a while you might get 'lucky' (in actuality the odds are built in) and get a 'valuable' offspring. 

You can then sell that offspring in nest or live form, and put that back into breeding, or playing for more chances to win if you will; or you can breed it yourself hoping to get more and sell those for slightly less but possibly more total profit in the end.

Each breedable has its own strategy although players will debate over which strategy works best in each.

To me Fennux are easier to sell because there is a built in market option which uses the company's website to list the nest or live animal for sale. But, I tend to go with the one that is most visually appealing to me. 

As far as what you'd need to get started, I'd visit the different official sims and websites for different breedables as well as visit some markets for those breedables, found in Search in SL. Get an idea before you begin what it will cost for the home, food, prims if you have to rent land to raise them, as well as how much they go for on the secondary markets. Then, join the groups of the ones you find most intriguing. Ask people how hard it is to get a 'good one' if you are more into it for profit. Otherwise just pick based on budget and which ones you think are cuter, in the end. Or more fun to breed.

Hope that helped.

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I recommend avoiding them if your focus is on the money.

But if you find one you like the look and interraction of, they can be a fun addition to an SL home. The real value of them is long past the 'breedable' stage when many models will go free to keep either automatically or with an added fee. At this stage - you just keep the ones you like, and toss the rest.

As far as lag - which people will begin accusing you of causing once you set these out - anything as new or newer than a Meeroo should be fairly low in lag. I've heard people say some of the ones older than that also are lag free, but with one popular animal that was about a year earlier than the Meeroos, I recall it shutting down sim when people would show up with them. Thankfully, Meeroos are so dominant in the breeables world than the older stuff is largely gone now. Newer things may have taken off in the breedable community, but haven't brought new people into breedables on the same level that Meeroos did...


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  If you are getting into breedables to make money, I would stay away. If you are doing them just for fun with the understanding that you will probably put a lot more money into them then you will get out of them, then go for it and have fun!!


 As stated already there are tons of breedables already out and some in open beta.I am just going to rattle off a few of the breedables. There are dwarfins(yes dwarves, they don't "mate" but "create" other dwarves from rocks).Mossms ( which are fun but take up alot of land space because you need to rez their "environments" for them to work on, like a farm, excersize equipment, hot tubs, etc), WK Big Cats (Tigers, cheetahs, Jaguars). Gempandas(still in open beta) Imaginimals( formerly wildwood cats, these are also in open beta). Fennux, Meeroos, Amaretto Horses,Battle Beasts (Dragons, I believe).


There are also Krafties, which do not breed, but you"capture" other Kraftie creatures and boost up the stats of your Kraftie. They are 100% free, no food, needed, but you can buy extras like energy,etc. but it is not needed. 


As Far as land goes,if you get into breedables "bigtime" there areland owners that rent land just for those who do breedables, so neighbors don't complain about the so called lag.


If you do decide to try out any breedables, join the main group for the particular breedable you are doing and read all the info on their website. Most give a comprehensive online manual.Also, it wouldn't hurt to make a post in the group chat introducing yourself and saying that you are new to breedables.Many established members are always willing to help out.


 As far as links go, I will try to paste few that may be helpful, but as far as I know there is not one site to exlain everything about breedables , because each breedable has their own way of doing things.

The first link is just a general site about most of the breedables available in SL








Hope this helps, if you have any questions youcan always Im me in world and I will do my best to help. Good luck and have fun!!

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My favorite breedables by far is, and always will be, Ozimals. I have many reasons for this, not the least of which being the fact that I appreciate the community far more than any I have ever seen(in breedables, but the community is kinda special because a lot of the people I've been with for 4 years now, or near it), they are the longest running breedable to date-yet still going pretty strong despite what some think lol, and frankly I find them utterly adorable. I have other reasons too. I also still have the bunnies I got on opening day, January 9, 2010. Not a whole lot of people hold onto things that long, I'm a bit of s sentimental sap though.There isn't a breedable that has been out on the grid outside of beta(and many that were once, or are now, beta) that I have not participated in, in some form. I don't believe I'm expert on any, and don't pretend to be, but I do know a lot about the entire breedable community as a whole. I also read and observe a lot-which helps greatly.

That said, if you're wanting to get into the market, as in selling them, as others have said, be wary and know that at ANY time whatever investment you've made, can easily be lost. Make sure you're comfy with that before you get started. NONE of the existing breedables on the grid today are as profitable as breedables once were. It will simply never be that big again, because breedables like anything are still a fad, no matter how much we like, or even love, them The bubble does burst a bit faster than it used to, though. That is not to say you can't make money off them. You very much can, many do. From the very most popular to even the least popular, it is entirely possible to profit. How you go about that, depends entirely on you, though. That will take a lot of foot work and research on your part. There isn't a whole lot others can tell you to help with that, imo. Everyone has to figure out the best way for themselves, because what works for some won't work for others. I never went into any specifically to profit, but I won't pretend I didn't make a pretty penny off them. I have, and continue to, when I want to and can invest the time.

I recommend checking out as many as you can find, and see which one tickles your fancy the most. As a personal note, I would never recommend going into it purely for profit unless you have some hefty change to dole out from word go. People just starting out tend to hit that high when they make any kind of profit and expect it to last. It typically only lasts for people that have been in it for a while though, because they know how to make it through the rough patches a little bit better.

There is only one, brand I guess, of breedable I would never, ever, ever go with again myself, but that is a personal choice and there are a lot of people who still love them. So I don't want to offend those people, and I'm pretty sure my opinions would. I think you'll find lots of varying opinions on which is the best and which to avoid though. I would never take anyone's advice as being perfectly sound, since it's all based off either personal experience or hearsay, which both vary. Yes, I'm including my own in that lol.

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Tari did you even breed the dragons, tigers, lady bugs and all those types of things? I remember seeing so many types of breedables when I did a breedables hunt (I didn't finish the entire hunt, it wore me out before then, there were so many.) There are even breedable rocks.

Offhand I recall breedable dragons, tigers, ostriches, fairies, rocks, little tiny guys I can't remember the name of, Booshies, fennux, meeroos, horses, cats, dogs, chickens, bunnies...what am I forgetting?

Lots of empty nesters out there I guess, and/or animal lovers.

I'd love to know the mysterious breedable you became dissatisfied with Tari if you wanted to PM me here or IM me in world. (Needless to say, it won't go any further.)

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Melita Magic wrote:

Tari did you even breed the dragons, tigers, lady bugs and all those types of things? I remember seeing so many types of breedables when I did a breedables hunt (I didn't finish the entire hunt, it wore me out before then, there were so many.) There are even breedable rocks.

Offhand I recall breedable dragons, tigers, ostriches, fairies, rocks, little tiny guys I can't remember the name of, Booshies, fennux, meeroos, horses, cats, dogs, chickens, bunnies...what am I forgetting?

Lots of empty nesters out there I guess, and/or animal lovers.

I'd love to know the mysterious breedable you became dissatisfied with Tari if you wanted to PM me here or IM me in world. (Needless to say, it won't go any further.)

To the first question, yes, lol. As far as what you're forgetting...

pufflings, fish, butterflies, snakes, voodoo dolls, spiders, bears, mushrooms, clams, plants, hamsters, bulls, sheep, pigs, grouse, turtles, cactii, cannabis(plant, but it's own category :P), ants, lions, prairie dogs, wolves, living stones,bees, oobies, twibbles, ghostmonks, snails, starlas, chocobo, zwickys, sparrows, seahorses, will-o-whisps, pumpkins, hippos, crystals, jingjings, and I know there are at least 6 or 7 more I'm missing on this list(going on no sleep in 52 hours here, lol, I'll add them when I remember them)

Some of those still are out there, or were only recently abandoned, some are very old and no longer exist. SOme didn't last long to begin with. There are quire a few companies that have done multiple, or have done the same type of breedable, too.

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I forgot one important one, not because I forgot but because it doesn't quite fit the category. Ozimals has a game you can play-an app and on pc(as far as I know, I play it on the pc now and again) called Strangelings. They breed too, but you don't need to be in sl to play it, and it doesn't cost you anything. Or, at least, I've never paid anything for it. That ones pretty cool if you enjoy the breeding aspect and seeing what you can get, lol.


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Everyone has said it before I but I will repeat it: You can't make money on breedables. You breed for the love of watching the creature and letting animals breed in a way you never could in real life. Remember a responsible owner spays/euters  a dog, cat, or rabbit. In Second Life producing offspring without hatching them or bringing them out of stasis has no consequences.

Your largest expense with breedables is land. Prims count so I always think smaller is better. Many older breedables had the lag problem solved. Petable Turtles were phantom and five prim. My Lily Frogs are phantom and four prims each. My Zwickies are phantom and eight prims each. I love all my breedables. I never turned an egg over to The Breeder and have thousands of unhatched or in-stasis offspring in inventory. You will simply never be able to hatch out everything you create, and that is an understatement. You also want your breedables to be long lived because you will become attached to them if you resolve to be a small time operator. 

Your second committment is food and with it time. You will need to see the foodbowls stay full. If you like a daily feeding schedule, which I loved with Petable Turtles, great. Lily Frogs and Zwickies both have automatic feeders. Then there is gathering the eggs and offspring. This routine makes the breedable world go around...well sort of.


I DON'T WANT to regret the time I had with either my Petable Turtles or my Lily Frogs. On July 11, 2013, the Petable Turtle world sort of came to an end. My turtles are statues now. They don't look dead and maybe they never were alive. I decided there was more to life than breeding every day and being pregnant all the time or in rut all the time and eating Petable chow. If you see a small avie with a turtle on her back like a backpack, it is because she is giving that turtle more of a life than he or she had for more than a year as an chow eating egg factory. I've also had great fun making food for my "retired" turtles. Anthony and Grimm gave Petable Turtles a soft landing. I'm very grateful for all that.


On my 512 where I keep my Lily Frog colony, is a rack made from two grid sculpties. In it sits three eggs for which I no longer have cups. The store for Lily Frogs supplies has disappeared. My Lily Frogs have a generous supply of food. The owner of Breedable Nation has not been reachable for the past ten to twelve days. I fear this is a story that will not end well.


I don't want this to be a cautionary tale. My breedables, even my Petable Turtles, who are still quite petable, give back more than what I pay for them. The Lily Frogs do not yet know their fate. The Zwickies are fully supported, but I know some day their support will stop and that right now bonuses and gifts feel like betrayal waiting to happen (That is not the fault of Griderz and the Zwicky development team. It is the fault of what else is happening to my other breedables.). I also tell myself  that in the end the gifts and bonsuses don't really matter. My relation to the creature who is a part of my avie and in turn a part of myself is what is real and what counts. That will be hard for those who are not hard core, breedable enthusiasts to understand.

I also understand that any committment to a breedable is a committment to its developer and to fellow owners. When the developer loses interest.... you can only hope for a soft landing. And when the end almost comes or really comes, none of your friends outside SL or who are not fellow breeders will ever understand. I find the hardest part of the emotional work of adjusting to my Petable Turtles' new status and my Lily Frogs impending doom is the isolation. Some people call this kind of a loss illicit or uncrecognized grief. It is the flip side of the love and joy your breedables will give you.

I won't tell you not to own breedables. I am thinking of my Pet Snake or Bats, but my trust level is a bit wounded. I am also thinking of some day making or buying animated sculpty creatures to cut the developer out of the loop. Personally I like small breedables that can move about. I don't mind daily feedings. I like my breedables to have the illusion of independence. It's only a partial illusion. Love comes with loss. You can read about my story of love and loss at http://tacheiru.us/byriatt/bigmouthsecond.html It's not over yet and going to go on for quite a while.

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Iyoba Tarantal wrote:

Everyone has said it before I but I will repeat it:
You can't make money on breedables


This blanket statement is entirely untrue. Anyone with a decent starter budget and a feeling for which breedables are in demand can make money on breedables.

When I had my meeroo 2 years ago, I made enough off them to feed them, to enlarge the amount of breeding pairs I had, to pay tier costs and still have plenty Linden left over to spend on other things in SL.



When I had my fennux 1 year ago it's the same story, only that I made enough money to work my way up to nearly 100 breeding pairs. The income was steady, the auctions were fun. A single fennux could reap me in a months worth of tier and then some. The highest amount of Linden I got for a fennux was 15.000 Linden, which is nothing in comparison to what some people got for an incredibly well traited fennux.

As of August 1st, i'm breeding imaginimials. What started off as 2 breeding pairs is now already at 10 breeding pairs, their kittens already covering the expense of keeping them AND tier. One of my kittens is currently on a bidboard, with the highest bid being 3000L. That sale alone covers 2 weeks of tier. And that is 1 kitten out of 10 I birth this week.

Last night I witnessed an auction where 55.000 Linden were spent by buyers of kittens. It was impressive and reminded me of the old days. Who knows, Imaginimals could be the revival of breedables, or they can crash and burn in a few months, but by then I - as can you - will make a hefty profit from them.


If you understand the breedable market and have a feel for the community in it, then you can make good money off it.

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What is Imaginimal?

A friend has a rare breedable right now and is not sure what to do. The problem is the breedable community at one end of hte scale are the extreme price gougers, and at the other end are those who breed for enjoyment or 'love' of the 'pet' (roleplay) and don't want to sell. To sell could mean buying into (pun sort of intended) the whole competitive, cut throat, price gouging end of things.

It's no different than in real life business so it's an interesting development to roleplay I think.


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Melita Magic wrote:

What is Imaginimal?


They're a renamed/revamped version of wildwood after it totally went down the crapper. Numerous reasons why that happened-none really that important to the thread. They have turned around somewhat, but many are still hesitant, for good reason. With no communication being sent out for a very long time, a LOT of people were very upset to find out the animals they wanted to send in, to receive imaginamals as replacements(8 cats would get you one) they can no longer do because the window was left open for such a short time(in the grand scheme-considering how long many were loyal customers despite knowing the company was drowning and defunct) and most of the breeding community had no  idea about it-because not everyone stuck around for the year it took to get things going again. Their goal now is to make this company what they wanted to see before, but didn't manage. I do wish them all of the best with this as well, but will remain cautiously optimistic until further notice. I do really hope they succeed this time. The animals are adorable and I do believe they have the heart, but heart won't pay the bills ;)  I've already boxed up my wildwoods with all my other breedables that come from no longer in existance companies. I've quite the collection. :D

No, it's not the company I was previously talking about either. That's just a bit of their background and why they're now called imaginamals.

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Thank you Tari.

There was a breedable I can't remember the name of that wanted old nests and other breedables and would give their products in return. Was that this one? 

There's been more than one breedable that made a big splash and either never got to beta or never got to sales because I never heard more of them. Maybe it's me, and I'm not going to the right sims.

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