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Its hard being a teen.


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At least in second life. There is no real way to make money. Most of the jobs are dealing with "mature" content. Like a sixteen year old hasn't seen strip clubs or bars in movies. That's what every single job in second life is about striping or hosting in a strip club/bar. Well not every single one but all the jobs I find I can't access. The places the jobs are hold take either just rated mature or a club and for those programs while you wait in a certain location for a certain amount of time, they are exactly the same I can't finish them because the place the job is at is rated mature. I just wish there could be jobs like game tester or casheir.That are at plaace teens could go. I wish I had a credit card or bank card for the easy way out but I don't. So I need advice what should I do?

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I would give Demonsthenes kudos if there was an option to do so.  Their advice is spot on.  As a teen you should be enjoying the big wide real world as much as possible, before you are too old and decrepit and jaded to do so.

But for information, most of the jobs within Second Life are certainly not about stripping or working in a bar. A bit more life experience and you may well come back to Second Life with an absolutely fantastic and unique idea in which to make some real life money.

Look up "Anshe Chung" on Google - someone who has made $m+ real money - without resorting to stripping, striping, or anything of that nature.

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Content creation is a rather wide area, and a good deal of it has nothing to do with either Mature or Adult itself. Clothing design, skins, shapes, hairs... building (houses, vehicles, furniture), texturing, scripting, animations, sounds & gestures...


Of course almost virtually all of it requires time learning how to do it... and some talent and effort. But it's a viable venue for earning in-world money.

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The way to make the most money in Second Life is to find a thing that you love doing well and do *that,* instead of working for someone else. Learn to build and create objects. Learn to script. Learn to DJ well, or create art. Open a place of your own on a G sim and draw your own crowds.

What really pays well in SL is talent. Talent for business, art, music, entertaining, creating. Any of those areas will give you not only a measure of success here, they can also give you a measure of success outside of SL too.  If you don't have those skills you'll have to learn them - but that's what makes the difference.

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This ^^.

It's good advice for life too.  If you can find something you love doing you'll put the effort in to do it brilliantly.  If you are brilliant at and enthusiastic about something there's always people who will pay you well to do it.  In RL anything from athletics to music to science takes a great deal of effort and practice.  You'll only put in that effort and make time to practice if you are enthusiastic.  Get world-class and you earn a world-class fee :-) [Yes, I used to, before I got bored with it all]

It's the same in SL.  Get GOOD at it - which mainly means content creation if you want the 'classic' route.  Alternatively, if you prefer inter-personal stuff, become great at customer service, stand-up comedy, DJing, etc. etc.  Run a profitable business or become famous here and, in its small way, it'll be something to put on your CV and talk about at interviews when you have to do the same thing in RL.

Unless, of course, you get so much money doing things here (and the rest of the internet) that you never need to get a job from someone else in RL at all.  It is possible.  At 16 it's definitely possible for you.  Don't bother with the small stuff you could get in SL - do what you love!

And have fun.

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I'll third (or fourth? fifth?) this, but with the caveat that RL is where you should expend your efforts first. Even if creation for virtual worlds is your passion, RL is where you'll create, using tools that are not SL.

ETA: There are ways that SL can be used to practice skills for use in RL. Whether you DJ, sing, play an instrument, RP a giant spider or simply expose yourself to the imaginations of SL residents, you are honing your interpersonal relationship skills and broadening your horizons. In that sense, and with the understanding of the limitations, SL can be a lovely tool.


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Did anyone else notice that this is the Inworld Employment forum, not General Discussion? Just saying.

Here is my advice for you:

Browse through the threads of people looking for work and count how many ask for money but say nothing specific about what they have to offer. Don't they come across as begging for money, rather than looking to be of service? Would you hire them for anything?

Point is, if you can put into words exactly what skills you have to offer (particularly if you can prove you have used them to great benefit in the past), you will have a huge edge over the crowd. If, on the other hand, you don't even know what skills you have to offer yourself, you have a lot of soul-searching to do before you will ever stand a chance in any job market, SL or otherwise.

Luckily, being a teen, time is on your side.

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bsjak23 wrote:

Really because I see the words host, waitress, dancers, and DJs every where. Hating comments are not necessary.

Hate comment???

Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Funny, i see more non mature job postings then mature ones in the commerce section...

Mind pointing out what the "hate" is?

That you can`t access regions doesn`t mean that the jobs are "adult" content and why is being a host doesn`t applies to you as there is no adult content or naked people, all you have to do is spam local chat


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@AliciaSautereauWhat do you think a uppercase A means when you go to destinations and the post you put on here was meant out of pure abhorrence towards me. I asked for help instead you thought it was a good idea to be a smart mouth. I have reasons for checking this forum post and that's to look for better ideas people give me to make money. What's your reason, to start arguments and you know it. The comment you posted was not meant to be helpful so don't even try to act like you weren't trying to be mean. All other post you put I will ignore I just wanted to point this out. Because if you can't act like a grown man or women I will and won't post again. You continuing to post will only make you look bad. Thank you for everyone who actually gave me useful advice,


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bsjak23 wrote:

@AliciaSautereauWhat do you think a uppercase A means when you go to destinations and the post you put on here was meant out of pure abhorrence towards me. I asked for help instead you thought it was a good idea to be a smart mouth. I have reasons for checking this forum post and that's to look for better ideas people give me to make money. What's your reason, to start arguments and you know it. The comment you posted was not meant to be helpful so don't even try to act like you weren't trying to be mean. All other post you put I will ignore I just wanted to point this out. Because if you can't act like a grown man or women I will and won't post again. You continuing to post will only make you look bad. Thank you for everyone who actually gave me useful advice,


I agree with Pie abouve me, come back in a couple of years when you grow up...

Incase you have never heard of the saying "trial and error", keep trying to go to job ads untill you are allowed to teleport in

Job requirement is not sim rating, but you are to young to understand as you clearly hate me for trying to make that point...

Do you think i even care of looking goo or bad? hah, now i remember why the teen grid was such a good idea andthe merger not, do the same as the rest of your age and fake your age to get every where

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I think content creation is your absolute best bet. Despite what some may think, or say, everyone starts out knowing absolutely nothing about it. There are places that offer building classes, although I've never used them so I don't know their sim ratings. Hopefully someone can help out with that.

You can find a ton of tutorials online though. They can help you get started learning. Everything from youtube videos to blogs, is out there. I would start there.

If I were you, or I should say when I was you, someone brand new to content creation that is, I started with the basics. I first read up, a lot, on basic content creation. Then I chucked everything I read, and decided to wing it for a while. I wanted to learn how to use the editor, what it was all about, etc... So that's what i did. My first step, was rezzing a prim. Building in sl has fascinated me since the day I started. It still does. I still love doing it. I still practice, I still research and I am constantly learning. I think that right there is the foundation of a good creator. You have to like, even love, what you do or else it just won't go well for you.

Let me find some links that will be helpful for you. These links can help you get started. I do suggest reading and watching them thoroughly, before you even try to start building. Please be sure to look into the building classes as well. They're free and can be VERY helpful. Some are geared to people who are just starting out and some are geared towards people who already have creation knowlede. They probably all contain at least some of the same information. I should also note, I don't own, or have any affiliation with anyone who does own, these sites.

Please note some links may seem outdated. However they still offer you good insight on the very basics.








That should be enough for now, I think. Best of luck to you!

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