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ok there is a lot of ppl having prob with viewers well just to let you know i dont like firestorm but i know a lot of ppl that love phoenix and now your shutting it down just to let you know the best viewer was emerald till you shut that down now your doing the same to phoenix because you dont do surport for it what you need to do is put a voting board up on your website put all the viewer up on it to see who gets the best vote somthing need to be done plz im asking for your help 

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Phoenix isn't being shut down... it was decided a while back, by the Phoenix team, to stop supporting it in order to concentrate on one viewer code instead of two and I can't say that I blame them.  There are other TPVs based on V1 code that you can use and that are still supported... Cool VL and Singularity.

Emerald was shut down with good reason, into which I will not be going.

There is no need to put up a board to vote for viewers... you can vote for a viewer by simply using the viewer of your choice.  Rest assured, LL knows very well what viewers are the most popular.


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The people that develope Phoenix and Firestorm, and most TPV's are volunteers that are under no obligation to do anything.  They have to make a RL living and devote a lot of free time to developing viewers.  If their limited time and resources make it necessary to devote time to only one viewer, then Firestorm is the way to go.  Instead of whining you should be thankful there are people like them and that they kept Phoenix alive as long as they did.  It's just time for them and you to move on.

A vote board would not give you the results you hope for.  Firestorm, not Phoenix, is the viewer of choice now for the largest number of residents and has been for a long time now.  Are you aware that you can configure Firestorm to have a UI very much like the UI of Phoenix, btw?

Pheonix is like an old car.  It was great in its time but it has been patched so many times now it is ready for the scrap heap.  Time marches on and new tech being introduced makes it a losing battle to keep patching Phoenix.  Its not like you haven't been warned.  They've been telling people for a year at least that this is going to happen.  You've had plenty of time to adapt to Firestorm or find another viewer.  If you don't like Firestorm or your PC is too old to run it, then find another TPV that you do like or that works for you. 

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If you actually wish to do your best to resurrect Phoenix regardless of all the considerations already explained in the previous answers, you should direct this complaint / proposal to the people who actually created Phoenix, in their website. These forums are user to user, but if they represented any particular viewer in that its developers would sometimes read this, that would be the official Linden Labs v3.x viewer, not third-party ones like Phoenix or Firestorm-.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's worth mentioning two things here:

1) Linden Lab allow Third-Party Viewers so we have a choice. Nobody is forced to use a viewer, they try as many as the like until they find one they like. If, however, the team who were maintaining that viewer decide that they do not wish to do so, or Linden Lab decided for various reasons to no longer approve that viewer, it is just something we have to accept, just as we all have to accept faults in the servers being fixed.


2) Linden Lab made TPV's stop showing the viewer that each person was using for several reasons, one of which was that they found people using their own viewer were being sneered at by people using different viewers. Jessica Lyon herself wrote that when she went around using the official Linden Viewer, she herself experienced first-hand such behaviour, and accepted that Linden had good reason to insist on viewers no longer being identified.


Having some sort of viewer good/bad poll is taking a step back and risking starting up another bout of viewer-sneering.

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Ahh, yes... the Viewer Nazis.  Though it never happened to me, I remember hearing stories about people that would ban you because they didn't like the viewer you were using.

Getting rid of that feature is one of the few smart decisions that LL has made.  Although it had it's uses, it created more drama than it was worth.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Ahh, yes... the Viewer Nazis.  Though it never happened to me, I remember hearing stories about people that would ban you because they didn't like the viewer you were using.

Getting rid of that feature is one of the few smart decisions that LL has made.  Although it had it's uses, it created more drama than it was worth.


You can still tell non-FS users.  They're the ones who have their camera crosshairs firmly planted on some woman's bewbies.  :smileywink:

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Anybody who's so gung-ho about Phoenix is perfectly welcome to support it themselves; the source code is open, after all. 

It may be a hint, however, that even the Phoenix developers couldn't stand the thought of supporting that code any longer.

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I feel your pain - I loved the Phoenix Viewer.  I read a thread on SLU that was begun a few months ago by someone who wanted advice on viewers similar to Phoenix for those of us who enjoyed the Phoenix viewer.  Of the viewers suggested I have thus far tried the CoolVL Viewer and Singularity Viewer.  Of these two I personally prefer and am currently using Singularity. (Note:  If you go this route, download the latest alpha build.  I began having crashing issues when trying to load, posted an error issue to the Singularity website and, unlike SL jiras that can now only be seen by the person who began it, was provided the solution within the hour.)

The developers of the Phoenix Viewer are the same developer team for Firestorm, with the same level of great customer service.  For those of us who prefer the v1 UI that Phoenix had, there is a quick method to achieve that look in Firestorm:

I'm currently so satisfied with Singularity that I haven't tried Firestorm yet, but I plan to eventually and will be using the Phoenix interface.

All is not lost. :)





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I used to use the Official Viewer. 3 years. Firestorm scared me. I kept having issues with the OV and I caved in a DL Firestorm. Im happy. It runs faster and it is far less confusing. Also there is a support team that is so patient and hard working. You don't get that with the LL viewer. You do get a whole lot of, "We don't care its always your fault" though. Served with a side of attitude and we can't be bothered by you. I will stick to firestorm. 

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