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Don't know what to do. I'm stuck

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As a new player I saw some events on SL site to earn Linden money. I teleported to 5th avenue to work as model. That event was at 3:00 am.

I don't know where to go, what to do, where is that "blue box" to get clothes, and where is the person to contact to get a job.

So, im stuck.

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No, you're lucky. "Jobs" in SL that tell you that you can get paid for doing easy things that require no experience are exactly as legitimate as the similar RL offers that arrive in your E-mail box. That "job" probably would have involved your buying some badly-made, overpriced clothing and taking a picture of yourself.

You don't really need Lindens to have a good time in SL - I'd advise you to do exploring first and getting to know things. Then you may find an interest that can end up making you REAL fake money.


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Im lucky, because they posted fake advertisements for events. They deserve to be banned, wasted time for nothing. I thought this is a serious game with serious players. Im wrong.

I don't need Lindens? What im doing here then? lol

I thought it's possibile in some time to earn real life money in this game, im living in effed up third world country. So, it's immposibile to get a job in real world, and its immposibile to get a job here in game. This life is effed up.


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I agree with Theresa. Most places like that aren't legit. There are a few ways to earn money in SL...dancing, building, photography..plus there are money trees (where my new ALT earned a cool $10L over three days time...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:).

There are lots of things for new residents though. Check out the Fab Free website (http://fabfree.wordpress.com/) which has lots of items for new residents.

Then go out...check out some groups through the search function..meet some people. won't cost you a thing except time.

Good luck.

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IvanMaximus wrote:

Im lucky, because they posted fake
advertisements for events. They deserve to be banned, wasted time for nothing. I thought this is a serious game with serious players. Im wrong.

I don't need Lindens? What im doing here then? lol

I thought it's possibile in some time to earn real life money in this game, im living in effed up third world country. So, it's immposibile to get a job in real world, and its immposibile to get a job here in game. This life is effed up.


I thought the "where can I get the moneyyyyy????"- Newbies where all gone already...

1. Second Life is not a game. It has no goals, no quests, no dragons to slay. If you want to become rich in a game: Any MMORPG will do fine for you. If you want to make easy real life money: Go to a McDonalds or supermarket in your town and ask for student jobs.

2. We are not players and what do have tricky advertisingmethods to do with serious or not? They don't break a rule with this and since only unexperianced or greedy people fall for it nobody has cared about them for a long time.

3. As in RL, money doesn't just fall down from the sky. You have to do something to get it. Do you have anykind of skill? The people here who are able to make a decent amount of money are either excellent builders, scripters or photoshoptalents. People don't pay money for nothing.

4. If you can afford a PC and a internetconnection which both are capable of Second Life, you are not poor.

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Second Life can mimic Real Life - there are scammers and not so great people, and there are awesome and interesting people. 

When people first join Second Life and find out they can make money, of course they want to - its natural. However, just like Real Life, the people who will make money are the people with some sort of skill. Fortunately, if you're on the internet you can learn and practice a skill.

The first thing you want to do though, is discover what you enjoy doing. Explore Second Life and find out what you like about it - once you find something, explore that further. Everything that people do on Second Life for money, you can learn to do - but no one is going to hand you a fist full of cash on Second Life, just the same as Real Life. Just like Real Life, your success depends on you. 

Explore. Learn. Create. The possibilities are endless if you choose to apply yourself. You'll get out as much as you put in. 

Good luck!

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Syo Emerald wrote:


I thought the "where can I get the moneyyyyy????"- Newbies where all gone already...


4. If you can afford a PC and a internetconnection which both are capable of Second Life, you are not poor.

No one knows the financial situation of anyone here. A computer and internet connection does not constitute wealth or the ability to purchase $L. I love how people are judged because they have valid questions and that always gets thrown in there about owning a computer and having an internet connection. Do you know how I got MY computer, if it's new or old? Do you also know if I live with someone? Do you know how much money I have? How much I allot myself to spend on what is considered entertainment?NO you don't. People should quite assuming so much.

I have noticed a pattern of some being humble when they post on another well known SL forum. where they are new members, yet here where they have been posting for some time, there is a different tone. I find that interesting.

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Try contacting the event sponsor with questions. There should've been an avatar name. If not, right click the land and see who owns the land, nad ask them. Or right click something in the shop to see who owns it, as they are probably the shop owner.

A bit like RL in the sense that there are various citizens of this virtual world and all are different and many play by their own rules. THere is no hard and fast answer to why you were (apparently) stood up.




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IvanMaximus wrote:

Im lucky, because they posted fake
advertisements for events. They deserve to be banned, wasted time for nothing. I thought this is a serious game with serious players. Im wrong.

I don't need Lindens? What im doing here then? lol

I thought it's possibile in some time to earn real life money in this game, im living in effed up third world country. So, it's immposibile to get a job in real world, and its immposibile to get a job here in game. This life is effed up.


Ivan, if your goal is to earn enough money to make a difference in your RL life, RL is the best place to do it, effed up or not.

It is possible to earn significant money in SL, but that requires as much or more effort and talent as in RL. Most of that money is earned by people who create the things others buy. There are claimed examples of people leveraging their "social skills" to make money here, but they're rare. If you have digital 3D construction skills, or wish to acquire them for use in RL as well, then SL might hold some promise. Otherwise, it's probably best to think of SL as a (hopefully) pleasant diversion of whatever spare time you have after applying yourself towards employment in RL.

I hope your circumstances and outlook improve!

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1. Second life is not a game? Then i see 3D graphics for the first time. Student job? I am 31 years old. And students are spoiled.

2. To be honost i was scared when i was alone there on Fift Avenue.

3. I have skills in solving PC problematics, software and hardware. I was a Security Guard in a large supermarket shop, i saved an employee from falling, I risked my life. Green belt in Shotokan Karate martial art.

4. I can't afford PC, because my PC is 13 years old (the game runs realy slow with bad graphics), with free WI-FI internet signal in just one spot place, hallway of the house (if i move my PC i will lost free WI-FI signal). I playing games standing and writing to you standing, i can't sit down here in the hallway. If you can afford a car that mean you are rich?

Syo, you live a lot better life, because that you can't understand people who do not have much. If I write a book one day about my life, you will be stunned.

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Malanya wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:


I thought the "where can I get the moneyyyyy????"- Newbies where all gone already...


4. If you can afford a PC and a internetconnection which both are capable of Second Life, you are not poor.

No one knows the financial situation of anyone here. A computer and internet connection does not constitute wealth or the ability to purchase $L. I love how people are judged because they have valid questions and that always gets thrown in there about owning a computer and having an internet connection. Do you know how I got MY computer, if it's new or old? Do you also know if I live with someone? Do you know how much money I have? How much I allot myself to spend on what is considered entertainment?NO you don't. People should quite assuming so much.

I have noticed a pattern of some being humble when they post on another well known SL forum. where they are new members, yet here where they have been posting for some time, there is a different tone. I find that interesting.

Sorry, but where I come from someone who can purchase expensive electronic devices and pay a monthly fee isn't what I consider really poor. Sure, someone can feel poor towards the standart income of his/her country, but thats a different kind of poor (one the homeless guy under the bridge aorund the corner will laugh at).

Buying L$ is like going to a local coffeeshop and buy some cup of coffee (according to the amount of money spend). Saying "I don't want to spend that for virtual goods" is ok.

I have spend two years in SL this way and have seen it as part of the fun to satisfy my shoppingneeds in SL without buying extra cash. That was totally doable. But getting enough money to support ones real life is a total different pair of shoes. That requires skill, lots of time and luck.

But anyway....you want to see it as aggressive, do so.


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Key Point: "where you come from" so you shouldn't inflict what you see in your world to others around the world. You don't have to be homeless to be poor. I am not sure what you mean about laughing at a guy under a bridge, I don't understand what you mean.

What is good for you, or me may not be good or doable for someone else. That's pretty simple and I am not going on the economics of any country, that's a huge generalization of what people can and can't do in my country. I won't even get into a discussion about buying a cup of coffee to buying $L.

Another assumption Syo, I don't see what you wrote as aggressive, you should understand that making such assumptions about so many things will make you wrong 90% of the time.

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Malanya wrote:

Key Point: "where you come from" so you shouldn't inflict what you see in your world to others around the world. You don't have to be homeless to be poor. I am not sure what you mean about laughing at a guy under a bridge, I don't understand what you mean

Yes, where I come from...but feel free to show me the magical land is, where a SL capable computer and a fast internetconection grow on trees, so that they come at the price of an apple.

I thought my statement about what I consider poor was clear. There are two kinds of poor in the world. One definition considers someone poor, if he/she can't afford normal cultural standarts of the society he/she lives in and earns less than 40% of the average income.

The second definiton considers someone poor if he/she lacks of things from the basic things a person needs. Not enough food, not enough water, no real home. People who suffer from this kind of poverty exist in every country. Thats the guy living under a bridge, for example. And I said people like him would shake their head, when they could read how someone who can afford such kind of electronical entertainment is called poor.

Hope its now a bit better to understand. Its a matter of viewpoint what can be called poor. But lets get back to using SL as a way to earn L$....

A little example:

Lets say to cover weekly needs in SL a person needs the amount of L$ a cup of coffee at Starbucks costs. From experiance I can say its possible, even for a person who is not gifted with incredible skills, to make this amount of money with jobs in SL.

This amount of money could make a huge difference for the homeless guy from the second group. And could improve the entertainment experiance of someone from the first group.

I assume the person here could be located in the first group (poor when compared to the society he lives in). His goal is not to improve his SL life but to use SL as an alternative job. And thats the point where I start to question, if its a) possible and b) not based on false information about SL.

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Sorry, i don't drink coffee :matte-motes-asleep-2:.Here in my place the average salary is 250 eur per month, the price for internet connection is 15 eur per month, the steam heating is now 70 eur per month (our politicians have supported this more expensive heating stupid idea), and the food is the most expensive in the World. And the worst thing is that you can't find a job here.With one salary in a house with two unemployed  I had to turn to other sources of income.Well, i just thought that i can make something in SL, i have planty ideas...Seems to me I'll pass this game.

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IvanMaximus wrote:

1. Second life is not a game? Then i see 3D graphics for the first time. Student job? I am 31 years old. And students are spoiled.

2. To be honost i was scared when i was alone there on Fift Avenue.

3. I have skills in solving PC problematics, software and hardware. I was a Security Guard in a large supermarket shop, i saved an employee from falling, I risked my life. Green belt in Shotokan Karate martial art.

4. I can't afford PC, because my PC is 13 years old (the game runs realy slow with bad graphics), with free WI-FI internet signal in just one spot place, hallway of the house (if i move my PC i will lost free WI-FI signal). I playing games standing and writing to you standing, i can't sit down here in the hallway. If you can afford a car that mean you are rich?

Syo, you live a lot better life, because that you can't understand people who do not have much. If I write a book one day about my life, you will be stunned.

Ivan, I'm not saying you are rich just because you own a PC, because that wouldn't make sense. I have a PC and I'm not rich but at the same time not poor. And my financial situation has no negative influence on my education and knowledge...so I have a pretty detailed picture about how life can look like.

Studentjobs...well I used this word to best describe this kind of job. Easy to do, not much hours a week and a tiny payment (but still an easier payment and trying to get the same amount of money within Second Life). I just asked if that would be an option for you, since it sounded like you were looking for ways to make money to improve your financial situation.

And yes, 3D graphics doesn't mean its a game. At least not how games are usually definied. Don't know what is your definition of a game.

Edit: If really not even a small job is reachable at the moment...you could always try to teach yourself new things within SL or be creative and try to use one of your current skills to find your own way of making money. All I'm saying is, that its really not that common and easy to earn a lot.

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I don't recall saying there was a magical land, I actually live in the real world and not everyone I know in sl has a new or fast computer, nor do they have fast internet and many live with other family members so the computer and internet our not their expense or their sole expense.

Your definition of poor was not clear to me and I will say maybe because of where we are located in the world. There is no cut and dry poor where I live, there are many variations. I realize there is poverty in every country, homeless people, can't afford a coat, going to a shelter to eat, yes I get that. I didn't get the example of the guy under the bridge, but I see with your explanation, your view. I have known people who had a wealth of a life and in one quick turn all was gone due to reasons beyond their control so they may have experienced what it was like to have something, none of us are immune to that no matter how much we have in life.

I do agree, people should not come to sl thinking they can make a boatload of $, but I can also see the that many may feel from seeing or hearing about how people do make money (whether a small amount or decent money) here in sl  don't understand what it takes to make any kind of money here at all. So, if someone comes and ask, or had an issue, telling them to go to McDonalds and assume anything about their electronic and internet availability isn't helping them understand.

The OP's next post did explain what he expected out of sl and I do agree, again, thinking to make money so fast and an amount to live in seems to be false information about sl.

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There is good advice here, Ivan.  If it was easy to make real money in SL, there would be many, many more residents doing just that.  I would take the suggestion to focus on making it in the real world, first.  SL is a pleasant diversion.  Short-term you should approach it as such.  Have fun!

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Syo, you said so, you changing your statement now? :matte-motes-confused:

"Easy to do, not much hours a week and a tiny payment (but still an easier payment and trying to get the same amount of money within Second Life)"   -Where can i apply?:matte-motes-agape:.

Definition of game: electronic game played by means of images on a video screen.

"you could always try to teach yourself new things"  -I finished the course for installers of Solar equipment tehcnology a 2 years ago, you know what, no jobs at all here in my country.



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IvanMaximus wrote:

Syo, you said so, you changing your statement now? :matte-motes-confused:

"Easy to do, not much hours a week and a tiny payment (but still an easier payment and trying to get the same amount of money within Second Life)"   -Where can i apply?:matte-motes-agape:.

Definition of game:
electronic game played by means of images on a video screen.

"you could always try to teach yourself new things"  -
I finished the
course for
of Solar equipment tehcnology a 2 years ago, you know what, no jobs at all here in my country.


You can define a word by using the same word... :matte-motes-wink: But ok, to you it is a game, we shouldn't argue about that.

I've suggested this small jobs a bit with a questionsign behind it, because I don't know how exactly the economy is structured in your country and if there are such kind of jobs availabel for you. I have a few fellow students who do tiny jobs to pay rent or afford a small car.

The part with teaching was about SL. I said its not easy and it will be timeconsuming, but I would never say that you shouldn't try it, if you really want to. Classes for building and other things are free.

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Malanya wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:


I thought the "where can I get the moneyyyyy????"- Newbies where all gone already...


4. If you can afford a PC and a internetconnection which both are capable of Second Life, you are not poor.

No one knows the financial situation of anyone here. A computer and internet connection does not constitute wealth or the ability to purchase $L. I love how people are judged because they have valid questions and that always gets thrown in there about owning a computer and having an internet connection. Do you know how I got MY computer, if it's new or old? Do you also know if I live with someone? Do you know how much money I have? How much I allot myself to spend on what is considered entertainment?NO you don't. People should quite assuming so much.


I'm getting tired with this type of assumption as well, Malanya.  Using myself as an example, I'll bore everyone with this one more time...lol:

*I live on US SSDI disability due to a genetic chronic illness that I was able to control with medications for over 20 years but eventually became too ill to continue working.  Prior to that  I was a high achiever, earned a Masters Degree, and held many professional jobs.  Due to having to opt for SSDI at a relatively young age and not being able to build up more Social Security credits, the monthly check I receive is waaaaayyyyy below the US poverty level.

*How do I have an internet connection and PC:  My current PC is 10 years old and was custom built for me for easy upgrading, which I did until I no longer had the income to do so.  My mother pays for my internet connection, as well as my electricity and landline phone bills.  I don't own (or really want) a cell phone.

*I pay my rent with the check I receive and have had to move many times in the last 7 years when the apartment complexes in which I lived raised the rent too high for me to remain.  I have checked into obtaining a Section 8 voucher which subsidizes a large part of one's rent but, due to the current economy, the list for this is closed.

*If I were not blessed to have my mother's help, I honestly don't know what I would do.

When the various changes that have occurred within SL this past year (DD, mesh, etc.) came about and which I cannot utilize due to my PC not being able to run the necessary viewers because it is not SEE2 enabled, and posted about my concerns on these forums, I received the same flip answers including:

*If you can afford a PC & internet connection, you can afford to upgrade. (See why I have an internet connection above.  As it happens, my mother *did* finally gift money to me to purchase a new PC when she realized the situation and that SL is basically my only "entertainment" on a social level.)

*If you can't afford a new PC, then you should find a new hobby.

There was a time in my life when I could have purchased a new PC yearly if I had wanted to.  Something for those of you who throw out these thoughtless answers: Your life can change in an instant.

Edit: Clarification

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Syo Emerald wrote:

IvanMaximus wrote:

Syo, you said so, you changing your statement now? :matte-motes-confused:

"Easy to do, not much hours a week and a tiny payment (but still an easier payment and trying to get the same amount of money within Second Life)"   -Where can i apply?:matte-motes-agape:.

Definition of game:
electronic game played by means of images on a video screen.

"you could always try to teach yourself new things"  -
I finished the
course for
of Solar equipment tehcnology a 2 years ago, you know what, no jobs at all here in my country.


You can define a word by using the same word... :matte-motes-wink: But ok, to you it is a game, we shouldn't argue about that.

I've suggested this small jobs a bit with a questionsign behind it, because I don't know how exactly the economy is structured in your country and if there are such kind of jobs availabel for you. I have a few fellow students who do tiny jobs to pay rent or afford a small car.

The part with teaching was about SL. I said its not easy and it will be timeconsuming, but I would never say that you shouldn't try it, if you really want to. Classes for building and other things are free.

It is not a game to me, I don't know where you even got that idea? SL to me is a place where I can interact with people I care about and enjoy unleashing my creativity in a relaxing way.

I don't know what kind of jobs are available in your country as well and I won't assume, I would try and understand from what you explain.

I agree that coming to sl for the sole purpose of making a living isn't based on the reality of what actually goes into making money here, tiny amount or a decent income. Many people make a rl living here, but they have worked hard and put a lot into it and some make enough just to enjoy certain aspects of sl so they don't have to purchase $L. I agree. Yes building classes, lots of textures, sculpts, etc many free ones available to learn as well as videos.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Sorry, but where I come from someone who can purchase expensive electronic devices and pay a monthly fee isn't what I consider really poor. Sure, someone can feel poor towards the standart income of his/her country, but thats a different kind of poor
(one the homeless guy under the bridge
aorund the corner will laugh at


There's a name for mythical creatures who live under bridges (not directing it at you or any of the usual posters)....




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I know Czari, these assumptions I can't wrap my head around and they are said often by many people. I know you have been on both sides of the fence from your previous posts. I am so sorry that life has thrown you this curve :( and to hear of peoples lives changed so drastically because of things they had no control over saddens me. My life could change in a moment, no matter what I am today could change in a heartbeat and not because I am not responsible or even prepared for such a change it can happen and that's why I don't judge or assume things when it comes to someone's personal life and throw in some opinion about who has a right to enjoy things because of what they can or can't afford. Most people take simple things for granted, such as flipping a switch to turn on their lights, some don't even see the bills, they are just paid.

I can't imagine how these type of assumptions affect you. I am sure the chronic illness alone was life changing before your financial situation did. Having to claim disability at a young age is hard enough, and if you don't have enough work quarters in the amount is almost near impossible to live on. I have a very good friend who was disabled at the age of 35 and I saw what she went through. She can't leave her home so to say because she should not enjoy the benefits of how a computer keeps her socially active and makes her feel part of the world is just damn ignorant. Sadly, she is over 2000 miles away from me now and there is only so much I can do for her now.

You are one tough cookie :) and I am so glad to know that you are getting a new computer. I wish I could see the joy when you hit that button when you boot up that pc for the first time...



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Thank you for your kind post, Malanya. :)  I don't mean to elicit pity from my posts (this isn't directed at you; I understand where you're coming from) but just using my story as an example to help illustrate the situation.  I am very blessed in my life and many people have things much, much worse than I.  Are you still in touch with the friend you mentioned?  A woman I first met 20 years ago on IRC who later came to SL and with whom I forged a "RL" friendship in that we spoke often on the phone had a stroke in her early 40's with the result of her health deteriorating over time.  Since she had been on disability long before I, she was a wealth of resources for benefits to which I was entitled, but had never heard of.  As ill as she was, she was always so happy and upbeat. 

Re: my new PC...lol.  I'm excited and a bit nervous, which is a strange emotion.  I was talking to my mother the other day and said that to move at all in SL, especially when I'm anyplace but my home, I have to push the arrow keys really hard to crawl.  If I do that with my new PC I will likely be in the next sim....lol.  She laughed and said it will be like when she went from using a manual to electric typewriter and, after being used to having to apply a heavy pressure on the manual, at first she was typing off the page with the electric.

That WA-HOOOO! you hear over the weekend will likely be me. *Grins*


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