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most have normal spec cars,why does sl and fire-storm think we own ferreris and porsches

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Mr/Ms Wingtips seems to have left the building but I've seen this discussion so many times I thought I'd post something that might at least interest those with similar questions. I've posted this information before but I still think it's worth knowing. Inara Pey is a long-time SL resident and spends a lot of time looking into things. One of the things she does on a regular basis is try out new viewer releases—everybody's new viewer releases, not just LL or Phoenix/Firestorm or any other TPV. Here are the specs for the PC she uses for viewer testing:

CPU: Intel Q6600 Quad core, @ 2.4GHz
Memory: 3GB DDR2 (PC2-5300) 333MHz
OS: Windows 7 SP1 32-bit
Video: nVidia GE9800GT 1GB

Yep. Terribly outdated stuff, nothing anyone would recommend EVER. But it works. Wait, there's more. Here are the specs for the computer I use for SL:

CPU: Intel Pentium (yes, that's right: a Pentium) Dual CPU E2200 @ 2.20GHz
Memory: 2GB DDR2 (PC2-5300) 333MHz
OS: Windows XP SP 3 32 bit
Video: Nvidia GeForce 9500GT 1GB

Even lamer! Lesser CPU, significantly lesser graphics adaptor. I do intend to upgrade (replace, actually, the MB's too old to mess with upgrades) but the point is it works. I run Firestorm one rev down, and as soon as my beta test team (a friend/mentor who knows no fear) approves the latest I'll switch to that. No, I can't do well with graphic intensive stuff. I'm inworld right now. In my Preferences>Graphics the default settings are in place with a couple of exceptions. Lighting and Shadows is off. DD is 64, LOD is 4096. Other than that I have accepted the defaults. I get around fine. I can't take great pictures but if I really want to I can enable Lighting and Shadows. My frame-rate drops to the floor but I don't crash (never tried it with a lot of avatars around, though).

Right now I'm one of two avatars on my home sim. Frame rate upper thirties, Ping 40-60. Turning on Lighting and Shadows drops the frame-rate to about 14. Adding Ambient Occlusion and Depth of Field pulls it down to 9. Still, if I really do want to take a decent snapshot I can.

There are a few caveats. I am not a creator. If I can't see the finest texture details it is of no matter; were I a creator it probably would be. I am not a DJ/Host/Dancer/Whatever. When I am in large groups of people, I am strictly one of the group. If I crash or freeze up or something nobody else's experience is diminished. Other than that, I get by pretty well.

My point in all this is to suggest that having the latest and greatest maxxed out graphics capable machine isn't really necessary to enjoy Second Life. If you're someone like me who has fallen in love with this place because of all the interesting things I've seen and all of the wonderful people I've met, you can get by even with a clunker like mine.

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well the manufacture can only create a card with a sucess rate of I dont know lets say 80% the software writers of the games I would think work hand in hand with the makers, its a chicken and egg situ

but you cannot deny that sl is experancing lots of probs ,if it tweaking that needs to correct this then it needs to be adress by LL

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greek Wingtips wrote:

well the manufacture can only create a card with a sucess rate of I dont know lets say 80% the software writers of the games I would think work hand in hand with the makers, its a chicken and egg situ

but you cannot deny that sl is experancing lots of probs ,if it tweaking that needs to correct this then it needs to be adress by LL

You'd think they'd work closer but they don't.  Linus Torvald talks about dealing with them.

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greek Wingtips wrote:

well I end it now, only to say I do pay for this game so one is entitled to complain if I spend more time fixing bugs then playing the game, and with that I leave it there

No, you don't. Most patently not.


Anyway, if you're a Premium member, that basically entitles you to open support tickets to LL... not that non-premium members can't, but... well, you know. That you can do.


What it most definitely doesn't entitle you (not that you don't do it anyway, but judging from most of your previous posts & threads, that's hardly a surprise anymore), is to open a thread explicitly 'wanting to hear from us', and then resenting the hell out of every answer that doesn't say exactly what you'd like to hear -which, to be honest, I'm not really sure what in Philip Linden's name that would be, because fact is, for better or worse SL is what it is, and none of us is optimally equipped to change it; at most we might be able to offer technical suggestions... that is, if you weren't a qualified IT employee ready to upload his credentials :smileywink:

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

All indications are that ATI writes their OpenGL drivers by taping a paper lunch bag around a cat's head and having it walk around on a keyboard for a while.

i got nuthin' to add to this discussion. Just wanted to say that I thought this was hilarious. :smileyvery-happy:

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Ren, I started to write a very long and lengthy reply to you,all I say I believe you have a vested interest in SL in some sort shape or form, but please do not be try to discredit me by looking as my previous, if I wish to complain or argue that my democratic right, it also allows others to argue my points too, its called a debate does not matter how its conducted or said, as long as its not rude, slanderous,or defamatory then its free and legal, when YOU use statements and words like " " or "basically entitles" then this tell me you are trying to dictate to me, you have no right to tell me nothing what I can or cannot say, hence why you sound like you have vested interest and if you do , then disclose it ,

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No one ever makes a product that satisfies everyones needs.  That is why there are a lot of brands of different things. That is why there are high end sports cars as well as economy models that provide just basic transportatoin.

Firestorm is not obligated to make a viewer that fits your needs any more than Ferarri is required to make a car you can afford.  If you can't use it there are other TPV's you probably can.

You can drive a ferrari for years, but if you become old and need special controls to help you drive it, Ferrari is not obligated to make all their new cars with these controls.  Second Life is also also not obligated to be sure that each new feature or viewer they release fits you particular needs.  Just like that Ferrari, when SL's viewer no longer works for you, you can choose to stop paying for SL switch brands to a TPV that does, or spring for new equipment.

And no, i have no vested interest in TPV's or LL.

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If you like to know firestorm is a very great product I switch to its viewer long time ago and like it, my debate is not to attack but highlight the ever growing upgrades at the expence of bugs or not allowing a fully time lapse in beta's before final release,you seem to think its only me that suffers from probs with bugs,laggy,ghosting losing invent and so on, you ask any person in sl and they will tell you the same thing, it has beome more unstable , and people are getting fed up with it, now its no skin of my nose as I can just cut the switch and leave sl, thats my progative but am sure if paying people started to leave sl because they are fed up spending more fixing than playing in sl SL would be concerned, its easy to sign up for sl but its another thing when your a paying customer, you need to remememer that that a paying custom desevers value for money and give me the right to complain ,

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I wager you 10k L$ who is the IT person here you or me,

Me's not ... and with you I'm not so sure either. And it's beside the point anyway and no part of this thread that I still call a discussion, not a debate. Drama queen much?


I will upload my qualifications and my status of my employment and you do the same

Why do you think you're significant enough for me to read your credentials? Wrong sense of entitlement? Obviously.


read what am saying, if you dont understand then said so

I read and comprehended your post just fine. So the rest of your post is just white noise.


but smart ass comments just shows your low intel in the disscussion

See, with that argument youn almost got me without even recognizing it. So you missed again. You could've attacked me for not being helpful but just mean spirited and sarcastic. And that I was, it's my style to tell ppl they are overstepping the boundaries of their competence and intellectual capabilities.


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Just so for our tekkies like Orca

Again, I'm not a tekkie, just a normally able PC user with some common sense ... unlike you.


so there you go Orca hope that now answers your question

1) I didn't ask you any question ... oh, one maybe: what were you smoking?

2) If I had a question your post wouldn't have sufficed as an answer but only confuserized me more. But, as I said, I didn't have a question. So there. My SL just runs fine, sometimes it even sings. On ultra graphics and 256 DD. And that on a outdated 1000 € hardware and rather crappy connection. I only avoided one cruicial mistake, a mistake you made. And to avoid it I don't need to be a tekkie with credentials but just read up on the forums, get informed and don't buy the cheapest chit available: I told the guy at the PC store to put a Nvidia GPU in my box and stay away from ATI/AMD. Problem solved before here could be a problem.


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greek Wingtips wrote:

If you like to know firestorm is a very great product I switch to its viewer long time ago and like it, my debate is not to attack but highlight the ever growing upgrades at the expence of bugs or not allowing a fully time lapse in beta's before final release,you seem to think its only me that suffers from probs with bugs,laggy,ghosting losing invent and so on, you ask any person in sl and they will tell you the same thing, it has beome more unstable , and people are getting fed up with it, now its no skin of my nose as I can just cut the switch and leave sl, thats my progative but am sure if paying people started to leave sl because they are fed up spending more fixing than playing in sl SL would be concerned, its easy to sign up for sl but its another thing when your a paying customer, you need to remememer that that a paying custom desevers value for money and give me the right to complain ,

First I used the word 'you and yours' to be mean anyone that it applied to.  Don't be so sensitive and think its all about you.

Secondly, I have firestorm and know lots of people that run it and love it.  They have no problems with the current version at all or with the SL upgrades in general - and yes I have asked them.  I never said that you are the only one that has problems, but the only people I have run into that have problems with it have low end or older machines or issues that need to be fixed with their machines.

I am also not saying that SL is bug and error free. It is the nature of the beast with something as complex as SL.  There are a lot of things that LL could probably do better too, but I have heard people like you predict that people will be leaving in droves for one reason or another for almost seven years now and it hasn't happened. yet.  If you feel you are not receiving value for your money then its simple, stop paying.  You can downgrade to basic.

Lastly, complain all you want.  No one is stopping you.  However if you do that by posting on the forum people have a right to take issue with what you complain about too. 

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greek Wingtips wrote:

mart asses always chat but never can backup their claims so, I wager you 10k L$ who is the IT person here you or me, I will upload my qualifications and my status of my employment and you do the same, read what am saying, if you
understand then said so, then i explain, but smart ass comments just shows your low intel in the

To continue your flawed analogy... You work in IT and don't have a sports car? Here I thought all IT people had Rocket cars.. Personal pride and all that.

The reason i say your analogy is flawed is, you are comparing the viewers to cars when its the terrain that matters the most. The proper way to say it would have been.. "Why do they  assume we all have 4x4s when most of us have cars? We can't climb the mountain in a punch buggy."

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