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Driving Vehicles in open sims

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I've tried to ride my bike and I have tried several bikes and cars and I get lagspikes that sends me far away, usually in the water, mountains and outside the sim. I have to wait several minutes untill I get back on track again. I dont drive fast either. The only places I've found where it works is at racetracks, well I only found two but they work. I want an open sim thats not just a race track. Does someone else have this problem and is there any solution?


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When you cross sim lines, you get handed over to a different server. You can do a few things to make this go smoother. 1 - go slower. Gives the system more time to hand you over (like before you reach the next sim!) 2 - get rid of HUDS you do not need, and other scripted attachments. When you are less "heavy" lag-wise , you are easier to hand over. You don't need your security orb or Mysti (things which scan for avatars are especially laggy) while driving. 3 - Don't do turns on sim crossings. (This means: open the minimap so you can see where these are!) Doing tight turns on a sim crossing, so you may be in the neighbouring sim for only a very brief moment, can result in the system not having time to hand you over to that sim, and back again. 4 - Do not use vehicles with enormous amounts of attachments, they are terrible at crossings. On the eastern side of Abbotts is my hangar. It is not a shop; this is not an advertisement. On the back wall is a board with some notecard givers. One of them is called VOLA. It is meant to be a pre-flight check for pilots but any vehicle user in SL can profit from it. And it's free.

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Thanks for your advices. The thing is that I have done all this and I noticed today as you say, its over the sim crossings. I got myself a really ugly car for free that runs as fast as I walk and that works ok. My bike and and other bikes/cars I tried doesnt go fast (I have my bike on 1st gear) but still this happens. My friend tried the same thing with a free bike and ended up the same way. I have low prims/scripts on my avi cause I need it for a race track where they only allow low scripts so it cant be that either.

But you are right, its at the simcrossings this happens. Well, I just have to stick to my racing tracks then even though I would really like to go in a more beautiful scenery. I will look into that hangar you told me about :).

Sorry Im a bit picky about apperance when it comes to vehicles and forgive my bad spelling, I'm swedish ^^

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And about the sim and updates, yeah I've thought of that too. Ive tried 12 open sims with the same result and as I said, only the racetrack works. I just have to wait and see if things get better. Me and my sub just do that picknick in my bathroom instead <_<

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SL vehicles that depend on physics to work, just like their RL counterparts, can be difficult to control without practice.  So hopefully you'll get better at it with time.  In addition to the advice about crossing sim borders  there are a few other factors to consider. I don't do cars but I love to ride my motorcycle and sail so I'll address bikes and sail boats.  .

The bike brand I use can be adjusted in many ways to make them easier to ride for a particular person and their style of riding..  Some bike builders do this for you, but I have always found they don't suit me. I won't buy a bike that doesn't allow me to set up how it handles myself.   Another factor is the way the bike itself is built. For technical reasons the root prim of a bike has to have a zero rotation and contain the scripts.  Some builders accomplish this by taking a short cut and using an invisible prim with zero rotation as the root.  However that prim must be physical so it effects the physics of the bike and makes driving it harder. It is like installing a motor in a big box and sticking it on a slick racer. Its better if the root prim at zero rotation is actually part of the bike and near the center.

I've noticed a similar thing with boats.  I have some boats that look great but are just plain hard to sail.  Recently I found a brand that is one of the easiest to sail in a sim I've ever used and rarely is effected by sim crossings.  While I have never analyzed it as closely as I have bikes, because you can't really adjust a sail boat, it probably has a lot to do with the scripting and the way the boat is built.  This particular brand is made by someone that is a RL sailor and boat designer.

Lag can be due to the way the sim is built or it can be caused by a problem on your end with your internet connection or computer.  I've been to a number of sims where people complain about lag, but I don't have any.  In general, the best sims to ride on are those with a more rural appearance with little else on them except for the road course, some landscaping and few buildings, none of which use high definition textures.  The worst are the ones that have a lot of buildings, generally urban builds, particularly if those buildings have shops using vendors.


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Yeah Im a biker myself and I bought a rather expensive one with multiple configurations so I know how it feels like to try to get it as you want and at last but I just have to see where the sim crossings are on the map, never noticed I could do that.

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Captivitas wrote:

Hmm how do you see where a sim ends and another start? I try to look at the minimap but cant see it

On the mini-map the sim you are on has a different shade of blue then the surrounding sims.  If you have Property Lines on (World->Show->Property Lines) you'll see lines around the parcels an sims.  Practice makes it easier to see the sim borders, I still often get caught by surprise.

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Sim boundary crossings were very bad for vehicles not many weeks ago when I was last doing it. So bad that it caused me to stop trying. Even moving very slowly between empty water sims caused so many crashes that it became pointless even trying..

There was talk about threaded boundary crossings, which was supposed to make them work much better. Does anyone know if threaded crossings were introduced yet?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

There was talk about threaded boundary crossings, which was supposed to make them work much better. Does anyone know if threaded crossings were introduced yet?

yes has been in for a bit now. linden report on their blog that avatar only crossing failures been reduce by 91%

linden not report on vehicle failures tho. seems is not much difference. anecdotally anyways

edit: this one http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/An-Update-on-Recent-Improvements-to-Second-Life/ba-p/1911479


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Amethyst wrote: In general, the best sims to ride on are those with a more rural appearance with little else on them except for the road course ...

Haha, that's normal for me. I'm on a high latency and kinda slow connection so when I'm riding I'm mostly always in the middle of nowhere, sometimes I even have to stop coz I'm running out of road. Only when parking for a couple minutes for a smoke all the stuff around me renders. And it's always a disappointment. I did a lot of road trips for my bloggy and often they ended in a catastrophe but I love exploring the Linden routes. Much nicer than going in circles on some racetrack.


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yes. after they made the change

is still the same for me. it not seem to make any difference. sims still not being there. get unsit etc. all the usuals. same old

altho I did get to about 3 sims short of where you got. about 18,000 something. then region fail to grant capabilities. crasho. I not been back since

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I won't bother trying it again then - maybe :)

It's a shame that it's so bad because that was fun. It could probably still be fun again with shorter challenges. The original one was short enough to not have wasted too much time when crashing but the current one wasted far too much time when crashing because of sim borders a long way into the journey.

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Ok I have now learned to see property lines. I stop before crossing, wait about 1 min but it loads very slow at the other side. When I cross it I still get the lag spikes but not as bad as I did earlier. It is faster to walk really so this sucks. I'm really disapointed that I can't enjoy the scenery with my bike. The racing track 2RAW - 777LEAGUE RACING CLUB works just fine but then its build upwards so I guess its in the same property all the time. This is a racing track though but a very big one and not something you ride on to enjoy the scenery.

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Captivitas wrote:

Ok I have now learned to see property lines. I stop before crossing, wait about 1 min but it loads very slow at the other side. When I cross it I still get the lag spikes but not as bad as I did earlier. It is faster to walk really so this sucks. I'm really disapointed that I can't enjoy the scenery with my bike. The racing track 2RAW - 777LEAGUE RACING CLUB works just fine but then its build upwards so I guess its in the same property all the time. This is a racing track though but a very big one and not something you ride on to enjoy the scenery.

Yeah, they build up and try to have the longest track on one sim they can have while still having multiple tracks (the teleporter has those links, some are in tubes and I remember one was smaller and tricky to stay on) so you can find one you like. Most at Racers Island has a huge track to, also smaller ones with wide lanes and even banked oval tracks. I don't know much about other tracks, they change every year and I haven't been using SL many hours for the past 2 years or so! Haru had a track and next door, on another sim, Zeak had one to. Both seemed OK, they try to keep it working OK. Racer's and 77 do get restrarted (another issue with many sims, they don't get restarted like racetracks do) to keep them running a bit better. Not only that, but SL servers get given resources based on what is being used. So, you rez a car and then LL's servers are supposed to allocate script and physics processing aid and I am not sure if this happens instantly or takes a minute or so. I think restarting the sim, building it low lag and keeping the whole track on one simulator (256mX256m square) seems to do it best.

A trick that used to work for me was to use teh Disable Textures option in the advanced or develope menu. This leaves things grey, but worked well to reduce texture checking lag. SL's viewer is nutso and checks textures over and over, so disabling them was good. Now the primis disapear when I use this, something is up with teh occlusion code so it disapears teh prims when they go out of view or get checked to see if they have changed texture. Sort of a bug, but since LL doesn't care to much about this one it is still unfixed, at least for me. IF you can use it, you might get some releif.

No only that, but if you pull up preferences (ctrl+p or go to the Me menu) and check the graphics tab you might find help by adjusting somethings to get better frame rates, but it gets uglier. IF you check the networking tab in preferences you may find a better setting that loads things faster or lets you get around easier BUT sim crossings with this are a mystery to me, I notice little difference and only have benifited from turning off texture downloads and keeping networking low enough to allow me to walk with no lag or delay....you may find something different based on your ISP and network arrangement and capabilities.

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16 wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

There was talk about threaded boundary crossings, which was supposed to make them work much better. Does anyone know if threaded crossings were introduced yet?

yes has been in for a bit now. linden report on their blog that avatar only crossing failures been reduce by 91%

linden not report on vehicle failures tho. seems is not much difference. anecdotally anyways 

I've tried it a number of times now - at least 6 and maybe 8 or 9 times - and sim crossings seem significantly worse to me. I've only managed to get on the land in the next continent (I don't know names) once. It wasn't that bad when we were doing it or I would have stopped trying soon after we started.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

16 wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

There was talk about threaded boundary crossings, which was supposed to make them work much better. Does anyone know if threaded crossings were introduced yet?

yes has been in for a bit now. linden report on their blog that avatar only crossing failures been reduce by 91%

linden not report on vehicle failures tho. seems is not much difference. anecdotally anyways 

I've tried it a number of times now - at least 6 and maybe 8 or 9 times - and sim crossings seem significantly worse to me. I've only managed to get on the land in the next continent (I don't know names) once. It wasn't that bad when we were doing it or I would have stopped trying soon after we started.

yes has been pretty bad all over in last few weeks. way worse than when we was doing the first Starchild one and those few days doing the new SL Rally one. dunno why but is a pita atm

I basically gave up for now on any vehicle anywhere that involve crossings. Tangaroa is way to hungry these days (:

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Yep. Currently flying sucks like a Hoover. thumbs-down.gif

Tried out one of the free planes from Terra Aeronautics and aside from
the occasional 'Parcel full'-errors (I wonder why LL hasn't fixed that one a long time ago),
after about 3 to 4 regions, it's always off into Lala-land... -> Relog.

Let's see, if the restarts today bring any improvement.



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