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I was teleported out of Linden Realms back to my home, by a cloud, what is this?


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Recently I have been teleported to home while in Linden Realms. I came across a cloud not a Rock Monster and got a strange message in local : [16:55] Second Life: You have been teleported by the object 'TKxFqdIcxYMdWighachEEnFyaTlfT' on the parcel 'Devil's Canyon' owned by unknown user.

This has happened twice now, whats going on? I returned and it happened again. I went to another Portal Park and the same thing happened again, the cloud was unavoidable.. Is this a LL object or a griefer.. the last time i was sent home the object was also identified by a collection of letters and then called Death Volume, still unkown user. This is extremely annoying as I had preciously enjoyed LR.

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Maybe file a support ticket that way they know about it or can tell you if it is them or not maybe.

You aren't using any kind of speed enhancing item are you?


Something is wrong. I just went to Portal Park 3 Portal IV and kept getting teleported to the same spot over and over by [Object_Name] owned by an unknown user.

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Linden Realms---I have been played many times,and found that there are many bugs specially in the HUD,and I feel the quest a little boring,and the bonus is just a little,many times need to reenter through the portal or change the portal No,even sometimes log out and log in again.now decide to hunt for job for more money not the Realms.:matte-motes-bored:

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Traditionally (since opening) DEATH VOLUME teleports you home if you click on the map where there isn't a resurrection circle. It "shouldn't" just send you home as you are running along.

The sending home by the letters thing sounds a lot like a griefer. I haven't been to the realms in at least a month but there were some very nasty things going on there. Reporting may or may not help (I always did) as new alts just appear doing the same thing.

If this is just new on the weekend, wait a couple of days and go back. LL hasn't been taking care of the Realms for a long time and many things have been broken forever (you probably know that) so it is likely that it will get better -- and then likely that it will get worse again.

A shame as I enjoyed it when it was working before all the scripted agents and nasty huds were so prevelant. Good luck.


UPDATE: Went over to the realms today (Sunday) and aside from the fact that none of the orange crystal portals will accept and pay (checked 3 through 8) it is much better than it has been in a long time. There are "RULES OF THE REALM" signs all around and I didn't see one cheater. It also seems like the crystals have a new script as they disappear in a fade away manner rather than the poof that has been the norm. This may not be new; as I said I haven't been there in awhile. But neither my friend nor I had any issues other than some areas still being broken and difficulty in getting a hud. So go forth!

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OK. This is an old thread so just putting in a new comment as I can't figure out how to get back to the original post.

I have been over to the realms a few times these last couple of days. I finally SAW what you were talking about. I funny face that kinda blows at you and then you are home.

My alt had been over before with no issue but now back home. Will watch out for it and see if I can "catch" it. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the new clouds that are over Tyrah's peak although they look a bit like them. Aside from having no payment info on file which shouldn't be a deal breaker, she has no hud other than her AO, was not flying or cheating in any way. So puzzled.



EDITING this a  couple days later as I posted on the GAME FORUM and got an answer.  So for the future of someone Googling this ----

The cloud that accosted you is from the Lindens and is used to send cheaters home. Now my alt wasn't cheating but she did walk off of the cliff outside Shattered canyon and fell to the ground and I am guessing the cloud got confused. That may have been fixed as she did the same move (part of her routine) several more times with no problem. She also fell off the Spire (it's not working well these days in many instances of Tyrah's) and while I would have thought that would cause a Cloud altercation, it did not.

So follow the rules and try to stay away from falling and the like and things should go smoothly. I have to say I am very happy to wander the realms and not have cheaters and bots everywhere.

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There seems to be a new spin on this. I have been thrown out 3 times today by a wandering avi from LL dept of public works which goes by the name of ,Linden Realms Watcher: !!  ARE YOU CHEATING?  !!

The first time I was sat on a mushroom taking a break. Second time I was sat on the logs on tyras beach with the moles. I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong unless Linden Realms Watcher is actually a time and motion dude and didnt like me sitting down on the job lol.

Anyhoo I removed my Tiny Empires hud thinking that his parameter searching thingumabob may not like a script within and then went back to Tyras beach. The watcher avi wasnt even on the sim but he suddenly appeared and threw me out again.

I will let you know if I get an answer to the support ticket

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1 hour ago, PaganShadow said:

The first time I was sat on a mushroom taking a break. Second time I was sat on the logs on tyras beach with the moles. I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong unless Linden Realms Watcher is actually a time and motion dude and didnt like me sitting down on the job lol.

I think ti would have been better if you had posted a new question ehre rather than restart an old thread that is only partly related but oh well.

Yes, it probably is a new feature to keep afk people from taking up space in the realms.

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There was a time ------ I haven't been over in a long while --- when people would log in alts to fill up the sims and plop them down (Field of Orange was a typical place) so that "A" it looked like there were already a lot of people there and "B" there would be less "real" crystal hunters. 

I definitely would have been kicked out because I would chase crystals awhile and then go work and then chase and then read the forums or whatever and then wake up and run.   So I can see the WHY of it. BUT, this new guard would pretty much keep me away since it takes awhile (or used to) to get to your instance of choice (I liked 4) and having to go back in again and again isn't fun. 

But I am not there anyway anymore so it matters not.  I doubt SERIOUSLY that it is something a ticket will get you an answer too but I suspect if there are others still on the Realms they can verify. 

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@PaganShadow these clouds will try and teleport you home whether you are actually cheating or not, they were put there to catch out speed cheaters that used to blight the lucrative sims but i used to find while i was still allowed in the realms you could be clouded if you were griefed by someone using a "speed bumper", moved out of the way of a rock monster too fast, or it would be random when you were running towards a crystal, you could get the "are you cheating" trying to go between sims. Unless things have changed since last in the last week being AFK won't get you caught out

if you don't want to get teleported home every time you have three options if you are close to a neighbouring run in to it the cloud wont follow you over the border, if you are near a rock monster get caught by it if it takes you to another sim lastly open up your map and teleport to the nearest sim with resurrection circle 

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42 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Hmmmm... Try not sitting down, maybe?  That's been a no-no for a while, I hear.  B|

I'll have to go over and try just out of curiosity.

Please note folks that this is a post dragged up from long ago. Scroll back a bit to see the actual current comment :D. 

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@Rolig Yes its an offical labs doodah. It's owned by LR Linden. I went back to Tyras beach a few minutes ago and waited to see what would happen but this time it was the cloud. The previous times it was an avatar which actually ran across the bridge and ejected me as it went by and each time they were on me within 3 or 4 minutes

@Claireschen Hesten Yes, as you said the clouds are easy to get away from but usually they only turn up when you drop off a hill or end up in the sky when a sim crossing grabs you, but in this last instance, it was indeed a cloud. Both the cloud and the avatar are named Linden realms watcher and its the old death dealer that sends you home.

@Chic Aeon :) the field of oranges is pretty sane these days. You still get the odd runner who uses an incremental speed enhancer and keeps it just under the send home speed but there havent been any crystal stompers for a few years. One of them you could handle even if it was slightly annoying but when you had the whole clan down there using them it was a real pain in the bum lol but you still get the greedy folks standing on the rocks by the sea centre field, all waiting for the oranges to rez and then make a dash to see who can grab the most. Meanwhile the sensible runners are up on the hill picking up the odd ones and ruining the rez sequence so that the greedy runners give up and go home

I do the same thing you did, I have been running daily for the past 5 years and the realms are not so much about the cash to me as a place to clear my mind and ponder things. I go afk and do things around the house, or meet up with friends and have a dance, go swimming on the sim edges, run around in circles to make the rock monsters crash , do a spot of mountaineering and all sorts of things. I can spend a whole day in there and come out with a solitary linden dollar lol

@ChinRey At first I thought you may be correct about the afk thing but now Im not so sure. I can stand in the same spot indefinitely with no problems at all. I can sit on rocks or the ground with no problems so why, when I sit on the logs by the campfire at Tyras beach, do I get bounced, That is an offical hangout in the realms built by the labs with sit anims? Why when I sit on the mushroom which I have used as a rest stop for years do I get bounced?


Alright well anyway, I tried all my other favourite rest stops and didn't have any problems with any of them so I am no longer worried about being banned from my beloved realms for being bounced half a dozen times in one day. I will put it down to a glitch on LR 4 & 8 sims and carry on as normal.

Thanks for the input folks xx



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20 minutes ago, PaganShadow said:

I do the same thing you did, I have been running daily for the past 5 years and the realms are not so much about the cash to me as a place to clear my mind and ponder things. I go afk and do things around the house, or meet up with friends and have a dance, go swimming on the sim edges, run around in circles to make the rock monsters crash , do a spot of mountaineering and all sorts of things. I can spend a whole day in there and come out with a solitary linden dollar lol

All good to know. And yes, I agree about the clearing of the head although the last time I was there (might have been a year ago but after the purple circle hub design which I didn't like much) making a buck in a day wasn't all that easy. Then anyway the blues and greens were not rezzing according to the "old" schedules and when you actually SAW one it was a wooo-hooo kinda moment LOL.   

I usually stood over by the cannons or some other area where I knew rock monsters didn't come.  I still have fond memories of the Realms. I may go over soon to reminisce.

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