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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Years ago my former partner and I went dancing a lot.  We found this small, friendly country dance place that held a best in <some kind of country look> each week.  There was a handful of regulars who went to the club but the only other guy there, besides my partner, was the DJ who was not eligible for the contest so, by default, my partner won for the men each week.  It got so when that night came around each week one of us would say, "Time to go over and get your paycheck." lol

lol (:

is some funny stories about contests

was this DJ who a bit of a ladies man or so he thought. he had this weekly show and he pay 1000L into the contest board to the hawtest lady. for the whole show he make comments all the time about who hawt and who not and who should win and who ugly and that. he thought was funny to do that

we vote for this one lady he never said was hawt. lol. so she win

next week he do same. so we vote for her again

3rd week he went o.m.g !!! when she turn up again

and ye lol. guess who we vote again. and he went home alone again for the 3rd week in a row

he learn his error ways after that and just try be nice to everyone from then on

jejejejje (:


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Naughty naughty you are like (it bleeped it but the leader of the thief boys in Oliver Twist) in leading the new boys astray.

zay. Don't squat just explore. Be glad you have no responsibility in here. No rent no home no people no job nothing to do but wander. 

You don't have to squat there are so many places you can go that want your traffic.

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16 this is not a direct reply to you. I have not visited any sims (this is my 2nd time around in sl since 2009) that allow people to just rez and build when the sim was created for visiting. I am not sure what kind of sims anyone is referring to, but when I created the summer and winter park sims I put an awful lot of money and time into objects and terraforming, etc and I am not going to let people change what I have done, that's ridiculous. The sky on that sim has platforms being used for different reasons by the group up to 4000 meters. Whenever a sim owner doesn't want to let people do what they want on the sim there is always sarcasm and BS about the owner's choice , it's that kind of attitude that makes me not care to have public sims. Get some land, rent or whatever and pony up. I don't stay on that sim to hang out, I do other things with my time in sl.

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On the sims I've owned I mostly don't allow the public to rez anything they want.  I build and need all the prims that are free for projects, or all the prims belong to paying tenants.  However, I will sometimes allow specific things to be rezzed.  For instance my partner and I had a sim that was set up for motorcycle riding.  Anyone that could behave themselves was allowed to rez their own bike and ride, as long as they cleaned up after themselves.  We did not allow other vehicles or general rezzing there because it was a sim for motorcycles only.  We built things there and had our businesses there and needed the other prims for that.  This clearly was stated in the rules that were given to everyone that tp'd there.  So if we found anything other than motorcycles the owner was banned. 

A sim that I use just for my own private residential will not be public access. People who are on the access list can rez as long as they clean up.  I've even let some people live there from time to time and provided a house for them.  Generally they are friends or newbs that I am mentoring who are in need of a temporary place until they get it together, . 

I don't tolerate any squatters.  They are ejected and banned without warning on any sim I own as I owe them no courtesy.  I once had a rental homestead that I had cleared temporarily and forgot to close access.  A few days later I went there to redo it and noticed that thousands of prims were being used by squatters.  I found a whole neighborhood of friends that had built homes in the sky, complete with streets.  As soon as I found them I deleted copyable prims and returned transfer only prims and banned anyone that owned the prims, about 8 people..  One of them actually IM'd me with the gall to be mad.  She actually thought she and her friends were entitled to use my sim without paying any rent since it wasn't being used.

Squatting is stealing in my book.

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squatting mostly done on mainland. is quite a lot of derelict landowners. they get a premium and a land then after a few weeks/months they stop logging in. the land left on 0 autoreturn and full perms. so people move in. until the account goes delinquent

a lot of this kinda land is also put into group ownership and then the group is derelicted. lots of RL goodworks orgs land end up this way

linden not claim the land back if is still even only one account contributing tier to the land group. even if the tier is only a tiny fraction of the true tier cost

is getting less and less of these now. but can still find them inworld. one I found allowed me to join and promote myself to officer. none of the accounts in the group had logged in since 2008. except for this one newish account from 2011 which was using the land to store boxes of stuff they maybe should not have

so I made myself an officer. then kick the nawti person out of the group. return his stuff. and then close the open join. (:

I then delete everything off it except for the original build. like all the rubbish and tidy up. terraform to fit the neighbours land as well.

one of the neighbors saw me and came over and said hi thanks bc had been an eyesore for them for ages. I invite the neighbor to join the group and gave them officer powers as well

was a big land and was entire support by one account with tiny 512m tier donation. so I made that tier payer account an officer as well with full powers which they weren't before. the original group founder had left SL and same all the previous officers

after that I say to the neighbor they can mind it until either the tier payer ever come back or linden reclaim it. and then I left the group. is still inworld that land. the neighbor still looking after it. the tier payer still paying. so must be a charge on a RL company credit card. but they have never shown up


linden a bit derelict as well. before the automated mainland abandon/resell was lots of land not cleaned up properly and remains in Linden ownership with all perms on. they getting thru it slowly Mainland Linden. but is a manual task to do this I think. like they have to go inworld to it. first have to find it even maybe

so can still find some of those parcels even now


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I realize there are many resident who have not logged in for years and if they have land that was not paid tier on I don't understand how the land show's them or their group as owner. I know it's too much to go around looking into things but you would think LL had some sort of way to see this has happened. I don't think you did that out of entitlement though, from what you say you cleaned a piece of mainland up and helped put the sim back in some order. :)

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Malanya wrote:

Any landowners that aren't rental companies think I am wrong in thought, would love to hear your opinion and also to see if your sim is open for people to use as a home base, rez boxes and so forth.


I have a little park in a sliver of land across the Linden Road from my house. I didn't really intend to make it available as a place to live, but anyone can set home there and rezzing is permitted (within the rather stingy prim count remaining). Eventually I'll improve it a bit and I may even put it in Search but it's open to anyone who stops by. You can even rez a free bike and go for a ride (just don't climb off for more than 30 seconds or it'll vanish).

Lots of people do things far more generous than that; I just made my little parklet because I thought it would be fun.

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Thanks for your reply Dillon. That's kind that you share your parcel. I am very aware of people doing generous things in sl as I am one of them. I am not talking about people that CHOOSE to do it I am referring about Residents who think they can use someone's land or objects when the sim owner does not want anyone to. I could sit here and list all the things I have just done in the past 14 months for renters, free homes, free furniture FRE RENT and the kind of mony I spent that was well into the thousands of USD to give people things and a place to live out of my pocket. The sims I kept are private estates @ $600.00 USD a month approx for people to enjoy including the the all the objects that I bought for the one sim that ran me about $3000.00 to purchase everything. I have had my one sim for 1 1/2 years and the other since October of 2012 but set it to a group just a few months ago. I give back to this community, by choice. I think my point of using other's things behind their back was missed. I won't get into how much money I put into my first av and the business I had and things I did for people for no reason other than to be kind.

Now add the price of 5 private regions and all the homes (255 to five an estimate) I bought for reisdents to have a HUGE choice of home to use, the expensive TV's, any landscape they wanted and at times, many times, no money was made because someone needed a home. Never took theri tags back even if a renter stopped renting so I am sure people came, rezzed stuff, did whatever, including the group tags that freinds and family got, if they didn't cause a problem to current renters no problem. There, so I am not ignorant to helping people and sahring I have a problem with people who go and take without asking.

p.s. if I take my park sim down which I am seriously thinking of doing, I will have many things that can be transferred that I will be giving away.

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Kenbro, no that's not what I am referring to, it was a few posts on squatting on other's land, not mentioning land that the owner hasn't logged in, but how it was entitlement to use other's land and objects without their permission and basically thinking it was funny for the thrill of getting caught. Everyone has the right to choose what they allow with their land and objects, many people don't care and many people don't want it used for the public. To me it's just stealing behind someone's back whether it's pixels or not, my theory is if you didn't pay for you don't set the rules. I think Residents that choose to share their land, let others rez is great, truly, but they have made that decision to do so.

If someone hasn't logged in over a year then, yeah maybe that's a problem to see if they even have an account anymore and the land should be used if the landholder has dissolved their account.

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Malanya wrote:

I think Residents that choose to share their land, let others rez is great, truly, but they have made that decision to do so.


Despite the fact you have written it, this quote is the key point you seem to be continually missing. Under land options a land owner has the choice to allow "everyone" to rez prims on their land. If they enable this option then they are choosing to share their land with others. It is only when a land owner chooses to enable this option that squatting becomes feasible. So no one is stealing anything.

How can it be theft when a land owner specifies within their land options that everyone can build on their land? It is not theft. It's an open invitation, an invitation that they are free to rescind at any time.

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I am not missing anything. Have you owned land? Did your land have parcels? Did you think that myabe there was an error for something to be unchecked in the parcel menu? Is it possible that the landowner kept it open for friends or something thinking no one would just come along and do as they please?

I realize you feel you have ESP or fair use if someone uses a trust method. I did write that quote and somehow it didn't apply to the post of yours I responded to, you know the admission of knowing you WEREN'T supposed to be there. Funny how your last post disappeared with your small insults, so since you can't back up a post you make without deleting it, I have nothing further to say to you.

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Malanya wrote:

I am not missing anything. Have you owned land? Did your land have parcels? Did you think that myabe there was an error for something to be unchecked in the parcel menu? 

My comment does not take into account user incompetence. I'm sure some people leave builds rights open to everyone by accident, but that is no reason to discourage people from making use of the many hundreds of plots out there that have been openly made available for everyone to build on. There are inworld groups devoted to coordinating networks of these "free to build" plots and both land owners and squatters alike share the same philosophy of freedom.

Would you deny land owners and non land owners the freedom to participate in such a group, simply to protect the small minority of land owners who fail to set the correct build rights? Seems like a pedantic point of view in my opinion.

Malanya wrote:

Is it possible that the landowner kept it open for friends or something thinking no one would just come along and do as they please?


That is what the "group" access option is for under land settings. There is not a "friends" option I am afraid. There is an "everyone" option and a "group" option. It's not complicated.



Malanya wrote:


I realize you feel you have ESP or fair use if someone uses a trust method. I did write that quote and somehow it didn't apply to the post of yours I responded to, you know the admission of knowing you WEREN'T supposed to be there. 

I had already responded to your earlier post about this, but presumably the mods deleted it.

There is a thrill about being caught when you don't have the owners permission and the build rights are set to "everyone". This is due to the small amount of incompetent land owners who have set the incorrect rights on their land. It''s not always obvious if the land owner truly want you there. So it is not a case of "I was not supposed to be there" because the build rights invite me to build there. The buzz comes from encountering an incompetent land owner that has made a mistake with their land rights. This can result in conflict. No big deal, mistakes happen.

Malanya wrote:

Funny how your last post disappeared with your small insults, so since you can't back up a post you make without deleting it, I have nothing further to say to you.

I am not in the habit of deleting posts so it was obviously removed. As for my small insults I believe I accussed you of being a drama queen and your subsequent postings throughout the day have only reinforced that opinion.



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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Randall Ahren wrote:

zaylene wrote:

I am looking for a place to live, for people who can't afford a high price ( free place or costs a little for me) I don't mind if there are other people, because money does not grow on trees.


Actually, money does grow on trees in SL.

Are those still around?  Ah, money trees...I remember being new in SL and going from tree to tree.  Unfortunately I kept arriving at denuded trees...I *think* I got 1L once before I "graduated" to camping.

Me too, Czari. I never got more than about 5L on the trees and wow I thought that was a lot then I started camping and loved meeting new people who were there. Now, IF there is camping, everyone seems to be AFK. Sometimes, I miss the old days. LOL.

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Malanya wrote:

Thanks for your reply Dillon. That's kind that you share your parcel. I am very aware of people doing generous things in sl as I am one of them. I am not talking about people that CHOOSE to do it I am referring about Residents who think they can use someone's land or objects when the sim owner does not want anyone to. I could sit here and list all the things I have just done in the past 14 months for renters, free homes, free furniture FRE RENT and the kind of mony I spent that was well into the thousands of USD to give people things and a place to live out of my pocket. The sims I kept are private estates @
$600.00 USD a month
 approx for people to enjoy including the the all the objects that I bought for the one sim that ran me about $3000.00 to purchase everything. I have had my one sim for 1 1/2 years and the other since October of 2012 but set it to a group just a few months ago. I give back to this community, by choice. I think my point of using other's things behind their back was missed. I won't get into how much money I put into my first av and the business I had and things I did for people for no reason other than to be kind.

Now add the price of 5 private regions and all the homes (255 to five an estimate) I bought for reisdents to have a HUGE choice of home to use, the expensive TV's, any landscape they wanted and at times, many times, no money was made because someone needed a home. Never took theri tags back even if a renter stopped renting so I am sure people came, rezzed stuff, did whatever, including the group tags that freinds and family got, if they didn't cause a problem to current renters no problem. There, so I am not ignorant to helping people and sahring I have a problem with people who go and take without asking.

p.s. if I take my park sim down which I am seriously thinking of doing, I will have many things that can be transferred that I will be giving away.


I appreciate your reply (and I doubt I'd even have room for more stuff in the park: as I said, it's quite small) so it does me little credit to argue with you but I'm going to do so anyway.

Using someone else's land without permission is squatting. I don't think Porky or anyone else who has commented here tried to portray it as anything other than that. But if a landowner does not want her land used, all she need do is make it so. If she goofed and set things up wrong and then at some later time arrives at a parcel to find a squatter in residence, it is the work of but a few seconds only to make things right. Objects vanished, squatter banned. I am sorry but I do not see that as a big deal.

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Dillon :) you're not arguing with me about telling me your opinion or beliefs, I appreciate you posting as I am not a person with a closed mind. We can always agree to disagree that's how forums should work. Different views or opinions is what makes this interesting reading and sometimes someone else's point they make may even change the original perspective.

The landowner yes can goof and sometimes one of the group members sets object entry accidentally or a trusting land owner that may or may not mind, I am only basing my thoughts on many sim owners I know and my own beliefs. You are right, it is surely not a big deal, there are far more things in both sl and rl that makes this miniscule. I was just replying to porky's post with my opinion. I realize we can't always, even with punctuation and anything else to show expression, come across with the actual "feeling" of our response. People may come off way more heavy than intended and I include myself. I still think squatting is wrong, but i can only speak for myself. Thanks for replying. :)

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I totally agree with you.  Unless you are the one paying, you are entitled to nothing when it comes to land.  Even if it is in search and open to the public you must follow the rules set  by the landowner.

Personally, unless the land is in search I don't think it is public or that it is inviting anyone to squat or rez stuff there, no matter what the build rights are set at.  Some people , especially on mainland leave their land access open to facilitate people who sail, fly, ride the roads etc. It is also a fact that sometimes when a sim is restarted or a rollout done, SL will change the build permissions an owner has set up.  This has happened to me many times.  So just because you happen upon land that is not using ban lines or has not been set to no build, doesn't mean that you have a right to do what you please.  It is also against the TOS , Section 8.3 (v)  to attempt unauthorized access to virtual land.

Its just the right thing to do to ask a landowner if you can use their land if you are doing anymore than passing through, unless it is listed in search and therefore public and you can rez there without breaking any established rules. After all most people wouldn't think of going to someone's home that may not have a fence around it and start putting out their junk on the lawn and making themselves at home.

As far as entitlement, the only thing anyone is entitled to is to have an account in Sl and go to land that is owned by LL and in search as a public place.  You are entitled to nothing else unless you pay for it or the owner gives it to you or gives you permission to use it.

No drama is needed either.  If I find people abusing my generosity or squatting, they are banned and stuff is returned , without warning or conversation.  If they want to start drama over it, that is what the mute button is for.

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Amethyst, thank you, seems like you understood the meaning of my post(s). It is absolutely no one's business how to set rules, what rules are set and what someone does with their land, public or private when they are paying tier. TOO many people feel that "truth" is not fair to the rest of the residents who either don't care to follow the rules set, have no money to enhance their sl experience at the level they want with someone else paying for it. I am all for generosity when it comes to helping people as you do in many ways, one of which mentoring as I am sure it takes a lot of your time when you also have a business, other residents that just share their parcel for no other reason but kindness and as I have mentioned earlier I have done my fair share of doing what I can.

My post was about people taking land or objects for that matter that is not theirs and feeling because of a loophole and feeling that's their justification for doing as they please. I forgot until you mentioned it about the Rolling Restarts, Yes they do have some strange effects on land, it would open object entry on one of my parcels off and on and a Linden employee actually checked out the land per request from the land owner I rent my sims from. Thanks for bringing that up it slipped my mind. Even if a parcel is in search it is not an invitation to take over the person's sim, Many sims are in search due to a business being on the sim someone may be renting on. You also pointed out another valid reason object entry is open - waterways and airspace. If that is on your land, you don't have to keep that open but many do for people who enjoy sailing and flying but it doesn't mean it's an open invitation to their land. You can search for a sim by name and it will come up in search, public or not. Search feature is sometimes flawed and you get results that do not match the query.

True about the drama, Mute is your friend as needed and when people don't take the generosity you don't owe them to another level then oh well it's your right to ban an only the people that want to use and feel you HAVE to allow are the ones that complain. Thanks again for understanding the point I was trying to make in my posts as intended, though I felt I came across clear, maybe to some it wasn't. :)

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

 unless the land is in search I don't think it is public


100% agree

a landowner who not list in search may consider their land to be public. a explorer/wanderer should not ever assume that it is public just bc is no access/banlines

access means can enter and/or cross the land. not camp out, lie down in someones bed and and/or set up home. unless is a explicit advice from the landowner that you can do this



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that a good question to ask yourself is what exactly do you want to do when you say you want a place to "live".  With a little exploring and ingenuity there is probably a few places where you can (legitimately) do some or all of what you want to do with your own place for free.  I am currently happily homeless and will only buy land again (or rent) when I either want to "play house" with someone or perhaps make a permanent or semi-permanent build.  


Otherwise I just drift quite contentedly. 

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