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So needing advice...

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If you really can't bear to part with them by hitting the delete key, take them all and put them in the contents of a prims and name the prim something that will tell you what is inside then take it into your inventory.  At least you will only have one item in inventory instead all the shoes you can't use now.  Then later if you decide to delete you only have to delete the one item :)

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

The root of inventory nightmares!  How many times I've said to myself "just in case". 

It ain't the end of the world.....just delete them.  :smileyvery-happy:

this is what i started to do when i last cleaned mine..


all older stuff that i could not give away i just deleted..

i figure months later i'm not gonna remember those things anyways..not unless i find them again cleaning my inventory  lol

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It reminds me... A famous hair store had a month retirement sale in January 2008. I bought almost all the hairs she had. In 2011, I packed down all the hair, most of them never worn. I packed every hairstyle in each own box, named it and put every box in a simple prim for storage. What a job, I spent a lot of time on it. And I haven't opened that box at all. Same with all my "favourite" skins. 

So I would say... Delete it.

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:

I'd keep them, forever and ever.  And ever.

(Sorry, just had to add a different opinion for the sake of counterpoint.)



jejejejejeeje (:

I keep stuff forever as well. I file it all under D for dunno delete and derr (: is not like I can find it in the tip that is my inventory when I did want it anyways


same my bedroom floor most times. I just throw everything into the washing basket every now and again and hope that it turn up in my closet and drawers again one day somehow. sometimes it do. sometimes not. but oh! well. I defo need get a better maid. like better than the one I haven't got now (:


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Yep right click (sigh, or is it left click?) and boom you get a cube. Now on the edit window on the cube, choose copy, modify and transfer. That's in case you ever want to send this box to your alt some day or something.

Now open inventory and slide what you want to store, into the cube. Name the cube. If it were me I wouldn't bother with making one box for each item and then putting that box into the storage cube. Not unless there are tons of things in each folder. Two or three things per folder, I would just drag them all in, personally. Yes it will be bad to sort out later, but at least you will have the items. 

If you dont have that many items you might take a photo of yourself wearing each piece, if a photo didn't already come with it. Then later you can easily see what they all are. Slide it all into the box and name it and pick it up. Slimmer inventory.

I think some people also make storage cubbies, sort of like a prim storage chest or bureau.



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I should have mentioned this in my other post.  I really find it useful to have storage prims display their names, in which their contents are described, in hovertext.  I just keep a prim with the script in it, and copy it When I need one to use.  You can even delete the script once the hovertext displays.

Here's the script:

// This simple script displays the name of the prim it is in
// in hovering text above the prim.
// by Jennifer Boyle 1/15/2010
// Placed in the public domain by the creator 1/15/2010

llSetText(llGetLinkName(0), <1.0,1.0,0.0>, 1);

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