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Emergency Need Advice!!!

Chriz Flux

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Hi all so I own a small business (today I decided to move)

I Selected all my items .. about 2000 prims and click take.. so its all in my inventory and now i can't rez it anywhere.. i even tried rezzing on land my friend gave me to use with permission.. i tried switching viewers and jus about everything else... i dunno what to do.. i have over $750 usd in items stuck in in this thing i cant rez...


I am trying to request a rollback before i packed everything.. any ideas how i can rez this item?


Thank you...

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Coalesced objects have prim limits because the time required to rez them can exceed the capacities of Second Life's servers, causing problems when Residents attempt to take complex coalesced objects into inventory. To rez an object that exceeds the prim limit, create a support ticket requesting that the object be broken into a set of smaller objects.


ETA: I don't know what the "prim limit" is. It's not on the Limits page.

ETA II: According to an answer to this question, it's 1000 prims.

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ooops. would hae been better off taking individual items. I had a shop once and did it individually and never had a prob....hope you get sorted soon. have you found where the items went? or are you trying to rez a file with nothing in it. they all may have gone into you objects file, so when you try to rez from original folder, there is nothing there. look around your inventory

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Hi Chriz,


I have two suggestions that may work.

The first is is work around for the "No Rezz" issue that is happening in S.L. at the moment. What you can do is make a new folder in your inventory. Then take the object you are having trouble with and move it into this new folder.

Once you have moved it into the new folder in your inventory, try to drag and drop it out at the new location one more time.

If this does not work, try going to a sand box which does not have limitations..like "No Scripts" or No weapons" Sometimes it will not allow a rezz out, just because the item is spread out and crosses over servers/landlines. Be sure to move to middle of the sand box away from the land lines. Then try rezzing it again. Hope one of these suggestions works for you. Good Luck.

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Can't name names in any resident dispute on the forums. 

Your best bet is to send the merchant an IM or note card and wait until they have a chance to reply.

Since you mention land I'm assuming you mean you rented a house (evn though landlords use the term 'buy' - it's renting) or a house on a parcel. Sorry someone in the land group for that rental company will need to give you land permissions. No one here can do it. 

Open the land group, and contact anyone whose name is in bold lettering. I think that means they are officers or owners.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

To rez an object that exceeds the prim limit,
requesting that the object be broken into a set of smaller objects.

Once done with that, and you have broken it down...

I've moved land a LOT of times in SL, so had plenty chances to perfect a system. :)

 ...a trick I use when moving is linking items to a central new prim.

I pick the center of my build, and rez a basic prim and name it something like say "mahstuffz_1"

Then I link a bunch of things to it, keeping it the root, and then take it. Do this until all that is left is no-mod items I can't link. For these... I will rez that prim and click some of the no-mods, then clicking that middle prim -last- and then taking.

- then open up build -before- rezzing.


BUT for no-copy items, take them one at a time, individually, and maybe rez colored prims at the coords and rotation they had with names like "no-copy chair [name] here".



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i terminated a partnership and i didnt know there was a fee, it charged my account 25L since i only had 2L i was -23 on the store, a friend gave me 50L and now im at 27L but the store still shows -23. i reloged and restarted the browser but its still there. please help

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  • 4 months later...

That's all very good, but there is no problem option for anything inworld at all. Do I therefore just send a ticket in to any old choice, like biling or land? I have a colaseced object at 1700 prims from a returned house. It was way better when you could submit a ticket from within the viewer....


And of course it would have been nice if the system doesn't coalesce objects of more than 1,000 prims in the first place....

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