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Free land


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I have looked far and wide but I can't find anything that will provide me with any size of land for free. I don't really mind how many prims, but 40 or more would be ideal. I don't mind if it is something like an apartment, i just want somewhere to call my own.

Thanks for listening to me,

Kaos (No, that's not my real name :-P)

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I'm afraid LL isn't giving away free land, nor are any sim-owners that I'm aware of, including myself.

I think the closest you're going to find, are the "free" Linden Homes offered to Premium members.  

Become Premium, and pay a fee, and they will give you a "free" home with 117 prims.

Estate owners such as myself, charge far more than that premium membership will cost you.

Good luck and have fun!

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In Second Life land is finite and there's only one "world"- it's not like a service that creates "rooms" for every account or has multiple parallel worlds that can be added or subtracted. Therefore, there's no such thing as "free land." You may eventually find a friend who'll let you squat on part of their land but you're not going to find any conpletely free lots that you can make a permanent home on.

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So i'm better off going over to an opensim simulator, such as OsGrid? I heard they have free land spaces left...

Even so, i'm not too enthusiastic about that...

To be honest, the only reason i ask about this is because of the following post from the archives:

"There used to be free apartments for new users. 

Are there still any around? 

I see one outfit saying it offers free apartments, a group called Trilegy . I'm surprised to find no mention of this in the forums. 

I see the old TigerTor free apartments mentioned but no longer available."

(If anyone is interested, http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/14/277396/1.html )

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My understanding of how those "free apartments" worked was that there were a limited number that were first-come, first served and they were reset periodically so you'd need to re-apply to get another one after they were reset.

In OpenSim you can have as much free land as you want, but you'll be providing the server and support yourself and there won't be nearly as much content from other people available for you to use.

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jackmawer wrote:

To be honest, the only reason i ask about this is because of the following post from the archives:

"There used to be free apartments for new users. 


Are there still any around? 



 There did used to be free apartments around...I had two different ones, actually..but the problem was two fold. First, as one of the other posters mentioned, you would have to get there first come first serve and then reapply. Also, many landowners found that these weren't profitable (obviously) and made them into something else. I doubt there are any free places available in world anymore, let alone any that you can actually put a lot of prims in.

I agree with the idea of a friend helping you out...that's how I got my place.

Good luck

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I used to have a couple of free apartments for newbies, but only a few ever used them and they pretty much sat empty. After awhile, I did away with them. As other posters have said, it isn't profitable to offer free space, especially when you have to make teir...SOMEONE has to pay for it. The best you can do is find yoursepf a cheap apartment. But cheap means few prims. There are several places that offer cheap rent, but it can be hard to get into them as people tend to hang onto them. I have rental property and you can get an apartment for as little as 30L a week. You only get 5 prims with that, but it is furnished with a cuddle/color change living room and an adult color change bed and a bit of other decor.For a larger one with kitchen, and maybe even a bath, depending on location on the property, you pay 40L/10P.

I just built a new building with only 10 apartments. My property manager calls them Deluxe, and they are nice! These are renting for 65L/10P fully furnished with an ocean view in each apartment. Here is the LM:

Melody Star Paradise Village

Village 1:


Village 2:


Village 3:



Good luck to you!

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as some one who is on open sim I can sayt hat there are some people running servers offering free land. That said you still have to have a good knowledge of how opensim/secodn life works to use open sim as it's a bit....complicated compared to second life. On top of that it's less crowded then second life and therefore harder to make friends in. and even if you do make friends if there from another grid (IE your on osgrid and there on a private grid) you can't jsut im them to hang out like you can in second life. Also Shopping on Open sim is more difficult as there's no standred currency (aka buying any opensim currency is dicey at best) and it's hard to get support from the owner if you're not on there grid. So most of the time you'll have to make things yourself or wear freebies.

I'm not saying don't do Opensim because it has it's advantages like free uploads which allows for more creativity and a close net community just that you should be aware of the downsides before commiting yourself to opensim only.


To be fair you don't really need a home in SL in fact it's sometimes easier not to have one as you don't have the responsability of paying teir. if you do decided to rent land I'd read up on it as it can be difficult ( so I've heard never rented myself always gone homeless) there are classes at caledon that explain teir and land rental as well as a myriad of other interesting topics.

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Be aware that not all open grids give you free land,  In fact most charge for it, although less than LL does.  The few that do have free land may not give you any land unless you are already a content provider of some sort and plan on offering content to other residents or contribute to the community in some valuable way, such as have proven skills in building a role play sim or a club and running it.

If you plan on building there then you are going to find that you will need to create a lot of things yourself because what is offered in the way of full perm animations, textures, sculpts, scripts etc is very limited.  Your ability to sell things is going to be nonexistent in some of them, and in those with a currency you will get far less in terms of RL money for more work.

Scripting is also different in open grid than on SL.  While scripts are similar and a lot will run in both open grid worlds and SL, there are some key differences. A lot of the more advance scripting calls are not supported in open grid worlds and in other cases you need to use a different syntax etc.

FInally there are only going to be a few people on the grid when you are.  Even on their busiest days and times,  the largest open grid worlds have few people online at one time compared to the slowest days and time in SL.  You may find it to be an empty place and hard to meet people and make friends  Nor will there be a lot of entertainment around.  They only have a few clubs that operate on very limited schedules. Few have good physics so there are no realistic cars, planes boats etc except for the kind that attaches to your avatar and replaces the walk animation.

In general the more like SL life an open grid is in terms of the economy, technology and content and the higher the population the less likely you are going to get free land there. 

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jackmawer wrote:

To be honest, the only reason i ask about this is because of the following post from the archives:

"There used to be free apartments for new users. 


Are there still any around? 


I see one outfit saying it offers free apartments, a group called Trilegy . I'm surprised to find no mention of this in the forums. 



(If anyone is interested, 

the group trilegy corporation still exists the land doesn't at it's peak there was 3 and a half sims of land you could have an apartment a room in a mansion or your own building the land got cleaned regularly the only reason trilegy free land doesn't exist anymore is because the owner vanished from SL and LL eventually took back the land. if you want land in SL you have to pay i don't know of anyone offering free land anymore

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jackmawer wrote:

So i'm better off going over to an opensim simulator, such as OsGrid? I heard they have free land spaces left...

Even so, i'm not too enthusiastic about that...

To be honest, the only reason i ask about this is because of the following post from the archives:

"There used to be free apartments for new users. 


Are there still any around? 


I see one outfit saying it offers free apartments, a group called Trilegy . I'm surprised to find no mention of this in the forums. 


I see the old TigerTor free apartments mentioned but no longer available."

(If anyone is interested, 

No such thing as 'free' - someone always pays for it. In this case, the person behind Trilegy. They paid for sims which they allowed people to do a land grab on at regular intervals; after a period of time the land was swept and cleared and things returned, and it began again. So those 'free' homes were not permanent; just a way to help people get started, really, although I think some people just kept going back for more.

The thing about not for profit ventures is, people rarely tip; when they do, it's usually a small token amount; and so eventually the thing runs aground unless the patron/sponsor/owner of it, sponsors it themslves from endless RL funds. In the current economy there isn't such a thing. Unless you are a billionaire and their patronage is also rare like a hen's tooth. And I doubt many of them are in SL.

So that leaves us with everyday Joes and Jills who are having trouble paying RL rent these days, let alone sponsor someone else's dream of free virtual land.

Aside from Trilegy, there was also Caledon who used to offer a free one room apartment to people who joined SL thorugh its infohub, but that also lasted only a month or two before the lease expired so to speak. After that, someone newer would be living there.

if this sounds like judging because it's long - it isn't. It's human nature to want things to be free and easy. But there really is no such thing as a free lunch.


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  • 1 year later...

talk to Fleet Goldenberg in secondlife he has small i think 30 x 30 parcels of land, 50 prim allowance per person that are free with the option to pay for an upgrade later on and rent a larger piece with more prim allowance i had a small piece of land through him once he's a swell guy very nice and quite helpful

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