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Best Viewer for SL (as of now)?

Jinx Requiem

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I have asked this question before,

and I see fit to ask again because as a Firestorm user,

I'm becoming extremely unhappy with that viewer lately.


I can't even enter a sim without the client crashing and it's very frustrating.


Does anyone know of any user-friendly or well-designed viewers that do not crash at the drop of a dime?


(And yes, I've cleared my cache, made sure my CPU is not overheating among other things before complaining about this.  :(  I've only had issues with this for the past few weeks and have been a Firestorm user for over a year. )

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Try any number of viewers...Singularity, CoolVL, Exodus, Nirans(great graphics engire and looks beautiful but won't run on low end machines). Here is the link to the TPV Directory. What works best for you will likely not be the best for someone else.

 Third Party Viewer Directory

Crashing is a part of SL. Try disabling HTTP Textures if you have it enabled, or turn it on if it is off.

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I'm afraid you're asking the wrong question. You don't want the best viewer, you want one that doesn't crash for you. That may be a quite crappy viewer, but if it's the only one that doesn't crash, it's the best for you.

If I were you, I'd try the stock Lab viewer first. It's not that you're going to love it, but if it crashes the same way that Firestorm is crashing for you, then you have a big problem: eventually every viewer will be updated to whatever code is crashing for you with Firestorm, at which point you'll have no choice but to figure out what's going on.

Unless somebody else figures it out first. (This may have nothing to do with anything, but a post by 16 in some other thread suggests that HTTP textures and HTTP inventory along with all the other network traffic is not playing nicely with some ISPs.)

On the other hand, if the Lab viewer works fine, then you really can choose any of the modern viewers -- even the "best" one, whatever that is.

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I have had nothing but stability with Firestorm lately...Phoesnix is a different issue entirely... but I am not  running the most up to date version atm either.   For me, when I start crashing alot on Firestorm or Phoenix is do a clean install and that usuually fixes my crashing issues.   Sometimes, I do have to go back to a prior version as well. Did you do a clean install of Firestorm recently?  If not, I suggest you go to the wiki for clean install instructions...uninstall...reinstall and see if it helps. 

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They keep an up to date ranking of viewers by crash rate on the wiki.  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory  Firestorm has the lowest crash rate.

I myself am in SL 2 or 3 hours every day, I crash only a few times a week.  

If your approach to solving the problem of a program that runs stably for most everyone else crashing on your machine by making the assumption that the program is the source of all your problems, you are going to have a very disappointing experience. 

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I'm wondering if you are crashing or if you are being disconnected from the servers.  TP'ing into or entering a sim does not normally crash a viewer but it often causes disconnects from the servers.  A cache problem seldom causes a viewer to crash but it often causes disconnects.  The fixes for viewer crashing is very different from the fixes for disconnects.  Please discribe the problem in more detail......like is there an error message (and what does it say)?.  When the problem happens do you suddenly find yourself staring at your desktop or do you just see the same scene in SL with no changes and your chat goes quiet?

I can't recommend a viewer without knowing what's happening..........and I don't know what's happening because of the way you worded your conserns with your present viewer.

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I have no problems with Firestorm. I never crash unless the sim happens to crash. For me, Firestorm is very stable. I personally need to have HTTP Textures and HTTP Inventory turned off. My ISP hates those and when enabled, I get logged out frequently.

Computer Info:

CPU: Intel® Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz (2993.24 MHz)
Memory: 8173 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.0697
OpenGL Version: 4.2.0

RestrainedLove API: (disabled)
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0d zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Settings mode: Phoenix
Viewer Skin: vintage (classic)
Font Used: Deja Vu (96)
Draw distance: 128
Bandwidth: 1500
LOD factor: 4
Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 679/555,218 (0.1%)

This bottom part with packet loss is after the previous 3 hours of being logged on.

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TristanMercer wrote:


Crashing is a part of SL. Try disabling HTTP Textures if you have it enabled, or turn it on if it is off.



I keep reading about people crashing in SL and witnessing it in groups but, interestingly, after maybe my second year in SL I haven't crashed except when regions go down or something of that nature. 

To the OP - there is a great thread on SLU re: what viewer has similar features and look to Phoenix, besides the FS Phoenix skin.  Singularity keeps coming up over and over again.

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I very seldom crash Czari. Just when sims go down and I am in that sim, same as you. That was in a later post that I had made on Page 1.

Wieless connections are not good for SL. Even LL recommends that you not run wireless. Signal degredation is a issue with many wireless routers. This is just not limited to a particular viewer. You could run the offical SL viewer and the same stuff will happen. Any little bit of interference can cause you to lose connection for a split second that will cause your disconnection from SL.

The possibilities are endless really as to what can cause a viewer to disconnect frequently. We just dont have the information from the OP to help her resolve the issue.


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My experience with threads from people with constant (and freguent) crashes and/or disconnects is their readiness to blame the problem on the Second Life servers (and/or the code that runs the servers), or the viewers.  They all but refuse to even look at their system (and to a smaller degree, their ISP).  I think part of that refusal is due to a lack of knowledge of what a program like SL requires in order to run decently.....and that's completely understandable on my part.  But, I also believe some of that refusal is due to sheer laziness on their part........it's too much trouble to look for and fix the problem on their end (for those I have absolutely no sympathy.......I'm a little jaded I guess and I admire the good people like Rolig, iCade, Nalates, KarenMichelle, Nyll, Chic, RyOyta, Echo/Marigold, valerie, Lindal, and many others for their patience).

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

My experience with threads from people with constant (and freguent) crashes and/or disconnects is their readiness to blame the problem on the Second Life servers (and/or the code that runs the servers), or the viewers.  They all but refuse to even look at their system (and to a smaller degree, their ISP).

Totally agree with that statement 100%

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

My experience with threads from people with constant (and freguent) crashes and/or disconnects is their readiness to blame the problem on the Second Life servers (and/or the code that runs the servers), or the viewers.  They all but refuse to even look at their system (and to a smaller degree, their ISP).  I think part of that refusal is due to a lack of knowledge of what a program like SL requires in order to run decently.....and that's completely understandable on my part.  But, I also believe some of that refusal is due to sheer laziness on their part........it's too much trouble to look for and fix the problem on their end (for those I have absolutely no sympathy.......I'm a little jaded I guess and I admire the good people like Rolig, iCade, Nalates, KarenMichelle, Nyll, Chic, RyOyta, Echo/Marigold, valerie, Lindal, and many others for their patience).

Everybody just wants to plug and play. 

Yet I don't know of ANY software that doesn't' have some kind of learning curve to it. 

For some reason people cast all logic to the wind when it comes to Second Life.  So often the fixes are really very very simple.

Occasionly it does get complicated.  But I think that is the exception and not the rule.

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"Yet I don't know of ANY software that doesn't' have some kind of learning curve to it. "


And still some people use firebird or phoenix not because it has more features but because they did not want to learn how to make good use of the SL official viewer when SL went V2... if they could they would still use the V1 wiever

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

... if they could they would still use the V1 wiever


And cry rivers because they can not see mesh.  Not to mention call LL every foul name they could think of for making their SL experience so miserable.


I'm not crying because I can't see mesh....I'm having fun looking at the strange shapes.  :matte-motes-silly:

(And don't even get me started on why I can't see mesh currently.)

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Blaz Neuman wrote:

And still some people use firebird or phoenix not because it has more features but because they did not want to learn how to make good use of the SL official viewer when SL went V2... if they could they would still use the V1 wiever

If by firebird you mean firestorm, I don't use the official viewer not because of it's UI.  Firestorm is much more stable than the official viwer not only for me but going by LL's own statistics and it has a lot more features too that I like and use. The UI I use on it is the same as the official viewer except for some improvements or extra features, 

To the OP, I never crash using Firestorm other than for reasons that have nothing to do with the viewer.

I am certain the problem is due to your computer or internet connection.  Another viewer may solve it if your computer is not capable of running Firestorm due to age or its specs, but if it is an internet connection problem no viewer will fix that.

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Heh I stopped using TPV viewers a long time ago,, Just havent felt safe since Emerald BS.

I enjoy using viewer 3 . I dont have to wait for the TPV viewers to get new features important to SL and its future and their fmbling bugs..

Using firestorm pretty much made my decission to go back to Regular SL. The bugs and issues just was not worth my time in SL ., After getting over the hurdle of learning viewer 3 it has been a fantastic Sl experience. The only TPV I will ever even consider using will be Exodus Viewer which will be working on the Second Life materials inclusion


I dont have crash problems like I did with FS


So In my oppinion the official viewer is always the safest and best way to go...

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