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Regulation of SL Market - When ?

Damien Cygnet

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I have yet read a half of answers and I see something more politic than an economy. As answers is goes not upon the initial track.

SL is a social place where like for the American dream is proposed the chance to start your creative activity and sell.

Invent ; project a dream ; make a concrete business maybe become the leader of your field as a developer.

It is a new media and a turnabout ; a chance to create like never before.

In terms of economy deep into the system settled and yet working. It is not a socialist economy. It is a mass production where quality vendors emerge and are represented with some very harsh competition. Inside the mass products are freebies ; cheap quality or copies because some people have not the talent enough or time to set up a team as a group and they want to make few L$ fast.

In terms of market is is a laboratory where studying the behaviour of a large market being the pixel image of a reality one market gives indicators of a future market in the reality. In terms of analysis it has a cost and it is a research like any LAB. If you want to have the analysis to focus upon a future behavioral of consumer - it is very much valuable.

The market is an option and a small plus to make money. It is not the target of a LL strategy upon a short term.
As a visibility - SL wouldn't regulate the market ; it was my question - simply because having a report of the trends is more valuable than managing a disordered market. This market looks like a post-apocalyptic one (it is the cyberpunk-matrix idea) being emulated of some kind. It is the idea. It is a source profitable recording thousands of futuristic precious informations about the MARKET and definitly it is a lab observatory of small mouses being the residents.

It permits to afford a logical and serious study and be able to forward this to agencies concerned with the research and the analytics of this large consumer's scale and unique model sampler/LL >  being an approach of the behavioral of a realistic FUTURE market.

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Yes yet some people are out of their cost - they do not cover expenses - it happens - expenses come from the land they rent ; the advertizings also...

Example : many sims beautiful and performing have yet disappeared from SL - if the creative suites had covered their expenses they would still be there ?

Most of the time the competitors do not cheat but - it is part in the economy downgraded. They would give illusion it performs well while in fact the health of their enterprise is decreasing.

It loses from what ? :

1. The Land in SL and the value of market remaining is completely artificial - but we are dream sellers aren't we ?

2. The prices of the market itself is not reevaluated by LL function of a realist virtual market for the estate lease quotations and advertsing or campaigns prices.

3. The all estate market is in a position very near fund pensions investments in RL. We buy LL land cheap and we put the price of the land very high to resell - higher than the fluctuation. Plus the Land we buy is money made out of nothing - we own no property. But we hold it long term. It concentrate the market to be kept highly priced. It is a completely artificial method to be able to always figure out to sell and maintain a currency at market price.

It is like in a realistic economy not performing well from the fact - the market prices are high ; but the workers salary do not increase at all. The buy power to cover isn't anymore offering a rentability. Then builders depart - they go do something else in RL.

Then some vendors have a strategy : "Hold-on ; it might sell better tomorrow ?" ; plus if they are big vendors LL would smartly listen to them since they can afford to rent or buy enough publicity.

The challenge in SL is to show you have estate - if you have none - you can not risk - as a challenger we would we figure out there is not any risk with you : - you are not an investor nor a studio deisgn, you look rather a very smallcap.

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Damien, I have a small favor to ask. Please reread your post carefully before you hit the Post or Update button. Every time you make a small edit and update it, I receive an email with your full post. Of your past two posts, I have received close to 20 separate emails. It's not a big problem, but it does generate a LOT of emails, each one only very slightly different than the previous one. Thank you.

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Damien Cygnet wrote:


The challenge in SL is to show you have estate - if you have none - you can not risk - as a challenger we would we figure out there is not any risk with you : - you are not an investor nor a studio deisgn, you look rather a very smallcap.

For me is having estate not the challenge. But I don't buy land to show others my status. Land is to me nothing more then a  necessairy cost for my business, I have land to show my products. My challenge in SL tolet out the creativity and to improve my skills.

I know many people for whom having estate is not the challenge either. For this person it's a challenge to find a new rl partner, for the next it is practicing his English and for the third to live out his sexual fantasies. 

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I agree with you these things also happen in SL, but when you see a main vendor emerge from the lot, and adopt a caterpillar strategy : he is an investor > as a general rule he has something in his mind : he wants to make money and a profit of his time in SL. He has a strategy and no time for sexual fantasies there ; even if very pleasurable... :matte-motes-tongue:

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I will add for you : Of course I came here for sympathy ! Sympathy for the Devil $. Look the devil playground is usually no Kindergarten. But for people having studio design and video game enterprise in RL ; it might somehow look like one LOL.

I want to tell you I have offered a Mig9 and a Mystere Aircraft for Xmas at "0L$" and I can tell it to you with the issue of large sales > the  people look at prices - if very much quality and free yes they will go for a buy - I must show to you how many we have sold for Xmas - you will be surprised. I like to do pleasure for people... I bet in SL it should be also the nice way to break the market. It is better than breaking prices to make us become chinese workers ? You are right - my next job shall be > vendor of burgers in a Mc Donalds - no shame hey ! There is not a shame within any job.

Did I say we didn't sell a lot as a group team ; never > we have had a huge success - this adventure is plainful ; and was very satisfying. Thank you for your argument. There is time for fun ; and a time for serious things also I do agree.

I bet I'd be off that SL Forum now ! = time to cook my own fresh quality burger ; yummy ! :matte-motes-nerdy:

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Damien, I have a small favor to ask. Please reread your post carefully before you hit the Post or Update button. Every time you make a small edit and update it, I receive an email with your full post. Of your past two posts, I have received close to 20 separate emails. It's not a big problem, but it does generate a LOT of emails, each one only very slightly different than the previous one. Thank you.

somehow I don't think he was listening ;)


there's a lot to be said for only getting the daily round up email.

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Couldbe Yue wrote:

there's a lot to be said for only getting the daily round up email.

Ahhh, true. I'd forgotten about that option. Thank you for reminding me. But then, I'm so **bleep** about seeing every update instantly, I don't know if my consitution could handle the delay. LOL

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'Today's algorithm leans far too much to free and quality is of no consideration'.


That's nonsense. On the contrary L.L. pumps prices upward wherever they think they can without being noticed by most. (They have an ongoing phony PR campaign to the contrary that obviously you've been duped with). I know for a fact when my stuff gets sold on the marketplace, the higher priced stuff gets set much higher on the all important relevant search results then my cheaper stuff even though they sell far fewer than my cheaper stuff and its just getting more extreme to that effect as they change the algorithms from time to time. It was for a long time that only things around 1000L$+ got pumped up well beyond their frequency of sales (and more temporarily), now at the very least 500L$ items are getting pumped as well (and for much longer), so im guessing that L.L. has finally set an algorithm effecting most prices or price ranges now where the higher the price of an item, it receives an ever increasing upward pushing multiplier effect on relevant search placement. With that said, I would partially agree with you that quality to (higher) price really isn't any consideration when it comes to the algorithm. Relevance search placement should be based on total sales and nothing else, and when that brings prices down further then we can have as real a free market economy as is possible under set land tier cost circumstances. ;-)

Furthermore price pumping can hardly be considered 'Socialist'. The Marketplace is much more akin to monopolistic unregulated free market practices where L.L. Chooses the monopolies they wish to support (big money making merchants) over the ones they would rather see disappear (small fry merchants who come to second life for many reasons other than making money). ;-)

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"Typical, as most people don't understand the distinct differences between Free Markets, and Centrally Planned markets, or Capitalism vs Socialism. Our news media distorts the 2 theories, and implies that the US is a capitalistic economy. The reality is that the US has a socialist economy with the largest sectors being Crony Capitalism, which is socialism and fascism mixed together. As we move closer and closer to a fully socialist economy, things decline more and more. It has no way to recover, other than the government spending more and more to cover up the mistakes they make in picking the winners".

Actually a much more meaningful definition of Socialism would be - in a question format in my example....'Is the economy being shared with the broader population? If the answer is no, then you have something other than socialism in reality.  Since L.L. is largely interested in pumping prices upward one must ask, who does this serve the most? The answer of course would be that it supports the long established bigger merchants over the newcomer small fry merchants. Fascist societies consistently support such monopolistic price pumping realities, them being natural to their philosophies and beliefs.

Now a more meaningful definition of Capitalism would be - in question format again..... Does the economic system allow people to make money by simply investing their money and having money (or capital)? And how much this is allowed and encouraged would determine the degree of Capitalism. The United States and the vast majority of the world would definitely fall under that category to a 'heavy' degree as would L.L.

Notice how Socialism and Capitalism WOULD NOT be considered mutually exclusive, and also notice that the degrees vary and that neither can be defined in any sort of absolute way under these more proper and meaningfully logical definitions. ;-)

Fascism is the opposite of Socialism in reality where an economy is not shared with the large majority at the bottom and these two terms are most certainly mutually exclusive being that way. Any attempt at merging two opposites together into one is nothing more than an Orwellian type deception ploy. The truth is that the world has moved toward Fascism over the last many decades, and certainly not toward Socialism. Notice how Capitalism and Fascism is also not mutually exclusive, one being an apple and the other being an orange. ;-)

"I understand how hard it is for the average person to lose their socialist thoughts, as the news media bombards people's brains with emotionally driven rhetoric. When you study true Free Markets, or Austrian theory, you plainly see that Free Markets and Capitalism is the most just and moral theory possible. This is a system of voluntary exchange, where every benefits, and no1 loses".

In reality the western main stream news media is completely fascist and right wing supporting on a continual basis, using Orwellian techniques in their brainwashing methods, and the Austrian school of economics is just as wrong and extreme as the Marxist school of economics contrary to what the MSM wants us to believe. One is white the other black, but in reality many colors make up the real universe we live in. A happy medium would be preferable if an optimal growth economy is desired. :-)

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"Keynesian theory is what most governments engage in today. 1 my favorite quotes, "the economy's Organic". It's a pretty brilliant video, especially the end where the ref hold up Keynes' hand, even tho he was KO'd".

Actually the Neo-Liberals erroneous economic theorems of the Chicago School of Economics is what is being used today has been in much greater part for the last 50 years or so. The demand side principle (which was a large component of Keynesian economics has been largely ignored during that same time period. ;-)

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"You can pretty much guarantee that anything being sold for really cheap or free is not going to get very good support".

Actually the customers of the cheaper stuff will likely get better support as the creating merchant of the cheaper stuff isn't likely to get bombarded with questions from customers who would otherwise be more anxious to get the product working with the thought that they broke their piggy bank open to purchase it giving the merchant of cheapies more time to do customer service. Even if the merchant of cheapies sell ten times as many as the merchant with over priced stuff, he will still get fewer customer contacts because people just wont bother when something is 25L$ but if its 500L$ or 4000L$ you can bet that the customers are going to expect 'extra' service. ;-)


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"Is a painting by van Gogh a better product then a painting by Rembrand?

A diamond skull by Damien Hirst is definititely more expensive then an artwork by Banksy, that he sprays on public walls in London".


Try to understand that with Libertarians 'supply and demand' exist in a vacuum as just about all their economic theories do, and archtypes really exist in the universe we live in.  Remember they believe 'there is no such thing as society'. ;-)

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Spica Inventor wrote:

'Today's algorithm leans far too much to free and quality is of no consideration'.


That's nonsense. On the contrary L.L. pumps prices upward wherever they think they can without being noticed by most. (They have an ongoing phony PR campaign to the contrary that obviously you've been duped with). I know for a fact when my stuff gets sold on the marketplace, the higher priced stuff gets set much higher on the all important relevant search results then my cheaper stuff even though they sell far fewer than my cheaper stuff and its just getting more extreme to that effect as they change the algorithms from time to time. It was for a long time that only things around 1000L$+ got pumped up well beyond their frequency of sales (and more temporarily), now at the very least 500L$ items are getting pumped as well (and for much longer), so im guessing that L.L. has finally set an algorithm effecting most prices or price ranges now where the higher the price of an item, it receives an ever increasing upward pushing multiplier effect on relevant search placement. With that said, I would partially agree with you that quality to (higher) price really isn't any consideration when it comes to the algorithm. Relevance search placement should be based on total sales and nothing else, and when that brings prices down further then we can have as real a free market economy as is possible under set land tier cost circumstances. ;-)

Furthermore price pumping can hardly be considered 'Socialist'. The Marketplace is much more akin to monopolistic unregulated free market practices where L.L. Chooses the monopolies they wish to support (big money making merchants) over the ones they would rather see disappear (small fry merchants who come to second life for many reasons other than making money). ;-)

This is just your observation of your own products, not an overall view of what is going on. If you look at every category in the MP, you will see that cheap products dominate the top 100 results in almost every category. Each of us sell different products and we all have different business models. If you are going to give a critique of the system, you have to look at the whole of MP and it's results.

IMHO, the proper algorythm for a MP, that benefits every1, is 1 that can promote the products with the best price to quality ratio. This ratio makes the most amount of customers happy and gives the merchants a bar to try and reach for.

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Spica Inventor wrote:

"Typical, as most people don't understand the distinct differences between Free Markets, and Centrally Planned markets, or Capitalism vs Socialism. Our news media distorts the 2 theories, and implies that the US is a capitalistic economy. The reality is that the US has a socialist economy with the largest sectors being Crony Capitalism, which is socialism and fascism mixed together. As we move closer and closer to a fully socialist economy, things decline more and more. It has no way to recover, other than the government spending more and more to cover up the mistakes they make in picking the winners".

Actually a much more meaningful definition of Socialism would be - in a question format in my example....'Is the economy being shared with the broader population? If the answer is no, then you have something other than socialism in reality.  Since L.L. is largely interested in pumping prices upward one must ask, who does this serve the most? The answer of course would be that it supports the long established bigger merchants over the newcomer small fry merchants. Fascist societies consistently support such monopolistic price pumping realities, them being natural to their philosophies and beliefs.

Now a more meaningful definition of Capitalism would be - in question format again..... Does the economic system allow people to make money by simply investing their money and having money (or capital)? And how much this is allowed and encouraged would determine the degree of Capitalism. The United States and the vast majority of the world would definitely fall under that category to a 'heavy' degree as would L.L.

Notice how Socialism and Capitalism WOULD NOT be considered mutually exclusive, and also notice that the degrees vary and that neither can be defined in any sort of absolute way under these more proper and meaningfully logical definitions. ;-)

Fascism is the opposite of Socialism in reality where an economy is not shared with the large majority at the bottom and these two terms are most certainly mutually exclusive being that way. Any attempt at merging two opposites together into one is nothing more than an Orwellian type deception ploy. The truth is that the world has moved toward Fascism over the last many decades, and certainly not toward Socialism. Notice how Capitalism and Fascism is also not mutually exclusive, one being an apple and the other being an orange. ;-)

"I understand how hard it is for the average person to lose their socialist thoughts, as the news media bombards people's brains with emotionally driven rhetoric. When you study true Free Markets, or Austrian theory, you plainly see that Free Markets and Capitalism is the most just and moral theory possible. This is a system of voluntary exchange, where every benefits, and no1 loses".

In reality the western main stream news media is completely fascist and right wing supporting on a continual basis, using Orwellian techniques in their brainwashing methods, and the Austrian school of economics is just as wrong and extreme as the Marxist school of economics contrary to what the MSM wants us to believe. One is white the other black, but in reality many colors make up the real universe we live in. A happy medium would be preferable if an optimal growth economy is desired. :-)

In my mind, there are really only 2 categories, Freedom, and Slavery. All governmental systems fall into the Slavery management category. Free Markets, and Capitalism are not governmental systems, but anarchic systems of organization. In classic terms, Socialism would be the purest form of government controlling everything. Fascism is simply a twist on socialism, where the government picks corporations to run certain sectors of markets. Neither of these systems can logically work long term, as neither of them have any mechanism to allocate resources properly. Both Socialism and Fascism rely on force, by the government. Without the government's force, neither socialism nor fascism could exist.

Again, Free Markets and Capitalism are based on voluntary exchange, and do not require a government at all. Every exchange is beneficial to both parties involved. Both parties gain and there are no losers, which is the whole point of a market. With the help of each of our fellow humans producing items that others need or want, we all benefit and spend our time on this earth more productively. All governmental systems intrude on the Free Market, and steal money, off the people, to support evil and slavery.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

In my mind, there are really only 2 categories, Freedom, and Slavery. All governmental systems fall into the Slavery management category. 


dont take it bad Medhue, but i think here is the problem with you. The reality is not white or black. there is a lot of nuances and degrees between both. Manicheism is not the way it works.


Medhue Simoni wrote:

 Free Markets, and Capitalism are not governmental systems, but anarchic systems of organization. 


Again here, i really advice to you to not try to walk on this path and not talk about things you dont know. You should start not using the word "anarchic" in a politic topic, bec its easy to make confusion between a mess and what means really anarchism. I can eventually accept the common meaning for anarchy as mess in some occasion but NOT when its a matter of politic. If you want to walk on this path ill be forced to explain to you longly what means really anarchism but maybe you can just take some books and read by yourself...(after all, im rl librarian, ehhehehehe, i just do my job here). :smileywink:


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Ciaran Laval wrote:

There are left Libertarians you know, a long history of them and they would take umbrage with your suggestion that the only form of socialism means the government controlling everything.

Yes Ciaran, and thanks. first libertarians (the real ones) are not either from right or left but just anarchists and proud to be.

second, they already take umbrage than the new" libertarians" (Medhue's friends)  are usurping the word "libertarian", and yes, they dont apreciate a lot that because of ignorance pp talk nonsense about their ideal.

thanks for your specification, Ciaran :smileywink:

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

In my mind, there are really only 2 categories, Freedom, and Slavery. All governmental systems fall into the Slavery management category. 


dont take it bad Medhue, but i think here is the problem with you. The reality is not white or black. there is a lot of nuances and degrees between both. Manicheism is not the way it works.


Medhue Simoni wrote:

 Free Markets, and Capitalism are not governmental systems, but anarchic systems of organization. 


Again here, i really advice to you to not try to walk on this path and not talk about things you dont know. You should start not using the word "anarchic" in a politic topic, bec its easy to make confusion between a mess and what means really anarchism. I can eventually accept the common meaning for anarchy as mess in some occasion but NOT when its a matter of politic. If you want to walk on this path ill be forced to explain to you longly what means really anarchism but maybe you can just take some books and read by yourself...(after all, im rl librarian, ehhehehehe, i just do my job here). :smileywink:



If you want to actually make an argument, then please do. Continuing to question my knowledge on things is kind of a waste of time for every1. When I say anarchic, I mean something with no set structure, or no centrally organizing structure. Some might call Free Markets an organic system.


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Not to much of a 'necro-post' to be posted in, heh? Well, here it goes.

I am not sure why politics come into it entirely, SL is a privatly owned company. They essentially DO manipulate the market via controlling:

1) The price of Linden Dollars

2) The price of membership

3) Advertising and marketing efforts to expand the population and retain residents

4) The terms of service and premium residents offerings (not as exploited as one might think)

5) TOS that allows user creations uploaded and IF those are allowed to be sold at all.

So, there is no govern, no govern, free market at all. In essense it is a loosly controlled system that is made to benifit whomever and whatever the mission (or ulterior missions the manipulators are pushing for or exploiting out of it) to a point where to ignore governance is to ignore freedom and it is to claim a system is essentially non-existing in it's natural state.

To ignore nature and the full environment is a grace mistake when armchair econoimic professing. To ask questions is fine, so I aplaud the question mark of the OP.

I am not sure what I am saying. But basically, you sometimes are trying to see the forest and the trees are in the way....plus the trees are alive and walking to different spots and you keep turning around.....you can hear them....alas, nothing....but you know they moved! THAT is economics.....expept you keep walking up in a differentn forest with a slightly different gravity, weather system and chemical makeup in the atmosphere...then you realize it is constantly changing....ooops, it isn't...it just changes with no warning in a way that really does seem you are dimension travelling while sleeping.

It is NOT sensical, it IS controlled, it CANNOT be unmanipulated...thus, there are always governances of some sort and they are not identifiable at all times....by the time you have recorded them in your limited memory...they might have changed! The weather, the culture and many other odd things effect us all.

Why did people invest in SL thinking it was, and I think this is an exact qoute "the next internet" when basically....the bandwidth restrictions where placed on, SL would have to fundamentally change and would be made obsolete by web browsers (yes, even the mighty Flash plug-in is beingn slowely chipped away at by several different efforts, plug-ins and frameworks as it fights for dominion on all fronts!) and basicallay.....HTML5 is even starting to do some common things that where done with flash. IT may take a few years, but basically...IF pepole went and invested money into iMacs instead of IPhones, and Android/Google  computers where at full advanced 3D with v2.0 and basically the GoogleBook was a HUGE 8 core CPU monster that you can use as a heater on chilly spring mornings.....yeah, THEN things would have been more in SL's advantage.

IPhone, Mobiles. This was a huge investment of money. Even if only 50$ or so...in reality, people bought iPads for hundreds instead of PC upgrades or money toward a new mac! How on earth can we see it expand with ISP's still holding caps on some of the highspeed net access? 4G BUT you get like an hour of use or something rediculous. Unless you spend MORE money. So, no money for SL or a new PC to enjoy SL or even try it. People still don't have the GPU's BUT spent 30$ MORE on ISP bandwidth or phone bills! Spent 300$ on a iPad to walk around and look rich or cool and use extremely simple applications....which are now called Apps....because....why not, they are not "real" programs? lol. Anyway, TONNES of money gone....all for nothing much more than games that resemble what you could get on a USED out of date playboy, game simlilarly priced to old used games. The difference is they pay 30$+ for phone data BS or ISP increases to play video's and download "Apps" so....yeah, I would not be surprised if gameboys and other handhelds become hipster hillarity. But, yeah....basically, phones took hundreds from a segment of the market that might have otherwise upgraded thier PC and tried out some social gaming with more visual appeal....SL!

No on really saw this at LL, or at least didn't have enough influence? The average user is split between so many games, so many "communities" and so many websites, applications, and communications.

So, once again...LL controls some things and could try to regulate SL...but when you can get a game that have many many planes for like 2.99 initial or even free and they buy the plane or upgrades (I don't know if this is available for planes, but does exist for cars!) I mean....the little phone is all over an dthe impulse can be indulged in. SL is NOT there, the impulse is put aside! One car or another? You pick the one that is more fun, more in your latest amusement...the phone game!!!

SO, it is not really SL's other creators that effect everything....it is also many many other things. Casual gamers play phones and don't have as much time. It is one of those things. If you make newer or more interesting things....maybe this will be enough to sell to those looking for new things. But, when you can buy a game for 20$ that has more tracks, more cars....don't you end up thiking like I do and think.....THAT is where some drivers are, most of them. Millions versus hundreds here! They become ornaments, so looks are where it is at. Maybe more esoteric items? I can't say that regulation of the market will really make things better, because really and truly there are always influences and LL already has a few and there are more in the real world....I mean, you can argue there IS no real and second world, we only have so much time for all activities and SL competes with more activities than JUST one called RL. SL is part of RL activities, all of those RL activities compete for time.

In fact, I have better things to do. I really could have explained this better, done some research and so on. I could have maybe cited some neato things to investigate. I could comment further on technology changes, vendor lock-in (vice system needs maintenance and was not open...sort of like vendor lock-in I guess) and so many smart peoples thoughts would be cited here. You could spend hours reading my thousands of words. I could take 2 days or so to respond with a paper....maybe even call it a white paper and post it on a website and be all pro like and comment on SL, business and all that. But seriously....I don't get anything for this. Which answers why Vice exists and doesn't seem like it will.

We all do things in our lives. We may decide to take up golf. THis may last forever, but you may also sell a set of clubs. Those clubs are not sad. But, maybe you don't play darts anymore and it is all golf. Then, one day....you decide to skip golf every weekend and play darts again! This is life. SL is ONE task, one distraction, one time burner and there are many. Including important ones. So, yeah....I will waste a bit of time typing furiously with no worry of editing. I will ramble, lose my train of thought and maybe even go off on tangents......sure, why not. Some do much better, they have healthy minds (OK, some don't but have other afflictions) and...uh..yeah, they are going stuff people rely on. But, yeah....they have issues to deal with, the world is larger than any one of use. If a giant snowball wants your sandwich......hell, you better get out of the way and try to grab it...because one day you might regret not having the balony sandwich available to you because of rations and you will watch small chinese men fight to the death over a piece of pork...seriously....it is a dangerous world for some people, and sci-fi is full of odd stories and we face an odd future!!!!!

Lower SL prices will maybe lead to some people dropping out. But with merchant outboxes.....lol, no worries of autoreturn or server storage places shutting down. People can disapear for years and set the stuff at low prices and LL makes money over and over, they lose less content and as the items call into old age not pretty, shiney, spec mapped or more laggy status....well, people will buy them AND the new items! This is odd, but works. They become collectables, starter stuff or mistakes and sources of anger!!! Yup. LL makes money either way! No loss, the boxes meant death when a user drifts away. Not so now! As long as they put it in merchant outbox it will stay lol.

Anyway, off to do something more productive. I have said my -4057927c, because this all may confound and point out obvious things....but oh well.

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