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Panhandler bot at Vista Anims

Algol Adder

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Prob. not new - but went to a "popular anim store"  a few times today and each time I was immediately IM'd by an avie claiming I'd bumped them across the sim.

The avie then got friendly, complemented me on my fine avie, shared some information about his/her previous SL account - bad boyfriend etc, and finally, after 5 mins, asked me for L$250.

Naturally, I refused, then noticed that this avie had never actually replied or acknowledged anything I had typed during our "conversation" and I wondered if this was just a bot, carrying on a canned IM session.

Anyways, went back later, and got IM'd by the same avie, same message, I had fun for a while, pasting their previous IM sentences into my IM before he/she/it typed it.

Eventually, somebody actually started responding to my fooling around, claimed that they were doing nothing wrong and that they had 75K IM conversations going at the same time, and only noticed my comments because he/she was checking in to see how much money they had made.

He/she also claimed the store owner was fine with this scheme - I don't believe that.

Anyways, I'm rarely on the forums so sorry if this subject has already been beaten to death........

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This is apparently happening all over the grid.

To OP: Please remove the shop name so the lindens don't delete this thread. Its too valuable - people should know about it. And since its happening grid wide, we don't need to name any one shop, just make sure the method of how the scam operates is well known.



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Two week ago, I saw that bot (or one of it's bot clones) at a popular hair shop....and a popular clothing maker. 

Same MO...compliments your avatar....sob-story, etc.  Only, asking for $40 Lindens.  (I did not give them any money) 

I also tried to IM the bot...but got no reply.

(Also, did IM a lot of people who TPd in after me to warn them.)

I did  send a message to the shop owner, informing them about the Beg-Bot camped at their Teleport entry location.   The owner did TP in...but no one kicked out the bot.   Which, I thought was really strange.   So, is this something that shop owners are doing to surreptitiously increase their revenue?!   If I thought that was the case....I'd not spend a another dime at any of those shops.


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Fun with a beggar bot. This just happened at a popular skin store. Names changed to protect the robotic.


[11:21]  BeggarBot: ouch! that hurt!! you bumped me tooooo hard

[11:22]  BeggarBot: I'm just kidding :P SL is rezzing so slow for me blah :(

[11:22]  BeggarBot: don't be mad though I just wanted to talk to you haha

[11:23]  BeggarBot: wow your avatar looks so cool, what skin are you wearing?

[11:23]  BeggarBot: I am art retarded, I never make good avatars! Did you make yours?

[11:24]  BeggarBot: I just got back to SL from a long break, omfg everything is so different

[11:24]  BeggarBot: have you been in SL for a long time?

[11:25]  Melita Magic: do you know a good recipe for apple pie?

[11:25]  BeggarBot: .. mesh is so crazy! and the new skins, I don't even know many of the creators anymore. Who makes the best skins now?

[11:26]  Melita Magic: hannibal lecter

[11:26]  BeggarBot: I quit because this guy I was seeing from SL asked me to stop playing :(( and I listened because I am stupid :(

[11:26]  BeggarBot: he said there were too many guys in here and he got jealous.I should have thought it was weird that he was so insecure...

[11:27]  BeggarBot: meanwhile, he would come on here and give girls his phone number, which I didn't find out until one of them messaged me and I got the offline in my email.

[11:27]  Melita Magic: Maybe you should stab him and set the bed on fire.

[11:28]  BeggarBot: I was seeing him IRL and everything like once a month, usually I paid for the plane tickets - meanwhile he was calling girls from SL telling them he loved them.

[11:28]  BeggarBot: have you ever dated anyone in SL?

[11:29]  BeggarBot: sorry to treat you like you are my therapist or something :( guess I just needed to talk about it

[11:29]  BeggarBot: then right after that because I was so angry, I wanted to message the girls and tell them how I felt, but I couldn't bring myself to do it

[11:30]  BeggarBot: but here I am back again, starting over as a newb. Everything that I had in my inventory was so out of date anyway

[11:30]  Melita Magic: This is really tragic. Right up there with global warming.

[11:30]  BeggarBot: your avatar is really nice though truly, one of the best ones I have seen since I have been back, you should be proud of it, you did an amazing job

[11:31]  Melita Magic: Here it comes!

[11:31]  BeggarBot: mind if I ask a favor :x

[11:31]  Melita Magic: You want to borrow a machete for your boyfriend's murder?

[11:31]  BeggarBot: mind if I ask a favor :x

[11:32]  BeggarBot: Would there be any way possible that you would consider letting me borrow 200l so I can make my avatar a little like yours?

[11:32]  BeggarBot: I want to reinvent myself in SL, no dating unless the guy is just like so amazing that I can't resist him ;D

[11:32]  Melita Magic: Would there be any possible way you could do something that is physically impossible? Because I have a few suggestions.

[11:33]  BeggarBot: thank you so much!!!

[11:33]  Melita Magic: You're welcome. Would you like those by IM or note card?


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One of my alts just got this:

[17:53] A*******: you pushed me!!!
[17:53] A*******: I'm just kidding but we can be bumper car avatars!
[17:54] A*******: don't be upset with me ok? I'm a prankster :P
[17:54] A*******: wow your avatar looks so cool, what skin are you wearing?
[17:55] A*******: I am art retarded, I never make good avatars! Did you make yours?
[17:55] A*******: I logged in for like the first time in a year yesterday, can't believe how it has changed here
[17:56] A*******: being back here after so long I don't remember anything about the sliders at all, I keep making a chubby round face lol
[17:57] A*******: .. mesh is so crazy! and the new skins, I don't even know many of the creators anymore. Who makes the best skins now?
[17:58] A*******: I quit because this guy I was seeing from SL asked me to stop playing :(( and I listened because I am stupid :(
[17:58] A*******: he said there were too many guys in here and he got jealous.I should have thought it was weird that he was so insecure...
[17:59] A*******: meanwhile, he would come on here and give girls his phone number, which I didn't find out until one of them messaged me and I got the offline in my email.
[17:59] A*******: I was seeing him IRL and everything like once a month, usually I paid for the plane tickets - meanwhile he was calling girls from SL telling them he loved them.
[18:00] A*******: have you ever dated anyone in SL?
[18:01] A*******: sorry to treat you like you are my therapist or something :( guess I just needed to talk about it
[18:01] A*******: then right after that because I was so angry, I wanted to message the girls and tell them how I felt, but I couldn't bring myself to do it
[18:02] A*******: but here I am back again, starting over as a newb. Everything that I had in my inventory was so out of date anyway
[18:02] A*******: your avatar is really nice though truly, one of the best ones I have seen since I have been back, you should be proud of it, you did an amazing job
[18:03] A*******: mind if I ask a favor :x
[18:03] A*******: mind if I ask a favor :x
[18:04] A*******: Would there be any way possible that you would consider letting me borrow 200l so I can make my avatar a little like yours?
[18:04] A*******: I want to reinvent myself in SL, no dating unless the guy is just like so amazing that I can't resist him ;D
[18:05] A*******: thank you so much!!!

At a very popular dance animations shop. IM'd the owner - but they're offline and likely IM capped.

But I AR'd the flatterbot also, under Fraud -> L$

No idea if LLs will see it as ARable. Probably not at first, but if enough of us complain they might start noticing it.


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Melita Magic wrote:

[11:27]  BeggarBot: meanwhile, he would come on here and give girls his phone number, which I didn't find out until one of them messaged me and I got the offline in my email.

[11:27]  Melita Magic: Maybe you should stab him and set the bed on fire.



[11:30]  BeggarBot: but here I am back again, starting over as a newb. Everything that I had in my inventory was so out of date anyway

[11:30]  Melita Magic: This is really tragic. Right up there with global warming.



[11:31]  BeggarBot: mind if I ask a favor

[11:31]  Melita Magic: You want to borrow a machete for your boyfriend's murder?



[11:32]  BeggarBot: I want to reinvent myself in SL, no dating unless the guy is just like so amazing that I can't resist him ;D

[11:32]  Melita Magic: Would there be any possible way you could do something that is physically impossible? Because I have a few suggestions.




jejejejjeeje (:


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Lol thank you...and I honestly didn't change a thing except their name. (I suppose if they were really called BeggarBot it might be a bit obvious.)

Pussycat: Wow it's the same script right down to "can I ask a favor" going twice. Did you reply at all, or did they just keep spitting lines at you?

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I didn't say a single thing.

I just kept the whindow open, let it all play out, and when done, found the person on the radar (they were half a sim away, we'd never even been within rez distance of each other), and reported them with a screenshot and link to this thread.

I -hope- a linden gets involved sooner rather than later. ESPECIALLY if this is linked to the account phishing...


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That's really funny. 

I tried to let it go as much as possible, to see if they would just keep going. But sometimes I couldn't resist talking back. I was curious if the lines would change at all. Didn't seem to which made me smile even more. I felt like at least I got some entertainment out of it.

You did well, I AR'd one but I think I forgot to AR this one. I am not sure if it would help anyway. Not sure if they are on top of it but I hope they will too.

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They can be fun to play with if you know what you're gettiing into. Saw them at both LAQ and Redgrave a while ago but they didn't say anything at first - their handler may have been away. Didn't mention being bumped even after I deliberately walked smack into one at full speed. The handler came back in a bit later so my alt got the full spiel. Alts don't have the resources of mains but she decided to help the bot out a LITTLE - she gave her a tampon. Never hurts to be prepared, right?

One thing you can do quickly to help make their job a little harder is to post on their feed and tell everyone they're a beggarbot.


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More reports from the field:




And to post on the feed, open somebody's profile up, and the first tab for feed, type stuff there. :)

Also on the web, like this:


 These days discussion on the feeds is about 3 to 4 times more active than the forums

- but you need to be active about moderating all the folks from countries that begin with "It" and "Br" (...) who post rear view up-cam shots of unclothed avatars that have low quality skins where the 'bits' texture wraps around to the rear and spreads, or posts pics of people 'in the act' on the public side rather than just privately, or pics of 'crack' (an not talking about the street rock either...)... Cause um... yeah... =^o.O^=


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  • 3 weeks later...

Slightly adjusted. Now includes a name of their "original account" to pretend to be older, and perhaps make it ARable for people who paste the script without seeing that first...

I'm not even sure where this came from, as I didn't see this person where I was.

[16:01] **********: omfg it's been so long!!! How have you been
[16:01] **********: I'm just kidding, we aren't friends but we can be! I was just bored waiting for everything to load
[16:02] **********: Happy Holidays!! :D
[16:02] **********: I just decided to log in today after 2 years! But for whatever reason my password on my old account won't work BLAH -
[16:03] **********: my name was *** ****** before which was such a cool name :( now I am stuck with this stupid name and RESIDENT - that is an ugly last name!
[16:03] **********: were you thinking about cursing me out? haha
[16:04] **********: omg I can see you! you're precious
[16:04] **********: You made your shape yourself!? looks so nice!
[16:05] **********: I logged in for like the first time in a year yesterday, can't believe how it has changed here
[16:05] **********: you look like you have been in SL for a long time, have you?
[16:06] **********: I think I need a new shape for all of this new stuff, I tried to make one but I don't think I came even close to yours
[16:07] **********: .. mesh is so crazy! and the new skins, I don't even know many of the creators anymore. Who makes the best skins now?
[16:07] **********: I quit because this guy I was seeing from SL asked me to stop playing :(( and I listened because I am stupid :(
[16:08] **********: he said there were too many guys in here and he got jealous.I should have thought it was weird that he was so insecure...
[16:09] **********: meanwhile, he would come on here and give girls his phone number, which I didn't find out until one of them messaged me and I got the offline in my email.
[16:09] **********: I was seeing him IRL and everything like once a month, usually I paid for the plane tickets - meanwhile he was calling girls from SL telling them he loved them.
[16:10] **********: have you ever dated anyone in SL?
[16:10] **********: sorry to treat you like you are my therapist or something :( guess I just needed to talk about it
[16:11] **********: then right after that because I was so angry, I wanted to message the girls and tell them how I felt, but I couldn't bring myself to do it
[16:11] **********: but here I am back again, starting over as a newb. Everything that I had in my inventory was so out of date anyway
[16:12] **********: your avatar is really nice though truly, one of the best ones I have seen since I have been back, you should be proud of it, you did an amazing job
[16:13] **********: mind if I ask a favor :x
[16:13] **********: Would there be any way possible that you would consider letting me borrow 300l so I can make my avatar a little like yours?
[16:14] **********: I want to reinvent myself in SL, no dating unless the guy is just like so amazing that I can't resist it
[16:14] **********: thank you so much!!!

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