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Marketplace review rant

Blaze Nielsen

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Since theres nothing we can do about unwarranted reviews on our marketplace listings I just neede to rant a little. Customer gives me one star rating and a negative review simply because he is a noob and does not understand the world and does not understand english. He ranks me for failed software issues in a skybox, however as I discovered, he was trying to build the skybox offsim. You cannot build in the void! After considerable time trying to explain and get him to move the skybox, he got frustrated and wrote a terrible review. Its really unfair that I can't do a thing about this review. Judge for yourself  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rockefeller-House-Skybox-1000-poses/2235188

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As a customer, I assume that one-star reviews mean the reviewer is a fool unless there's ample evidence to the contrary in the review. Your explanation was sufficent for me. I believe you can flag the review to have it removed, but it would be a Very Bad Idea if a merchant could remove reviews on their own.

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Its a beautiful home and when you read the review you can pretty much guess what happened if you've done any building in SL at all :) i would read a review but before i dropped that much on a home I'd be sure to see it in person first. It's obvious you spent a great deal of time and skill on it. I wouldn't let it get to me too bad.. the home doesn't come close to matching his comments. Flag it and see what happens.

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The purpose of a review is to provide prospective buyers with some information about the quality of the product or customer service. It is not just an opportunity for someone to "get even" because he did not read the listing or to extort money or products.

The review in question does neither.  It just has some vague meaningless statements, and it is clear that the only thing the reviewer is providing information about is his difficultly speaking and presumably reading English. 


Therefore it is off topic.

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Ok this is very strange.  I went and looked to see what they guy had written.  It was confusing to say the least and I wouldn't have paid any attention to it if I was a customer.  I then decide to answer the question "was this review helpful"  I clicked NO and the review disappeared.  Now when I look at it it is showing zero reviews.  Not sure if it removed it for just me or everyone.  Someone else may want to look.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Ok this is very strange.  I went and looked to see what they guy had written.  It was confusing to say the least and I wouldn't have paid any attention to it if I was a customer.  I then decide to answer the question "was this review helpful"  I clicked NO and the review disappeared.  Now when I look at it it is showing zero reviews.  Not sure if it removed it for just me or everyone.  Someone else may want to look.

Yes, the review is gone! :)  I looked at the listing this morning which contained the review and just now after reading your post.

Woot!!!  Good work!


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I think it would have been highly coincidental if LL removed the review at the exact time I clicked the NO button, because that is exactly what happened.  I clicked and before I could even move my mouse off the button the review disappeared.   It didn't even take a screen refresh to see that it was gone. 

I guess it is possible but that wouldn't happen again in a million years. LOL

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I don't know if the yes or no's help -- in my experience they do nothing -- but I have seen them remove reviews within minutes of me flagging them ( and I have many times credited them with this here in the forum).

The key is this: If a review does NOTHING to inform a prospective buyer about the quality of the product or service, it is OFF TOPIC and will be removed.



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I have no issues with your self promotion here in the forums with blog and logos. The only issue I have is the OVERWHELMING extent you use the forums to expose your logo and your blog. You have previously been an avid defender of the "no advertising" rule. However, I consider you to be the worst offender in light of the massive forum space devoted to your logos over the years. And with that I will close my postings (at the risk of becoming the offender I am against :)

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Blaze Nielsen wrote:

I have no issues with your self promotion here in the forums with blog and logos. The only issue I have is the OVERWHELMING extent you use the forums to expose your logo and your blog. You have previously been an avid defender of the "no advertising" rule. However, I consider you to be the worst offender in light of the massive forum space devoted to your logos over the years. And with that I will close my postings (at the risk of becoming the offender I am against

You have obviously made the conscious decision to target the forum community with an advertisment for your business. This is fair enough, it is allowed under the forum rules. Pam has done the same. 

So here you both are, with free advertising space and exposure to about maybe 500 to 1500 unique forum users every day. Since this incarnation of the forum started Pam has used that advertising space to gain exposure for her business 4700+ times. You have only chosen to use that advertising space 150+ times. All this indicates to me is that Pam has made better use of the forum to expose her business than you have. You can't complain about that considering you have made the conscious decision to target your ads at us forum users too. That just makes you a hypocrite. Whether you post an ad 10 or 10000 times you are both doing the same thing, it just means that Pam is doing it better than you are. 

Just because you are overwhelmed with potentially seeing Pam's ad's 4700+ times doesn't mean that her post count is unacceptable and that your post count of 150+ is acceptable. It's all down to personal tolerance. Obviously seeing that Pam has posted 4700+ times has exceeded your personal acceptable tolerance level for forum Ads.

Well my personal level of tolerance for seeing forum ad's is zero and as a result I find your 150+ ad's overwhelming. So are you going to remove those ad's from your signature or are you just going to continue to be a hypocrite?

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