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The remember me option

Babi Reina

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  I think I already know the answer to this just from years of past experiences, but anywhoooo.



Whats the purpose of the "remember me on this computer" check box here on the website if it doesn't? Like I said, sureeeeee i know the answer already but what the hell, why not ask.

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"The remember me option, is a major Security liability.

The function should be removed.

If it is not currently working; that's great news."


All true.  But having the option "available" at the sign screen should work.  If LL wanted to dictate security for everyoner signing into the forums or their dashboard they should simply remove the "Remember Me" option......not just neglect to fix it because it's broken (evidently thinking that "it's a security issue so lets just leave it broke").  BTW, the "Remember My" option for the dashboard does work........kinda upside down on what's more of a security risk (your dashboard which contains personal information or a forum that contains no such information).


I take that back.........in your settings there is some personal information such as your email address (but no financial information like your payment method).  Still, which is more of a security risk....someone taking your money or someone flooding your email with spam?

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You're an exception.  The remember me for these forums has never worked for me on IE, Firefox or Chrome.  It has always worked for the Dashboard.  However, I don't use the "Remember Me" for either anymore......for security reasons.  I've found that, on the Internet, a little paranoia is a good thing.  Of course you can do as you want.....it's your security, not mine.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

You're an exception.  The remember me for these forums has never worked for me on IE, Firefox or Chrome.  It has always worked for the Dashboard.  However, I don't use the "Remember Me" for either anymore......for security reasons.  I've found that, on the Internet, a little paranoia is a good thing.  Of course you can do as you want.....it's your security, not mine.

Oh I don't doubt that one bit. I know it doesn't work for, at the very least, the majority. I'm not sure why it works on my pc to be honest. I just know it does. (I didn't have to log in to reply here, I was already logged in still). As for security, I'm not concerned :) My pc is protected.


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 I'm not concerned **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> My pc is protected."


Ohh...those oh so famous last words. :)  I'm pretty Internet savvy and my computers are all protected (anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-anything and firewalled to the hilt....both software and hardware firewalls are in place constantly).  About a month ago I picked up a virus (I do have an idea of where I picked it up but that'snot exactly important where but it is important that I picked it up.....that's only the second virus I ever picked up in all the years I've been on the Internet).  That virus really played heck with my registry........to the point that I wound up having to wipe my hard drive and completely re-install my Windows 7 to get everything working right again.

Don't be smug about it.....that will jump up and bite you on the butt when you least expect it.  Since I don't use my computers for business I didn't loose anything real important (I have a second drive with no operating system for those treasures everyone wants to save so they were not affected with the disk wipe and re-installation).  Like I said before, a little paronoia is a good thing.........I just wasn't paranoid enough about a month ago.  :)

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


 I'm not concerned **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> My pc is protected."


Ohh...those oh so famous last words.
  I'm pretty Internet savvy and my computers are all protected (anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-anything and firewalled to the hilt....both software and hardware firewalls are in place constantly).  About a month ago I picked up a virus (I do have an idea of where I picked it up but that'snot exactly important where but it is important that I picked it up.....that's only the second virus I ever picked up in all the years I've been on the Internet).  That virus really played heck with my registry........to the point that I wound up having to wipe my hard drive and completely re-install my Windows 7 to get everything working right again.

Don't be smug about it.....that will jump up and bite you on the butt when you least expect it.  Since I don't use my computers for business I didn't loose anything real important (I have a second drive with no operating system for those treasures everyone wants to save so they were not affected with the disk wipe and re-installation).  Like I said before, a little paronoia is a good thing.........I just wasn't paranoid enough about a month ago. 

Who said anything about being smug? No pc is 100% protected, no matter how paranoid we get about it(that's a terrible term, though I do understand why you're using it, lol). I take all reasonable measures needed, and should the unthinkable happen, I'll deal. There isn't anything on this particular pc that I am concerned about :)

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The fact that no computer connected to the Internet is 100% protected (I doubt that's even 75% protected if you want my opinion) that you should never rely on software or hardware to do the hard stuff.........I used "paranoia" because that's exactly what it takes.  The best protection for you computer and it's content is you.......and that requires you to be very vigilant about everything that is happening every second you are connected to the Internet.  Some idiot will find a way around any security software or hardware you might have in use......and they will even get around you if you are not watching closely.  The law of averages says you will be infected sooner or later.....the trick is to keep it always "later".

It's good that you (evidently like me) don't have a bunch of treasures that are irreplacable on your computer.....a second hard drive helps for those "nearly irreplacable" things.  But, let me tell you.  I've unintalled and reinstalled operating systems numerous times (all the way back to Windows 98).  When you plan for it, it's just time (sometimes tedious).  But unplanned, it's really not fun at all.  I had not saved all my contacts from my email, I had not saved all my favorites for my web browser, I did not have a list of all the programs I used and liked (some really necessary such as iTunes).  I had to search for all those programs after the installation instead of having the setup programs already saved to the second drive ready for installing.  Where such a task in the past took about a day this time it took 3 days (and, just today, I got around to reinstalling Quicktime that I needed for some streaming media in SL).

I'm not trying to argue......but a statement about "being protected" just rubbed me the wrong way.  Maybe smug was the wrong word......but that's the way it read to me when I read it.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


I'm not trying to argue......but a statement about "being protected" just rubbed me the wrong way.  Maybe smug was the wrong word......but that's the way it read to me when I read it.


This pc is as protected as it can be, but nothing, and I do mean nothing, can protect anyone 100%..save remaining off a pc altogether, lol. It's not me being smug, or anything even remotely like that. It's just me saying...I do what I can within the power I have, and aside from that...I'm not worried. Mainly because IF something happened...I'm still golden.

I've been there, done that on wiping systems before. That's why I have the opinions, and stance I have now. It takes the experience of dealing with it, sometimes. I have, and you're right, it's not fun. Heck it's not even fun when you're doing it for fun, lol. Anything special or not expendable, is kept elsewhere now, for that reason, among many.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

You're not doing "everything within your power" if you use convenience features such as "Remmber Me" options.  That's all I'm saying. 

Not even remotely true. I can see why you assumed I was being smug, you're doing it yourself.


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