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The difference between public and private

Bree Giffen

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Malanya wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

 .. but there is really nothing you can do or give me to make my SL experience more enjoyable than it already is .. i have everything i need for having a
time in sl .. more than enuf actually since my inv is so fulluv stuff ..  


Then why do you want to go to other people's houses and play with other people's stuff?

Good Question since she has "more than enuf actually since my inv is so fulluv stuff.." mmmk. I think not or she would not seek more in such an agressive way discarding other people in general as human beings. What is worse than that is how she puts people down in so many nasty ways in every post i have seen from her, I can't begin to believe this person is happy. I am however having fun palying with all my greedily acquired stuff and being selfish helping people today...maybe I do have a problem with my ego? lol.

you again Malanya ?!? you really ARE obsessed arent you?

you have no idea what all i have in my inv ..

i dont think iv been nearly as nasty as you have .. no more nasty anyway .. i think youre projecting here Malanya .. you really do need to calm down hon



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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

once again .. why should selfishness be respected? i will respect that which deserves respect but to my mind pointless selfishness & exclusivity deserve NO respect



I think most people here agree with you about selfishness, JeanneAnne - that's why so few people respect you.

^^This^^ *goes inworld to add JeanneAnne to her ban list on the land that SHE pays for and gets to decide who should or should not be allowed on her land, because it's oohh..wait for it.....MINE!*

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JeanneAnne wrote:

 My ego? lol I build myself up by putting others down....oooook lol.

yes .. you do .. & youre doing it right here .. but youre too fulluv yourself to realize it

who cares(?)<<

apparently you do .. because you keep going on about it

You are a free loader and that is proven

so? am i violating the ToS by playing for free? i think its utterly stupid to pay for something you can have entirely for free .. but hey! if you dont mind spending your $$ on cartoons in order to enrich a souless sociopathic corporation like LL .. knock yourself out !! meanwhile us freeloaders will enjoy the SL you pay for w/out spending a cent .. so Thanks!

JeanneAnne i am toying with you
.. <<

you arent the one doing the toying Malanya .. youre seriously upset .. its so apparent that youre taking the subject seriously because of the ego-investment you have in justifying to yourself & others your wasting money on a game when you dont have to .. youre jealous of us 'freeloaders' who get over on those of you who pay & you bitterly resent someone like me mocking your economic foolishness .. deny this if your ego demands it but you are so transparent that youre hardly there at all 

Yes a dictionary may help you
.. <<

looks to me like it could help you too "Swetty" .. :cattongue:

You are seriously cracking me up that is why i keep responding to you. Why do I need to defend myself? Huh?

"seriously" for sure .. that much is true .. you are seriously invested in this dialog .. but you will have to ask yourself why .. i can only guess why youre so desperate to defend yourself .. seems seriously neurotic to me

>> ..
I am so serious I can't get enough of your replies.<<

IKR ?!? so serious it borders on obsession .. youre not going to stalk me inworld are you ?!?

BTW you are wasting your time in here with all of us greed hogs.

i know .. but the alternative would be to actually get some work done .. & its friday & i don wana

Do you feel superior using the words you do
.. <<

no .. i feel superior cuz my calling for sharing openness freedom egalitarianism & equality
superior to the calls of others for selfishness exclusion ban lines & paranoia

I am so sorry you are contiinually attacked
.. <<

no you arent .. now youre lying .. if you were sorry i am attacked you would refrain from doing the attacking .. im use2 hypocrisy but the level of it youre stooping to is practically pathological

have fun the restuv the day Malanya .. once you simmer down :heart:


ROFLMAO..ok..nope, nope, and nope. Or well you busted me, I am an ego driven fool. The words i was referring to were not banlines but ok whatever you say. I don't need to simmer down and I am having a great day playing with land and all that ego greed selfish whatever other words you used. Do you know what ego means? Hmm..one has to wonder. Do you not realize i am responding to your ignorant posts to keep you going?? Maybe not huh, thought it was more obvious than that. You seem to feel attacked by what you refer to as the the forum bullies and the olbies over and over in every thread you have posted on, so maybe you don't have a clue about what I am talking about. Stalk you inworld? LMAO ummm no, don't know where you go where ur land love is and don't care to ever see you inworld lol. You may stalk me though huh? :) Since it's Friday and you don't want to work, why don't you go back through just a handful of your posts and see the general thought about you by many different posters, maybe it will give you some insight on how you and your words are viewed, who knows. To bad you have to work at all..winks at you

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JeanneAnne wrote:

so? am i violating the ToS by playing for free? i think its utterly stupid to pay for something you can have entirely for free .. but hey! if you dont mind spending your $$ on cartoons in order to enrich a souless sociopathic corporation like LL .. knock yourself out !! meanwhile us freeloaders will enjoy the SL you pay for w/out spending a cent .. so Thanks!

Let me try to explain.   

I am quite content for you to enjoy the public areas of any sims I own.   But the only reason they're there is that I pay LL almost $300 a month for each of them.   I can't do that out of my own pocket, so I need to make the money by renting out parts of them to tenants and also by working with my friend to make scripted BDSM toys and furniture.   That's fine; we have fun making our stuff, people like it enough to buy it in quite some quantities and I thus afford to pay LL tier and cash out enough to pay my grocery bills, which is good enough for me.

But the whole thing does depend on people paying me rent and buying stuff from me.   I don't have a problem with you enjoying SL for free, but  the point you don't seem to see is that the only reason that most of SL is there for you to enjoy for free is that other people are prepared to pay for stuff.   Otherwise most of SL wouldn't be there for anyone.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Freya Mokusei wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

if content creators have every right to decide how their content is used then i have every right to regard their cartoons as worthless .. & to laugh at them when they become irate over copybotting & IP theft


Of course you have that right, I doubt anyone in this thread (except you) is arguing about whether you have a right to act as you choose.

There is, however, a name for people who don't afford this right to others. There are names too, for people who casually discard others' values, career decisions, and lifestyles as irrelevant, to the point of criticising them in public.

I remain curious regarding why you are proud of these attitudes.

i discard ~casually or otherwise~ values, career decisions, and lifestyles that i consider unethical, selfish, ill-considered or not conforming to the principle of right-livelihood .. i would not discard, criticize or ridicule anything i considered to be just .. & yes .. im proud of myself for mocking selfishness .. what amazes me are those who defend it!



Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Malanya wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

 .. but there is really nothing you can do or give me to make my SL experience more enjoyable than it already is .. i have everything i need for having a
time in sl .. more than enuf actually since my inv is so fulluv stuff ..  


Then why do you want to go to other people's houses and play with other people's stuff?

Good Question since she has "more than enuf actually since my inv is so fulluv stuff.." mmmk. I think not or she would not seek more in such an agressive way discarding other people in general as human beings. What is worse than that is how she puts people down in so many nasty ways in every post i have seen from her, I can't begin to believe this person is happy. I am however having fun palying with all my greedily acquired stuff and being selfish helping people today...maybe I do have a problem with my ego? lol.

you again Malanya ?!? you really
obsessed arent you?

you have no idea what all i have in my inv ..

i dont think iv been nearly as nasty as you have .. no more nasty anyway .. i think youre projecting here Malanya .. you really do need to calm down hon



Do you think I care what you have in your inventory? No. lol. I am not obsessed I am pulling the troll's tongue out and doing quite well obviously as you keep responding back to me. You are kidding right..you have never been nasty as ME? OMG I am dying ..lol I am not nasty JeanneAnne. I am now projecting. Damn you can see right thru my typing. Swetty was purposeful as an addition to your self made shorthand. How do I calm down? Go take a nap. I will be here all day :)

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Heart Brimmer wrote:


Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

You took that thought right out of my head LOL..hmm welfare...everyone should share...I don't respect people or their things, I can go into anyplace i want and use what I want, no one knows I was there, so and so paid for my Zooby baby of course (btw they need those star things for their brains to grow, wonder how you get those free?) ..hmmm..you may be on to something here :) It is all starting to come clear.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Or well you busted me, I am an ego driven fool.

thank you for being honest for once Malanya :cathappy:

ok .. you can go away now .. youre beginning to bore me even more than work does !! & thats quite an accomplishment !! LoL


Yes, thank you for forcing the honesty out of me. I don't think I am boring you ..see you are compelled to reply to me, I told you I was toying with you, my replies have nothing to do with an actual intelligent conversation to you, after reading your foolish selfish entiltled replies I KNEW I had to pull the troll out, Not science, just obvious that you are enjoying it. I am, who cares lol. I am glad i don't get bored working. Do I really have to go away since you the freebie queen of sl said so? I think not.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

so? am i violating the ToS by playing for free? i think its utterly stupid to pay for something you can have entirely for free .. but hey! if you dont mind spending your $$ on cartoons in order to enrich a souless sociopathic corporation like LL .. knock yourself out !! meanwhile us freeloaders will enjoy the SL you pay for w/out spending a cent .. so Thanks!

Let me try to explain.   

I am quite content for you to enjoy the public areas of any sims I own.   But the only reason they're there is that I pay LL almost $300 a month for each of them.   I can't do that out of my own pocket, so I need to make the money by renting out parts of them to tenants and also by working with my friend to make scripted BDSM toys and furniture.   That's fine; we have fun making our stuff, people like it enough to buy it in quite some quantities and I thus afford to pay LL tier and cash out enough to pay my grocery bills, which is good enough for me.

But the whole thing does depend on people paying me rent and buying stuff from me.   I don't have a problem with you enjoying SL for free, but  the point you don't seem to see is that the only reason that most of SL is there for you to enjoy for free is that other people are prepared to pay for stuff.   Otherwise most of SL wouldn't be there for anyone.

you dont have to explain all this to me Innula .. i know that sims cost $295 per month in tier .. im glad you dont hav2 pay out of your own pocket & understand that you rent out portions of your sim in order to pay tier & play for free .. my sisters do the same as you altho by DJing & to a much lesser extent making clothing & shoes & selling them on the browser MP .. if you can make enuf inworld to pay rent or tier more power to you !! & if you have a ltl extra left over for rl groceries thats all that much cooler

i also realize that according to the business model LL imposes someone has to pay for SL so that i dont hav2 .. i actually appreciate the ppl who pay & only resort to mocking as retaliation when im treated rudely by content creators & vendors who resent my playing for free .. ppl like you & my sisters who easily make enuf inworld to support the sims you & your friends enjoy truly have my thanks & admiration .. & id like to thank you for your respectful & intelligent posts .. youre a breath of fresh air in this forum compared to the shrill neurotics who typically post in here



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She keeps mentioning this cartoon thing, yet it seems that she uses sl as a rl substitute, I get that from her own words somewhere :). Thank you for creating things for us to buy and enjoy and I certainly feel creators should be compensated for their efforts whether it is done for enjoyment or not. Without us paying people and content creators I don't see any part of the free sl there is to enjoy, someone had to buy it, make it, place it, and so on. Thank you for adding to the sl we all enjoy.

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Malanya wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:


Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

You took that thought right out of my head LOL..hmm welfare...everyone should share...I don't respect people or their things, I can go into anyplace i want and use what I want, no one knows I was there, so and so paid for my Zooby baby of course (btw they need those star things for their brains to grow, wonder how you get those free?) ..hmmm..you may be on to something here
It is all starting to come clear.

I've always thought she was from the very first post she ever made lol. And how she loves to use people in order to get the things she wants is just unbelievable. *grins*

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I know, and I like how she projects her own hate back as if you started it lol. I find it interesting when people take no accountability for their words or actions. That's what makes the world and yes forums so interesting. I like that she is picking on every post of mine, as you see I don't normally post here so I am her target and I think it's funny. I hardley post and this av's birthdate shouldn't fool her into how long I have been in sl. Am I being hazed? lol

eta: I forgot to paste this into my last post LOL

>>JeanneAnne i am toying with you .. <<

you arent the one doing the toying Malanya .. youre seriously upset .. its so apparent that youre taking the subject seriously because of the ego-investment you have in justifying to yourself & others your wasting money on a game when you dont have to .. youre jealous of us 'freeloaders' who get over on those of you who pay & you bitterly resent someone like me mocking your economic foolishness .. deny this if your ego demands it but you are so transparent that youre hardly there at all

oh my JeanneAnne is this really how I am?? I am seriously upset? I have an ego investment? I am jealous of freebie people? I am wasting my money? You are mocking my economic foolishness? oh boy, I do need to deny this and yes even if you say my ego demands it. I think you are a seriously sick person, no kidding lol and if I was upset trust me, replies would be far different :) you have the right to believe what you want about me, your opinion means nothing lol. I don't think you understand toying and pulling the troll, what it means. I don't care if you do though lol. Keep analyzing me I find it funny. Have you looked up your past posts yet? Just curious :)


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Melita Magic wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

revel in all
stuff .. & dont complain when i laugh at you for being silly to have spent a single cent of real money on cartoons that you can thrill to call mine Mine MINE


I know this wasn't to me but, you often say something similar to that, to various people. You always say you have never spent a cent in Second Life and are prouid of it. But you mention a Zooby baby. Aren't those expensive? Who paid for that? 

It seems like it's the people who refuse to spend any money at all in Second Life who are always saying everyone should let them use whatever they want. That they can go into houses, use anything anywhere. Well that's easy to say when it's someone else's space, time, energy, money spent putting that space together, isn't it? It's easy to 'share' if only one person is ponying up. Easy to come out ahead if you've not put in a cent yourself. 

Not sure how that is equitable. I'd say you can decide to share if it's yours, but otherwise, that's just plain taking.


Not stepping back into the public/private land debate since it's been pretty much addressed but, seeing Melita's post here, I do want to say that Melita is one of the most generous people one will ever meet in SL.  For at least three years, possibly longer, Melita created, then offered to the public, the most amazing area geared toward new SL residents who didn't have a place to set home or a private place to try on clothes; however, she welcomed anyone to this land and only asked a few simple, courteous things not be done....common sense things like the SL equivalent of not shouting "FIRE" in a crowded movie house. 

But Melita didn't stop with just providing a safe landing spot and private dressing rooms, each one beautifully decorated in different themes - that alone would have been most generous and kind of her, but she took it farther.  There was a gorgeous pavilion where anyone was welcome to come, sit, relax, chat.  It included a jukebox that played a wide variety of music.  During Christmas Melita placed tons of free gifts in the pavilion for anyone who came by.  The gifts were donated, to the best of my knowledge, by thoughtful merchants.  I just love this photo taken one Christmas:

Changing Rooms Christmas 2010.JPG

But that wasn't all!  At one time there was a "spa" on the sim for anyone to enjoy, complete with cushy loungers and white folded towels with a lovely soothing pond in the center.  Another area was an amusement park and still another was a beach area for sunbathers and merfolk.

Melita's sim was truly a labor of love.  Some people may think, "Well, once it's all built (no small feat in itself) it will just run on its own - no management needed."  Unfortunately, there are people who choose to run roughshod over a kind gift such as this (and I'm not referring to you, Jeanne :) ) - people who are like spoiled children or schoolyard bullies who ruined things for those who truly appreciated this effort.

Sadly, this place no longer exists.  In this discussion where words like selfish, greedy, paranoid, etc. are being thrown around - I had to step in to at least acknowledge someone who is the antithesis of all this, and to give Melita a heartfelt thank you for an area that I enjoyed visiting and to say that throughout SL there are other "Melita's" who give to others for the sheer joy of giving.

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That is a wonderful thing Melita did and apparently purely from her heart to help residents with a spot to go and maybe with her doing that she helped more people stay in sl as some get frustrated by griefers and the welcome centers so much they don't come back and that is sad and unfair. It's also a beautiful picture of the area for the memory. People DO need to think about the words, greedy and selfish and all the other words that person 1st posted to other replies regarding what some do in sl for others enjoyment, whether we pay or not, the whole bashing of the original topic and personal space. To assume why we are here in sl and what we do for others enjoyment to be ego driven is sad :) Nice post.

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Malanya wrote:

I know, and I like how she projects her own hate back as if you started it lol. I find it interesting when people take no accountability for their words or actions. That's what makes the world and yes forums so interesting. I like that she is picking on every post of mine, as you see I don't normally post here so I am her target and I think it's funny. I hardley post and this av's birthdate shouldn't fool her into how long I have been in sl. 
Am I being hazed? lol

LOL, you probably are being hazed but I am so enjoying the laughs from reading the thread. 

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It's ok :) my ego is so darn big and my avi's skin is quite thick so I should make it through ( I was told this about the ego, skin has yet to be debated). I normally would not feed into the stupid of this LOL but sometimes you just have to, because laughing is sooo good for you and when someone hands you a reason to act silly, how can you pass? Can you see through my transparent typing of the selfish and so serious person I am? Hope not :P

I am actually enjoying this after reading rude posts for months, thank goodness i can multi task with my shovel as I as come back and forth here from inworld. Whew!

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

One of THE most ignorant statements made in this entire thread. Yes, there are plenty of others as well, but this statement is just plain and simple wrong on every possible level. If you're going to mock, argue with, disagree with or whatever else you'd like to call it, someone you deem as not only incorrect but also being ignorant....you really shouldn't place yourself on the same platform they're standing on. What does welfare have to do with anything stated here? Why would you lump a program, or set of them, put in place to help people who may be down on their luck, in with anything stated here? Do you believe all people on welfare are ignorant? I would hope not. I'm willing to bet that most simply use it for it's intended purpose, a hand up. Bad apples aside, they exist everywhere, welfare has nothing at all to do with this topic.


As for the rest....Not a single person has a right to stand on some pedestal, calling out others for their non-agreement on a topic, when they too are stooping as low as that which they're arguing against. Aka...don't feed the damn trolls and then complain about their existance. You're the one enabling it. You can disagree to your heart's content, everyone can. But the minute you do the very thing you're against, you're no better. Name calling is beyond silly once you're past the age of innocence and have the brain capacity to understand right from wrong. You can defend your right to name call all you want, but it won't change the fact that you're still doing it. It also won't make your point any clearer or wrap some special blanket of importance around it. It does, in fact, do the opposite.

 ETA: I should probably add that while I don't agree with a huge majority of the same things most here seem to disagree with as well, I just see no reason to venture down to the depths of, well I don't even know what I'd call it, but it's not a very pleasant place, clearly. You can disagree with someone without coming across as ignorant yourself. I am using the word ignorant with it's actual definition here, not the perceived or made up definition used to insult. Ignorance=lack of knowledge. When you start acting as a verbal bully, it starts to seep out in your words, as if you haven't the ability to communicate. People will never all see eye to eye. That's sort of what makes a discussion exist. Two-at least-opposing sides can make for a good discussion. Until the mud slinging,on both ends, starts to fall in. Then you've pretty much contributed to the end of what was, or could have been, a decent discussion. It's a pity. We're all grown adults, we all have the capacity to understand and communicate far better than this. It's a shame really.

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ImaTest wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

One of THE most ignorant statements made in this entire thread. Yes, there are plenty of others as well, but this statement is just plain and simple wrong on every possible level. If you're going to mock, argue with, disagree with or whatever else you'd like to call it, someone you deem as not only incorrect but also being ignorant....you really shouldn't place yourself on the same platform they're standing on. What does welfare have to do with anything stated here? Why would you lump a program, or set of them, put in place to help people who may be down on their luck, in with anything stated here? Do you believe all people on welfare are ignorant? I would hope not. I'm willing to bet that most simply use it for it's intended purpose, a hand up. Bad apples aside, they exist everywhere,
welfare has nothing at all to do with this topic.
<< then your point is??


As for the rest....Not a single person has a right to stand on some pedestal, calling out others for their non-agreement on a topic, when they too are stooping as low as that which they're arguing against. Aka...don't feed the damn trolls and then complain about their existance. You're the one enabling it. You can disagree to your heart's content, everyone can. But the minute you do the very thing you're against, you're no better. Name calling is beyond silly once you're past the age of innocence and have the brain capacity to understand right from wrong. You can defend your right to name call all you want, but it won't change the fact that you're still doing it. It also won't make your point any clearer or wrap some special blanket of importance around it. It does, in fact, do the opposite.


This is a public forum and funny how you didn't reply to the person who started labeling and such, so i guess welfare is off limits, but the unlimited rude, nasty comments is acceptable in your eyes, name calling is ok as long as the term "welfare" isn't used. I am sorry no mattter what comment I made or agreed to, I am not stooping to the level of the person who attacks on every thread and actually calls people names on every thread. So before YOU stand on your high and mighty pedal stool yourself with such comments, you should check the whole thread before you single out a person who has dealt with this rude crass commenter for a long time. I sense a biased person here, but I really don't care. Call the person out who name calls worse than the word welfare. Now you know my brain and capacity too lol you're not qualified as i am not qualified to say your brain is at it's proper capacity. Apparently you have a common interest with the person that disappeared from the thread. BTW if you can't see humour maybe public forums are not for you. I didn't feed the damn troll and complain, I laughed. Please re read the thread again. Also there was no mention of being down on your luck..so twist the words away.
As for believing all people are on welfare are ignorant? Let's see...again if you can't see humour forums may not be for you. Grown adults can be well within their realm even if the conversation is not polite and so courteous, sorry but that's a fact of humanity and it doesn't make us low.

I am in the United States, freedom of speech and certainly to my opinion or if I choose to agree or not. I don't think I have that many posts here for you to draw any conclusion as some others here, but go on, it's your right to do so.
If welfare is the most ignorant thing said on this forum you must feel that name calling in any sense is ok? I am not saying I didn't feed the troll, i did, after a year of reading her nasty remarks and the 1st post was not even to her, I decided to keep my hand out with the feed. Nice name BTW. OFF TOPIC AS YOU BROUGHT IT IN AS A DISCUSSION: Besides I think that abused welfare system should not exist, but yes thats another topic. if you believe that the system is not widely abused then you need to do some serious research. I have worked in the healthcare field for over a decade and know where to send those that have actual handicaps either physical or mental that are in true need of help. Nice off topic rant!
You do realize you are doing the same thing with different words and angles in which you are accusing others of, right?

eta: not correcting my spelling

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Malanya wrote:

ImaTest wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

One of THE most ignorant statements made in this entire thread. Yes, there are plenty of others as well, but this statement is just plain and simple wrong on every possible level. If you're going to mock, argue with, disagree with or whatever else you'd like to call it, someone you deem as not only incorrect but also being ignorant....you really shouldn't place yourself on the same platform they're standing on. What does welfare have to do with anything stated here? Why would you lump a program, or set of them, put in place to help people who may be down on their luck, in with anything stated here? Do you believe all people on welfare are ignorant? I would hope not. I'm willing to bet that most simply use it for it's intended purpose, a hand up. Bad apples aside, they exist everywhere, welfare has nothing at all to do with this topic.


As for the rest....Not a single person has a right to stand on some pedestal, calling out others for their non-agreement on a topic, when they too are stooping as low as that which they're arguing against. Aka...don't feed the damn trolls and then complain about their existance. You're the one enabling it. You can disagree to your heart's content, everyone can. But the minute you do the very thing you're against, you're no better. Name calling is beyond silly once you're past the age of innocence and have the brain capacity to understand right from wrong. You can defend your right to name call all you want, but it won't change the fact that you're still doing it. It also won't make your point any clearer or wrap some special blanket of importance around it. It does, in fact, do the opposite.


This is a public forum and funny how you didn't reply to the person who started labeling and such, so i guess welfare is off limits, but the unlimited rude, nasty comments is acceptable in your eyes, name calling is ok as long as the term "welfare" isn't used. I am sorry no mattter what comment I made or agreed to, I am not stooping to the level of the person who attacks on every thread and actually calls people names on every thread. So before YOU stand on your high and mighty pedastool, you should check the whole thread before you single out a person who has dealt with this rude crass commenter for a long time. I sense a biased person here, but I really don't care. Call the person out who name calls worse than the word welfare. Now you know my brain and capacity too lol you're not qualified as i am not qualified to say your brain is at it's proper capacity. Apparently you have a common interest with the person that disappeared from the thread. BTW if you can;'t see humour maybe public forums are not for you. I didn't feed the damn troll and complain, I laughed. Please re read the thread again. Also there was no mention of being down on your luck..so twist the words away.
As for believing all people are on welfare are ignorant? Let's see...again if you can't see humour forums may not be for you.

I am in the United States, freedom of speech and certainly to my opinion or if I choose to agree or not. I don't think I have that many posts here for you to draw any conclusion as some others here, but go on, it's your right to do so.
If welfare is the most ignorant thing said on this forum you must feel that name calling in any sense is ok? I am not saying I didn't feed the troll, i did, after a year of reading her nasty remarks and the 1st post was not even to her, I decided to keep my hand out with the feed. Nice name BTW. OFF TOPIC AS YOU BROUGHT IT IN AS A DISCUSSION: Besides I think that abused welfare system should not exist, but yes thats another topic. if you believe that the system is not widely abused then you need to do some serious research. I have worked in the healthcare field for over a decade and know where to send those that have actual handicaps either physical or mental that are in true need of help. Nice off topic rant!



I don't see anywhere in my reply where I said I agree. In fact, I painted everyone who is name calling with the exact same brush. It doesn't matter to me whose insult is "worse" or "meaner", I don't like any of them. I didn't reply to her directly because I know better. I know what it will turn into, I know how she'll reply, and I don't feed trolls. I was speaking to people who, I believed, would realize they were behaving the same way even if they didn't believe so. People I don't believe are trolls but their actions(aka words) in this thread have placed them in that same place-again, a place I don't believe they should be. Only a portion of my reply was directed at the welfare comment. I don't believe there is any humor in that particular statement. I do have a sense of humor, I just don't see humor in that statement, it just screams out ignorance and nothing more. It's not as if you qualified it, not that you have to of course as no one does. You cannot blame me for wondering why it was even mentioned, or what it had to do with the topic. I know all about welfare and how it is abused. In fact I think it deserves a complete overhaul. I just don't know what it has to do with some of the ignorant remarks(that she's made) and I find that it was simply used to insult. Again, no insult is better, or worse, thus far, in my eyes.

I don't agree with a majority of what the person you're arguing with says, I never have and I never will. Though she, as everyone else, has the right to state or feel however she wants, everyone does. Regardless of whether or not I agree with them, everyone does have a right to "speak" here however they wish, within TOS. You, me, her, all of us do. I can disagree with her opinions without stooping down to the same level, and I do. That doesn't change the fact that I don't agree with ANY name calling, or troll feeding. Usually when what happened here starts happening, people yank the conversation back around again. Sometimes, they don't, and it gets ugly. Then neither side comes out looking all too dandy. Just my personal opinion of course, we've all got them.

As for my name, this is a test avatar created back when we, on the forums, had a bit of a challenge to see if people could create a business from scratch without ever bringing a penny into sl. That came about because of a really great discussion that was going south fast, but got turned around by a lovely bunch of people who wanted to stop the mud slinging. So, imatest was born. Just a random name, nothing more, nothing less. I'm just not all that creative sometimes. I just happened to be logged into it checking messages.

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ImaTest wrote:

Malanya wrote:

ImaTest wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Oh! On welfare I see. THAT would explain the attitude.

One of THE most ignorant statements made in this entire thread. Yes, there are plenty of others as well, but this statement is just plain and simple wrong on every possible level. If you're going to mock, argue with, disagree with or whatever else you'd like to call it, someone you deem as not only incorrect but also being ignorant....you really shouldn't place yourself on the same platform they're standing on. What does welfare have to do with anything stated here? Why would you lump a program, or set of them, put in place to help people who may be down on their luck, in with anything stated here? Do you believe all people on welfare are ignorant? I would hope not. I'm willing to bet that most simply use it for it's intended purpose, a hand up. Bad apples aside, they exist everywhere, welfare has nothing at all to do with this topic.


As for the rest....Not a single person has a right to stand on some pedestal, calling out others for their non-agreement on a topic, when they too are stooping as low as that which they're arguing against. Aka...don't feed the damn trolls and then complain about their existance. You're the one enabling it. You can disagree to your heart's content, everyone can. But the minute you do the very thing you're against, you're no better. Name calling is beyond silly once you're past the age of innocence and have the brain capacity to understand right from wrong. You can defend your right to name call all you want, but it won't change the fact that you're still doing it. It also won't make your point any clearer or wrap some special blanket of importance around it. It does, in fact, do the opposite.


This is a public forum and funny how you didn't reply to the person who started labeling and such, so i guess welfare is off limits, but the unlimited rude, nasty comments is acceptable in your eyes, name calling is ok as long as the term "welfare" isn't used. I am sorry no mattter what comment I made or agreed to, I am not stooping to the level of the person who attacks on every thread and actually calls people names on every thread. So before YOU stand on your high and mighty pedastool, you should check the whole thread before you single out a person who has dealt with this rude crass commenter for a long time. I sense a biased person here, but I really don't care. Call the person out who name calls worse than the word welfare. Now you know my brain and capacity too lol you're not qualified as i am not qualified to say your brain is at it's proper capacity. Apparently you have a common interest with the person that disappeared from the thread. BTW if you can;'t see humour maybe public forums are not for you. I didn't feed the damn troll and complain, I laughed. Please re read the thread again. Also there was no mention of being down on your luck..so twist the words away.
As for believing all people are on welfare are ignorant? Let's see...again if you can't see humour forums may not be for you.

I am in the United States, freedom of speech and certainly to my opinion or if I choose to agree or not. I don't think I have that many posts here for you to draw any conclusion as some others here, but go on, it's your right to do so.
If welfare is the most ignorant thing said on this forum you must feel that name calling in any sense is ok? I am not saying I didn't feed the troll, i did, after a year of reading her nasty remarks and the 1st post was not even to her, I decided to keep my hand out with the feed. Nice name BTW. OFF TOPIC AS YOU BROUGHT IT IN AS A DISCUSSION: Besides I think that abused welfare system should not exist, but yes thats another topic. if you believe that the system is not widely abused then you need to do some serious research. I have worked in the healthcare field for over a decade and know where to send those that have actual handicaps either physical or mental that are in true need of help. Nice off topic rant!



I don't see anywhere in my reply where I said I agree. In fact, I painted everyone who is name calling with the exact same brush. It doesn't matter to me whose insult is "worse" or "meaner", I don't like any of them. I didn't reply to her directly because I know better. I know what it will turn into, I know how she'll reply, and I don't feed trolls. I was speaking to people who, I believed, would realize they were behaving the same way even if they didn't believe so. People I don't believe are trolls but their actions(aka words) in this thread have placed them in that same place. Only a portion of my reply was directed at the welfare comment. I don't believe there is any humor in that particular statement. I do have a sense of humor, I just don't see humor in that statement, it just screams out ignorance and nothing more. It's not as if you qualified it, not that you have to of course as no one does. You cannot blame me for wondering why it was even mentioned, or what it had to do with the topic. I know all about welfare and how it is abused. In fact I think it deserves a complete overhaul. I just don't know what it has to do with some of the ignorant remarks and I find that it was simply used to insult.
Again, no insult is better, or worse, thus far, in my eyes.

I don't agree with a majority of what the person you're arguing with says, I never have and I never will. Though she, as everyone else, has the right to state or feel however she wants. I can disagree with her opinions without stooping down to the same level, and I do. That doesn't change the fact that I don't agree with ANY name calling, or troll feeding. Usually when what happened here starts happening, people yank the conversation back around again. Sometimes, they don't, and it gets ugly. Then neither side comes out looking all too dandy. Just my personal opinion of course, we've all got them.

As for my name, this is a test avatar created back when we, on the forums, had a bit of a challenge to see if people could create a business from scratch without ever bringing a penny into sl. That came about because of a really great discussion that was going south fast, but got turned around by a lovely bunch of people who wanted to stop the mud slinging. So, imatest was born. Just a random name, nothing more, nothing less. I'm just not all that creative sometimes. I just happened to be logged into it checking messages.

I am not arguing with anyone here lol, if it seems that way, don't know what to say. You don't have to explain if you agree or not. Your forum name again, it was humour, sorry you felt the need to explain. I am not looking to come out dandy, I know in my heart who I am, how I have concern for people I don't even know and I will go the extra mile for many for no reason at all, that's just who i am and I happen to like who i am. Again you are certainly entitled to your opinion on words and thoughts on any forum, I was pointing out to read the whole thread, or if you did again and maybe sometimes we, as humans, and YES decent good humans, get fed up with people that you are saying do that exact thing so we react. I don't care I found humour in it. Sorry you didn't . Have a great day :)

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Malanya wrote:

I am not arguing with anyone here lol, if it seems that way, don't know what to say. You don't have to explain if you agree or not. Your forum name again, it was humour, sorry you felt the need to explain. I am not looking to come out dandy, I know in my heart who I am, how I have concern for people I don't even know and I will go the extra mile for many for no reason at all, that's just who i am and I happen to like who i am. Again you are certainly entitled to your opinion on words and thoughts on any forum, I was pointing out to read the whole thread, or if you did again and maybe sometimes we, as humans, and YES decent good humans, get fed up with people that you are saying do that exact thing so we react. I don't care I found humour in it. Sorry you didn't . Have a great day

I wasn't trying to insult you. I don't believe you should dislike who you are, or what you do, I never discounted either. I did read the whole thread, that's exactly why i replied to one post, and not all of hers, as I already said I don't reply to that person directly because I HAVE been here for ages. I know exactly what will happen, and I'd rather not venture down that road, again, lol. I understand getting fed up-hence my not replying to every post. Some people are very good at getting to others. Some do it for fun. I personally don't like to feed that need.

There are a lot of people that read the forums, and never, or rarely, reply. Call me sentimental but I'd rather not show them the lowest side of things, or proof positive that grown adults cannot have a normal discussion without bickering like this. The forums were once a really great place for sl. Albeit it a small population, it was once a lovely one. These particular forums are nothing like the forums of old days, but I'm still rather fond of directing people to them. But just like life, you can't put a bunch of people in a room and expect that they'll always get along. It won't happen. People will bicker, they will mudsling if they feel they need to, as well. Sometimes people need someone else to say "I think that's about enough of that". Impartial parties are usually the best bet. Not that I fit that bill, I'm not impartial. But I sure wish someone would be.

I've had my fair share of "discussions" with people over the years. I darn well know I've stepped over the line myself. I appreciate the folks who pointed out the irony to me, even if only after the fact. Maybe that's just me though. You know better, you do better...a good motto I live by now.

I will have a great day, you have a great day as well.


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I am not ignorant. Thank you :) If you knew what would happen if you replied to "her" I am ending the discussion with you right here, you should see, whether you think it was right or wrong to continue with her as I did, possibly the reason. I am not perfect but in no way am I a cruel human being. Thanks for your insight, again.

eta: yes I know forums in many places used to be a place where people could agree to disagree, not so much anymore. As you can see by the number of my posts I read more than post because of that reason, people can't debate and opposing opinions seem not tolerated, however when those opposing opinions become attacks it turns ugly. I commend you for not getting involved in something ridiculous, but again I am human and I had enough of her posts, so I made my responses as childish as hers for the fun of it. it's been a long time since I played with words to an unfiltered unreasonable person. I still don't feel I stooped low I just made a decision and I stick by it :)

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